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Covid-19 miscellany


A woman who identified herself as a nurse practitioner student tried to defend an Ohio doctor’s unproven claim by proving she actually is magnetic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Joanna Overholt, who said she previously worked in an intensive care unit and is currently a nurse practitioner student, spoke during Tuesday’s Ohio House Health Committee hearing as a proponent for House Bill 248. Overholt used her time at the podium to try to defend a myth shared by Cleveland-area physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine leads to magnetism and causes metal objects to stick to the shot recipient’s body.


The video is comical and tragic at the same time. "magnetic vaccine crystals" ?! WTF :eeka:

Sweet merciful crap. That is indeed comic and tragic.
Employees protest against Houston hospital's policy that all staff must be vaccinated against Covid-19

(CNN)A group of Houston Methodist Hospital workers protested on Monday the health care system's requirement that staffers be vaccinated against Covid-19, according to CNN affiliate KTRK.

Employees had to get the Covid-19 vaccine by June 7, according to Houston Methodist.

More than 100 staffers at Houston Methodist filed a lawsuit on May 28 against the health care system over its vaccine policy, saying the vaccines are "unapproved" and "experimental." The plaintiffs are asking for a temporary injunction against the policy.

Jennifer Bridges, one of the plaintiffs, told KTRK that employees who did not comply with the policy have been suspended. Houston Methodist said any employee that did not comply with the vaccine policy will be suspended for two weeks. If they are still not vaccinated after the two weeks, they will be terminated.


The EEOC states that employers can mandate vaccinations because “unvaccinated employees present a direct threat to others in the workplace”. Yet the military has no such mandate, even aboard navy ships. Considering how quickly infections can spike on ships as we have witnessed, you’d think Biden would waive the informed consent requirement for emergency use drugs in the interest of national security.
It doesn’t seem like the EEOC is on strong ground here. And I think “terminating” human beings is rather harsh.

Unless it's Sarah Connor.
And just an FYI, Florida still has the HIGHEST new positivity rates of ANY STATE in the US. You never hear this.....
According to World-o-meter, they haven't reported a case since June 4th. They also haven't reported any statistics either.

They've gone to weekly reporting. Since the daily data is too noisy anyway it's no loss.
Oh, and what exactly is the chip supposed to DO, anyway?

It's a tracking device, they say while on the their smartphone that tracks everywhere they go.

I actually now know someone in real life (not real well, just briefly talk to now and then) who believes in the Bill Gates-put-a-microchip-in-the-vaccine thing, and is why he won't get vaccinated. AFAIK, he seems to be an otherwise fairly normal, mainstream guy with a real job, nice car and two little dogs. It floored me when a mutual friend told me about this. Which reminds me, I got vaccinated on Monday (J&J vaccine), and after the woman injected me, I said, "Did the microchip go in?" She LOL'd, and said, "There are no microchips in the vaccine!".
So the other day at lunchtime I went for my usual walk around the block, sans mask of course. When I came back to the building and was waiting on the elevator in the lobby, the receptionist asked me, "where's your mask?". I said in my car, which was true, got on the elevator and went back to my office. So to avoid the hassle I don't access the elevator in the lobby, I just go to the below ground parking and catch the elevator there.
You must feel so proud.

A woman who identified herself as a nurse practitioner student tried to defend an Ohio doctor’s unproven claim by proving she actually is magnetic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Joanna Overholt, who said she previously worked in an intensive care unit and is currently a nurse practitioner student, spoke during Tuesday’s Ohio House Health Committee hearing as a proponent for House Bill 248. Overholt used her time at the podium to try to defend a myth shared by Cleveland-area physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine leads to magnetism and causes metal objects to stick to the shot recipient’s body.


The video is comical and tragic at the same time. "magnetic vaccine crystals" ?! WTF :eeka:

Sweet merciful crap. That is indeed comic and tragic.

Aren't keys made of brass?
Jimmy Higgins said:
Trump did not get in the way. So he has at least that much going for him. Unfortunately he completely screwed things up. You can't take much credit for developing a vaccine when you had a hand in over half a million deaths.
What do you mean he did not get in the way? Wasn't Operation Warp Speed a policy of his administration?

It's not about Trump's taking credit. Trump is a bad person, and he also screwed up the covid response for the most part. But it's about accurately representing history.

Jimmy Higgins said:
Multiple things needed for vaccination, creation, production, distribution. The distribution part wasn't much thought out.
I'll take your word for it for the sake of the argument, but he certainly did not have to start the vaccine development from scratch.
The bad news is that I feel awful. The good news is that my 5G reception is great.

That vaccine reaction is no joke.

At least the deed is done. Yay
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).
Damn, you got band-aid, I got а piece of cotton wool with alcohol.

After a second shot of Sputnik V (based on adenovirus as AstraZeneca) I had something of a minor headache which I (retroactively) attributed to something going on with trombosis in the brain.


Just read in the news, greek designer dies from AstraZeneca, 40 years old, looks fit and healthy on the photo.
Fit and young people die from COVID19 complications more than before it seems.
The bad news is that I feel awful. The good news is that my 5G reception is great.

That vaccine reaction is no joke.

At least the deed is done. Yay
Sorry to hear you feel awful. :( :huggs: What vaccine was that?

But yay! :) You got a shot of (my guess) one of the best two vaccines there are.
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).

Congrats, and over here, AZ is by far the vaccine with fewer cases of side effects; and thrombosis is extremely rare anyway. :)
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).
Just be mindful that because you are in the southern hemisphere, the vaccine works different and you'll stick to metal objects instead of metal objects sticking to you.
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).
Just be mindful that because you are in the southern hemisphere, the vaccine works different and you'll stick to metal objects instead of metal objects sticking to you.

And his head will spin in the opposite direction.
It's been six hours since my first shot, and I don't even have a sore arm. If there wasn't a bandaid there, I wouldn't know I had it at all.

Of course it's early days yet. I might wake up tomorrow feeling like crap.

Or have a cerebral thrombosis and not wake up at all (I had the AstraZeneca).

Congrats, and over here, AZ is by far the vaccine with fewer cases of side effects; and thrombosis is extremely rare anyway. :)

It's not very good at stopping the Delta variant though.
Apparently football teams are having issues getting everyone vaccinated.
article said:
In the place of hard numbers, most teams have given vague updates on their outlook. The Green Bay Packers' staff is nearly fully vaccinated, for example — but the players are not. The Chicago Bears are in that same boat. The Detroit Lions’ coaching staff has been fully vaccinated, but declined to give an update on the status of players. The Washington Football team was approaching a 50 percent vaccination rate among players this week. This is a similar story for most teams. They have been left to highlight the progress (which usually involves coaches or staff), but provide vague details on the struggles (which usually involve players).

The San Francisco 49ers, however, did provide a very telling picture of their own COVID vaccination efforts, stating that as of this week, 53 of their 91-man roster is now fully vaccinated and another five players are awaiting their second dose of the vaccine. And the other 33 players? Head coach Kyle Shanahan said the goal is to get another 20 players on board in the next 40 days. That would clear the 85 percent vaccination rate that teams are shooting for in the hopes of relaxing their COVID protocols at the start of training camp.
Apparently football teams are having issues getting everyone vaccinated.
article said:
In the place of hard numbers, most teams have given vague updates on their outlook. The Green Bay Packers' staff is nearly fully vaccinated, for example — but the players are not. The Chicago Bears are in that same boat. The Detroit Lions’ coaching staff has been fully vaccinated, but declined to give an update on the status of players. The Washington Football team was approaching a 50 percent vaccination rate among players this week. This is a similar story for most teams. They have been left to highlight the progress (which usually involves coaches or staff), but provide vague details on the struggles (which usually involve players).

The San Francisco 49ers, however, did provide a very telling picture of their own COVID vaccination efforts, stating that as of this week, 53 of their 91-man roster is now fully vaccinated and another five players are awaiting their second dose of the vaccine. And the other 33 players? Head coach Kyle Shanahan said the goal is to get another 20 players on board in the next 40 days. That would clear the 85 percent vaccination rate that teams are shooting for in the hopes of relaxing their COVID protocols at the start of training camp.

With such a controlled situation, I think that any players with confirmed covid infection and with antibodies/t-cells should count as a vaccination. These guys are ACTIVE in a way that many of us have not been in years if ever. A sensible person would seriously cut back on activity after vaccination to almost eliminate the the myocarditis risk . But if these guys do that they may get cut from the team.

Asking for a covid antibody bearing player to take more risk with almost no upside is not fair to the social contract.


Screenshot from 2021-06-11 11-07-31.png

Every parent who decided to not have their 12-15 year old vaccinated based on these reports is a war criminal.
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