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Kim Davis - Kentucky's theocratic ruler

Just as a minor side note, a devout Muslim bent on using their Government position to impose their religious worldview on the citizens they represent would have done the exact same thing as Kim Davis.

That makes no sense at all. Davis was trying to uphold the good and moral teachings of Jesus while a Muslim would be trying to impose the fascist and evil tyranny of a false god who, let's face it, is probably Satan.

You can't really compare the two.
You can't really compare the two.
Actually, Jimmy can.
It's the people invested in one side or the other that can't see the comparison.

Or people like the Pope, who's not really ON either side, but is antsy that they're going to be coming for his side next.
What a piece of shit.

You can't just lead a past that was totally inconsistent with what you preach, and then claim to be pardoned by God because you're something special, as if this gives you the moral right of way to then condemn others. It's bullshit and it's narcissistic on a scale that only a religious fundamentalist would have the nerve to be public with. This woman has truly no shame - like a dog licking his balls.
We don't want the laws of foreign cultures to be enforced here in America. We insist on enforcing the laws of ancient Israel.

Meh, she tried that shit before. She thinks the rest of us don't have long experience with Christianity.

In order to be forgiven, Kimmy, you have to STOP sinning first. Repent, you know? According to Jesus, you're currently committing adultery with your 3rd re-marriage. In order to properly repent, you have to divorce your 4th husband (also a sin, but a lesser one), and remain unmarried the rest of your life, THEN you can ask for forgiveness and hope for forgiveness.

You can't keep on committing adultery and claim you've been forgiven for that sin.


That's the Kimmy Davis religion, not the Christian religion.

Well, she's not known for being bright.
I understand Her Holiness had an audience with His Holiness and was told to "stay strong." They also probably talked about "Holiness."

That makes Frankie the same as Jesus because both have now hung out with whores. Cool.

Of course, you really can't get into much discussion in 15 minutes. I just want to see pictures of them kissing.
I understand Her Holiness had an audience with His Holiness and was told to "stay strong." They also probably talked about "Holiness."
Did they talk about divorce? Because according to the Pope's faith, Mrs. Davis is actually still married to her first husband. The cuckold.

I'm also reminded of Michael Crichton's memoirs, being a doctor in a Catholic Maternity hospital, where the nuns would not dispense his pain-killer prescriptions to the unwed mothers because they were having sinful kids out of wedlock. Did Kim go all natural with her kids?

You gotta wonder exactly what it is that she's doing that His Holity is approving of....?
I think that it's wonderful that "not about hate" Kim Davis received an award at the Values Voter Summit sponsored by such hate groups as the American Family Association and the Family Research Council.
I think that it's wonderful that "not about hate" Kim Davis received an award at the Values Voter Summit sponsored by such hate groups as the American Family Association and the Family Research Council.

Those aren't hate groups! Only people who are evil think those are hate groups. That she was supported by those good and virtuous groups is proof that she is a good and virtuous person, therefore any criticism of her is an attack on her religious freedom!!!! [/conservochristian]
It's rather dishonest of the Pope to meet with her.

He kept it secret because he didn't want the American people to turn on him.

So he got his love and then departed, leaving his trash in his wake.

Sneaky, dishonest and keeping ugly things under the rug.

Sounds like the Vatican.
It's rather dishonest of the Pope to meet with her.

He kept it secret because he didn't want the American people to turn on him.

So he got his love and then departed, leaving his trash in his wake.

Sneaky, dishonest and keeping ugly things under the rug.

Sounds like the Vatican.
I seriously believe that religion is a manifestation of bipolarism.
It's rather dishonest of the Pope to meet with her.

He kept it secret because he didn't want the American people to turn on him.

So he got his love and then departed, leaving his trash in his wake.

Sneaky, dishonest and keeping ugly things under the rug.

Sounds like the Vatican.

I wonder what the Vatican thought they were getting out of the meeting. Clearly, the Pope's handlers should have been fully versed in the situation before letting the Pope meet her. And they should have known the optics of the meeting, politically. Did they think it would be kept secret? And if the Pope wanted it secret, what was he getting out of it?
It's rather dishonest of the Pope to meet with her.

He kept it secret because he didn't want the American people to turn on him.

So he got his love and then departed, leaving his trash in his wake.

Sneaky, dishonest and keeping ugly things under the rug.

Sounds like the Vatican.

I wonder what the Vatican thought they were getting out of the meeting. Clearly, the Pope's handlers should have been fully versed in the situation before letting the Pope meet her. And they should have known the optics of the meeting, politically. Did they think it would be kept secret? And if the Pope wanted it secret, what was he getting out of it?

This entire thing smells of a set-up by Kim Davis' handlers rather than anything from the Pope. Lots of people get to meet the Pope if their connections are powerful enough, and Kim Davis certainly has several politicians in her pocket at the moment.

She's showing off the rosaries like those are some special gift the Pope personally picked out for her and her idiot husband. Those are nothing more than the trinkets every person gets when they are in an official receiving line for the Pope.

I am not at all a fan of the Catholic Church, and hated the previous Pope with a passion, but I think Francsis was kind of set up on this one. He said a few words to a stranger in a receiving line, and now Kim Davis and her handlers are trying to trumpet that as some sort of direct and personal support from the Pope for her illegal and immoral "cause". I think she is being as dishonest about her encounter with Pope Francsis as she is about every thing else she's done or said.
I think she is being as dishonest about her encounter with Pope Francsis as she is about every thing else she's done or said.

It's hard to say....The Vatican's story is the 'two of many people in a receiving line,'
but then again, the Vatican often scrambles after the Pope opens his mouth, retroactively altering the nature of his statements or his position on touchy topics, sometimes almost completely rewriting the transcripts.

So, both sides are quite willing to shade the truth for the long game.

Certainly her lawyers have all the moral fortitude of a rattlesnake with a frostbitten tail, but the people guarding the RCC's public stance have similar outlooks.
It's hard to say....The Vatican's story is the 'two of many people in a receiving line,'
but then again, the Vatican often scrambles after the Pope opens his mouth, retroactively altering the nature of his statements or his position on touchy topics, sometimes almost completely rewriting the transcripts.

True, but they are usually altering it to something like 'homosexuality is still evil', or 'abortion is still a sin, don't do it'.
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