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2023 State Of The Union Address

Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
Oh? I think it’s a good quesion…

Currently, there’s a max FICA deduction, and there’s a max Social Security payout.
However, I would not expect them to be linked “automatically,” therefore Zipr would have a point that there is no requirement to raise the max payout. Nevertheless, I think it’s a good question to answer explicitly; do the current laws or do they not automatiically connect changes in collection to changes in payout?
Without getting into the minutia of social security, I thought Biden's finest moment was how he responded to Republican jeers. Which he obviously expected falling right into his agenda, declaring publicly in front of everyone Republican's would now take future cuts off the table. A pretty genius move IMO especially for someone who is semi senile. The future Republicans are going to wish they kept their stupid mouths shut!
Yeah, the funny thing is that many of us have dealt with senility before and it is hilarious that people like using words like this, without having a fucking clue what it actually means.

Biden hit a grand slam in the SOTU address. And people like you still want to make shit comments about Biden being senile. All the while supporting the guy who bragged about passing a basic competency test.

Trump is the moron who recently mistook a photo of Jean Caroll who he raped for his ex-wife. Trump is not all there.
Also, Japan is not a "monoculture"! The United States, Europe, and Japan have been mutually and successfully trading cultural ideas, practices and capital for over seventy-five years, to the demonstrable great benefit of all parties. A centrepiece example, in fact, of the good that can come of intercultural synthesis even under less than promising initial circumstances.
There has been exchange of ideas, but vast majority of Japanese citizens are in fact Japanese. They do not have mass migrations of people from shitholes like Afghanistan, unlike US, Europe and Australia.
So what you mean is racist immigration policy? If so, I disagree that it has been the source of Japan's recent prosperity.
Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
FICA benefits are based on what you paid in in your 35 highest years, but the relationship is nonlinear. Removing the FICA cap would increase what the rich paid in and would thus increase their SS checks.
Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
Oh? I think it’s a good quesion…

Currently, there’s a max FICA deduction, and there’s a max Social Security payout.
However, I would not expect them to be linked “automatically,” therefore Zipr would have a point that there is no requirement to raise the max payout. Nevertheless, I think it’s a good question to answer explicitly; do the current laws or do they not automatiically connect changes in collection to changes in payout?
They are inherently linked--that "max" SS check is if you hit the FICA cap in at least 35 years, it's not actually a rule.
Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
Oh? I think it’s a good quesion…

Currently, there’s a max FICA deduction, and there’s a max Social Security payout.
However, I would not expect them to be linked “automatically,” therefore Zipr would have a point that there is no requirement to raise the max payout. Nevertheless, I think it’s a good question to answer explicitly; do the current laws or do they not automatiically connect changes in collection to changes in payout
FICA impacts working income. I'd say tax that bullshit micro-share transaction stuff a good deal, the trading of a lot of shares at a tiny change in value.

Then add FICA to non-retirement account stock trades above $25k a year. Max benefit is same as actual working income which is aggregated.
Think it through.

You're going to crash the stock market horribly and thus preclude investment. You're also going to render every pension fund out there horribly insolvent and you'll crash everyone's 401ks. Retirees will have little more than SS to live on because everything else will have crashed.
Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
Oh? I think it’s a good quesion…

Currently, there’s a max FICA deduction, and there’s a max Social Security payout.
However, I would not expect them to be linked “automatically,” therefore Zipr would have a point that there is no requirement to raise the max payout. Nevertheless, I think it’s a good question to answer explicitly; do the current laws or do they not automatiically connect changes in collection to changes in payout
FICA impacts working income. I'd say tax that bullshit micro-share transaction stuff a good deal, the trading of a lot of shares at a tiny change in value.

Then add FICA to non-retirement account stock trades above $25k a year. Max benefit is same as actual working income which is aggregated.
Think it through.
I did.
You're going to crash the stock market horribly and thus preclude investment.
People are not going to invest in the market because of a FICA tax on gains?
You're also going to render every pension fund out there horribly insolvent and you'll crash everyone's 401ks. Retirees will have little more than SS to live on because everything else will have crashed.
Well saying it over and over again doesn't provide evidence that people will flee the stock market because of a 6.2 or percent tax.
The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $2,572. If you retire at age 70 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
My father has taught me to give the finger to the "maximum benefit".
Who said anything about increasing benefits?
If you increase FICA limit on contributions, you would automatically increase their benefits. Or am I misunderstanding how social security works, at least currently?
Yes, you are misunderstanding how SS works.
FICA benefits are based on what you paid in in your 35 highest years, but the relationship is nonlinear. Removing the FICA cap would increase what the rich paid in and would thus increase their SS checks.
Not if we did something as remotely simple as CAPPING THEIR CHECKS. Is this brain surgery for people? The bigger issue is that this only addresses income from working. So removing the cap helps, but it'll stop helping.
The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $2,572. If you retire at age 70 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
Is that per day? per week? Per month? Per annum? Is it the total amount you get for the rest of your life?
Also Derec, are you as terrified of Norwegian immigrants as you are of Nigerian or Azerbaijani immigrants?
"Terrified" is the wrong word here. But in general, because Norway is a western society, your average Norwegian will be much more likely to be compatible with western values than your average Somali or Afghan, where 98% support Sharia Law.

Funny you should mention Nigerians. They are an interesting case. Nigerians coming to US are generally well-educated and come legally and thus are very different than Nigerians who just board dinky boats and swamp Europe. I think boat Nigerians are more similar to convoy Central Americans than they are to Nigerians coming to US in many ways.

I know that I am reflexively more wary of a dark-skinned bearded middle eastern male than of a blonde blue eyed Swedish woman. But it make a conscious effort to resolve and control that irrational reflex.
It's not about skin color, but culture, and who will be more likely to integrate into the society, rather than creating a parallel society.
It's also about numbers. Some immigration is good, but this digression was started by southernhybrid suggesting we take in a lot more "young immigrants" to shore up Social Security. That would fundamentally change the identity of the US and I do not think that's good. I understand those who hate US (and also western Europe) would welcome such a change of identity though.
I‘d favor a requirement to more heavily regulate ALL semi-auto firearms more stringently than single shot, bolt action or revolver-type firearms.
Why? They are all very deadly.
I'd favor more regulation on ALL firearms. But not to the point that it becomes onerous regulation whose purpose is to restrict access for most people.
The lexical confusion that pervades the debate is unfortunate and serves only to keep weapons of mass murder in the hands of those who will use them for their intended purpose.
Weapons of mass murder? How exactly would you define them?
… which renders assertions like “most Japanese citizens are Japanese” utterly meaningless. One might wonder why anyone would make such a categorical statement that holds no water … if the reason was not so obvious.
It was a direct answer to a previous comment by Politesse. Please keep up with the thread.
Yeah, she'll be much more dangerous to your wallet at the strip club than the dark-skinned bearded middle eastern male.
Well, I'd much rather have her give me a lap dance than Abdul, that's for damn sure!
However, a sexy middle eastern female (like her maybe) would be a bigger danger to my wallet than a bearded Swedish man. But those are rare among mass migrants showing up on the border and demanding to be let in. Vast majority are military age men.

Some of those mass migrants breaking the border fence. How is this not an invasion?
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Yeah, the funny thing is that many of us have dealt with senility before and it is hilarious that people like using words like this, without having a fucking clue what it actually means.
I agree. Biden has had the gift of the gaffe for a long time. Him mangling sentences is not evidence of senility.
I am, however, concerned about his lack of willingness or ability to be tough against the left fringe. The misguided B3 bill is a case in point. Thank FSM for Manchin and Sinema!

Biden hit a grand slam in the SOTU address. And people like you still want to make shit comments about Biden being senile. All the while supporting the guy who bragged about passing a basic competency test.
Well, Trump is definitely worse when it comes to cognition. However, the prospect of possibly having an 82 year old running for president does not exactly make me feel optimistic.
The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $2,572. If you retire at age 70 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
Is that per day? per week? Per month? Per annum? Is it the total amount you get for the rest of your life?
Per month
Trump is the moron who recently mistook a photo of Jean Caroll who he raped for his ex-wife. Trump is not all there.
There is no evidence that Trump raped her. Trump may be a moron and "not all there" but that does not mean she is not batshit insane herself. Her talk of "sexy rape" on AC360. Her hanging up the dress and keeping it for 25 years without washing it. And her allegation, as unlikely it is on its face, becomes even more unbelievable given similarities to a Law and Order SVU plot.'

Also, it's "whom".
So what you mean is racist immigration policy? If so, I disagree that it has been the source of Japan's recent prosperity.
No, not racist. But cognizant of the fact that countries have identities and that too much migration, esp. from areas with incompatible culture, can destroy that identity.
I am not saying ban all people of a certain race. That would indeed be racist. I am saying: be aware that most e.g. Afghans and Somalis are Islamists and that we should vet prospective immigrants from those countries more carefully. Letting in millions with no vetting, like Europe has done in recent years, esp. in 2015, is a recipe for disaster.
The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $2,572. If you retire at age 70 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
Is that per day? per week? Per month? Per annum? Is it the total amount you get for the rest of your life?
Per month
Thanks. I find it bizarre when official websites omit information that they assume will be obvious, when including it would cost zero effort.

Working with the general public, it is very clear to me that nothing is ever so obvious that there won't be a significant number of people who don't understand it.
… which renders assertions like “most Japanese citizens are Japanese” utterly meaningless. One might wonder why anyone would make such a categorical statement that holds no water … if the reason was not so obvious.
It was a direct answer to a previous comment by Politesse. Please keep up with the thread.
Irrelevant. It remains a vacuous canard.
Thanks for playing.
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