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Idiot dragged out of bar by her hair for not wearing mask

Take your bullshit about what is and isn't acceptable in a fucking fight and politely blow it out your goddamn ass.

When someone is keen on injuring you however they can on account of you, the bouncer, the collective voice of violence, showing them the door, your job is to do what is necessary to put them on the other side of that door.

Take your sanctimonious bullshit and take it elsewhere. I don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone else who has never been in a fight with a crazed asshole before might say about it.

I would ABSOLUTELY drag someone by the hair if they weren't letting me get any other leverage, aren't intent on just leaving on their own, are threatening continued injury, and I could get that much. They would end up less injured from that than they would ever get from any other method I would have to physically remove someone; all the other methods of actually removing someone from a space would require either submission or unconsciousness, and neither of those things would happen as easily as securing some hair and using that lever.

Yell and scream all you want about that. Calling the police is too fucking slow on account of them being a fucking plague rat exposing the patrons and police in an hour or two.

Why should I care what arbitrary fucking lines you draw?

Thanks, Jarhyn. What I suspect is you've never been in a fight. Or if you have, you lost.

I may be wrong.

But, for all your telling bluster, you've admitted that you would drag someone out of an establishment by the hair. Thanks for that.

Someone that out of hand can and should be rendered inoperative by other means than dragging them out by the hair. If you have actually been in these kind of altercations you would know that.

Show me ONE altercation involving police where a suspect or criminal was dragged across a floor by the hair.

Only knuckle dragging brutes would resort to such brutality. The worst thing is that I know you know that.

The very tone you use in your post reveals your anger. Your colors are showing.

Peace be with you, if you can achieve it. Best of luck. :)

Thank you WAB for your copious self deprecation in this post.

Hi jab,

Show me one altercation involving police where a person.was dragged across the floor by their hair. I will give you lots of time. Thanks, I shall be waiting for your answer.

The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

Be irritated. I am at peace.
Thank you WAB for your copious self deprecation in this post.

Hi jab,

Show me one altercation involving police where a person.was dragged across the floor by their hair. I will give you lots of time. Thanks, I shall be waiting for your answer.

The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

Be irritated. I am at peace.

Usually cops have far better ways to subdue people, from pepper-spray to tasers to batons. Also, guns. And in america they resort to all three things liberally, and will even initiate their use freely and without provocation while saying "stop resisting".

The list of encounters with police that end well and with dignity are definitely the minority.

If only I could get to the other side of an encounter with an officer only getting dragged by the hair...
Thank you WAB for your copious self deprecation in this post.

Hi jab,

Show me one altercation involving police where a person.was dragged across the floor by their hair. I will give you lots of time. Thanks, I shall be waiting for your answer.

The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

Be irritated. I am at peace.

Usually cops have far better ways to subdue people, from pepper-spray to tasers to batons. Also, guns. And in america they resort to all three things liberally, and will even initiate their use freely and without provocation while saying "stop resisting".

The list of encounters with police that end well and with dignity are definitely the minority.

If only I could get to the other side of an encounter with an officer only getting dragged by the hair...

The point is, being dragged by the fucking hair is never the optimal way of removing a person from a space. Never. Fucking never. And you damn well know it. That is what is so frustrating about this ridiculous thread. But I can keep going if you can, oh Jarhyn ye great wizard...
The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

You make up disgusting motives for the bouncer, and you say you're confident doing so.

Out of curiosity, are equally confident when you make up disgusting motives for people in this thread?
The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

You make up disgusting motives for the bouncer, and you say you're confident doing so.

Out of curiosity, are equally confident when you make up disgusting motives for people in this thread?

Wiploc, I have no idea what you are asking me. Please be plain and simple...

I am waiting...
The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

You make up disgusting motives for the bouncer, and you say you're confident doing so.

Out of curiosity, are equally confident when you make up disgusting motives for people in this thread?

Okay, I think I get what you're asking me.

Yes. Yes, there are disgusting motives for the people in this thread. Yes. Yes, there are disgusting, and utterly shameful, and thoroughly stupid motives for the people in this thread.

I hope you noticed the words, shameful, and STUPID.
Yes. Yes, there are disgusting motives for the people in this thread. Yes. Yes, there are disgusting, and utterly shameful, and thoroughly stupid motives for the people in this thread.

I hope you noticed the words, shameful, and STUPID.
I know nothing about martial arts, but many in the thread assert that hair-pulling may have been the safest way to remove Bliss from the bar. Safe for both Bliss and for the bouncer.

WAB seems not to care about safety — he even advocated a choke hold! — and thinks that avoiding Bliss's humiliation should have been the key goal, even if doing so increased the risk of physical injury to Bliss and/or the bouncer(s). Do I have this correct so far?

I don't understand why Bliss' humiliation should be a priority. I think she humiliated herself when she flouted the bar's rules. Do some people think Bliss should have the right to not wear a mask in a bar where masks are mandatory? Was her flouting the rule a political statement to which she was entitled by the First Amendment???

(Anyway, in Puritan New England petty criminals were often punished with humiliation, rather than corporal punishment. Maybe that wasn't a bad practice!)
I don't understand why Bliss' humiliation should be a priority. I think she humiliated herself when she flouted the bar's rules. Do some people think Bliss should have the right to not wear a mask in a bar where masks are mandatory? Was her flouting the rule a political statement to which she was entitled by the First Amendment???

This is what I don't get. I would think that the drunken flailing and throwing herself on the ground is the humiliation part. Not the being ejected by a relatively safe method part.

And frankly, I don't see the mask part as important. The bar is a private establishment and are entitled to make any rules they want. They can require lipstick if they want.
I don't understand why Bliss' humiliation should be a priority. I think she humiliated herself when she flouted the bar's rules. Do some people think Bliss should have the right to not wear a mask in a bar where masks are mandatory? Was her flouting the rule a political statement to which she was entitled by the First Amendment???

This is what I don't get. I would think that the drunken flailing and throwing herself on the ground is the humiliation part. Not the being ejected by a relatively safe method part.

And frankly, I don't see the mask part as important. The bar is a private establishment and are entitled to make any rules they want. They can require lipstick if they want.

Well, the bar is required to follow local laws. In Oregon, it's state law that you cover yourself in public establishments. A local bar can have tighter rules, but not lessor rules.
Well, the bar is required to follow local laws. In Oregon, it's state law that you cover yourself in public establishments. A local bar can have tighter rules, but not lessor rules.
Laws only matter to the extent they're enforced.

Around here, masking is legally required. But it's rarely enforced unless someone does something pretty outrageous. Generally, it's just whatever the management of an establishment decide. That's often more "customer friendly" than strictly by the law. I get really annoyed by that.
The only reason you object to me in this thread is because it was an anti-masker and a "Karen" who was the victim. I know this, and you are irritated that I know it.

You make up disgusting motives for the bouncer, and you say you're confident doing so.

Out of curiosity, are equally confident when you make up disgusting motives for people in this thread?

Okay, I think I get what you're asking me.

Yes. Yes, there are disgusting motives for the people in this thread. Yes. Yes, there are disgusting, and utterly shameful, and thoroughly stupid motives for the people in this thread.

I hope you noticed the words, shameful, and STUPID.

And you are as confident in our shameful stupidity as you are in the bouncer's desire to cause shame?
This is about some of you cheering about a defenseless woman who had the shit beat out of her.

Obviously they should have grabbed her by the pussy, so as not to trigger the Swizzles of this world.
FULL DISCLOSURE! I don't care enough about this particular incident to click the link in the OP.

None of us here really know what happened. Once again, people are adding their biases to a snippet of emotive video that doesn't show what happened, in it's entirety.

Maybe Bliss was being so belligerently obnoxious the staff decided to selectively enforce the rules as a pretext for getting rid of her. Maybe the staff was having problems with drunk antimaskers and decided to make an example out of her by maximizing the drama around her ejection. Maybe Bliss was hitting on the bouncer's boyfriend and she got mad.

Who knows? Not me.
But I do know that posters in this thread are adding all kinds of information and motivations that aren't supported by the data.
FULL DISCLOSURE! I don't care enough about this particular incident to click the link in the OP.

None of us here really know what happened. Once again, people are adding their biases to a snippet of emotive video that doesn't show what happened, in it's entirety.

Maybe Bliss was being so belligerently obnoxious the staff decided to selectively enforce the rules as a pretext for getting rid of her. Maybe the staff was having problems with drunk antimaskers and decided to make an example out of her by maximizing the drama around her ejection. Maybe Bliss was hitting on the bouncer's boyfriend and she got mad.

Who knows? Not me.
But I do know that posters in this thread are adding all kinds of information and motivations that aren't supported by the data.

I've been trying pretty hard to communicate that my discussion of what happened is clearly predecated. It's all if/then, a process of calculus rather than a proclamation of someone not being wrong.

Instead of saying the bouncer didn't do right, I am using this calculus to show that any statement of the tune "there is no situation where hair pulling is appropriate" is patently false, that the hyperbolic whinges against doing so fall flat, and there are a number of contexts where the available knowledge of what happened could vindicate the bouncer entirely.

I am also careful to point out that the bouncer COULD be entirely out of line.

I point out that an investigation would be necessary to isolate whether the bouncer is at fault for doing something bad.

I also point out that there is no situation wherein Karen had any right to stay in the bar as she was, and her removal or conformance was necessary; she chose removal over conformance.
FULL DISCLOSURE! I don't care enough about this particular incident to click the link in the OP.

None of us here really know what happened. Once again, people are adding their biases to a snippet of emotive video that doesn't show what happened, in it's entirety.

Maybe Bliss was being so belligerently obnoxious the staff decided to selectively enforce the rules as a pretext for getting rid of her. Maybe the staff was having problems with drunk antimaskers and decided to make an example out of her by maximizing the drama around her ejection. Maybe Bliss was hitting on the bouncer's boyfriend and she got mad.

Who knows? Not me.
But I do know that posters in this thread are adding all kinds of information and motivations that aren't supported by the data.

I've been trying pretty hard to communicate that my discussion of what happened is clearly predecated. It's all if/then, a process of calculus rather than a proclamation of someone not being wrong.

Instead of saying the bouncer didn't do right, I am using this calculus to show that any statement of the tune "there is no situation where hair pulling is appropriate" is patently false, that the hyperbolic whinges against doing so fall flat, and there are a number of contexts where the available knowledge of what happened could vindicate the bouncer entirely.

I am also careful to point out that the bouncer COULD be entirely out of line.

I point out that an investigation would be necessary to isolate whether the bouncer is at fault for doing something bad.

I also point out that there is no situation wherein Karen had any right to stay in the bar as she was, and her removal or conformance was necessary; she chose removal over conformance.

Don't think I didn't notice that you reduced being dragged by the hair across the floor to "hair pulling".

Readers, a woman was removed from a space by being dragged across the floor by her hair. People like the great wizard Jarhyn will continually reduce this abusive action to "hair pulling", in order to distract you and make any objection to this action look unfounded and hysterical.

The ONLY reason the lefties are okay with this is because the victim is a "Karen".and a "plague rat".

If the victim were a person of color, and the bouncer were a white male, you would see outrage, you would see all these lefties defending the victim and wreaking havoc on the bouncer. You would NOT see intelligent, rational human beings like Jarhyn making excuses for a barbaric act, like dragging a person from a space by their FUCKING hair.
Woah woah woah. Not all leftists their pal. Gosh, now I have to find a new label for myself no one else is using. Hmm, this Neo-Conservative-Liberal Rastafarian thinks that there was no excuse for the hair dragging as there were clearly two security guards in the short video clip. Why the security guard was attempting to remove the subject alone and in that fashion is beyond me.
Don't think I didn't notice that you reduced being dragged by the hair across the floor to "hair pulling".

I'm pretty sure that was me. But it was so far back in the thread I'm not inclined to search out the post. I was referring to my twin sisters, who didn't fight physically all that much. But when they did it was epic.

And then they'd pivot on a dime and cover for each other. Mom would come storming in, "What is going on in here?!?". They'd say "Nothing mom." Mom would point at the big red welts on somebody's arm and ask, "What's that?" And she'd say, "I dunno. I musta fell at school."
FULL DISCLOSURE! I don't care enough about this particular incident to click the link in the OP.

None of us here really know what happened. Once again, people are adding their biases to a snippet of emotive video that doesn't show what happened, in it's entirety.

Maybe Bliss was being so belligerently obnoxious the staff decided to selectively enforce the rules as a pretext for getting rid of her. Maybe the staff was having problems with drunk antimaskers and decided to make an example out of her by maximizing the drama around her ejection. Maybe Bliss was hitting on the bouncer's boyfriend and she got mad.

Who knows? Not me.
But I do know that posters in this thread are adding all kinds of information and motivations that aren't supported by the data.

I've been trying pretty hard to communicate that my discussion of what happened is clearly predecated. It's all if/then, a process of calculus rather than a proclamation of someone not being wrong.

Instead of saying the bouncer didn't do right, I am using this calculus to show that any statement of the tune "there is no situation where hair pulling is appropriate" is patently false, that the hyperbolic whinges against doing so fall flat, and there are a number of contexts where the available knowledge of what happened could vindicate the bouncer entirely.

I am also careful to point out that the bouncer COULD be entirely out of line.

I point out that an investigation would be necessary to isolate whether the bouncer is at fault for doing something bad.

I also point out that there is no situation wherein Karen had any right to stay in the bar as she was, and her removal or conformance was necessary; she chose removal over conformance.

Don't think I didn't notice that you reduced being dragged by the hair across the floor to "hair pulling".

Readers, a woman was removed from a space by being dragged across the floor by her hair. People like the great wizard Jarhyn will continually reduce this abusive action to "hair pulling", in order to distract you and make any objection to this action look unfounded and hysterical.

The ONLY reason the lefties are okay with this is because the victim is a "Karen".and a "plague rat".

If the victim were a person of color, and the bouncer were a white male, you would see outrage, you would see all these lefties defending the victim and wreaking havoc on the bouncer. You would NOT see intelligent, rational human beings like Jarhyn making excuses for a barbaric act, like dragging a person from a space by their FUCKING hair.

You. Are. Special. Pleading.

You have done nothing to actually uphold this vaunted special pleading of yours that hair dragging is special among acts.

If you would like to reference the Occupy(?) Or perhaps a pride parade protest thread on the forum (details get fuzzy for me after a year or two), you will notice that when a preacher told a cop a woman was threatening him, the cop went after the woman. I did not impugn the cop. I instead impugned the lying preacher.

You have done nothing to justify your hyperbolic gaslighting as to the nature of hair pulling. You beg the question by refusing to address discussions of how and when handling someone by the hair may be appropriate.

Personally I reject your assertions. I reject your claim that hair dragging is special among acts.
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Don't think I didn't notice that you reduced being dragged by the hair across the floor to "hair pulling".

Readers, a woman was removed from a space by being dragged across the floor by her hair. People like the great wizard Jarhyn will continually reduce this abusive action to "hair pulling", in order to distract you and make any objection to this action look unfounded and hysterical.

The ONLY reason the lefties are okay with this is because the victim is a "Karen".and a "plague rat".

If the victim were a person of color, and the bouncer were a white male, you would see outrage, you would see all these lefties defending the victim and wreaking havoc on the bouncer. You would NOT see intelligent, rational human beings like Jarhyn making excuses for a barbaric act, like dragging a person from a space by their FUCKING hair.

You. Are. Special. Pleading.

You have done nothing to actually uphold this vaunted special pleading of yours that hair dragging is special among acts.

If you would like to reference the Occupy(?) Or perhaps a pride parade protest thread on the forum (details get fuzzy for me after a year or two), you will notice that when a preacher told a cop a woman was threatening him, the cop went after the woman. I did not impugn the cop. I instead impugned the lying preacher.

You have done nothing to justify your hyperbolic gaslighting as to the nature of hair pulling. You beg the question by refusing to address discussions of how and when handling someone by the hair may be appropriate.

Personally I reject your assertions. I reject your claim that hair dragging is special among acts.

Okay. I hereby hitherto whence and forthwith and even fifthwith am resigning from this silly thread and heretofore whereas I shall not return and shall hereby and wherefore by this declaration shall forthwith and hereunto quit this silly thread and unsubscribe herewith and hereafter and hereby whereas it is a pain in the fucking ass anyway and hence and sixthwith and even ninthwith I am hereby and hereunto shoving this thread so long as this thread shall live forsooth and tenthwith... :joy:
Woah woah woah. Not all leftists their pal. Gosh, now I have to find a new label for myself no one else is using.
Oh, just be liberal.
Then there are plenty of people willing to tell you if you're really liberal or liberal innname only. let them do the catergorizificating, if it's so important to them.
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