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Government shutdown again?

The continuing resolution: H.R.5860 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024, and for other purposes. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
The vote on it:
Roll Call 513 | Bill Number: H. R. 5860
Sep 30, 2023, 02:42 PM | 118th Congress, 1st Session
Vote Question: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act
Vote Type: 2/3 Yea-And-Nay
Status: Passed
The vote:
R: Y 126, N 90, nv 5
D: Y 209, N 1, nv 2
Ttl: Y 335, N 91, nv 7

The only Democrat to vote against it: Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Mike Quigley - nothing unusual about him AFAIK

Not surprisingly, MTG also voted against it, along with Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan.
The Senate vote on that continuing resolution:
U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 118th Congress - 1st Session
Question: On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 5860 )
Vote Number: 247
Vote Date: September 30, 2023, 08:10 PM
Required For Majority: 3/5
Vote Result: Bill Passed
Measure Number: H.R. 5860
D: Y 46, nv 1
I: Y 3
R: Y 39, N 9, nv 1
Ttl: Y 88, N 9, nv 2

Next stop: the President's desk.

Congress avoids government shutdown, drops Ukraine aid
Congress on Saturday passed a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown mere hours before the deadline and after lawmakers dropped additional support for Ukraine from the bill.

After trying and failing to pass a Republican measure that would slash non-defense spending and enact strict immigration policies, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., reversed course on early Saturday morning and offered a stopgap funding bill similar to the bipartisan Senate version – minus $6 billion in Ukraine aid.
Government shutdown: GOP feuding with McCarthy for weeks | AP News

At its core, the conflict is over how far to the right House Republicans should push legislation — and what level of compromise, if any, is acceptable.

Pragmatic-minded Republicans acknowledge they hold just one chamber of Congress and must negotiate legislation with a Democratic president and the Democratic-held Senate. But some conservatives, organized around the House Freedom Caucus — as well as the score of Republicans who opposed McCarthy’s bid to become speaker — have taken combative stands as they try to disrupt business as usual in Washington.

They are determined to not only slash spending levels but remake the U.S. government, which they view with growing enmity and criticize as “woke and weaponized.” Some conservatives have downplayed the effects of a government shutdown and even contend that it would have benefits.

“The Biden regulatory agenda comes to a grinding halt with a government shutdown,” Russell Vought, an influential strategist among the right-wing lawmakers, posted on social media this week.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 on X: "(pic link)" / X
Marked Safe From
Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 on X: "Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman ..." / X
Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm in the Cannon building this afternoon and interrupted the official proceedings of the House as Republicans worked to keep the government open.

I’m calling on the DOJ to prosecute him using the same law they used to prosecute J6 defendants for interfering with an official proceeding.

The Democrats literally will do anything to shut OUR government down because billions aren’t going to their favorite country: Ukraine.
with video
Every accusation is a confession for her.
So… Democrats bailed out the lame Speaker to keep the government open by CR. Now Mattie is promising to file his motion to vacate.
Will Democrats step in to save Mister Speaker?
I’m all for it! Just make sure to extract some promises to not honor anything the MAGAt caucus demands. After all, Mac has already demonstrated that he is driven only by his desire to hold the title of speaker, and if Democrats hold the key to his success, I’d expect him to bend to their demands.
The best we can make of the current mess would be to end up with some Republicans and most Democrats vs MAGAts. I’m pretty sure such a coalition could relegate the wackos to irrelevance.
The trouble is McCarthy word has been exposed as meaning shit. So anything the Dems get needs to be up front.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 on X: "(pic link)" / X
Marked Safe From
Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 on X: "Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman ..." / X
Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm in the Cannon building this afternoon and interrupted the official proceedings of the House as Republicans worked to keep the government open.

I’m calling on the DOJ to prosecute him using the same law they used to prosecute J6 defendants for interfering with an official proceeding.

The Democrats literally will do anything to shut OUR government down because billions aren’t going to their favorite country: Ukraine.
with video
Every accusation is a confession for her.
That is insurrection? It is unethical, he needs to get smacked around by the Caucus. Maybe told he won'þ be running for reelection. But insurrection?! She is jealous she didn't think of it first.
That is insurrection? It is unethical, he needs to get smacked around by the Caucus. Maybe told he won'þ be running for reelection.
Hopefully. Also, why the thorn (þ)?
But insurrection?! She is jealous she didn't think of it first.
I think it is a reference to 1/6ers getting prosecuted for interference in the legislative process or similar.
They should paint those fire alarms red with the word “FIRE” on them. Why they are green with “OPEN” written on them is beyond me.
Not sure if you are Poeing (there have been people on the Internet and also in Congress (e.g. AOC) defending his ass) but just in case you are serious.

It's a regular red one.
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Sheldon Whitehouse on X: "At the last minute, Speaker McCarthy abandoned his extreme right, worked with Democrats who overwhelmingly helped pass a bipartisan CR, in which we maintained full funding, added $10B in disaster. Won and done. Now we need to fix Ukraine support, and fast!" / X

House Republicans on X: ""House Republicans will continue to step up to lead." - @RepStefanik (vid link)" / X - Rep. Elise Stefanik, head of the US House Republican Conference.

She claimed that the Democrats showed no leadership, and wanting credit for keeping the government open.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: "Lead? ..." / X

More Democrats voted to keep government open than Republicans did.

We had to drag your party kicking and screaming across the finish line to fund schools and pay servicemembers.

And that was after you wasted the whole week on a joke impeachment hearing as shutdown loomed
AOC appeared on CNN's "State of the Union", which stated in its chyron
Ocasio-Cortez: I would "absolutely" vote to oust McCarthy

Acyn on X: "AOC: There are not moderates in the Republican party. There are just different degrees of fealty to Donald Trump. But it starts with a lot of fealty and goes to extreme fealty… We saw them run around the House like a Roomba until they found a door that Democrats opened (vid link)" / X

Aaron Rupar on X: "AOC: "Some of the most 'moderate members' of the Republican Party casted votes for things like 80 percent cuts under the Dept of Education to low income schools. This is not a moderate party, period." (vid link)" / X

Saying that the Republican Party is completely out of step with the American people, and noting their 30% planned overall cuts. She also stated that the R's finally realized that we should not shut down the gov't over denying healthcare to trans members and abortions to female members of the armed forces.

Aaron Rupar on X: "AOC on CNN says she'd "absolutely" vote to oust McCarthy as speaker (vid link)" / X
In reference to Matt Gaetz wanting to oust Kevin McCarthy, she said that she voted for Hakeem Jeffries for that position and that she won't be voting for a Republican. Then saying that it's not up to D's to save R's from themselves.

She would vote to oust him because he has been a very weak speaker, one who has lost control of his caucus, one who has brought his nation to the brink of a government shutdown. She noted that we have a reprieve, but one that lasts only 45 days, meaning that we can expect this drama llama again in November.

Aaron Rupar on X: "AOC points out that some of the same House Republicans who want to publish Bowman for the fire alarm incident couldn't care less about George Santos being under federal indictment (vid link)" / X
Noting R's proposing motions to censure him and the expel him (Nicole Malliotakis), while defending George Santos. Her interviewer briefly mentioned another indicted R, seemingly Donald Trump.

Acyn on X: "AOC: There’s a lot of people who are not paying the bill. And instead of paying that bill, what they're doing is they're taking folks like Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas on private jets in order to help facilitate additional rulings that only aggregate to their wealth. (vid link)" / X
Her interviewer stated that he was concerned about the Federal budget deficit, and she stated that we must raise taxes on the very rich, the sort of people who take Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on trips in private jets so that those justices will rule in their favor. So we have an oligarchy problem.
Erin Reed on X: "I am 100% convinced. ..." / X
I am 100% convinced. Bowman pulling the fire alarm is a hilarious example of "don't dead open inside."

He totally read this "push alarm until sounds - door will unlock in 30 seconds"

There's an entire subreddit to this kind of misreading of a sign.


Welcome to /r/dontdeadopeninside, it's for signs/media that read as nonsense if read normally: from left to right: HOW EASILY YOU CAN READ IT HAS NO BEARING ON WHETHER OR NOT IT BELONGS. READ THE SIDEBAR, WHICH INCLUDES MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION OF THE RULES: http://reddit.com/r/dontdeadopeninside/about/sidebar first before submitting.

dontopendeadinside. A more submission friendly alternative to /r/dontdeadopeninside/

A different take on signs. - "share sign misinterpretations for any and all signs!"
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 on X: "Indicted Republican George Santos, who is currently facing 13 Federal charges, says Jamaal Bowman setting off a fire alarm was “an act of treason” and Bowman should “be held at the full extent of the law” and “face the music.” (vid link)" / X

Jacqui Heinrich on X: "House GOP members are seeking to quickly expel Gaetz if the ethics report comes back with findings of guilt.
Following threats to vacate McCarthy, one tells me “No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals.”" / X

House Ethics Committee reaching out to witnesses in revived Matt Gaetz probe | CNN Politics
Investigators from the House Ethics Committee have begun reaching out to witnesses as part of a recently revived investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, focused on allegations that he may have engaged in sexual misconduct, illicit drug use or other misconduct.

At least one witness in Florida told CNN they have spoken to investigators about the Republican congressman in recent weeks about alleged lobbying violations, and sources familiar with the Ethics Committee probe say other witnesses also have been contacted.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: "The idea that Republicans ..." / X
The idea that Republicans would expel Gaetz over creating political headaches for themselves but not Santos over indictment on 13 Federal charges, including 7 counts of wire fraud and 2 counts of lying to Congress, seems wild.

They’d be setting themselves up for the entire cycle

GOP created this problem for themselves by setting the bar for protecting grave misconduct: they did NOT vote to censure or expel their member over violent images of killing another member of Congress & are currently protecting a member from expulsion despite 13 fed indictments
JB was a high school principal. I don't believe he really is this ignorant about how fire alarms and doors work.

Speaking of his principalling days, this is his school. Apparently he founded it.
"Cornerstone Academy for Social Action". Even the name is cringe af as the kids would say.

From here.
Ok, maybe he really is that ignorant about how doors and fire alarms work. LMAO!
JB was a high school principal. I don't believe he really is this ignorant about how fire alarms and doors work.

Speaking of his principalling days, this is his school. Apparently he founded it.
"Cornerstone Academy for Social Action". Even the name is cringe af as the kids would say.

From here.
Ok, maybe he really is that ignorant about how doors and fire alarms work. LMAO!
Well, on the bright side, if he does resign or get pushed out for this incident, he could always get a job as a principal at a Baltimore school. They would kill for test scores like that!

But, yeah, doesn't everyone who passed 1st grade know what a fire alarm looks like and how to operate it? In 9th grade, I remember talking with this kid in the high school hall. He had his back to wall and was fidgeting with the fire alarm with this fingers over his shoulder. I was getting a little nervous watching him fiddle with it. I think he was ADD or something. I'm not sure he even realized what he was playing with. Next thing I know, I see he had pulled out the lever, and I'm like, "Oh shit!". There was a brief one or two second delay and I thought, "OK, maybe he didn't pull it far enough. No big deal." Then, suddenly all the fire alarm bells rang, loud AF and all the kids are headed for the exits. Since I was a witness, I had to give my side of the story to the administrators, thereby saving his ass. The least he could have done was buy me lunch. :angryfist:
They should paint those fire alarms red with the word “FIRE” on them. Why they are green with “OPEN” written on them is beyond me.
Not sure if you are Poeing (there have been people on the Internet and also in Congress (e.g. AOC) defending his ass) but just in case you are serious.

It's a regular red one.
I know. It's just funny, his statement:
“I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door, and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident.”
“I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s usually open wasn’t open, it was closed,” Bowman added.

I didn't want to miss my vote. So in a moment of very poor judgement I had what I thought at the time was a good idea.

Actually the fire alarm will most likely unlock all doors for egress. I don't know if he knew this. Even if so, it's a very bad idea.

Maybe Kitara Ravache, also known as Anthony Devolder, has more important things to explain to the public?
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Rumors are being floated that some far right Republicans want to expel Matt Gaetz from congress. His attacks on McCarthy have pissed off the McCarthy supporters. He is seen as a loose cannon.
The question is, can they expel someone for being just an asshole?

Leadership? Imagine, McCarthy is the best option the GOP has.
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