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Kim Davis - Kentucky's theocratic ruler

It's hard to say....The Vatican's story is the 'two of many people in a receiving line,'
but then again, the Vatican often scrambles after the Pope opens his mouth, retroactively altering the nature of his statements or his position on touchy topics, sometimes almost completely rewriting the transcripts.

True, but they are usually altering it to something like 'homosexuality is still evil', or 'abortion is still a sin, don't do it'.
I was thinking along similar lines. They'd want to press it... at least in theory.
I'm curious why she's crowing about meeting the pope, and how he supports her and told her "stay strong!"

I'm reasonably certain her particular brand of "christianity" doesn't even recognize Catholics as Christian.
I'm curious why she's crowing about meeting the pope, and how he supports her and told her "stay strong!"

I'm reasonably certain her particular brand of "christianity" doesn't even recognize Catholics as Christian.

I think her brand of Christianity recognizes anyone who tells her she's right as being a Christian.
I'm curious why she's crowing about meeting the pope, and how he supports her and told her "stay strong!"

I'm reasonably certain her particular brand of "christianity" doesn't even recognize Catholics as Christian.
The Pope is the World's largest source of Argument from Authority Fallacies. If he disagrees with you, "Fuck 'em!", if he agrees "Look!!! The Pope says so!!!"
I wonder what the Vatican thought they were getting out of the meeting. Clearly, the Pope's handlers should have been fully versed in the situation before letting the Pope meet her. And they should have known the optics of the meeting, politically. Did they think it would be kept secret? And if the Pope wanted it secret, what was he getting out of it?

This entire thing smells of a set-up by Kim Davis' handlers rather than anything from the Pope. Lots of people get to meet the Pope if their connections are powerful enough, and Kim Davis certainly has several politicians in her pocket at the moment.

She's showing off the rosaries like those are some special gift the Pope personally picked out for her and her idiot husband. Those are nothing more than the trinkets every person gets when they are in an official receiving line for the Pope.

I am not at all a fan of the Catholic Church, and hated the previous Pope with a passion, but I think Francsis was kind of set up on this one. He said a few words to a stranger in a receiving line, and now Kim Davis and her handlers are trying to trumpet that as some sort of direct and personal support from the Pope for her illegal and immoral "cause". I think she is being as dishonest about her encounter with Pope Francsis as she is about every thing else she's done or said.

People are saying Francis was set up by his own nuncio in the US. Apparently that man isn't a fan of the pontiff and is on the verge of retiring back to Italy and thought he'd throw a monkeywrench in all the goodwill of the Pope's trip.

Conspiracists say it's not because he's a simple man that Francis refuses to sleep alone in a big room or that he chooses to eat in a communal dining area where his food is the same as everyone elses...:consternation1:
I'm curious why she's crowing about meeting the pope, and how he supports her and told her "stay strong!"

I'm reasonably certain her particular brand of "christianity" doesn't even recognize Catholics as Christian.

You're dead right.

American Christian fundamentalists think the Catholic Church is a cult.

But it doesn't matter what a person does.

If they say their prayers or tell the truth or stay in a loveless marriage.

If they do anything because they think some god somewhere is commanding them to do it they are partially insane.
I think she is being as dishonest about her encounter with Pope Francsis as she is about every thing else she's done or said.

It's hard to say....The Vatican's story is the 'two of many people in a receiving line,'
but then again, the Vatican often scrambles after the Pope opens his mouth, retroactively altering the nature of his statements or his position on touchy topics, sometimes almost completely rewriting the transcripts.

So, both sides are quite willing to shade the truth for the long game.

Certainly her lawyers have all the moral fortitude of a rattlesnake with a frostbitten tail, but the people guarding the RCC's public stance have similar outlooks.

Given the choice between believing lawyers and believing the Vatican? :thinking:

I'm gonna come down on the side of the Pope on this one. On another forum I said days ago that this was probably like a backstage meet & greet at a concert, but the lawyers were making it out to be an "audience with the Pope."

Bono gets an audience with the Pope, but just because you met Bono once doesn't mean he's gonna invite you to hang out next time he's in town.
This entire thing smells of a set-up by Kim Davis' handlers rather than anything from the Pope. Lots of people get to meet the Pope if their connections are powerful enough, and Kim Davis certainly has several politicians in her pocket at the moment.

She's showing off the rosaries like those are some special gift the Pope personally picked out for her and her idiot husband. Those are nothing more than the trinkets every person gets when they are in an official receiving line for the Pope.

I am not at all a fan of the Catholic Church, and hated the previous Pope with a passion, but I think Francsis was kind of set up on this one. He said a few words to a stranger in a receiving line, and now Kim Davis and her handlers are trying to trumpet that as some sort of direct and personal support from the Pope for her illegal and immoral "cause". I think she is being as dishonest about her encounter with Pope Francsis as she is about every thing else she's done or said.

People are saying Francis was set up by his own nuncio in the US. Apparently that man isn't a fan of the pontiff and is on the verge of retiring back to Italy and thought he'd throw a monkeywrench in all the goodwill of the Pope's trip.

Conspiracists say it's not because he's a simple man that Francis refuses to sleep alone in a big room or that he chooses to eat in a communal dining area where his food is the same as everyone elses...:consternation1:

I hadn't read that specifically about his nuncio, but I did read something similar that it was a strongly conservative faction within the Church that helped arrange for the Davis twit to be there.
It's hard to say....The Vatican's story is the 'two of many people in a receiving line,'
but then again, the Vatican often scrambles after the Pope opens his mouth, retroactively altering the nature of his statements or his position on touchy topics, sometimes almost completely rewriting the transcripts.

So, both sides are quite willing to shade the truth for the long game.

Certainly her lawyers have all the moral fortitude of a rattlesnake with a frostbitten tail, but the people guarding the RCC's public stance have similar outlooks.

Given the choice between believing lawyers and believing the Vatican? :thinking:

I'm gonna come down on the side of the Pope on this one. On another forum I said days ago that this was probably like a backstage meet & greet at a concert, but the lawyers were making it out to be an "audience with the Pope."

Bono gets an audience with the Pope, but just because you met Bono once doesn't mean he's gonna invite you to hang out next time he's in town.
Here's an interesting read:

Pope held private meeting with same-sex couple in U.S.

So Frankie also met with an old friend, a person who is both gay and atheist. I'm gonna' have to give Frankie big kudos on this one.
She lost her appeal to the US Sixth District Court today.

Not surprising, but apparently, according to some conservative pundits, the public mess of her situation allowed a Republican governor to get elected into office.

And he's already said one of his first acts of office once he's sworn in, is to spend even more Kentucky taxpayer money to remove the names of ALL clerks from the marriage documents so other religious bigots won't kick up a fuss about having to do their jobs.
So Kimmy's hard work makes sure others of her ilk have no standing to object to the law. I like it.

You'd think throwing her from or into a moving bus would accomplish the same thing for fewer tax dollars?
It's fascinating to watch the lefties mock and ibsult Christians and ignore the Muslims. Cowards.
She lost her appeal to the US Sixth District Court today.

Not surprising, but apparently, according to some conservative pundits, the public mess of her situation allowed a Republican governor to get elected into office.

And he's already said one of his first acts of office once he's sworn in, is to spend even more Kentucky taxpayer money to remove the names of ALL clerks from the marriage documents so other religious bigots won't kick up a fuss about having to do their jobs.

If a Muslim refused to bake a queer marriage cake would they be "religious bigot" too?
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