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More peaceful Muslims murder people ...

Goalpost alert!! "Covet" != "Seize". Israel has never taken land except when they were attacked. The Muslims have gotten their asses kicked every time they take on Israel so now they're trying to run to the world stage and get back what they lost.

Goalpost alert because you were about to move them? Thanks for the head's up.

Goalpost alert because you showed covet and used that to supposedly prove seize.

You're talking about Israel when I specifically said Zionists while referring to the time before and during the establishment of the State of Israel. Zionists openly coveted the developed land in Palestine and they made plans to seize them, plans which they carried out to the best of their ability at Israel's founding.

Any halfway competent military makes plans for what to do if the fertilizer gets in the air mover.

Also, what you said about Israel never taking land unless it was attacked is untrue. You know as well as I do that Israel struck first in 1967 and used that war as justification for grabbing Jerusalem and much of the West Bank.

1) The Arabs were preparing for war. Even if Israel actually fired the first shot they didn't start it.

2) That's moot anyway because the first act of war was committed by Egypt--namely, a naval blockade. It is legally acceptable to respond to a naval blockade by shooting at the country that imposed it.

Bedouin lived there. Muslim Arab Bedouin. Making it part of Israel was a blatant give-away to the European immigrants who wanted to establish a port at the southern tip. It completely disregarded the interests of the indigenous population. Hell, it pretty much ignored their very existence, just like you do.

It's not the Bedouin that are attacking Israel.

You're not this ignorant. They were thinly scattered because the Zionist settlers throughout much of Palestine were living in small, isolated outposts scattered among well populated towns and cities full of indigenous Palestinians. The only area where Jews outnumbered non-Jews was in the vicinity of Tel Aviv, and that was entirely due to the recent arrival of thousands of European immigrants.

That's not what the maps I've seen showed.

Not true, as you well know. The Zionist immigrants of the 1920s and 1930s hadn't been attacked by anyone except maybe the British Police Force, but guys like Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were certainly using guns, grenades, and bombs to kill Palestinians.

And once again you ignore the acts of the Arabs. Look at the history, plenty of attacks on the Jews.

But now that the Palestinians have been attacked you approve of them getting guns and using them, correct? Because they should react to that existential threat the way the Jews did? You should maybe tell that to Derec. He seems to get pretty upset when Palestinians act like Lehi and Irgun goons.

The Palestinians have never faced an existential threat.

The Palestinians weren't organized, weren't well funded, and for the most part weren't armed. They were entirely incapable of withstanding the onslaught of Zionists flooding out of Europe with the specific intention of creating their own State in Palestine.

Nobody was well funded or armed.

The Zionists were well enough funded to have large shipments of arms and other supplies coming into ports like Haifa in the 1940s. Palestinians had nothing even close to that.


The Arms Ships

I asked for evidence of "large shipments".

And note that the source you provide says they needed them to avoid being massacred. You're defending a group you know seeks to commit genocide.

I agree. Palestine should have been left intact and helped to become an independent State with respect, justice, and fair dealings for all, not a region divided along religious and ethnic lines. But the bigots wouldn't stand for it, and now their bigotry has become entrenched.

It's divided because the Muslims have a genocidal reaction to lands they consider conquered coming under non-Muslim rule.

They declared it. Israel didn't recognize it. So now they are busy at the UN getting their official recognition as a State through a different channel.

Declared it where?

If you think you can support your assertion, please do. Here is the article on Plan Dalet at the Jewish Virtual Library. Please point out the part about it being a contingency plan rather than a plan to gain as much valuable territory as possible when the War of Independence began.

What you're missing is that that was a contingency plan in case of Arab attack. But you seem to feel no atrocity against the Jews is a bad thing.
As usual you're missing the point.

That "aid" mostly comes with the catch that it must be used to purchase US weapons--it's more defense company pork than anything.

Without the war they wouldn't need to buy the weapons so not having the money to buy the weapons wouldn't matter. It's not like it's actually spendable money in their budget.
Israel defends itself against others besides the Palestinians. Money is fungible, so aid that is even tied to defense spending can displace domestic spending on defense. Really, this is pretty simple stuff that even you should be able to understand.

BTW, you are appear to misinformed about US aid to Israel (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel).

The issue is whether the aid exceeds what they spend defending themselves against the Palestinians.
Israel defends itself against others besides the Palestinians. Money is fungible, so aid that is even tied to defense spending can displace domestic spending on defense. Really, this is pretty simple stuff that even you should be able to understand.

BTW, you are appear to misinformed about US aid to Israel (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel).

The issue is whether the aid exceeds what they spend defending themselves against the Palestinians.
No, Israel is made safer from everyone by the aid.
Israel defends itself against others besides the Palestinians. Money is fungible, so aid that is even tied to defense spending can displace domestic spending on defense. Really, this is pretty simple stuff that even you should be able to understand.

BTW, you are appear to misinformed about US aid to Israel (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel).

The issue is whether the aid exceeds what they spend defending themselves against the Palestinians.
So are you saying that without the aid, Israel wouldn't need to "defend" itself against the Palestinians? If you are, then it means the continued aid to Israel is what fuels the conflict. If you aren't, then laughing dogs point remains, and the money is just generic aid that frees up money to be used elsewhere.
The issue is whether the aid exceeds what they spend defending themselves against the Palestinians.
So are you saying that without the aid, Israel wouldn't need to "defend" itself against the Palestinians? If you are, then it means the continued aid to Israel is what fuels the conflict. If you aren't, then laughing dogs point remains, and the money is just generic aid that frees up money to be used elsewhere.

Pay attention!

I'm saying that without the war there would neither be the aid nor the need to spend the money on defense. Since the money almost all goes for US weapons there would be no economic harm to Israel from the end of the fighting.

The Palestinians are another matter--they receive billions contingent on carrying on the fight, without control of that money the leaders would have a hard time remaining in power.
So are you saying that without the aid, Israel wouldn't need to "defend" itself against the Palestinians? If you are, then it means the continued aid to Israel is what fuels the conflict. If you aren't, then laughing dogs point remains, and the money is just generic aid that frees up money to be used elsewhere.

Pay attention!

I'm saying that without the war there would neither be the aid nor the need to spend the money on defense. Since the money almost all goes for US weapons there would be no economic harm to Israel from the end of the fighting.

The Palestinians are another matter--they receive billions contingent on carrying on the fight, without control of that money the leaders would have a hard time remaining in power.
But Israel would lose the land and the political support of the extremists who want to colonize West Bank. They are in exactly the same situation as the Palestinians, there would be no way for the Israeli leaders to stay in power if they ended the occupation. And as for weapons, you have a naive picture of war and peace if you think that Israel would suddenly not have to maintain a defensive military force. Or that the US wouldn't want to sell them weapons they don't need.

Money is fungible. If you get aid in department X, you get more to spend on department Y.
Pay attention!

I'm saying that without the war there would neither be the aid nor the need to spend the money on defense. Since the money almost all goes for US weapons there would be no economic harm to Israel from the end of the fighting.

The Palestinians are another matter--they receive billions contingent on carrying on the fight, without control of that money the leaders would have a hard time remaining in power.
But Israel would lose the land and the political support of the extremists who want to colonize West Bank. They are in exactly the same situation as the Palestinians, there would be no way for the Israeli leaders to stay in power if they ended the occupation. And as for weapons, you have a naive picture of war and peace if you think that Israel would suddenly not have to maintain a defensive military force. Or that the US wouldn't want to sell them weapons they don't need.

Money is fungible. If you get aid in department X, you get more to spend on department Y.

1) Yes, their extremists wouldn't be happy. They don't control the country, though.

2) Aid money is not fungible because it's required to be spent on weapons--that they wouldn't need if they weren't fighting the Palestinians.
But Israel would lose the land and the political support of the extremists who want to colonize West Bank. They are in exactly the same situation as the Palestinians, there would be no way for the Israeli leaders to stay in power if they ended the occupation. And as for weapons, you have a naive picture of war and peace if you think that Israel would suddenly not have to maintain a defensive military force. Or that the US wouldn't want to sell them weapons they don't need.

Money is fungible. If you get aid in department X, you get more to spend on department Y.

1) Yes, their extremists wouldn't be happy. They don't control the country, though.

2) Aid money is not fungible because it's required to be spent on weapons--that they wouldn't need if they weren't fighting the Palestinians.
Money is money. If Israel could somehow avoid fighting the Palestinians, they would still continue to accept U.S. aid and just cut their own military spending, thus having more money for other budget items.
1) Yes, their extremists wouldn't be happy. They don't control the country, though.
They have an influence beyond their numbers.
2) Aid money is not fungible because it's required to be spent on weapons--that they wouldn't need if they weren't fighting the Palestinians.
First, as usual, you are mistaken. Some of the aid is for weaponry, some is not. Second, it is delusional to think that with Hezbollah and Syria still in the picture that Israel would not need weaponry to defend itself.
Goalpost alert because you were about to move them? Thanks for the head's up.

Goalpost alert because you showed covet and used that to supposedly prove seize.

I did no such thing. I responded to your inane comments about how the Palestinians 'should have' developed their land. You know that there was significant economic development in Palestine in the decades preceding the founding of Israel. You know that the Zionist leadership openly coveted the most productive land and businesses. You know that with the implementation of Plan Dalet and other pre-planned actions at the founding of Israel, those areas and the means of maintaining them were secured for the new Jewish State.

You're not this ignorant.

You're talking about Israel when I specifically said Zionists while referring to the time before and during the establishment of the State of Israel. Zionists openly coveted the developed land in Palestine and they made plans to seize them, plans which they carried out to the best of their ability at Israel's founding.

Any halfway competent military makes plans for what to do if the fertilizer gets in the air mover.


The Zionist leadership planned for a secure, defensible State that had the economic resources necessary to bring in the cash it needed to survive. The Jewish Agency also planned to remove the Palestinians from the communities and farmland it coveted, by force if necessary. Some of them, most notably Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan, spoke openly about killing and maiming Palestinians who tried to return to their homes and/or harvest their crops.

You know all this. Stop pretending you don't.

Also, what you said about Israel never taking land unless it was attacked is untrue. You know as well as I do that Israel struck first in 1967 and used that war as justification for grabbing Jerusalem and much of the West Bank.

1) The Arabs were preparing for war. Even if Israel actually fired the first shot they didn't start it.

2) That's moot anyway because the first act of war was committed by Egypt--namely, a naval blockade. It is legally acceptable to respond to a naval blockade by shooting at the country that imposed it.

Bedouin lived there. Muslim Arab Bedouin. Making it part of Israel was a blatant give-away to the European immigrants who wanted to establish a port at the southern tip. It completely disregarded the interests of the indigenous population. Hell, it pretty much ignored their very existence, just like you do.

It's not the Bedouin that are attacking Israel.

You're not this ignorant. They were thinly scattered because the Zionist settlers throughout much of Palestine were living in small, isolated outposts scattered among well populated towns and cities full of indigenous Palestinians. The only area where Jews outnumbered non-Jews was in the vicinity of Tel Aviv, and that was entirely due to the recent arrival of thousands of European immigrants.

That's not what the maps I've seen showed.

Not true, as you well know. The Zionist immigrants of the 1920s and 1930s hadn't been attacked by anyone except maybe the British Police Force, but guys like Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were certainly using guns, grenades, and bombs to kill Palestinians.

And once again you ignore the acts of the Arabs. Look at the history, plenty of attacks on the Jews.

But now that the Palestinians have been attacked you approve of them getting guns and using them, correct? Because they should react to that existential threat the way the Jews did? You should maybe tell that to Derec. He seems to get pretty upset when Palestinians act like Lehi and Irgun goons.

The Palestinians have never faced an existential threat.

The Palestinians weren't organized, weren't well funded, and for the most part weren't armed. They were entirely incapable of withstanding the onslaught of Zionists flooding out of Europe with the specific intention of creating their own State in Palestine.

Nobody was well funded or armed.

The Zionists were well enough funded to have large shipments of arms and other supplies coming into ports like Haifa in the 1940s. Palestinians had nothing even close to that.


The Arms Ships

I asked for evidence of "large shipments".

Did you read the linked article all the way to the end? It doesn't look like you did.

As you said, any halfway competent military makes plans for what to do if the fertilizer gets in the air mover. So what exactly are you disputing here? Are you disputing that the Haganah and Irgun were halfway competent, or are you disputing that the Jewish Agency arranged for arms shipments? Or are you merely disputing how large 'large' is?

The Altalena carried thousands of rifles, millions of bullets, and various other weapons and supplies. Is that 'large'? I'd say so.

And note that the source you provide says they needed them to avoid being massacred. You're defending a group you know seeks to commit genocide.

I agree. Palestine should have been left intact and helped to become an independent State with respect, justice, and fair dealings for all, not a region divided along religious and ethnic lines. But the bigots wouldn't stand for it, and now their bigotry has become entrenched.

It's divided because the Muslims have a genocidal reaction to lands they consider conquered coming under non-Muslim rule.

They declared it. Israel didn't recognize it. So now they are busy at the UN getting their official recognition as a State through a different channel.

Declared it where?

If you think you can support your assertion, please do. Here is the article on Plan Dalet at the Jewish Virtual Library. Please point out the part about it being a contingency plan rather than a plan to gain as much valuable territory as possible when the War of Independence began.

What you're missing is that that was a contingency plan in case of Arab attack.

What do you mean when you call it a contingency plan?

Are you saying that forcibly seizing land and infrastructure and driving out the non-Jewish Palestinians was only going to be done if they didn't surrender their property and leave willingly? That was the plan all along. The Transfer Committee of the Jewish Agency understood that the Palestinians weren't going to be willing participants in the ethnic cleansing of the proposed Jewish State. They made their plans to force out the non-Jews long before the UN even existed.

You know this. So what's the deal with calling it a 'contingency plan'? It was the main plan for almost 20 years.

But you seem to feel no atrocity against the Jews is a bad thing

Ad Hominem, and untrue.

But I wonder if there's a bit of projection in there. You seem to feel no atrocity against the Palestinians is a bad thing. You consistently defend, ignore, or obfuscate the worst examples of inhumane treatment and state-sponsored bigotry against them. Is that what you think my posting style shows? Because I think my posting style is heavy on facts and properly sourced information, and focused on the human rights of the people caught up in this conflict.

IMO an atrocity is an atrocity no matter who is doing it to whom. I don't think you agree. I think you decide if something is an atrocity based on whether Jews are the targets or the perpetrators.
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So, Derek, do you feel any sense of...humility? irony? shame? in light of the events at Los Vegas where a white American man, apparently atheist or at least not identified as belonging to any religion, has murdered so many people and wounded hundreds of others?

Seriously, how is this different than acts that you identify as terrorism by muslims? Except: Islam, I mean. Are those people in Los Vegas any less dead? Any less wounded?

How is this different than the Boston Marathon? I mean, aside from weapons of choice and number of victims--and the murderers were much more attractive than Paddock.
So, Derek, do you feel any sense of...humility? irony? shame? in light of the events at Los Vegas where a white American man, apparently atheist or at least not identified as belonging to any religion, has murdered so many people and wounded hundreds of others?

Seriously, how is this different than acts that you identify as terrorism by muslims? Except: Islam, I mean. Are those people in Los Vegas any less dead? Any less wounded?

How is this different than the Boston Marathon? I mean, aside from weapons of choice and number of victims--and the murderers were much more attractive than Paddock.
First of all, we need to hear about a real, or at least a rationally proposed motive after enough time.
So, Derek, do you feel any sense of...humility? irony? shame? in light of the events at Los Vegas where a white American man, apparently atheist or at least not identified as belonging to any religion, has murdered so many people and wounded hundreds of others?
Why should I? But it is noted that yet again the Left will focus on race above all else as long as it is a white guy doing something bad.

Seriously, how is this different than acts that you identify as terrorism by muslims?
Muslim terrorists do their terrorism for Islam. Even though we do not know his motive for sure, Paddock does not seem to have done this for his whiteness, or Christianity (or atheism). In fact, since there doesn't seem to be an idelogical motive, it is mass murder for sure, but not terrorism.

Except: Islam, I mean.
Which Leftists do not want to blame for anything, ever.

Are those people in Los Vegas any less dead? Any less wounded?
Again, motives matter. If a Muslim murders people for Islam then Islam matters. If a white guy murders people for a reason other than race, then his whiteness doesn't matter.

How is this different than the Boston Marathon?
That we know the motives of the Tsarnaev Brothers and that that motive was Islam.

and the murderers were much more attractive than Paddock.
Whatever lifts your luggage.
It's not that difficult for a 20/26 year old to look better than a 64 year old. That's setting the bar awfully low.
So, Derek, do you feel any sense of...humility? irony? shame? in light of the events at Los Vegas where a white American man, apparently atheist or at least not identified as belonging to any religion, has murdered so many people and wounded hundreds of others?

Seriously, how is this different than acts that you identify as terrorism by muslims? Except: Islam, I mean. Are those people in Los Vegas any less dead? Any less wounded?

How is this different than the Boston Marathon? I mean, aside from weapons of choice and number of victims--and the murderers were much more attractive than Paddock.
First of all, we need to hear about a real, or at least a rationally proposed motive after enough time.

What motive could justify such acts? What is 'enough time?'

I'm serious. I understand the desire to figure out what drives a person, any person, to commit such horrific acts of well planned violence. I suppose that part of us believes that if we understand the motivations behind such acts, we might prevent them, or at least assign blame.

I don't really think that matters. Surely the motivation for any and all such acts is underlying mental illness. Political motivations are simply window dressing to pretty up the depravity but really to distract us from the fact that such acts are committed by individuals who are seriously mentally ill.

We can understand this and at the same time, recognize that the vast majority of mentally ill individuals do not commit any criminal actions at all, and are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.

We can recognize this and still seek to prevent (and more effectively prevent) such acts.
Why should I?
Self examination still too much for you?

But it is noted that yet again the Left will focus on race above all else as long as it is a white guy doing something bad.

Do you even hear yourself? I mean, seriously.

Seriously, how is this different than acts that you identify as terrorism by muslims?
Muslim terrorists do their terrorism for Islam.

No they don't. Just as the KKK isn't motivated by love for Jesus.
Even though we do not know his motive for sure, Paddock does not seem to have done this for his whiteness, or Christianity (or atheism). In fact, since there doesn't seem to be an idelogical motive, it is mass murder for sure, but not terrorism.

I actually agree with the second sentence. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, as horrific and terrifying as it was. And as horrific and terrifying as it is to consider that there was no 'outside' motivating force.

Now, this could be proven wrong. It is possible that there was some ideological group or just ideology that motivated this person. But what made this person susceptible to such motivation? What is so broken within a human being that opening fire on hundreds of people--after carefully planning to do so--seems like a good idea?
Except: Islam, I mean.
Which Leftists do not want to blame for anything, ever.

You obviously are unacquainted with any people on the left.

Are those people in Los Vegas any less dead? Any less wounded?
Again, motives matter.

Why? What possible motivation could justify such acts? Why would we accept that motivation as legitimate in any way? Doesn't this just give us something or someone or some group to hate? How does that help?
If a Muslim murders people for Islam then Islam matters. If a white guy murders people for a reason other than race, then his whiteness doesn't matter.

You really don't hear yourself, do you?

What if a a Muslim committed mass murder. Period. End of sentence. Islam is not a motivating factor. Does Islam still matter?

Is a white guy not susceptible to being motivated by Islam? Or by hatred of Islam? Black/brown people? Country music?

I mean, you tell me: does his whiteness matter? Consider that almost all mass murders in the United States, and almost all serial murders were committed by whites: does his whiteness matter? Consider that almost all mass murders in the US and almost all serial murders were committed by males? Does his gender matter?

Or does it only matter if his gender and race do not match your own?

And FWIW: Most Arabs that I know and certainly Persians consider themselves to be white. I imagine so do Kyrgyz people.

How is this different than the Boston Marathon?
That we know the motives of the Tsarnaev Brothers and that that motive was Islam.

No, it wasn't. Tell me, what motivated Timothy McVey and Terry Nichols?
First of all, we need to hear about a real, or at least a rationally proposed motive after enough time.

What motive could justify such acts? What is 'enough time?'
Who mentioned anything about the motive as a justification? Uh, like, let the investigators do their job, and everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time.

I'm serious. I understand the desire to figure out what drives a person, any person, to commit such horrific acts of well planned violence. I suppose that part of us believes that if we understand the motivations behind such acts, we might prevent them, or at least assign blame.
All officially involved want to know various things. If anyone else knew about this rampage ahead of time and such.

I don't really think that matters. Surely the motivation for any and all such acts is underlying mental illness. Political motivations are simply window dressing to pretty up the depravity but really to distract us from the fact that such acts are committed by individuals who are seriously mentally ill.
Again, that is still to be determined.

We can understand this and at the same time, recognize that the vast majority of mentally ill individuals do not commit any criminal actions at all, and are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.

We can recognize this and still seek to prevent (and more effectively prevent) such acts.
Motive is just one important piece to help in possibly resolving a necessary deterrent and/or prevention.
What motive could justify such acts? What is 'enough time?'
Who mentioned anything about the motive as a justification? Uh, like, let the investigators do their job, and everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time.

I'm serious. I understand the desire to figure out what drives a person, any person, to commit such horrific acts of well planned violence. I suppose that part of us believes that if we understand the motivations behind such acts, we might prevent them, or at least assign blame.
All officially involved want to know various things. If anyone else knew about this rampage ahead of time and such.

I don't really think that matters. Surely the motivation for any and all such acts is underlying mental illness. Political motivations are simply window dressing to pretty up the depravity but really to distract us from the fact that such acts are committed by individuals who are seriously mentally ill.
Again, that is still to be determined.

We can understand this and at the same time, recognize that the vast majority of mentally ill individuals do not commit any criminal actions at all, and are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.

We can recognize this and still seek to prevent (and more effectively prevent) such acts.
Motive is just one important piece to help in possibly resolving a necessary deterrent and/or prevention.

First of all, I'd like to apologize because my response to your post was more simply musings about this particular mass shooting and mass shootings and gun violence in general. I'm sorry that wasn't very clear. Totally my bad.

That said, let's break it down a bit:

Who mentioned anything about the motive as a justification? Uh, like, let the investigators do their job, and everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time.

Me: I mentioned what I think should be obvious: there is no motive which even approaches justification for such acts. Period. Full stop. To me, exploring motivations and trying to get into his head is simply maturbatory and unproductive and a huge waste of time. And lets us tell ourselves that we are 'doing something.' We're not. It's just wasting time and effort unless we discover that such killings are really caused by brain viruses or demon possession or something similar, it doesn't matter WHY someone decides that it is ok to kill as many strangers as possible. What matters is that they can, if they really want to. You can, I can. Any one of us could do it if we really wanted to. There will always be 'reasons' and justifications and 'motives.' We can't prevent or stop any of those. We can prevent at least some of the easy access to weapons capable of delivering hundreds of rounds each minute.

As far as 'letting the investigators do their jobs'--whoever suggested otherwise? But your notion that everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time demonstrates you do not understand what an investigation is or how an investigation works or the purpose of an investigation.

Again, that is still to be determined.

Exactly what does motivation matter? Is there a 'fix' or a prevention to motivation? All this does is to demonstrate again! that the common denominator in almost every single mass shooting or mass murder is gender (male) and race (white). Ain't nobody suggesting locking up white guys or kicking them out of the country.

Motive is just one important piece to help in possibly resolving a necessary deterrent and/or prevention

How does motive help us find a deterrent? How? When has that ever, even one single time, given us any real insight into the reasoning of people who commit such acts? When has that led us even a baby step closer to prevention?

It doesn't. There will always be 'motivations' or rationales that people try to deduce from the kid who sat next to the murderer in third grade or his grandmother's next door neighbor or their cubicle mate or girlfriend or ex girlfriend or ex wife or whoever turned him from down in 7th grade forward, right up until he ended his own life. Because quite a few do just that: they kill themselves because they really don't want to answer any of those questions because if they even tried, they'd have to see that it's all just stupid and that shooting people and blowing up people and crashing cars into people doesn't do anything except make some money for news outlets and gun manufacturers.

Those motivations mean nothing because they are not based on reality or rationality at all. Sure, some will try to dress it up in some political or religious ideology but that's just putting lipstick on a pig and calling it Beauty. Means nothing and getting that explanation, that justification does absolutely nothing to prevent the next one.

And there will be a next one. And a next one. And more after that.

Because it's so easy that even a short, fat old lady could do it if she cared to.
Who mentioned anything about the motive as a justification? Uh, like, let the investigators do their job, and everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time.

Me: I mentioned what I think should be obvious: there is no motive which even approaches justification for such acts. Period. Full stop. To me, exploring motivations and trying to get into his head is simply maturbatory and unproductive and a huge waste of time.
Well, at least I, and the official investigators respectfully disagree.

As far as 'letting the investigators do their jobs'--whoever suggested otherwise? But your notion that everybody concerned can judge on their own what is personally enough time demonstrates you do not understand what an investigation is or how an investigation works or the purpose of an investigation.
Your response illustrates that you did not understand my answer.

And there will be a next one. And a next one. And more after that.
Probably, but as the days go by, things are slowly coming to light, like the murderer scoping out another music festival earlier in Chicago, which could help prevent things of this nature from happening, or not anywhere near as often.
Your response illustrates that you did not understand my answer.

I guess I didn't.

And there will be a next one. And a next one. And more after that.
Probably, but as the days go by, things are slowly coming to light, like the murderer scoping out another music festival earlier in Chicago, which could help prevent things of this nature from happening, or not anywhere near as often.

Self examination still too much for you?

You didn't answer his question. Why should he feel ashamed? Why are you making that implication?

What if a a Muslim committed mass murder. Period. End of sentence. Islam is not a motivating factor. Does Islam still matter?

If his Islam was not a motivating factor or a catalyst then his Islam would not be relevant. As here, if his whiteness is not a motivating factor or catalyst then his whiteness would be irrelevant. Why is that difficult to grasp?

Are you again claiming that ideology, politics and religion can never cause, motivate or catalyze negative behaviour? Do you have any evidence or argument whatsoever why that would be? Why would you not believe people who explicitly tell you why they did it, including quotes from their holy texts etc?

Is a white guy not susceptible to being motivated by Islam? Or by hatred of Islam? Black/brown people? Country music?

Yes. And if that was why he did it, then that becomes relevant.
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