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Toxic Train Derailments - Thank You Trump

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
Years ago, it became obvious dangerous practices from rail roads and inadequate train breaks caused derailments of trains hauling toxic chemicals. Under Obama, laws were passed to mandate required safer systems to prevent these. The railroads fought these provisions tooth and nail for years. Finally passed, they were to become operative by 2023. When Trump was re-elected, he rolled back those regulations, much to the delight of the railroads. We just had another derailment near Detroit. Thank you Donald Trump!

So Buttigieg says there’s nothing he can do because congress has to act and mandate electronically controlled pneumatic brakes, a law that Trump shitcanned before it could be implemented.
A representative from the NTSB said it would not have mattered if the law was in place because the train that derailed in Ohio would not have been classified as highly flammable.
I read this on Breitbart.
So what is Breitbart missing? That the law that was never implemented was watered down before it was ever passed? Likely. Why shouldn’t the law cover all trains? Of course it should.
But if we made trains safer we’d all pay more for the goods shipped by train blah blah blah.
But it wasn’t Trump’s fault so there.
Buttigieg now becomes the scapegoat. All fixed now. Time for Biden to reinstate the program Trump eliminated. For Butigieg to write a model law, and the Democrats to push for it. And steamroll the GOP obstructionists and railroad lobbyists.
This took place in a small rural (mostly white) community in the rust belt so there is absolutely nothing for the Democrats to see here.

It also took place due to lack of regulation so there is nothing for the Republicans to see either.

A mushroom cloud of smoke and fire isn't newsworthy so the media will concentrate their efforts on balloon watching in order to further confirm the military swamp congressional budgets.
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The company behind Ohio’s toxic train disaster: Deaths, silenced whistleblowers, and $10bn for shareholders

Stock buybacks? Norfolk Southern Announces New $10 Billion Stock Repurchase Program | Newsroom | Norfolk Southern - it's on the railroad company's site.

NS's execs should have put their company's earnings on improving their railroad rather than pumping up the value of their issue of adult Pokémon cards, er, stock. Like having some slack in their employee scheduling to allow more time for breaks and sick leave. Also track and rolling-stock maintenance and safety improvements.

Like  Electronically controlled pneumatic brakes (ECP) - an improvement over  Railway air brake

Air brakes use compressed air pressurized at a locomotive and sent the length of the train with air hoses.

The simplest design is directly operating brakes with this air. But it is not fail-safe, and fail-safety is a very desirable design feature:  Fail-safe

Engineer, businessman, and inventor George Westinghouse developed a fail-safe alternative. The air from the locomotive would not operate the brakes directly but would instead pressurize air in air tanks in each railroad car. One uses the brakes by reducing air-pipe pressure, making the air from the air tanks operate the brakes. That requires a somewhat complicated mechanical arrangement, but it has worked for the last century and a half.

This means that a loss of pressure in the air pipe will cause the brakes to be applied, slowing or stopping the train rather than letting it become a runaway train. Loss of pressure can be caused by some railcars becoming detached, a "break in two" accident.
Some freight trains on US rail lines are super long - some 50 to 100 railcars. That causes a problem for air brakes. It may take several seconds for a pressure reduction to travel the length of the train. So the forward railcars will be braked more than the rearward railcars, and that will compress the train. If compressed enough, it will jackknife, like a semi-trailer truck, and that's what happened in that recent accident. So one has to be very careful in applying the brakes in a long train.

A pressure reduction will travel at most at  Speed of sound a bit more than 1/5 miles per second.

Enter ECP brakes. They have electrically-operated valves for operating the brakes, and the  Speed of electricity is about 100,000 miles per second, meaning that all the brakes can be applied at essentially the same time, making braking much easier and safer -- much less risk of jackknifing.

Norfolk Southern's management pushed ECP brakes as an alternative to some sorts of regulation that it disliked, but when the Obama Admin decided to mandate ECP brakes for some trains, NS's management balked. They were rescued by the Trump Admin, which rescinded that rule.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 on Twitter: "🧵Thread ..." / Twitter

The devastating consequences from the toxic train derailment and explosion in East Palestine, Ohio are only beginning.

Deadly chemicals are spreading far and wide through the air, ground water, and rivers like the Ohio River.

I don’t think blame can be placed on one person or nefarious cause.

I think this is a tragedy that happened because we are a crumbling nation with many causes as to why we are crumbling.

And it’s so sad for the innocent people affected by this terrible situation that will be affected for years to come.
No critic of NS's management is claiming that there is some single, unified cause. It's a sequence of causes: poor maintenance and inadequate safety features that are caused by NS's management preferring to inflate the value of its Pokémon cards rather than do anything about those features.
Train derailments have been happening more frequently than we realize, with an average of around 1,700 per year, & very low casualties.

There many reasons trains derail.

Broken rails, collisions, mechanical/wheel failures, brake defects, and train handling just to make a few.

But what’s happening in East Palestine is probably just the beginning of more tragic events that are likely to happen to us in our crumbling nation.
"Tragic events". What evasive phony weepiness.
In the rail industry, they have been suffering from labor shortages that were exacerbated by covid shutdowns.

Especially the freight industry, which is a critical piece of our supply chain that delivers food, goods, chemicals, and fossil fuels in order for us all to survive.

With labor shortages, cutting the number of rail workers on trains, it creates potentially dangerous conditions for trains and railways.

The disruption in our economy and critical supply chain from covid shutdowns made these issues even worse.

And because of this, mega trains (very long trains) have become more common.
The railroad companies have been creating these "shortages" with their layoffs. More cascading causes.
Operating mega trains with few workers has its problems.

Braking can be difficult when operating long trains with a mix of empty cars (lighter weight) and loaded cars (heavier weight).

It can create an accordion like effect and creates a higher risk of derailment.

I don’t know if this happened in East Palestine but it happens.
I haven't seen any references to such a mixture, and given what happened to this train, it would not be surprising if all the cars were full.
Our nation’s rail system is a very critical part of our supply chain and the integrity of our railroad tracks and all of it’s working components and gears must be maintained.

With labor shortages that can also be a difficult task and take longer to accomplish to be safe.

But the issue we must face as a nation is why are we having labor shortages and how important it is to solve this very serious issue.

It’s not just the rail industry facing nearly 20% labor shortages, it’s MOST industries, and it shouldn’t be this way.

Not only do we have a shortage of people, we have a shortage of good values.

And hard work is one of the most important good values America is losing. Or has lost.

Think about this.

How many kids do you hear say they want to be a train engineer when they grow up?

How many kids do you hear say when they grow up they want to be police officers, firefighters, airplane pilots, ship captains, builders, farmers, electricians, lineman, truck drivers, soldiers, doctors, teachers, and any other necessary profession that a country needs to survive?

If kids say it when they’re 5 yrs old, our society’s projected values change their minds by the time they’re 18 yrs old.

Our society teaches them to want to either work as little as possible or to chase dreams they think will make them rich but are only attainable by very few.

Many kids today think when they grow up they will be high paid professional athletes, music or movie stars, paid social media influencers, or will just easily land a six figure job bc they earned a college degree that put them in six figure debt.

In reality, very very few will ever become a professional athlete, music or movie star, or even relevant much less paid on social media.

And landing the big six figure job with a meaningless degree in reality will be a desperate job search resulting in less than $50K/year if they are lucky.

But they will still have the six figure college debt they signed up for after they barely turned 18.
Evidence-free assertions. This is the same MTG who said this: PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I’ve lost money since I’ve gotten here. …It’s not a life that I think is like something that I enjoy because I don’t enjoy it.” (vid link)" / Twitter So is she projecting?

She wants others to work for next to nothing, it seems, but not she herself.
There are also many young Americans who spend their days dazed from using marijuana all day and unfortunately confused.

While some people use marijuana for medicinal reasons or PTSD, and some people say they are able to perform well while using marijuana, there are still some people who don’t.

Not everyone can work or think very well while they are stoned all day, and for some it even creates more mental problems.

We aren’t all the same folks.

Just like alcohol impairs abilities so does marijuana.
More evidence-free assertions.
And we should be teaching our kids and young adults that you have to take good care of yourself to be the best version of yourself and some one an employer wants to hire & pay.

No one owes them anything & nothing is free.

The fact that kids and young adults don’t know these things is not really their fault.

It’s our fault, our society’s fault, it’s the adult’s fault.

We should teach our children the truth and our education system should prepare them for reality, train real world skills, technology jobs, how to build, farm, pilot, invent, and most of all work hard physically and mentally.

If we want our kids to be successful and we want to rebuild our crumbling country, we need to invest in the next generation.

The very real truth we have to face as a nation together outside of politics is many of our different industry experts, craftsman, and skilled technicians are retiring or soon to be retired.

We must prepare our younger generations to take their place & save our crumbling nation.
Still more evidence-free assertions, assertions from someone who likes conspiracy theories. "It's not our fault. It's the fault of the Jews or the globalists or the wokesters or whatever villains." Including "We didn't lose the election. It was stolen from us."
The company behind Ohio’s toxic train disaster: Deaths, silenced whistleblowers, and $10bn for shareholders

Stock buybacks? Norfolk Southern Announces New $10 Billion Stock Repurchase Program | Newsroom | Norfolk Southern - it's on the railroad company's site.

NS's execs should have put their company's earnings on improving their railroad rather than pumping up the value of their issue of adult Pokémon cards, er, stock. Like having some slack in their employee scheduling to allow more time for breaks and sick leave. Also track and rolling-stock maintenance and safety improvements.

Like  Electronically controlled pneumatic brakes (ECP) - an improvement over  Railway air brake

Air brakes use compressed air pressurized at a locomotive and sent the length of the train with air hoses.

The simplest design is directly operating brakes with this air. But it is not fail-safe, and fail-safety is a very desirable design feature:  Fail-safe

Engineer, businessman, and inventor George Westinghouse developed a fail-safe alternative. The air from the locomotive would not operate the brakes directly but would instead pressurize air in air tanks in each railroad car. One uses the brakes by reducing air-pipe pressure, making the air from the air tanks operate the brakes. That requires a somewhat complicated mechanical arrangement, but it has worked for the last century and a half.

This means that a loss of pressure in the air pipe will cause the brakes to be applied, slowing or stopping the train rather than letting it become a runaway train. Loss of pressure can be caused by some railcars becoming detached, a "break in two" accident.
To be fair, companies need a certain amount of time to assess, adopt, and roll out a new system across their entire business. Westinghouse's fail-safe air brake system was only invented in [checks notes] 1869.
Engineer, businessman, and inventor George Westinghouse developed a fail-safe alternative. The air from the locomotive would not operate the brakes directly but would instead pressurize air in air tanks in each railroad car. One uses the brakes by reducing air-pipe pressure, making the air from the air tanks operate the brakes. That requires a somewhat complicated mechanical arrangement, but it has worked for the last century and a half.

This means that a loss of pressure in the air pipe will cause the brakes to be applied, slowing or stopping the train rather than letting it become a runaway train. Loss of pressure can be caused by some railcars becoming detached, a "break in two" accident.
This wasn't a brake failure in the first place. It was an axle failure. The first camera that should have caught it didn't, AFIAK the reason has not yet been found. The second did catch it, the crew engaged the brakes but too late.
To be fair, companies need a certain amount of time to assess, adopt, and roll out a new system across their entire business. Westinghouse's fail-safe air brake system was only invented in [checks notes] 1869.
The trial period should be almost by finished by now. Then the report will be assessed and released in 2045 by President Trump.
Capitalism will prevail when people start using train systems that don’t derail toxic chemicals into their neighborhoods, right?
Engineer, businessman, and inventor George Westinghouse developed a fail-safe alternative. The air from the locomotive would not operate the brakes directly but would instead pressurize air in air tanks in each railroad car. One uses the brakes by reducing air-pipe pressure, making the air from the air tanks operate the brakes. That requires a somewhat complicated mechanical arrangement, but it has worked for the last century and a half.

This means that a loss of pressure in the air pipe will cause the brakes to be applied, slowing or stopping the train rather than letting it become a runaway train. Loss of pressure can be caused by some railcars becoming detached, a "break in two" accident.
This wasn't a brake failure in the first place. It was an axle failure. The first camera that should have caught it didn't, AFIAK the reason has not yet been found. The second did catch it, the crew engaged the brakes but too late.

Be it fighting against safety upgrades due to cost or stretching maintenance requirements due to cost, I'm still putting my money on this being the result of capitalism run amok.

Everyone who owns a home within fifty miles of that accident likely just saw their home values go into the toilet. Think they'll see any recompense within the next ten years? Or what compensation there will be for health issues and when? Norfolk Southern accountants will do the calculations as to how to proceed. Because it's not about lives affected. It's about the bottom line. Always the bottom line.
Engineer, businessman, and inventor George Westinghouse developed a fail-safe alternative. The air from the locomotive would not operate the brakes directly but would instead pressurize air in air tanks in each railroad car. One uses the brakes by reducing air-pipe pressure, making the air from the air tanks operate the brakes. That requires a somewhat complicated mechanical arrangement, but it has worked for the last century and a half.

This means that a loss of pressure in the air pipe will cause the brakes to be applied, slowing or stopping the train rather than letting it become a runaway train. Loss of pressure can be caused by some railcars becoming detached, a "break in two" accident.
This wasn't a brake failure in the first place. It was an axle failure. The first camera that should have caught it didn't, AFIAK the reason has not yet been found. The second did catch it, the crew engaged the brakes but too late.

Be it fighting against safety upgrades due to cost or stretching maintenance requirements due to cost, I'm still putting my money on this being the result of capitalism run amok.

Everyone who owns a home within fifty miles of that accident likely just saw their home values go into the toilet. Think they'll see any recompense within the next ten years? Or what compensation there will be for health issues and when? Norfolk Southern accountants will do the calculations as to how to proceed. Because it's not about lives affected. It's about the bottom line. Always the bottom line.
I don't disagree but they are still much better off and much luckier than if this train had been owned by the federal government. At least with a private railroad firm those home owners have a chance to sue in court and also a chance to collect with a jury of peers. Contrast their situation with a lot of other home owners (myself included) who have gotten screwed over with local and federal governments royally with eminent domain. Not to mention how the native American Indians have been treated in the past.
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