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The death of Tyre Nichols

Also, wtf does that weird hypothesis have to do with Tyre Nichols? Were the police BLM Activists??

Regarding the other hypothesis floating around that BLM made a situation where the police were unqualified, I began researching this. It turns out that in 2014, the city of Memphis was in serious debt and had to take drastic measures including layoffs. They were told this would make things less safe, but they felt they had to do it. Police chief and associations have stated that they have never recovered from this and the PD has been short-staffed for some time. When you add the pandemic factoring of general public sector job recruitment problems it might be worse starting in 2020. But it doesn't seem like BLM has much to do with the serious 400 officer shortage.
Also, wtf does that weird hypothesis have to do with Tyre Nichols? Were the police BLM Activists??
Heh, I didn't start it.

Regarding the other hypothesis floating around that BLM made a situation where the police were unqualified, I began researching this. It turns out that in 2014, the city of Memphis was in serious debt and had to take drastic measures including layoffs. They were told this would make things less safe, but they felt they had to do it. Police chief and associations have stated that they have never recovered from this and the PD has been short-staffed for some time. When you add the pandemic factoring of general public sector job recruitment problems it might be worse starting in 2020. But it doesn't seem like BLM has much to do with the serious 400 officer shortage.
I'd disagree. When the acceptable narrative is to be anti-police, fewer good people will join up and cops who can will retire early or just leave.

I'd disagree. When the acceptable narrative is to be anti-police, fewer good people will join up and cops who can will retire early or just leave.
Good. Being a cop shouldn't be a job for just about anybody. But seeing that has clearly been the case in the US for so long, there's going to be a transition period. Like I said before;
You could probably sack half, give the rest a 33% pay rise, pocket the savings and see a significant improvement in law enforcement.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.
I’d guess that the high resignations and low recruitment is due to no cop wanting to be the next viral video. If an interaction doesn’t go 100% perfect, the cop’s life could be ruined. But fewer cops gives us more crime and homicides. So, if that’s what you like.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.
I’d guess that the high resignations and low recruitment is due to no cop wanting to be the next viral video. If an interaction doesn’t go 100% perfect, the cop’s life could be ruined. But fewer cops gives us more crime and homicides. So, if that’s what you like.
Beats the alternative.

I don't see that as obvious.
That's okay. Don't worry about it.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.
I’d guess that the high resignations and low recruitment is due to no cop wanting to be the next viral video. If an interaction doesn’t go 100% perfect, the cop’s life could be ruined. But fewer cops gives us more crime and homicides. So, if that’s what you like.

I honestly don't believe there will be significant recruitment issues. Qualified immunity (dirty words to some people)is in place so that as long as you are doing what the law authorizes you to do you'll be just fine. When you step outside of the scope of the law (like kneeling on an unconscious person for several minutes) then you have something to worry about. It's a stressful job but there are many actions Police are authorized to take in order to lawfully protect themselves. Some officers just flat out fuck up and there is nothing that can protect them from themselves. You and I both know that police have millions of interactions with the civilian public daily without issue. Many of those interactions involve shots fired, & use of deadly force. No issue there, it's just the few that seem to either totally ignore the fact they can only do what the law authorizes them to do or they forget in the moment.

Edit: Which brings be back to the need for a cultural of professionalism getting more shine than clowns like Chauvin. The same can be said for the black community, we need the hard working law abiding folks to get more shine so our bad apples can see that law abiding life is more profitable.
I honestly don't believe there will be significant recruitment issues.
Who do you believe will replace the current police force?
The humans who are now police. Who do you believe will replace them?

I'd disagree. When the acceptable narrative is to be anti-police, fewer good people will join up and cops who can will retire early or just leave.
Good. Being a cop shouldn't be a job for just about anybody. But seeing that has clearly been the case in the US for so long, there's going to be a transition period. Like I said before;
You could probably sack half, give the rest a 33% pay rise, pocket the savings and see a significant improvement in law enforcement.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.

I find it hard to believe cops en masse were like, "BLM hurt my feeling. I quit," especially in Memphis where we are already aware of a significant long term shortage with a different cause. And we already see an additional public sector trend of difficult recruitment. Sure, dealing with the public isn't always easy and so some kind of small BLM effect could be there. None of that qualifies as BLM is the cause of what happened to Tyre Nichols.
If cops are resigning because their delicate snowflake feelings are hurt, then they obviously signed up for purely egotistical reasons. All that means is they should never had been cops in the first place. Fuck 'em.
I’d guess that the high resignations and low recruitment is due to no cop wanting to be the next viral video.
You mean, the guy killing some unarmed person? It is typically these viral videos that has caught an officer(s) doing something terribly wrong.
If an interaction doesn’t go 100% perfect, the cop’s life could be ruined.
*Meanwhile on TikTok*

BLM_Tok: Hey fans, here is today's video on making cops go viral. Let's look at the video.
*Officer talking to a black person, video ends*
BLM_Tok: You hear that!? Ended a sentence with preposition. What an ass, he needs to be fired, his children chopped up into mush, and his police department burned to the ground.
*60 minutes later*
Police Department Spokesperson: We have let this officer go after the video came forward. We want to urge to the community that we do care about how we communicate and that finishing a sentence with a preposition is just... it is unacceptable. We ask the community to try and move forward... and also the officer's kids are alone at home right now at 123 Alphabet Road, and his wife works at the Hospital Our Lady of Worthless Miracle, fourth floor, room 403. We tagged his car on Google Maps, so you can find him too.
*24 hours later, city is burned to the ground*
Oleg: See, I told you!
I honestly don't believe there will be significant recruitment issues.
Who do you believe will replace the current police force?
The humans who are now police. Who do you believe will replace them?


Why are you asking me this? I already said;

We need a way that sends good officers the message that we have their back and will continue to throw all our support behind them. We need a culture of professionalism with meaningful & tangible rewards (not just words and plaques) to encourage that culture. It starts with leadership and ends with the community they serve in tow. I don't know what that looks like but I'm certain that culture of professionalism already has a significant presence in Police Department's across the country.

In other words I don't believe replacement is necessary. We already have a great police force. We just need to make those who understand how important it is to enforce the law without breaking it lead police culture. And when any officer does break the law, the professionals on the force should step in and holds them accountable.

I also said

Qualified immunity (dirty words to some people)is in place so that as long as you are doing what the law authorizes you to do you'll be just fine. When you step outside of the scope of the law (like kneeling on an unconscious person for several minutes) then you have something to worry about. It's a stressful job but there are many actions Police are authorized to take in order to lawfully protect themselves. Some officers just flat out fuck up and there is nothing that can protect them from themselves. You and I both know that police have millions of interactions with the civilian public daily without issue. Many of those interactions involve shots fired, & use of deadly force. No issue there, it's just the few that seem to either totally ignore the fact they can only do what the law authorizes them to do or they forget in the moment.

I think I've shared enough for you to understand where I'm at.
police applying street justice. He ran, they punished him by beating him.
This is about the worst crime it's possible to commit. Not because of the impact on the victim, serious though that is. But because it's a crime against the entire structure of society.

Police are not allowed to punish people. Courts punish. Police detain and investigate.

Appropriating to oneself powers reserved to the state, and abusing your position as an agent of the state in order to achieve that appropriation, is as bad as it gets.

Inflicting grievous harm on a person is a lesser crime than inflicting it on society.

Police who exceed their authority should be penalised proportionately to the magnitude of their crime - they should be looking at life in jail for even conspiring with colleagues to punish any citizen, much less actually meting out such punishment.

"street justice" is just another way to say "police overreach and brutality". Justice is the sole prerogative of a court of law.
There has been a large increase in crime in general and in homicides both in urban and in rural areas. While crime rates are lower in rural areas, these same areas have seen a dramatic increase in rates (20-25%, depending on source). No one seems certain of reasons but some are speculating it is related to COVID and the resulting decrease in social interactions at places such as churches, etc. Some localities have seen much more dramatic increases in rates.

My personal guess would be that it is a more direct result from increase in illegal drug usage, based on what I am seeing in local news.
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