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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

I will support any Democrat, but even my Black female friends aren't that fond of Harris and don't think can win enough of the states needed to win. Of course, they will vote for her as we will all vote Blue no matter who, but she needs to persuade enough independents and Republicans who can't stand Trump to support her. That's not going to be easy. She will likely be the nominee, but I'd going to be hard for her to win. I don't care what gender, color, sexual orientation etc. the Dem candidate is, as long s they can win. Yes. I'd vote for Kermit the frog over Trump and I've heard it's not easy being green. :D

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party and draw new voters to the polls, including many anti-Trump Republicans who would have real trouble voting for Biden, especially after his debate performance. This will be a factor in swing states, where the margins are thin. Don't forget that the traditional start of the campaign is not now, but in September. Biden's move has reset the clock back to where it should be, and there will be time to build momentum. I see no reason to take today's poll numbers and use those to project the winner in November. We still have many weeks of campaigning ahead of us. Harris will start out with a huge advantage in campaign funds, and she does not have to spend any of that on expensive lawyers in criminal trials. Indeed, she is a former prosecutor, which makes it appropriate for her to speak about Trump's criminal record and upcoming trials. For the first time now, every news organization wants to interview Kamala Harris.
I don't think I'm being pessimistic. You live in a blue state. I live in a swing state. I have a neighbor who is a double hater at this point but he voted for Trump twice. I can't imagine him voting for Harris and he is the type of person that Harris will need to persuade to vote for her. She certainly could win the popular vote, but due to the damn electoral college, I think it will be very hard for her to win, although at this point, it would look bad not to make her the candidate. I spoke to some women today who share my feelings. We will all vote for whoever the candidate is, but the double haters, the undecided and the apathetic voters, will be hard to convince to vote for Harris. If some of my Black female friends aren't fond of Harris, but of course will vote for her, how do you think white male independents will be persuaded to vote for her? I hope I'm wrong and perhaps if she chooses the right running mate, someone who is a white male who is moderate and liked by conservatives, she may have a chance. At least in a few states. The Trump cult will be hard to beat, despite Trump being a deranged threat to the country. It's sickening to watch his cult members treat him like he's their god. Oh wait. He is their god.

Anyway, I'd love to be proven wrong. We will have to wait until November to see.

Yes, and I think I understand your pessimism, but we are both influenced by the small circle of people we interact with, including those in this forum. So we need to look for objective sources of information to support our opinions, and that will likely develop with polling information between now and November. I do think that Harris will get a bump from the normal second chance reset that voters give candidates. Even Donald Trump has benefited from that effect. I don't think that Harris being a woman of color will make as much difference as people think it will, although it is certain to have an effect on some votes. The net losses may be offset by net gains, because what turns off some voters turns on other voters.

I am hoping that some enthusiasm can build up behind Harris. The chance of that happening will depend on whether she makes any major stumbles and gaffes. Your own state is a purple state, so it may be that there are enough anti-Trump Republicans that will prefer Harris over Trump and serve to offset whatever pro-Biden votes she might lose because of gender and race. She may motivate more people of color, young people, and women. Who can say at this point? All I can say is that I feel relieved that Biden has dropped out. I think that he would have dragged down a lot more Democratic campaigns if he had remained in the race.
I agree. I don't think her race is the problem. Her being a woman might be a problem. And, sadly, I know too many people that think she has no chance of winning. What I find strange is that Black women are claiming she is Black, when her mother was an Indian immigrant. She is estranged from her Black father, for whatever reason. I just read that today. I wish people would stop all the nonsense about race and treat each other as humans. Cultures and ethnicity should be appreciated, not denigrated. Oh well. Sadly people are racist and sexist.

Polls don't persuade me. Remember all the polls that favored Hillary? That didn't work out so well. I'm one of those people who is bombarded with polls and I never answer them. I assume I get them because I live in a purple state that has two Democratic Senators, and is run by Republicans on the state level. Sadly, I know too many people who only vote in presidential elections.
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The only thing that should matter at this point for the Dems is who has the best odds of beating Trump. If that is Harris, great! They had better put their best minds on the task and figure it out and make them the nominee, and they better not fuck this up.
I don't think I'm being pessimistic. You live in a blue state. I live in a swing state. I have a neighbor who is a double hater at this point but he voted for Trump twice. I can't imagine him voting for Harris and he is the type of person that Harris will need to persuade to vote for her.
what?? Nuh-uh, Harris needs to appeal to a whole lot of the middle, the Barack voters, the unregistered, unaffiliated, Independents, Greens, and other assorted voters.

A double Trumpster is far too set in his ways to be convinced to vote for a "baby-killer"/"pro-abort."

WHY on any earth would anyone want any kind of candidate or leader who DOES appeal to them? NO, NO, NO.

Democrats must stop this "appeal to the Right" madness. FUCK the Right. Dems need to appeal to former and future DEMS, and to the Middle and the Left. Or, to the American Left (not Leftists obv).

love ya SoHy but that line of talk gets me into my propaganda 👵*stomps my cane*
I think you may have missed my point, and I'm in agreement with you, so you can put your cane away. :D

A double hater is someone who hates both Trump and Biden. Some people who voted for Trump at least once, changed and then voted for Biden in 2020. How do you think Biden won in Georgia in 2020. He won partly because some former Trumpers voted for Biden when they realized how awful Trump was. My brother in law voted for Trump twice because and I quote, "he put more money in my pocket". He's a wealthy semi retired dentist. He told us he wouldn't vote for trump again, but I'm not sure I believe him, as all he has ever cared about is money. Dems need to appeal to anyone who has a chance of considering an alternative to Trump, including former Trump supporters. Yes. There are some of those. The Dem party is a very diverse party, ideologically, which is why it's so hard for them to win

I'm not really disagreeing with you as to who the Dems need to appeal to, but there are actually people who previously voted for Trump who can't stand him now. I'm just not sure they will vote for Harris. They might vote for worm brain, for that matter. A young man I know actually told me if he votes he will vote for the guy with the worm in his brain. Maybe it's best if people like him don't vote.
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My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.

If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.
I agree. I don't think her race is the problem. Her being a woman might be a problem.
I do not think either is a problem. But her lack of charisma may be. Also, she tried to run from her record and position herself in the far left lane with Bernie and Warren in 2020. That was a mistake.
And, sadly, I know too many people that think she has no chance of winning. What I find strange is that Black woman are claiming she is Black, when her mother was an Indian immigrant. She is estranged from her Black father, for whatever reason. I just read that today. I wish people would stop all the nonsense about race and treat each other as humans. Cultures and ethnicity should be appreciated, not denigrated. Oh well. Sadly people are racist and sexist.
I said before how KH could have used her background, as well as the fact that she is married to a white Jewish man, to highlight unity in diversity. Instead, she chose to be a divider with her stupid attack on Biden over busing. One of many mistakes of her short 2020 campaign.
Polls don't persuade me. Remember all the polls that favored Hillary? That didn't work out so well.
Polls were not necessarily wrong. It's that most pundits overstated their importance, esp. given the electoral college. Nate Silver got it right - he gave Trump a significant chance of winning. Hillary's team and the commentariat should never have been complacent going into the election.

I'm one of those people who is bombarded with polls and I never answer them. I assume I get them because I live in a purple state that has two Democratic Senators, and is run by Republicans on the state level. Sadly, I know too many people who only vote in presidential elections.
I have not gotten any poll request yet. I got a few in 2020.
My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.
That's why I think some sort of competitive process would have been better than a coronation.

If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.
So, Jack Shapiro it is for veep?
Btw, Alan Lichtman will be doing an emergency livestream on YouTube tonight at 6 pm PST. I suggest y'all tune in.
My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.

If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.

What I hear about her is "cackles like a psychopath whenever the subject of kids dying in or foreign wars is brought up."
I agree. I don't think her race is the problem. Her being a woman might be a problem.
I do not think either is a problem. But her lack of charisma may be. Also, she tried to run from her record and position herself in the far left lane with Bernie and Warren in 2020. That was a mistake.
And, sadly, I know too many people that think she has no chance of winning. What I find strange is that Black woman are claiming she is Black, when her mother was an Indian immigrant. She is estranged from her Black father, for whatever reason. I just read that today. I wish people would stop all the nonsense about race and treat each other as humans. Cultures and ethnicity should be appreciated, not denigrated. Oh well. Sadly people are racist and sexist.
I said before how KH could have used her background, as well as the fact that she is married to a white Jewish man, to highlight unity in diversity. Instead, she chose to be a divider with her stupid attack on Biden over busing. One of many mistakes of her short 2020 campaign.
Polls don't persuade me. Remember all the polls that favored Hillary? That didn't work out so well.
Polls were not necessarily wrong. It's that most pundits overstated their importance, esp. given the electoral college. Nate Silver got it right - he gave Trump a significant chance of winning. Hillary's team and the commentariat should never have been complacent going into the election.

I'm one of those people who is bombarded with polls and I never answer them. I assume I get them because I live in a purple state that has two Democratic Senators, and is run by Republicans on the state level. Sadly, I know too many people who only vote in presidential elections.
I have not gotten any poll request yet. I got a few in 2020.
I usually get several polls a week. But, I have given money to the Dems several times. I even have gotten a few polling questions from Trump. Ew.

Those who will vote blue no matter who aren't going to care who is the nominee. It's the independents and former Trumpers that need to be persuaded. I think Harris does have some charisma, but charisma is determined by the individual. I don't think Trump has any charisma, but apparently a lot of people disagree with me on that. Harris is very smart and experienced, but Americans are stupid when it comes to voting. Most are low information voters or they will only vote for the same party as their parents did etc. Harris needs to persuade that group to vote for her. You may not have known as many people as I do, who have never voted in their lives. Voter apathy is a huge problem in my area.
It is not conceivable that many who were prepared to vote for Biden will not vote for Harris.

I do not think it means what you think it means.
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ummm, who thinks this and who cares? Deplorables go in the basket.
Who are you? Buffalo Bill?
Kamala is well-loved by a lot of people.
Those people, are they in the room there with you?
I think if the Democrats get behind her and support her instead of questioning her, being uncertain of her, and saying she was never qualified to be VP -
Being uncertain and questioning of political leaders is healthy. Cult-like unquestioning support is not.
Which is why Biden should have made this decision a long time ago so we could have a competitive nominating process instead of just handing the nomination off to her.
My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.

If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.

What I hear about her is "cackles like a psychopath whenever the subject of kids dying in or foreign wars is brought up."
I haven't heard that one before, but she has cackled at some inappropriate times. I think its only a matter of time before she has a major funeral for Chuckles faux pas moment that will send her campaign sinking.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.

No VP has “stellar accomplishments.” John Nance Garner, FDR’s veep twice, called the job “a bucket of warm piss.” The image of her as a “cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher” is the product of the Great Right-Wing Hate Machine, which also illustrated her a streetwalker soliciting johns after she was picked for veep in 2020.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.

No VP has “stellar accomplishments.” John Nance Garner, FDR’s veep twice, called the job “a bucket of warm piss.” The image of her as a “cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher” is the product of the Great Right-Wing Hate Machine, which also illustrated her a streetwalker soliciting johns after she was picked for veep in 2020.
The right wing hate machine is a fact of reality. Sexism is a fact of reality. The unlikeability of Harris among a segment of the population is a fact of reality. These facts better be taken realistically into account in any model that determines the odds she has to beat trump. If and only if she has the maximum odds of winning versus any other choice should she be the nominee.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.

No VP has “stellar accomplishments.” John Nance Garner, FDR’s veep twice, called the job “a bucket of warm piss.” The image of her as a “cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher” is the product of the Great Right-Wing Hate Machine, which also illustrated her a streetwalker soliciting johns after she was picked for veep in 2020.
The right wing hate machine is a fact of reality. Sexism is a fact of reality. The unlikeability of Harris among a segment of the population is a fact of reality. These facts better be taken realistically into account in any model that determines the odds she has to beat trump. If and only if she has the maximum odds of winning versus any other choice should she be the nominee.
The calculus isn't in a bubble. There are optics that need to be satisfied. I have a hard time thinking someone not Harris being able to pull off those optics.

More importantly, this is about name recognition. Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, VP Harris all have instant name recognition. The first two aren't happening. I'd say Chuck Schumer probably has instant recognition, but the Democrats likely start having issues with the instant recognition needed for this "late" of a start (celebrities do not count). There is no "Who is Harris?" Regarding likeability, yeah, she is facing Trump. I'm not worried about likeability. I'm worried about turnout, and there is every reason why she'd help support turnout. And Harris adds desperately needed youth to the race, of which was two unfavorable old candidates facing off.

This isn't a sure thing, but I have a hard time imaging anyone else managing the instant entry process. Not Newsom, Shapiro, Booker, etc...
The right wing hate machine is a fact of reality. Sexism is a fact of reality. The unlikeability of Harris among a segment of the population is a fact of reality. These facts better be taken realistically into account in any model that determines the odds she has to beat trump. If and only if she has the maximum odds of winning versus any other choice should she be the nominee.
Which means she better pick the right running mate.
My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.

If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.

What I hear about her is "cackles like a psychopath whenever the subject of kids dying in or foreign wars is brought up."
I haven't heard that one before, but she has cackled at some inappropriate times. I think its only a matter of time before she has a major funeral for Chuckles faux pas moment that will send her campaign sinking.
This is a presumption that forgets who she is running against.
Doctor in my video is not buying it. Explain why a doctor with very specific specialization movement disorders (Parkinson) had to do it. And second, you don't fucking serve in the military if you need treatment for your head trauma. I could not have been soldiers, someone needs to come out with better lies.
Explain how the doctor visited Biden on days Biden wasn't even there.
Biden handlers knew sooner or later they would have to deal with these question, so they prepared.
Secondly. I once went to the doctor for consultation without a patient.
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