Jason Harvestdancer
All it will take is for someone to say "10 kids were killed in a bomb strike" and you'll get the inappropriate laugh.I haven't heard that one before, but she has cackled at some inappropriate times. I think its only a matter of time before she has a major funeral for Chuckles faux pas moment that will send her campaign sinking.My worry about Harris is this: I think there are many people in the Northeast that can't stand her, in the same way they didn't like Hillary. Might be sexism, but that is a fact of reality the dems need to contend with on her electability. The words I'm hearing is unqualified, condescending, speaks like a kindergarten teacher, only got the job because she is a black woman. And this is coming from middle of the road democrats in my family who loved Andrew Cuomo.
If she loses Pennsylvania, the path to victory is thin.
What I hear about her is "cackles like a psychopath whenever the subject of kids dying in or foreign wars is brought up."
She may be a minority, but she's no friend to minorities. She made her fame by putting people in jail, keeping them in jail, and then keeping them even after their sentence had run out. That's why Gabbard was able to easily destroy her in the 2016 primary debate.