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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

And once again, your media is lying to you. For all intents and purposes Ukraine is done, three times over.

It only exists because the West sends weapons and money to the corrupt terrorist regime.
Someone who repeats Russian propaganda without a shred of critical thinking, accusing the "western media" for lying is rather daft. We here in the free world get our information from multitude of sources, and have much wider variety of opinion than your fascist, totalitarian country. The western media is filled with stories critical of Ukraine's chances. Meanwhile in Russia, even people like you have have access to the internet seem to only watch the dumbest pro-Russian propaganda channels on youtube.

You are correct though, that Ukraine only exists because we are helping them fight the invaders. And that's what makes it worthwhile. Russia may have conquered 20% of the country, but we saved the other 80%. And hopefully stopped Putin's imperial ambitions in other countries as well.
Putin thought his gas blackmail would keep Germany and by extension rest of the EU in line.
What line that would be?
US blew up Nord Stream to keep germany in line, not Russia.
Conspiracy theories. Germany had already given Putin the finger, even if he tried the blackmail by shutting down the pipeline. There was no gas flowing, so US had no reason to blow up anything.

More likely Russia sabotages the pipelines itself. All the evidence so far points to Russia, because it was the only country who had sufficiently capable ships around the blast sites in the weeks prior.

Putin thought he'd win the war in a couple of days, just like in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014.
Yes, he thought that, and he pretty much did, Zelensky was prepared to leave NATO and give Eastern Ukraine autonomy.
It must really piss you off that Putin didn't take Zelensky's offer. (Although, I guess at that point it was too late, because when Russia was forced to withdraw the massacres in Bucha and elsewhere became public knowledge. After that it became very difficult for Zelensky to surrender.)
In truth Ukranians are dying because
of evil murderous regime in Washington.
zorq said:
Just not in ANY way that you can demonstrate
So you are saying that US did murder democratically elected prime minister of Congo?
As a rule, any post that starts "So you are saying...", will continue with something that the person being addressed isn't, in fact, saying at all.

But usually at least some attempt is made to connect the strawman claim to the things actually said, or at least implied, by that person.

This post should win some kind of an award for most irrelevant non-sequitur on the Internet.
Wow, so you are not aware of that fact.
Maybe you are not aware of Pinochet either?
How did Pinochet cause the US Government to cause Ukrainians to die?

You're making no sense at all. Have you had a stroke? Or a recent blow to the head? Do you know what year it is?
when they decided to attack Russia.
... by instructing Russian tanks and troops to pour into Ukraine and attempt to capture Kyiv.

Because apparently that's what an attack on Russia looks like.

It's practically a carbon copy of the American attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, or the German decision to invade Normandy in 1944. :rolleyesa:
For all intents and purposes Ukraine is done
Well, apart from the fact that they're still an independent nation, are at no apparent risk of losing significant territory to the Russian invaders, are supported in their struggle by the majority of the world, including the most militarily powerful nations, and the wealthiest ones, and are continuing to make life miserable and difficult for the Russian forces that are illegally occupying a small part of their country.

But yes, apart from that, they are clearly done, just as the British were in 1941.

Who do you think you are kidding, mister Putin?

Putin thought he'd win the war in a couple of days, just like in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014. The assumption was that he'd get a slap on the wrist, a few individuals being sanctioned, but no major repercussions, because there were no repercussions previous times either.
The parallels with the German annexation of European territories prior to their 1939 invasion of Poland is so obvious and so stark, that it's difficult to believe they're real.

It's like we're stuck on repeat.
Putin thought he'd win the war in a couple of days, just like in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014. The assumption was that he'd get a slap on the wrist, a few individuals being sanctioned, but no major repercussions, because there were no repercussions previous times either.
The parallels with the German annexation of European territories prior to their 1939 invasion of Poland is so obvious and so stark, that it's difficult to believe they're real.

It's like we're stuck on repeat.
Which makes Russia's "we're fighting nazis!" propaganda even more bizarre. Putin is following in Hitler's footsteps, with exactly the same rationale for invading its neighbours, and yet somehow we're the nazis. :rolleyes:
And once again, your media is lying to you. For all intents and purposes Ukraine is done, three times over.

It only exists because the West sends weapons and money to the corrupt terrorist regime.
Someone who repeats Russian propaganda without a shred of critical thinking, accusing the "western media" for lying is rather daft. We here in the free world get our information from multitude of sources, and have much wider variety of opinion than your fascist, totalitarian country. The western media is filled with stories critical of Ukraine's chances. Meanwhile in Russia, even people like you have have access to the internet seem to only watch the dumbest pro-Russian propaganda channels on youtube.

You are correct though, that Ukraine only exists because we are helping them fight the invaders. And that's what makes it worthwhile. Russia may have conquered 20% of the country, but we saved the other 80%. And hopefully stopped Putin's imperial ambitions in other countries as well.
Bullshit, it's you who repeat garbage propaganda from corrupt western media.
You always ignore my sources, which by the way include some independent western ones. YOU are the bad guys, not Russia.
Ukraine will be liberated from nazi scum you support in order to destroy Russia.
President for life Pootie. We don't need no steenking democracy!

A spokesperson for the Kremlin said this week that Russia "theoretically" doesn't need to hold presidential elections next year because it's "obvious" that Vladimir Putin will win.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin's chief spokesperson, described Russia's presidential election as "not really democracy" but "costly bureaucracy" in an interview with The New York Times over the weekend.

There is an upside to this war - there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the Russian military.
Babs is definitely adopting the shrill, desperate tenor of Donald Trump, with his ridiculous flailing about and repetitions of falsehoods.
I take that as a good sign. :thumbup:
Ukraine says it’s foiled assassination plot against Zelensky

An alleged informant for Russia has been detained in connection to a plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) said Monday.

The detained woman has not been named publicly but is from the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolaiv, according to a statement from the SBU.

The SBU said she had been “gathering intelligence” about Zelensky’s planned visit to Mykolaiv at the end of July, in order to plan a Russian airstrike to kill the president.

However, SBU agents had obtained information about the “subversive activities of the suspect” and adopted additional security measures, foiling the plot.

The SBU said that it caught the woman “red-handed” as she “was trying to pass intelligence to the invaders.”
BRUSSELS (AP) — Nearly 50,000 Russian men have died in the war in Ukraine, according to the first independent statistical analysis of Russia’s war dead.

Two independent Russian media outlets, Mediazona and Meduza, working with a data scientist from Germany’s Tübingen University, used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine.

To do so, they relied on a statistical concept popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic called excess mortality. Drawing on inheritance records and official mortality data, they estimated how many more men under age 50 died between February 2022 and May 2023 than normal.
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