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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

Biden drops out. Breaking news.
Yeah. I just saw that. Oddly enough, I thought Joe Manchin made the most sense earlier this morning on "Face the Nation". He said that Joe should drop out so he could do the hard work of being president for the remainder of his term, as campaigning is very hard work and this is a very difficult time to be president.

I would have probably dropped out and told everyone to fuck themselves. But, since Harris will likely be the nominee, does anyone think she can win in enough of the swing states? I'm very doubtful that she can, but I hope I'm wrong. Maybe it she chooses a moderate to conservative VP who is popular in a conservative or swing state, she will have a good chance. It's going to be interesting.
Kamala NEEDS to be the one, NOT a man and NOT a white person. Honestly, is this not literally her JOB?? I mean I know, I know; campaign isn't administration. But why not? Yes it is. How can anyone have faith in the DEM Party if the top leader is not the top leader?

KAMALA! Say her name, say her name!

Kamala should use this song for her campaign efforts:

I have to agree. She wouldn't have been my first choice. But she's Biden's second. She'll automatically inherit the existing campaign funds. To take it from her would completely split the party. At this late date, we need to rally around her if we want the white house. I also think that there will be less chance of republicans trying to stop the nomination if Harris the candidate.
I don't care what gender, color, sexual orientation etc. the Dem candidate is, as long s they can win. Yes. I'd vote for Kermit the frog over Trump and I've heard it's not easy being green. :D I will support any Democrat, but even my Black female friends aren't that fond of Harris and don't think can win enough of the states needed to win. Of course, they will vote for her as we will all vote Blue no matter who, but she needs to persuade enough independents and Republicans who can't stand Trump to support her. That's not going to be easy.
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Biden has officially endorsed Harris. For this to work, she needs to be accepted as the nominee BEFORE the convention. An open convention would probably cause the democrats to lose the White House and both houses of Congress.
Biden has officially endorsed Harris. For this to work, she needs to be accepted as the nominee BEFORE the convention. An open convention would probably cause the democrats to lose the White House and both houses of Congress.
I accept Kamala Harris on behalf of the nation.

Is she kind of a hawk? Yup yup. Her past as a prosecutor gives her that kind of mettle. Her present as a sane person gives her the chance to be THE ONE to LEGALIZE IT.

Yes, I believe that Kamala Harris could pull in the pot vote now, something she couldn't do a long time ago, for the same reason: her prosecutorial past.
Biden has officially endorsed Harris. For this to work, she needs to be accepted as the nominee BEFORE the convention. An open convention would probably cause the democrats to lose the White House and both houses of Congress.
There's a pretty good chance they already lost the White House today. Probably the down-ballot races, as well. At this point it's Trump's race to lose.
I will support any Democrat, but even my Black female friends aren't that fond of Harris and don't think can win enough of the states needed to win. Of course, they will vote for her as we will all vote Blue no matter who, but she needs to persuade enough independents and Republicans who can't stand Trump to support her. That's not going to be easy. She will likely be the nominee, but I'd going to be hard for her to win. I don't care what gender, color, sexual orientation etc. the Dem candidate is, as long s they can win. Yes. I'd vote for Kermit the frog over Trump and I've heard it's not easy being green. :D

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party and draw new voters to the polls, including many anti-Trump Republicans who would have real trouble voting for Biden, especially after his debate performance. This will be a factor in swing states, where the margins are thin. Don't forget that the traditional start of the campaign is not now, but in September. Biden's move has reset the clock back to where it should be, and there will be time to build momentum. I see no reason to take today's poll numbers and use those to project the winner in November. We still have many weeks of campaigning ahead of us. Harris will start out with a huge advantage in campaign funds, and she does not have to spend any of that on expensive lawyers in criminal trials. Indeed, she is a former prosecutor, which makes it appropriate for her to speak about Trump's criminal record and upcoming trials. For the first time now, every news organization wants to interview Kamala Harris.
Biden has officially endorsed Harris. For this to work, she needs to be accepted as the nominee BEFORE the convention. An open convention would probably cause the democrats to lose the White House and both houses of Congress.
There's a pretty good chance they already lost the White House today. Probably the down-ballot races, as well. At this point it's Trump's race to lose.
Sure, but we have a chance now. A shitty chance, but a chance.

I think your pessimism at this point is way premature. Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is the only one likely to unite her party...

My pessimism is rooted in the fact that the Democrats are not known for uniting. IF they got behind her 100 percent (or even 90) and marched in lockstep for the next few months, throwing all their resources into the race and picking a perfect VP candidate?


But the chances of that happening are pretty slim.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy.
Insofar as the GOP has a campaign strategy, I am confident that Trump is unaware of it. He doesn't do strategy, he does scamming, which is a series of responses to unplanned events.

Trump loves disruption. Whether the rest of the Republican Party shares his opinion is another thing again, but (so far) any disruption has been good disruption for DJT, and he is bound to see this announcement as more of the same.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is over the Moon celebrating today, and all that stuff about "uniting the country" just went out the window at light-speed. Stand by for virulent racism and misogyny.

I think we are seeing just the opposite. It is to be expected that Trump will express optimism that he can beat Harris, but he really had not planned for this. I think it throws a monkey wrench into their campaign strategy. The best he has been able to do until now is mock the way she laughs, but I think there is a good chance that she will be the one laughing on election night. I think she has a decent chance of winning, and she may help save some Democratic congressional campaigns.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.
There was some polling indicating that she'd do better than Biden against Trump, but your characterization of her is going to be the GOP's mantra for the next few months. Misogynistic attacks on her for being "shrill" and what not. "Cackling" is particularly egregious. Of course those attacks are going to land with you, but it remains to be seen if the swing voters will agree.
Her cackling is a rather well known and mocked personality trait by pretty much everyone, late night comedians included. It doens't "land with me" though I find it rather...odd.
I don't think she has a chance to beat Trump. Unless she is able to turn herself around from her current image as a cackling, unserious, kindergarten-esque teacher, there is no hope for her. If she had some stellar accomplishment as a VP that she could brag about, that would be something, but she doesn't really even have that. She is less likable than Hillary, and we all know how that came out.
ummm, who thinks this and who cares? Deplorables go in the basket. Kamala is well-loved by a lot of people. I think if the Democrats get behind her and support her instead of questioning her, being uncertain of her, and saying she was never qualified to be VP - yes that is what naysayers say - if Dems support her instead of throwing her under the bus, like they did to Barbara Buono (Bridgegate) in New Jersey, then, (oh, PS, fk Barack for declining to endorse the DEM), IF Dems support her, then she'll have support.

Disqualifying Harris as Biden's de facto replacement undermines confidence in the entire Democratic Party.

I do not think any actually qualified people are naysaying Harris. Not now, anyway. Let's see who changes her tune. There's also that $90M donation promise, so...
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