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WI Supreme Court Election


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state Supreme Court race.

FOX News link above... In case anyone missed it...
Ultra-gerrymandered Wisconsin just elected a baby-eating lib'rul to their Supreme Court in a rousing 11 point victory over the Trump endorse conservative candidate. (Trump is increasingly the Kiss of Death - it is a mystery that Republitards can't fathom that fact.)
The upshot is that the Supreme Court of WI is now Democrat Controlled,. which is going to cost Kevin McCarthy at least 2 House seats in Congress. WI is a 50/50 State but currently the gerrymandered map gives Republicans 6 of the 8 House districts. That will most certainly change now. And the anti-abortion crusade in WI is also doomed.

The ads from both sides in this race were pretty nasty. Protasiewicz was depicted as a bloody-thirsty baby killing liberal who lets violent criminals run rampant. Kelly was depicted as a corrupt and a hard-core anti-abortion zealot.
Rs are already claiming she needs to recuse herself from every important case before the court. They can suck it.
Not only recuse, impeach.

Yeah, the "will of the people" be damned. We had to suffer 8 years of W and 4 years of Trump... and the GOP wants to start impeaching Justices? Kansas and Wisconsin effectively have shown a majority of Americans support abortion rights. So the GOP has only one course of action, to eliminate it in SCOTUS or kill the filibuster and eliminate it in Congress... and call it something like the LIFE bill. Then mandate abstinence only sex ed.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state Supreme Court race.

FOX News link above... In case anyone missed it...
Ultra-gerrymandered Wisconsin just elected a baby-eating lib'rul to their Supreme Court in a rousing 11 point victory over the Trump endorse conservative candidate. (Trump is increasingly the Kiss of Death - it is a mystery that Republitards can't fathom that fact.)

The upshot is that the Supreme Court of WI is now Democrat Controlled,. which is going to cost Kevin McCarthy at least 2 House seats in Congress. WI is a 50/50 State but currently the gerrymandered map gives Republicans 6 of the 8 House districts. That will most certainly change now. And the anti-abortion crusade in WI is also doomed.

Only 36% of eligible voters votes. Seems like a very small % for such an important election.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state Supreme Court race.

FOX News link above... In case anyone missed it...
Ultra-gerrymandered Wisconsin just elected a baby-eating lib'rul to their Supreme Court in a rousing 11 point victory over the Trump endorse conservative candidate. (Trump is increasingly the Kiss of Death - it is a mystery that Republitards can't fathom that fact.)

The upshot is that the Supreme Court of WI is now Democrat Controlled,. which is going to cost Kevin McCarthy at least 2 House seats in Congress. WI is a 50/50 State but currently the gerrymandered map gives Republicans 6 of the 8 House districts. That will most certainly change now. And the anti-abortion crusade in WI is also doomed.

Only 36% of eligible voters votes. Seems like a very small % for such an important election.
That's a lot for an off-year election.
The bad news in Wisconsin is that a GOP candidate for the state Senate will win by 1,300 votes. This would give the GOP a super majority in Wisconsin. By Wisconsin law, the state Senate can impeach state officials. So the GOP will try to impeach Protasiewicz for no good reason except to keep a progressive Democrat off the Supreme Court.

1,300 votes! 1,300 votes! This why cynicism makes for bad politics. "Why vote? They are all alike!". Well, no.
Electing judges seems like a daft idea to me.

Does Wisconsin also elect their neurosurgeons, airline pilots, and other experts?
Many states elect judges all the way down to local level. I've always thought that it made the job too political but there are problems with appointing them too. I don't like lifetime terms for appointed judges.
Electing judges seems like a daft idea to me.

Does Wisconsin also elect their neurosurgeons, airline pilots, and other experts?
Are those people government employees? Can one shop around for alternative judges?

I do see your point and it’s why US Supreme Court justices aren’t elected but ultimately they end up being political anyway so why not have some accountability to the people they serve?
I do see your point and it’s why US Supreme Court justices aren’t elected but ultimately they end up being political anyway so why not have some accountability to the people they serve?

How many elected judges gave blacks a fair shake in the Jim Crow south? I don't know. But I think that being beholden to a majority has its down sides too.

Honestly, both ways suck but I don't know of a third way.
The bad news in Wisconsin is that a GOP candidate for the state Senate will win by 1,300 votes. This would give the GOP a super majority in Wisconsin. By Wisconsin law, the state Senate can impeach state officials. So the GOP will try to impeach Protasiewicz for no good reason except to keep a progressive Democrat off the Supreme Court.

1,300 votes! 1,300 votes! This why cynicism makes for bad politics. "Why vote? They are all alike!". Well, no.
Perhaps if the 64% who did not vote got off their bums it might be better for all concerned.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state Supreme Court race.

FOX News link above... In case anyone missed it...
Ultra-gerrymandered Wisconsin just elected a baby-eating lib'rul to their Supreme Court in a rousing 11 point victory over the Trump endorse conservative candidate. (Trump is increasingly the Kiss of Death - it is a mystery that Republitards can't fathom that fact.)

The upshot is that the Supreme Court of WI is now Democrat Controlled,. which is going to cost Kevin McCarthy at least 2 House seats in Congress. WI is a 50/50 State but currently the gerrymandered map gives Republicans 6 of the 8 House districts. That will most certainly change now. And the anti-abortion crusade in WI is also doomed.

Only 36% of eligible voters votes. Seems like a very small % for such an important election.
That's a lot for an off-year election.
No. Its pathetic that so many cannot be fagged voting.
Make voting compulsory.,
No. Its pathetic that so many cannot be fagged voting.
Make voting compulsory.,

It is pathetic.

On the other hand, while I go to vote in every election in my town, I often leave many positions blank because the candidates have made zero effort to inform me of who they are and why I should vote for them. Not even a post card mass mailer. I don't vote for a person unless I have some idea who they are and what they want to accomplish.

I'd be in favor of compulsory voting if there was always a "none of the above" option and if "none of the above" wins, they have to do it again.
Make voting compulsory.,
Absolutely. I've advocated for that for ... ever. Republicans can't win under such rules, though. So they obstruct every effort to move in that direction.
I do see your point and it’s why US Supreme Court justices aren’t elected but ultimately they end up being political anyway so why not have some accountability to the people they serve?

How many elected judges gave blacks a fair shake in the Jim Crow south? I don't know. But I think that being beholden to a majority has its down sides too.

Honestly, both ways suck but I don't know of a third way.
Is it better if the judges get appointed by people who are elected? You still have the same problem just one step removed. Those elected representatives may have all the same prejudices that the judges they want to appoint.
I do see your point and it’s why US Supreme Court justices aren’t elected but ultimately they end up being political anyway so why not have some accountability to the people they serve?

How many elected judges gave blacks a fair shake in the Jim Crow south? I don't know. But I think that being beholden to a majority has its down sides too.

Honestly, both ways suck but I don't know of a third way.
Is it better if the judges get appointed by people who are elected? You still have the same problem just one step removed. Those elected representatives may have all the same prejudices that the judges they want to appoint.

Like I said. Both ways suck. They both have big problems.
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