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Will the Hillary Email Scandal Blow Over?

Hey everyone - let's keep the pissing match out of this thread. Please! Let's just post developments as they happen or if they happen and analyze them.

A "noble" idea (;)). However, it may be a challenge to keep up with the rapid developments in email-gate. Since the DOJ is not going to shield Hillary (unlike Lerner) from the FBI, the firewall is collapsing faster than expected (and her prospects for avoiding an orange jumpsuit keeps diminishing.) Among the recent stories of interest:

Earlier this year, Gawker Media*sued*the State Department for its dishonest response to a Freedom of Information Act request it filed in 2013. They sought emails exchanged between reporters at 33 news outlets and Philippe Reines, the former deputy assistant secretary of state and*an aggressive defender*of Hillary Clinton.

Two years ago, the department*claimed that it had “no records responsive to your (their) request”. Under increasing FBI scrutiny the State Department has suddenly "located an estimated 17,800 emails responsive to Gawker’s request.". They announced "finding" 81,000 emails sent or received by Reines during his tenure.

Gawker had already managed to get their hands on Sidney Blumenthal’s e-mails to Hillary Clinton’s private server after hackers got access to them. In any case, looks like State has been doing a little "obstruction of justice" for the last two years.



Now that the FBI has the server, there is a chance they might be able to find out who accessed it, perhaps including the hackers. They might be able to see when the server was wiped - sometime between the fall of 2013 when the State department pressed for their records or as late as after Trey Gowdy subpoenaed her (which opens her to an obstruction of justice charge).

The mystery of the basement server and 'mom-and-pop' shop administrator may provide continuing amusement.


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has given Williams & Connolly lawyer David Kendall a week to say whether he had the appropriate security clearance to handle thumb drives that contained potentially classified emails on the private server of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Read more: http://www.nationallawjournal.com/i...awyer-David-Kendall-Over-Emails#ixzz3jDbLTj2N

Oh my.
Now that the FBI has the server, there is a chance they might be able to find out who accessed it, perhaps including the hackers. They might be able to see when the server was wiped - sometime between the fall of 2013 when the State department pressed for their records or as late as after Trey Gowdy subpoenaed her (which opens her to an obstruction of justice charge).

The mystery of the basement server and 'mom-and-pop' shop administrator may provide continuing amusement.

I'm curious to know what OS and mail server program software she was using.
Now that the FBI has the server, there is a chance they might be able to find out who accessed it, perhaps including the hackers. They might be able to see when the server was wiped - sometime between the fall of 2013 when the State department pressed for their records or as late as after Trey Gowdy subpoenaed her (which opens her to an obstruction of justice charge).

The mystery of the basement server and 'mom-and-pop' shop administrator may provide continuing amusement.

I'm curious to know what OS and mail server program software she was using.

Don't know - but emailgate keeps getting increasingly unbelievable.

The IT company Hilary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit's strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it 'a mom and pop shop' which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet....they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn't even have an alarm.

'I don't know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom. I mean knowing how small Platte River Networks... I don't see how that would be secure [enough for Clinton].'

I know they've expanded quite a bit since I left but I do think it's strange, we only had the three owners and like eight employees. We didn't do any work in other states.

'No offense to them, but who are they? I know of a lot of IT companies that are much bigger. When I was there I answered all the phone calls, paid all the bills, and had a good handle on what was coming in and going out.

'We were like your local IT company, nothing special or fancy, we had a really good reputation but that was on a local level.'
She thinks Clinton should have used a company with government security clearance, adding: 'I just think government stuff should be handled by the government.'...

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ty-sensitive-messages-held.html#ixzz3jDo6CjEt

Want State secrets - check the nook behind the toilet?
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I'm curious to know what OS and mail server program software she was using.

Don't know - but emailgate keeps getting increasingly unbelievable.

The IT company Hilary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit's strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it 'a mom and pop shop' which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet....they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn't even have an alarm.

'I don't know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom. I mean knowing how small Platte River Networks... I don't see how that would be secure [enough for Clinton].'

I know they've expanded quite a bit since I left but I do think it's strange, we only had the three owners and like eight employees. We didn't do any work in other states.

'No offense to them, but who are they? I know of a lot of IT companies that are much bigger. When I was there I answered all the phone calls, paid all the bills, and had a good handle on what was coming in and going out.

'We were like your local IT company, nothing special or fancy, we had a really good reputation but that was on a local level.'
She thinks Clinton should have used a company with government security clearance, adding: 'I just think government stuff should be handled by the government.'...

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ty-sensitive-messages-held.html#ixzz3jDo6CjEt

Want State secrets - check to nook behind the toilet?

That's a bit exaggerated. I checked out Platt River Networks. It was a small outfit run out of a loft apartment. I know that area of Denver. It's common for loft apartments to be small businesses. The bathroom was converted into space for a server rack. The company has since expanded to a new building 10x the size. http://platteriver.com/ They are using Ngix as a webserver so they are probably *nix geeks. I doubt Hillary would hire The Three Stooges.
Don't know - but emailgate keeps getting increasingly unbelievable.

The IT company Hilary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit's strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it 'a mom and pop shop' which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet....they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn't even have an alarm.

'I don't know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom. I mean knowing how small Platte River Networks... I don't see how that would be secure [enough for Clinton].'

I know they've expanded quite a bit since I left but I do think it's strange, we only had the three owners and like eight employees. We didn't do any work in other states.

'No offense to them, but who are they? I know of a lot of IT companies that are much bigger. When I was there I answered all the phone calls, paid all the bills, and had a good handle on what was coming in and going out.

'We were like your local IT company, nothing special or fancy, we had a really good reputation but that was on a local level.'
She thinks Clinton should have used a company with government security clearance, adding: 'I just think government stuff should be handled by the government.'...

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ty-sensitive-messages-held.html#ixzz3jDo6CjEt

Want State secrets - check to nook behind the toilet?

That's a bit exaggerated. I checked out Platt River Networks. It was a small outfit run out of a loft apartment. I know that area of Denver. It's common for loft apartments to be small businesses. The bathroom was converted into space for a server rack. The company has since expanded to a new building 10x the size. http://platteriver.com/ They are using Ngix as a webserver so they are probably *nix geeks. I doubt Hillary would hire The Three Stooges.

If we are to believe Hillary in replies to questions from reporters, she knows nothing about such things - ("Did I clean the server, you mean with a rag or something?") . None the less, the absurdity of using a tiny mom and pop outfit to hold offical State Department communications (some classified) is pretty daffy. Whatever they are NOW (under new owners as I recall), at the time they were eight employees, without much physical security, on an unapproved system.

I am sure bathroom closets can be made into server closets - but it is pretty strange how she ended up using this obscure business AND no one has suggested the choice was because of their technical accomplishments (including former employees). In fact the article suggests several political connections.

As NBC has already reported extensive Chinese hacking of individual government officials email, it would not be shocking to discover the same on Hillarys.
Now that the FBI has the server, there is a chance they might be able to find out who accessed it, perhaps including the hackers. They might be able to see when the server was wiped - sometime between the fall of 2013 when the State department pressed for their records or as late as after Trey Gowdy subpoenaed her (which opens her to an obstruction of justice charge).

The mystery of the basement server and 'mom-and-pop' shop administrator may provide continuing amusement.

I'm curious to know what OS and mail server program software she was using.

That's kinda like asking where Monica bought the infamous blue dress.
If we are to believe Hillary in replies to questions from reporters, she knows nothing about such things - ("Did I clean the server, you mean with a rag or something?") . None the less, the absurdity of using a tiny mom and pop outfit to hold offical State Department communications (some classified) is pretty daffy.
Do YOU actually know where your local mail server is? Who runs it, what it looks like? I sure as hell don't. I doubt Hillary Clinton does either; I doubt it's something that even crossed her mind as a thing that a human being would ever need to know about.

I would hazard this is because Hillary, like most people, have NO IDEA how the internet even works. This is doubly true of a certain class of citizens which in this country we have come to know as "old people." It's information technology; it's new, fast evolving, hard to understand, and nobody cares how it works until it doesn't.


As NBC has already reported extensive Chinese hacking of individual government officials email, it would not be shocking to discover the same on Hillarys.
To be honest, it would be even less shocking to discover that Hillary's emails were ABSENT from documents stolen by the Chinese government simply because they were unaware that her communications weren't being stored on site and weren't specifically focussing on her enough to figure out what server she was using.
I'm curious to know what OS and mail server program software she was using.

Don't know - but emailgate keeps getting increasingly unbelievable.
I know! The reaction by people like you relative to other related security concerns like when the W Admin was asleep on the run up to 9/11 or the leaking of a secret agent's identity or the W Admin exposing the CIA's ability to arm drone predators!!! or the 22 million missing emails is quite unbelievable. You know, things that were a lot worse. It is almost as if you are being influenced on your opinion on this on a partisan basis.
... It is a witch hunt. They are looking for something, anything, it is a fishing expedition. When the Police want a warrant, they have a bar they need to get over regarding the legitimacy of the search. What the Republicans are doing is trolling in the hopes of finding who the fuck knows what. It can't be about Benghazi because there have already been a bunch of findings on that. So they are just hoping and hoping to find something good.

That doesn't mitigate that Clinton was wrong in what she did. And whatever rules, regulations, laws she may have broken would need to be addressed. I'm sorry you can't understand how two sides can be wrong in a confrontation.... Just addressing weak-ass attacks being made by the Republicans who apparently only now seem to care about the email servers... though they felt quite differently between 2001 and 2008.

First, there is no 'fishing expedition' in this scandal.
The Republicans were saying the same thing back in the mid to late 90s.
The email scandal is real, and should not be confused with the Benghazi investigation.
Well, much like how you shouldn't confuse Whitewater with Lewinsky?
On March 2, 2015 the New York Times broke the story that "Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record."
Yeah. There are problems with what she did. It may also be the greatest crime ever committed in the US ever. Which probably explains why the right-wing is pissing themselves with glee over it.


Just to explain further, it is really hard to take any right-wing enthusiasm regarding a Clinton controversy too seriously due to the Chicken Little effect. If she is guilty of something, let the proper judicial course take place. But this right-wing leaping and shouting, 'we told you, we told you' reeks of Chicken Little.
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Do YOU actually know where your local mail server is? Who runs it, what it looks like? I sure as hell don't. I doubt Hillary Clinton does either;

The defense for someone who went to great lengths to set up her own private mail server in her basement instead of using the one her employer proved is she didn't care about her mail server?

- - - Updated - - -

Don't know - but emailgate keeps getting increasingly unbelievable.
I know! The reaction by people like you relative to other related security concerns like when the W Admin was asleep on the run up to 9/11 or the leaking of a secret agent's identity or the W Admin exposing the CIA's ability to arm drone predators!!! or the 22 million missing emails is quite unbelievable. You know, things that were a lot worse. It is almost as if you are being influenced on your opinion on this on a partisan basis.

Not that Jimmy is an apologist...
Do YOU actually know where your local mail server is? Who runs it, what it looks like? I sure as hell don't. I doubt Hillary Clinton does either; I doubt it's something that even crossed her mind as a thing that a human being would ever need to know about.

I've got 3. One for work, one Gmail, and my private one. Yes, I know where the private one is and I run it myself.

Hillary said it was done for "convenience". There is nothing convenient about it. You do it for 100% control or because you are a geek. Connivance would have been a much better word.
y hard to take any right-wing enthusiasm regarding a Clinton controversy too seriously due to the Chicken Little effect. If she is guilty of something, let the proper judicial course take place. But this right-wing leaping and shouting, 'we told you, we told you' reeks of Chicken Little.

What you should take seriously is the enthusiasm of the FBI, the Inspector General and the New York Times.

And the distinct waning trend in the enthusiasm of non-inoculated Clinton apologists on the left to defend her lies, obfuscations and poorly received jokes about it.
First, there is no 'fishing expedition' in this scandal.
The Republicans were saying the same thing back in the mid to late 90s.
The email scandal is real, and should not be confused with the Benghazi investigation.
Well, much like how you shouldn't confuse Whitewater with Lewinsky?
On March 2, 2015 the New York Times broke the story that "Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record."
Yeah. There are problems with what she did. It may also be the greatest crime ever committed in the US ever. Which probably explains why the right-wing is pissing themselves with glee over it.


Just to explain further, it is really hard to take any right-wing enthusiasm regarding a Clinton controversy too seriously due to the Chicken Little effect. If she is guilty of something, let the proper judicial course take place. But this right-wing leaping and shouting, 'we told you, we told you' reeks of Chicken Little.

It's not the greatest crime committed in the US, its just the character of the presumptive Democratic nominee for President. No big deal, right?

I mean its the "what does it matter now" defense...;)
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The Republicans were saying the same thing back in the mid to late 90s.
The email scandal is real, and should not be confused with the Benghazi investigation.
Well, much like how you shouldn't confuse Whitewater with Lewinsky?
On March 2, 2015 the New York Times broke the story that "Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record."
Yeah. There are problems with what she did. It may also be the greatest crime ever committed in the US ever. Which probably explains why the right-wing is pissing themselves with glee over it.


Just to explain further, it is really hard to take any right-wing enthusiasm regarding a Clinton controversy too seriously due to the Chicken Little effect. If she is guilty of something, let the proper judicial course take place. But this right-wing leaping and shouting, 'we told you, we told you' reeks of Chicken Little.

It's not the greatest crime committed in the US, its just the character of the presumptive Democratic nominee for President. No big deal, right?
The character of Hillary Clinton being a shrewd politician was never in doubt.
No one should criticize Hillary for breaking laws because republicans have done bad things too!

Partisan logic FTW.
No one should criticize Hillary for breaking laws because republicans have done bad things too!

Partisan logic FTW.
That strawman died a long time ago in this thread. People aren't defending Clinton, just asking why all of a sudden security / email security seems so important.
No one should criticize Hillary for breaking laws because republicans have done bad things too!

Partisan logic FTW.
That strawman died a long time ago in this thread. People aren't defending Clinton, just asking why all of a sudden security / email security seems so important.

I bet part of the reason we're hearing so much more about is because the major newspapers are reporting the FBI and the Inspector General are investigating a leading presidential candidate over it.
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