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Tara Reade is a person who exists

That really is a creepy photo. He is looking at the camera like "wink wink nudge nudge".

It looks like it's either the morning after, or just about to happen, with the blankets clearly disheveled as if they just emerged or are about to climb under. And she appears to be in some sort of a nighty or sexy, too short dress. It would be one thing if that were the only such photo, but as we all know there are many such photos taken of them throughout their lives, each one showing the same incestuous relationship between them. Combine those photos and the many disturbing comments Trump has made also over the years that only confirm the same incestuous relationship and I need a Silkwood shower.
Yeah, I suppose that is probably the absolutely worst part of the photo... it is on a bed! I can't think of any formal photos my family was involved with (either growing up or my own family), that involved shots on a bed or even in a bedroom.

With the covers turned down, no less! And his tie undone, like he's about to get further undressed. It's beyond "creepy," no matter how you slice it. He approved it or he staged it, creepy as incestuous fuck.
That really is a creepy photo. He is looking at the camera like "wink wink nudge nudge".

It looks like it's either the morning after, or just about to happen, with the blankets clearly disheveled as if they just emerged or are about to climb under. And she appears to be in some sort of a nighty or sexy, too short dress. It would be one thing if that were the only such photo, but as we all know there are many such photos taken of them throughout their lives, each one showing the same incestuous relationship between them. Combine those photos and the many disturbing comments Trump has made also over the years that only confirm the same incestuous relationship and I need a Silkwood shower.
Yeah, I suppose that is probably the absolutely worst part of the photo... it is on a bed! I can't think of any formal photos my family was involved with (either growing up or my own family), that involved shots on a bed or even in a bedroom.

With Ivanka kissing him, lovely long bare adolescent legs extended with just a hint of bend at the knee, short skirt riding up her thigh, ankle bracelet on display. Knowing smirk on Trump's face. One eyebrow raised knowingly. The shot would have been completely appropriate in a James Bond film, if Sean Connery was in Trump's place and an actual full grown adult woman was in Ivanka's. Then, fade to era appropriate twirly graphic, emphatically pounding music. In fact, I'm really certain that Trump was going for exactly that look. Busy, busy daddy with his little girl who loves him sooooooooooo much that she just has to kiss him and pull him to her on that bed, no matter how busy he is.

It's creepy as fuck.
And, again, he had to at least approve the staging that way, if he didn't actually stage it that way himself. So, at some point, the photographer must have said something like, "How would you feel if we shot it like the two of you just had sex?" or something very similar and he agreed.

Or, again, worse, HE had to have said to the photographer, "How about we shoot it like we just had sex?" And considering the many similar comments alluding to fucking her he's made over the years it's more than likely this staging was entirely his idea.

But what can you expect when this guy more than likely anally raped him on a regular basis when he was growing up:


Look at that dynamic. You can see how terrified Trump is in his eyes, while how ravenous Cohn is in his. It's like a still from an Oliver Stone movie.
Yeah, I suppose that is probably the absolutely worst part of the photo... it is on a bed! I can't think of any formal photos my family was involved with (either growing up or my own family), that involved shots on a bed or even in a bedroom.

With Ivanka kissing him, lovely long bare adolescent legs extended with just a hint of bend at the knee, short skirt riding up her thigh, ankle bracelet on display. Knowing smirk on Trump's face. One eyebrow raised knowingly. The shot would have been completely appropriate in a James Bond film, if Sean Connery was in Trump's place and an actual full grown adult woman was in Ivanka's. Then, fade to era appropriate twirly graphic, emphatically pounding music. In fact, I'm really certain that Trump was going for exactly that look. Busy, busy daddy with his little girl who loves him sooooooooooo much that she just has to kiss him and pull him to her on that bed, no matter how busy he is.

It's creepy as fuck.

I already felt slimy having just seen the picture. But you took it above and beyond. Bravo. At least include some brain bleach when you drop a doozy like that.
Are we still talking about Tara Reade?

If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Even if Biden was a serial killer that eats his victims, I would still not vote for Trump.

I think not electing Trump again is worth several 1000, vague, sexual assault allegations
If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Considering that no one who voted for Trump has no moral high ground at all and are raising the issue because (a) they know only Democrats actually care about women at all and (b) the real reason they are raising it is because they so desperately want to be able to sit smugly thinking that "we" are just as bad as they are, yeah, it's a no-brainer.
Are we still talking about Tara Reade?

If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Even if Biden was a serial killer that eats his victims, I would still not vote for Trump.

I think not electing Trump again is worth several 1000, vague, sexual assault allegations

As I said, I would vote for my abuser before Trump.
Are we still talking about Tara Reade?

If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Even if Biden was a serial killer that eats his victims, I would still not vote for Trump.

I think not electing Trump again is worth several 1000, vague, sexual assault allegations

Agreed. And Tara Reade's story and credibility continue to erode as time goes on.
Are we still talking about Tara Reade?

If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Even if Biden was a serial killer that eats his victims, I would still not vote for Trump.

I think not electing Trump again is worth several 1000, vague, sexual assault allegations

Agreed. And Tara Reade's story and credibility continue to erode as time goes on.

And even if they didn't, this is the choice between an authoritarian wannabe-dictator who breaks the law and violates the constitution on an almost daily basis who walks in on little girls changing and shot a soft porn with his own daughter in a hotel room.

It's no choice really. I would rather vote for a half-mouldy, half-sprouted potato than Trump. Arguably, that is in fact the real identity of the thing running against him. If for some reason the mouldy potato drops dead before the election, I would write in "Biden's rotting corpse" assuming the DNC doesn't let Bernie up to the plate.
Are we still talking about Tara Reade?

If you actually care about the sexual assault of women, then there is still only one choice, Biden

Even if Biden was a serial killer that eats his victims, I would still not vote for Trump.

I think not electing Trump again is worth several 1000, vague, sexual assault allegations

Agreed. And Tara Reade's story and credibility continue to erode as time goes on.

And even if they didn't, this is the choice between an authoritarian wannabe-dictator who breaks the law and violates the constitution on an almost daily basis who walks in on little girls changing and shot a soft porn with his own daughter in a hotel room.

It's no choice really. I would rather vote for a half-mouldy, half-sprouted potato than Trump. Arguably, that is in fact the real identity of the thing running against him. If for some reason the mouldy potato drops dead before the election, I would write in "Biden's rotting corpse" assuming the DNC doesn't let Bernie up to the plate.

Between Biden and a...
To declare all these women are lying and creepy is just a senile old creep just doesn't cut it.


I've read all of those complaints. With the exception of Tara Reade's accusation, every one of those instances reads paternal to me rather than sexual. Overly familiar in a non-sexual way. Is it appropriate? Nope. Are the women entitled to feel as though Biden didn't fully respect their agency as independent adults? Sure, if that's how they feel. I wasn't there so maybe it was creepy or maybe it was creepy to them.

But let's compare the accusations:


This is a little more comprehensive


And this:

To declare all these women are lying and creepy is just a senile old creep just doesn't cut it.


You can say that again, angelo (though you might want to get someone to help you with your grammar when you say it again).
To declare all these women are lying and creepy is just a senile old creep just doesn't cut it.

View attachment 27824

You can say that again, angelo (though you might want to get someone to help you with your grammar when you say it again).

Are you kidding me? "Mere accusations" are only enough to impugn democrats. When it's a republican, you need actual footage of the rape and a signed affidavit from the rapist themselves to make any kind of action on it.
TR seems to me to be a grifter in the same vein as Bonespurs. Just not as good at it.
When it's a republican, you need actual footage of the rape and a signed affidavit from the rapist themselves to make any kind of action on it.

In the case of Republicans, the signed affidavit serves as proof that it was consensual.
"Why else would he sign?"

In the case of a Democrat - here are rape charges:

angelo's link said:
grasped her shoulders from behind and kissed the back of her head
complimented her smile, squeezed her shoulders, and held her “for a beat too long.”
photographed holding hands and touching foreheads
pulled her face close to him
hugged her “just a little bit too long”
rested his hand on her shoulder and moved it down her back
“put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead.”
called her a “pretty girl.”
told the brothers of a 13-year-old girl to “keep the guys away” from her
told a 10-year-old girl, “I bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.”

Yeah, that's some kind of rap sheet! - Death penalty stuff. Not like what Trump did to all those women at all!
Women of the US: if you get sexually assaulted by someone in power, please make sure you never bounce a check, piss off a landlord, put your ambitions above your desire to tell your story, or put on any weight. Should any of those things happen, you will be dragged through the media over a bed of nails until half the country knows and hates you.

The only people who can have been sexually assaulted are people who tell their story right away, except when they don't, have eyewitness testimony, except when they don't, or are overall perfectly sympathetic human beings who handle their trauma with the calmness and self-assurance of a talented surgeon doing a routine operation, except when they don't.

Why would any abused woman feel intimidated about coming forward in an environment like this, I wonder?
Meanwhile, here are the accusations against Trump, from angelo's source:

angelo's source said:
* forcing his penis inside her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room
* reached his hand up her skirt and groped her while seated next to her on a flight
* 'he raped me.'
* reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub
* pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her
* women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave. As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals.
* introduced himself to the teenage contestants when he unexpectedly walked into their dressing room.
* Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her. "He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips,"
* groped her as she waited for her car
* "He just came strolling right in," Dixon said. "There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless, other girls were naked."
* grabbed her buttocks while they were backstage during a Ray Charles concert at Mar-a-Lago
* While a pregnant Melania was changing clothes for a photoshoot, Trump offered to show Stoynoff a "tremendous" room at the resort.
"We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,"
* "He then grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast,"
* "continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room"
* "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips,"

Lots more, but who has time to catalog this sexual predator's activities?
If the litany of accusations against Biden sound like they belong in the same category as these offenses, you're probably a sexual predator.
The entire premise of this thread and its promoters is "whataboutism". Mr. Trump has a well-documented history of claims of sexual harassment and of sexual abuse. Mr. Biden has a well-documented history of claims of sexual harassment and now a claim of sexual abuse. None of former was a hurdle for Trump supporters or voters. In my view, none of latter should be a hurdle for any Trump supporter or voter.
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