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Will the Hillary Email Scandal Blow Over?

I never said Hillary was stupid, she probably research the hell out of the laws and figured out exactly what she could get away. We have FOIA, The Federal Records Act, and the NARA regs for a reason – and she deliberately skirted their intent. Is that the kind of person you want to be President?

What's her motivation? Did she do it with the expressed purpose of flaunting the law? Or was it because her political enemies have a penchant for digging through her laundry in order to find dirt?

Clinton is very secretive, and I'm pretty sure she's that way because of circumstances. She's basically been under "investigation" for the last couple decades, and most if not all of it has been politically motivated. She's operating under a system which basically assumes guilt as the default position. You yourself implied that hidden in the "deleted" emails is something criminal...that she's broken the law and is hiding something. She's guilty, and has to step up and prove she's innocent.

Is that the kind of system you want to live under?
What's her motivation? Did she do it with the expressed purpose of flaunting the law? Or was it because her political enemies have a penchant for digging through her laundry in order to find dirt?

Clinton is very secretive, and I'm pretty sure she's that way because of circumstances. She's basically been under "investigation" for the last couple decades, and most if not all of it has been politically motivated. She's operating under a system which basically assumes guilt as the default position.

Her first motive would be to prevent FOIA requests. Her second motive would be to selectively decide what goes into the public record so she can run for President. If she wants to be secretive she should have picked a different career path. Someone above stated something to the effect, "I remember when transparency and openness were values on this forum." I remember those days myself.

Ford said:
Is that the kind of system you want to live under?

No, I'm actually very big into civil liberties and I think law enforcement has too much power as it is. However, I do think public officials should be held to a higher standard. The idea that there were loopholes in the laws which allowed her to use a private server exclusively blows my mind.

Check out what Dan Metcalfe, who was head of Justice Department’s Office of Information and Privacy from 1981-2007, had to say. (Before you discount it, he says he will still vote for her if she is the Democratic nominee.)

First, while it is accurate for Secretary Clinton to say that when she was in office there was not a flat, categorical prohibition on federal government officials ever using their personal email accounts for the conduct of official business, that’s a far different thing from saying (as she apparently would like to) that a government official could use his or her personal email account exclusively, for all official email communications, as she actually did. In fact, the Federal Records Act dictates otherwise.

That law, which applies to all federal agency employees who are not within the White House itself, requires the comprehensive documentation of the conduct of official business, and it has long done so by regulating the creation, maintenance, preservation and, ultimately, the disposition of agency records. When it comes to “modern-day” email communications, as compared to the paper memoranda of not so long ago, these communications now are themselves the very means of conducting official business, by definition.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...ense-laughable-foia-116116.html#ixzz3iwfzyKYI
I can see Trump having a chance at beating Hillary. It would be an interesting election dynamic between them for sure. She'd be painted as a corrupt insider politician (and this scandal adds to that) and crony capitalist, and he'd be painted as a blowhard but real capitalist and gaffe machine.

I can't see any other currently running republican beating Hillary, except maybe the smart black guy (neurosurgeon I think?), if he got enough money and clout behind him, he'd have a chance.

I can see some yet unheard of republican surfacing and beating hillary if he or she was close enough to the political centre, but then how would they get the nomination?

I see little chance for Trump against somebody like Sanders. I think Sanders will beat most republican contenders currently in the race. I really do think that if Sanders somehow gets the nomination, he will be the next president and bring in some real change for the better. One can hope.
I never said Hillary was stupid, she probably research the hell out of the laws and figured out exactly what she could get away. We have FOIA, The Federal Records Act, and the NARA regs for a reason – and she deliberately skirted their intent. Is that the kind of person you want to be President?

What's her motivation? Did she do it with the expressed purpose of flaunting the law? Or was it because her political enemies have a penchant for digging through her laundry in order to find dirt?

Clinton is very secretive, and I'm pretty sure she's that way because of circumstances. She's basically been under "investigation" for the last couple decades, and most if not all of it has been politically motivated. She's operating under a system which basically assumes guilt as the default position. You yourself implied that hidden in the "deleted" emails is something criminal...that she's broken the law and is hiding something. She's guilty, and has to step up and prove she's innocent.

Is that the kind of system you want to live under?
The Clintons appear to be quite calculating when it comes to these issues. I would be she has deduced that any fallout from her choice to circumvent the ethos of "archivability" would be less than any fallout from archivable material that might surface.
I never said Hillary was stupid, she probably research the hell out of the laws and figured out exactly what she could get away. We have FOIA, The Federal Records Act, and the NARA regs for a reason – and she deliberately skirted their intent. Is that the kind of person you want to be President?

What's her motivation? Did she do it with the expressed purpose of flaunting the law? Or was it because her political enemies have a penchant for digging through her laundry in order to find dirt?

Clinton is very secretive, and I'm pretty sure she's that way because of circumstances. She's basically been under "investigation" for the last couple decades, and most if not all of it has been politically motivated. She's operating under a system which basically assumes guilt as the default position. You yourself implied that hidden in the "deleted" emails is something criminal...that she's broken the law and is hiding something. She's guilty, and has to step up and prove she's innocent.

Is that the kind of system you want to live under?

Ah, there's your error. When you are a government official you are not entitled to be secretive about your email. Even if you want to be.
Why hasn't Donald Rumsfeld released his email?
You have a link?

Did he use his own server or hide his emails? I'm no Rumsfeld fan, if he broke the law he should be held accountable.

He used his own server like Hillary. In fact it was the standard operating procedure until recently, but then again he wasn't running for president.
Why hasn't Donald Rumsfeld released his email?
You have a link?

Did he use his own server or hide his emails? I'm no Rumsfeld fan, if he broke the law he should be held accountable.
It was how it was usually done. The only difference is that Obama actually raised the standard for transparency, which apparently didn't quite catch on within his own Administration.
You have a link?

Did he use his own server or hide his emails? I'm no Rumsfeld fan, if he broke the law he should be held accountable.
It was how it was usually done. The only difference is that Obama actually raised the standard for transparency, which apparently didn't quite catch on within his own Administration.

It was common for high ranking government officials to set up a server in their home and register a domain name for email? Do you have a source?
It was how it was usually done. The only difference is that Obama actually raised the standard for transparency, which apparently didn't quite catch on within his own Administration.
It was common for high ranking government officials to set up a server in their home and register a domain name for email? Do you have a source?
It was common practice. link
It was common for high ranking government officials to set up a server in their home and register a domain name for email? Do you have a source?
It was common practice. link

There is noting in there that suggests setting up a private server in one's own home and creating your own domain name was a common practice.
It was common practice. link

There is noting in there that suggests setting up a private server in one's own home and creating your own domain name was a common practice.
The gist is that Powell used private emails for government work. Clinton did likewise. That seems to be missing the point that Clinton wasn't even supposed to use a private email to begin with.

And of course, all of that misses the point that his is just another witch hunt by the Republicans.
It was common for high ranking government officials to set up a server in their home and register a domain name for email? Do you have a source?
It was common practice. link
We already discussed Powell and Rice above. Where is the cite on Rumsfeld? From your link, Powell, said the system was antiquated and he modernized the system... he left in 2005? By the time Hilary was there she could have used a Blackberry.

If a cop gets indicted for killing a black man you going to be happy when someone points out that his predecessors did it and it's common practice?
It was common practice. link

There is noting in there that suggests setting up a private server in one's own home and creating your own domain name was a common practice.

Response fail.

- - - Updated - - -

It was common practice. link
We already discussed Powell and Rice above. Where is the cite on Rumsfeld? From your link, Powell, said the system was antiquated and he modernized the system... he left in 2005? By the time Hilary was there she could have used a Blackberry.

If a cop gets indicted for killing a black man you going to be happy when someone points out that his predecessors did it and it's common practice?

I actually pulled Rumsfeld out of my ass because I knew it was one of those Bush era putzes.
There is noting in there that suggests setting up a private server in one's own home and creating your own domain name was a common practice.
The gist is that Powell used private emails for government work. Clinton did likewise. That seems to be missing the point that Clinton wasn't even supposed to use a private email to begin with.

And of course, all of that misses the point that his is just another witch hunt by the Republicans.

There is a difference between having a private email and running a server from your house. I have a private e mail. I do not run a server from my house.

And the Inspector General of Intelligence Services and the FBI = Republicans?

I know Clinton Apologists have only one play in the playbook, but this really seems to be a stretch.
The gist is that Powell used private emails for government work. Clinton did likewise. That seems to be missing the point that Clinton wasn't even supposed to use a private email to begin with.

And of course, all of that misses the point that his is just another witch hunt by the Republicans.

There is a difference between having a private email and running a server from your house. I have a private e mail. I do not run a server from my house.

And the Inspector General of Intelligence Services and the FBI = Republicans?

I know Clinton Apologists have only one play in the playbook, but this really seems to be a stretch.

Use your head about this so called scandal. I dislike Hillary intensely yet I feel this whole email thing is just so much shit rattling in a barrel full of real liabilities she has. She is a corporate woman who dances for her sponsors and little else. Who gives a shit what her emails said. I am sure there will be some juicy tidbits for the gossipers anytime something private or confidential is leaked, but I hardly feel this email collection is the worst of her offenses. If there were't so many howling wolves at her door the emails she had as Secretary of State would probably be no more controversial than that of any other of these strange creatures who have found a way to represent us on the world stage. I personally feel her performance as Secretary of State was abominable and she should not try to extend her influence of the U.S. any further. I still feel that however bad Hillary was, the average REPUBLICAN is so much worse it is hardly worth discussing.
Many in GW's WH used GOP, not govt, accounts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well hell, if GWB allowed it than it's got to be ok!
You are shifting goalposts. You asked if it was done by others. It was shown that it was. Whether what Clinton did was right is a different story.

Though it does seem peculiar that the Republicans are storming over this when the W Admin had serious email problems of their own and this didn't appear to be such a big deal to them.
wiki said:
In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.


The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an acronym standing for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.

It is almost as if they are up in arms about it for partisan reasons.

Does any of this excuse what Clinton did? Not really. There was a policy, she didn't follow it. She may have broken rules, regulations, even laws. However the fiery posturing of the Republicans seems a tad bit hypocritical.
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