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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP
Has anyone ever had a stellar accomplishment as a VP?

VPs aren't supposed to accomplish anything; They are a spare part sitting in its box, waiting just in case it's needed.
Back in the olden days, that was the case. They don't have much in the way of official duties, but these days they are often given things to do to keep them from dying of boredom. KH was supposed to be the border czar, but there's not much good to show from that.
If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP
Has anyone ever had a stellar accomplishment as a VP?

VPs aren't supposed to accomplish anything; They are a spare part sitting in its box, waiting just in case it's needed.
I agree with you, @bilby - 100%

It is not conceivable that many who were prepared to vote for Biden will not vote for Harris.

It is conceivable that some who could not vote for Biden will vote for Harris.

Net win. Enough to win the election? We'll see. Harris's choice of VP may be critical

I totally agree with you @jonatha - HOW MANY voters said they'd vote for a _____ [random object or person] ___ instead of Trump? Are those same anti-Trump, never-Trump voters not going to cast votes for ___ hopefully Kamala Harris __?

As to comedians mocking people, that's their job.
If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP
Has anyone ever had a stellar accomplishment as a VP?

VPs aren't supposed to accomplish anything; They are a spare part sitting in its box, waiting just in case it's needed.

I think that Biden was one of the most active VPs in history when Obama won. That was because Obama picked him for his long experience in office and especially his expertise in foreign policy. In the last four years, I have regretted the fact that Biden kept her back in a more traditional role, although he gave her some impossible tasks at first--like solving the border crisis and immigrant issues. Part of the problem is that no president wants their VP to do anything to overshadow them or become too popular. VPs are, after all, potential rivals for their office, and Biden did want to run for reelection. Harris's loyalty to him has paid off in that she now has his endorsement and the leverage to unite the party behind her. Biden loyalists will almost certainly flock to her, and most Democrats are too afraid of Trump to make a big fuss over the nomination. Right now, she is likely making a lot of phone calls to get delegates pledged to his nomination to vote for her.
I think Harris can do no worse than Biden might have. No one who would have stuck with Biden and voted for him no matter what is now saying, that tears it, I'm going over to Trump now. If anyone has a race/gender problem, let them console themselves knowing there will be a standard issue white guy standing beside her as VP. Frankly, like myself, I doubt any current Biden supporters gives a damn if our candidate were sky-blue pink. I'm telling ya, pick up Mark Kelly and play up the Real American Hero angle.

Biden Drops Out of Race, Scrambling the Campaign for the White House - The New York Times Mr. Biden, the oldest president in American history, appeared frail, hesitant, confused and diminished, losing a critical opportunity to make his case against Mr. Trump, a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election.
That line pretty much sums it all up.
It is not conceivable that many who were prepared to vote for Biden will not vote for Harris.

It is conceivable that some who could not vote for Biden will vote for Harris.

Net win. Enough to win the election? We'll see. Harris's choice of VP may be critical
We need to start a list of VP choices.
Middle aged white male to balance out.
Doctor in my video is not buying it. Explain why a doctor with very specific specialization movement disorders (Parkinson) had to do it. And second, you don't fucking serve in the military if you need treatment for your head trauma. I could not have been soldiers, someone needs to come out with better lies.
Explain how the doctor visited Biden on days Biden wasn't even there.

I'm not relieved. It's totally unclear what happens next either way.
I won't be relieved until I see an article headlined:

Trump drops out of the 2024 presidential race

And I won't even really be relieved even if democrats win, because every election now will just be trying to save democracy from fascists. Will be dreading every election.
It is not conceivable that many who were prepared to vote for Biden will not vote for Harris.

Conceivable does not mean likely. Since Biden has endorsed Harris, the number is not likely to be large. Democrats had already been rallying behind her before Biden withdrew.

It is conceivable that some who could not vote for Biden will vote for Harris.

I know people who have already taken that position. Her gender and mixed race background may also pull in some new voters. You are assuming that the pool of voters will remain the same in November as it is now. She could see the same kind of new voter increase that Obama experienced when he ran for the presidency.

Net win. Enough to win the election? We'll see. Harris's choice of VP may be critical

It may be critical to winning a swing state. Other than that, it just needs to be someone that reasonably well-informed voters have heard of before.
Joe Biden on X: "(pic link)" / X
My Fellow Americans,

Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation. Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We've made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.

I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We've protected and preserved our Democracy. And we've revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my country for me intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.

For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

I believe today what always have: that there is nothing America can't do - when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.
Seems very dignified.

Here is how Donald Trump responded.

Truth Details | Truth Social
Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t - And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Truth Details | Truth Social
Crooked Joe Biden is the Worst President, by far, in the History of our Nation. He has done everything possible to destroy our Country, from our Southern Border, to Energy Dominance, National Security, International Standing, and so much more. He was annihilated in an Earth Shattering Debate, and now the Corrupt and Radical Democrats are throwing him overboard. He was not fit to serve from the very beginning, but the people around him lied to America about his Complete and Total Mental, Physical, and Cognitive Demise. Whoever the Left puts up now will just be more of the same. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

What a night-and-day contrast in dignity.
If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP
Has anyone ever had a stellar accomplishment as a VP?

VPs aren't supposed to accomplish anything; They are a spare part sitting in its box, waiting just in case it's needed.

Up until the 20th Century, they weren't even that.

Going over the Veeps in my lifetime?

Johnson was President when I was born, and I think it's fair to say that he was ready to take the reigns. Half the reason he was picked was because Kennedy was nowhere near the legislator his VP pick was.

Humphrey? Placeholder.

Agnew? Crooked placeholder.

Ford? Well, there's a story...I'm gonna go with "a decent man who stepped up to the plate in an impossibly difficult situation." He was in way over his head.

Rockefeller? Placeholder.

Mondale? Victim of circumstance. I think he would have made a decent President, but the country fell in love with a 2nd rate Hollywood actor.

Bush Sr.? Certainly competent and qualified, but he was no Reagan, and was replaced by a guy with way more charisma. And no, I'm not talking about....

Dan Quayle. Milquetoast placeholder.

Al Gore. Milquetoast placeholder who would have done a much better job than the son of the earlier VP. Might not have stopped 9/11, but arguably could have stopped the financial collapse that happened under Bush II, Electric Boogaloo.

Dick Cheney. I remember watching the VP debate with him and Lieberman, and thinking "these guys are smarter than Gore and Bush. Why aren't they at the top of the ticket?" Then it turned out that Dick was content to be the evil puppet master behind the throne. He was like Nixon, but without the ethics. And yes, I realize the irony of that statement.

Joe Biden. 'Nuff said.

Mike Pence. Notable for (chokes while saying it) saving democracy. And that's it. A terrible person otherwise.

Which brings us to Harris. Out of all the Veeps in my lifetime, she's one of them. Will she follow Johnson, Ford, Bush 41, and Biden to rise to the Presidency? I have...concerns.
 Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - one has to go back a century or more to find Presidents as horrible as Donald Trump: Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan.

Joe Biden they rate as a little better than average, however.

He proposes a successor:
Joe Biden on X: "My fellow Democrats, ..." / X
My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.
I will support any Democrat, but even my Black female friends aren't that fond of Harris and don't think can win enough of the states needed to win. Of course, they will vote for her as we will all vote Blue no matter who, but she needs to persuade enough independents and Republicans who can't stand Trump to support her. That's not going to be easy. She will likely be the nominee, but I'd going to be hard for her to win. I don't care what gender, color, sexual orientation etc. the Dem candidate is, as long s they can win. Yes. I'd vote for Kermit the frog over Trump and I've heard it's not easy being green. :D

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party and draw new voters to the polls, including many anti-Trump Republicans who would have real trouble voting for Biden, especially after his debate performance. This will be a factor in swing states, where the margins are thin. Don't forget that the traditional start of the campaign is not now, but in September. Biden's move has reset the clock back to where it should be, and there will be time to build momentum. I see no reason to take today's poll numbers and use those to project the winner in November. We still have many weeks of campaigning ahead of us. Harris will start out with a huge advantage in campaign funds, and she does not have to spend any of that on expensive lawyers in criminal trials. Indeed, she is a former prosecutor, which makes it appropriate for her to speak about Trump's criminal record and upcoming trials. For the first time now, every news organization wants to interview Kamala Harris.
I don't think I'm being pessimistic. You live in a blue state. I live in a swing state. I have a neighbor who is a double hater at this point but he voted for Trump twice. I can't imagine him voting for Harris and he is the type of person that Harris will need to persuade to vote for her. She certainly could win the popular vote, but due to the damn electoral college, I think it will be very hard for her to win, although at this point, it would look bad not to make her the candidate. I spoke to some women today who share my feelings. We will all vote for whoever the candidate is, but the double haters, the undecided and the apathetic voters, will be hard to convince to vote for Harris. If some of my Black female friends aren't fond of Harris, but of course will vote for her, how do you think white male independents will be persuaded to vote for her? I hope I'm wrong and perhaps if she chooses the right running mate, someone who is a white male who is moderate and liked by conservatives, she may have a chance. At least in a few states. The Trump cult will be hard to beat, despite Trump being a deranged threat to the country. It's sickening to watch his cult members treat him like he's their god. Oh wait. He is their god.

Anyway, I'd love to be proven wrong. We will have to wait until November to see.
 Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - one has to go back a century or more to find Presidents as horrible as Donald Trump: Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan.

It is true that Woodrow Wilson was more than a century from now, and he was indeed the worst president this country ever had. Still, Bush the Second was also worse than Trump. Bush W gave us the DHS and the GWOT.
Bill Clinton gave us Faith-Based Funding. Reagan gave us homeless crazy people.
I will support any Democrat, but even my Black female friends aren't that fond of Harris and don't think can win enough of the states needed to win. Of course, they will vote for her as we will all vote Blue no matter who, but she needs to persuade enough independents and Republicans who can't stand Trump to support her. That's not going to be easy. She will likely be the nominee, but I'd going to be hard for her to win. I don't care what gender, color, sexual orientation etc. the Dem candidate is, as long s they can win. Yes. I'd vote for Kermit the frog over Trump and I've heard it's not easy being green. :D

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party and draw new voters to the polls, including many anti-Trump Republicans who would have real trouble voting for Biden, especially after his debate performance. This will be a factor in swing states, where the margins are thin. Don't forget that the traditional start of the campaign is not now, but in September. Biden's move has reset the clock back to where it should be, and there will be time to build momentum. I see no reason to take today's poll numbers and use those to project the winner in November. We still have many weeks of campaigning ahead of us. Harris will start out with a huge advantage in campaign funds, and she does not have to spend any of that on expensive lawyers in criminal trials. Indeed, she is a former prosecutor, which makes it appropriate for her to speak about Trump's criminal record and upcoming trials. For the first time now, every news organization wants to interview Kamala Harris.
I don't think I'm being pessimistic. You live in a blue state. I live in a swing state. I have a neighbor who is a double hater at this point but he voted for Trump twice. I can't imagine him voting for Harris and he is the type of person that Harris will need to persuade to vote for her. She certainly could win the popular vote, but due to the damn electoral college, I think it will be very hard for her to win, although at this point, it would look bad not to make her the candidate. I spoke to some women today who share my feelings. We will all vote for whoever the candidate is, but the double haters, the undecided and the apathetic voters, will be hard to convince to vote for Harris. If some of my Black female friends aren't fond of Harris, but of course will vote for her, how do you think white male independents will be persuaded to vote for her? I hope I'm wrong and perhaps if she chooses the right running mate, someone who is a white male who is moderate and liked by conservatives, she may have a chance. At least in a few states. The Trump cult will be hard to beat, despite Trump being a deranged threat to the country. It's sickening to watch his cult members treat him like he's their god. Oh wait. He is their god.

Anyway, I'd love to be proven wrong. We will have to wait until November to see.

Yes, and I think I understand your pessimism, but we are both influenced by the small circle of people we interact with, including those in this forum. So we need to look for objective sources of information to support our opinions, and that will likely develop with polling information between now and November. I do think that Harris will get a bump from the normal second chance reset that voters give candidates. Even Donald Trump has benefited from that effect. I don't think that Harris being a woman of color will make as much difference as people think it will, although it is certain to have an effect on some votes. The net losses may be offset by net gains, because what turns off some voters turns on other voters.

I am hoping that some enthusiasm can build up behind Harris. The chance of that happening will depend on whether she makes any major stumbles and gaffes. Your own state is a purple state, so it may be that there are enough anti-Trump Republicans that will prefer Harris over Trump and serve to offset whatever pro-Biden votes she might lose because of gender and race. She may motivate more people of color, young people, and women. Who can say at this point? All I can say is that I feel relieved that Biden has dropped out. I think that he would have dragged down a lot more Democratic campaigns if he had remained in the race.
I don't think I'm being pessimistic. You live in a blue state. I live in a swing state. I have a neighbor who is a double hater at this point but he voted for Trump twice. I can't imagine him voting for Harris and he is the type of person that Harris will need to persuade to vote for her.
what?? Nuh-uh, Harris needs to appeal to a whole lot of the middle, the Barack voters, the unregistered, unaffiliated, Independents, Greens, and other assorted voters.

A double Trumpster is far too set in his ways to be convinced to vote for a "baby-killer"/"pro-abort."

WHY on any earth would anyone want any kind of candidate or leader who DOES appeal to them? NO, NO, NO.

Democrats must stop this "appeal to the Right" madness. FUCK the Right. Dems need to appeal to former and future DEMS, and to the Middle and the Left. Or, to the American Left (not Leftists obv).

love ya SoHy but that line of talk gets me into my propaganda 👵*stomps my cane*

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party...

My pessimism is rooted in the fact that the Democrats are not known for uniting. IF they got behind her 100 percent (or even 90) and marched in lockstep for the next few months, throwing all their resources into the race and picking a perfect VP candidate?


But the chances of that happening are pretty slim.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.
Why is it that every report from people with inside knowledge says the campaign is very unhappy that Biden dropped out? Their public statements are just worthless saber-rattling. They’ve been afraid of this for months.
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