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World laughs at Trump as he opens his UN speech with bragging

Funny, I posted this on my conservative forum (TWeb) and you'll never guess the replies:

I'm sure it'll shock you to hear that they don't really care what the UN thinks

Sure. It's the same with Christian and Muslims apologists.

One minute they're telling you about how important one of their arguments are, say the argument that we must elect Trump in order to make sure the world respects us again, then the moment you prove to them that their argument actually led to the opposite result, they're falling all over themselves telling you how much they don't care about the thing they cared so much about two sentences and one paragraph ago. And poof, just like that, we go from the respect of the world being very important, to the respect of the world being totally meaningless.

The same exact thing happens as you shoot down Christian and Muslim apologetic arguments. I can't tell you how many times Christians and Muslims have told me that they don't care about the truth.

Not at all.

The respect of the world hasn't become meaningless. It has become desirable to NOT have that respect, as an indicator of just how awful the rest of the world is, and therefore how great America really is.
FFvC makes another anti-campaign promise...
Julia Ioffe said:
There really is a tweet for everything. #UNGA
Twiddle de Dotard said:
We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

12:30 AM - 9 Aug 2014

As the headlines continue to roll on FFvC being a laughing stock, it would be fun to be a fly on the wall as this dotard rages...he's got to be itching to tweet something about it.
...he's got to be itching to tweet something about it.
Fox edited out the laughter.
Has anyone else TOLD FFvC that he was laughed AT?

Well we know he watches MSNBC news, and they said it several times last night, plus it's all over the papers and other actual news channels. He simply refuses to believe it - it disturbs his fake reality.
The cream of the jest is that our President, a liar to his core, insisted that they laughed at what he intended as a laugh line -- he asserts this even though anyone -- anyone, even one of his 33%, can see that he was bragging about himself and how great he is, and that is as serious and all-consuming a subject as Donald ever addresses. You don't joke about the majesty and magnitude of Trump.
The big ugly reality, as others have stated above, is that Trumpism is anti-UN. Our President has over & over insisted that it's every country for itself. When he have flushed this man out of our body politic, there will be a lot of work to do.
The gift of hilarity just keeps on giving, folks.

Now, Republican star Nikki Haley is claiming that the UN laughed at the president as a "sign of respect."


Because when I respect someone, the thing I do to show my respect is laugh at them while they're giving a speech before the whole world. [/facetious]

Anyway, I hope all the Republican voters on this forum are paying attention. When people laugh at someone, you're supposed to pretend that it is a sign of respect, or else you are calling His Orange Holiness a liar, and you don't want to call His Orange Holiness as liar, do you?
Has any US President previously be laughed at by the UN? Has any head of state from any nation?

No, because no head of state has ever been respected as much as Trump is respected by the world. Laughter is a sign of great respect, don't you know? Nikki Haley (n[ent]eacute[/ent]e Baghdad Bob) just explained that to us.
Nikki Haley... no really said:
They loved how honest he is. It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. ... When he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.
Inexcusible propaganda and lying.
They're apathetic towards the UN the same way a drunk guy in a bar at 2 a.m. doesn't care about his cheating wife as tears stream down his face before yelling out, "I don't care about that bitch anyway!"
This may be one of the best analogies I've seen to describe the teabilly butthurt crowd! :)
UN diplomats explain exactly why they were laughing at — and not with — Trump

No comment needed....

A day after Donald Trump’s boasting garnered laughter at the United Nations, diplomats explained exactly why they were laughing at — and not with — the US president.

“Sometimes, when we see a behavior or listen to arguments or notions that seem so far-fetched, unreasonable, or insane, there is almost natural reaction of laughing,” a Latin American diplomat told BuzzFeed News.

“It is not laughing at a good joke, but a nervous laugh, or a bad joke turned laughable precisely because the guy who tells the joke doesn’t realize how bad it is,” the diplomat added.

Trump has tried to take credit for the laughter that ensued when he claimed he “has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

Nikki Haley... no really said:
They loved how honest he is. It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. ... When he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.
Inexcusible propaganda and lying.

What? You're the one who is clearly lying! When have you ever known laughing at someone during a speech to be anything other than a sign of deep and enduring respect? You are obviously spreading Fake News because you are disloyal to Russia! This is not to be tolerated, traitor! [/conservolibertarian]
Nikki Haley... no really said:
They loved how honest he is. It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. ... When he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.
Inexcusible propaganda and lying.

What? You're the one who is clearly lying! When have you ever known laughing at someone during a speech to be anything other than a sign of deep and enduring respect? You are obviously spreading Fake News because you are disloyal to Russia! This is not to be tolerated, traitor! [/conservolibertarian]
Maybe the [/conservolibertarian] tag should be changed to [/not a Trump supporter, but always seem to be defending him-ian]
...he's got to be itching to tweet something about it.
Fox edited out the laughter.
Has anyone else TOLD FFvC that he was laughed AT?
Personally, I don't think the Dotard is that dense. Secondly, FFvC clearly watches other news sources, so it would be next to impossible to miss after the fact.

My question is: did FFvC think he could give a campaign speech at the UN and the diplomats/leaders would just sit there and stay polite for his inane BS; or is he delusional enough to think they would not find it laughable? I guess secondly, I wonder if he understood that he was being laughed at in the moment and just papered it over as best he could. Personally, I suspect he got it and managed to control his reaction...
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