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Covid-19 miscellany

I had an interesting conversation yesterday.

I went in for my second C19 shot.(definitely more effects than Moderna #1, but still not a big deal)

The health department nurse who administered the shot is a solid Trump supporter. I found this out through conversation.

Tom) I'm just glad to finally get my full vaccination. I won't have to wear a mask any more. We'll be nearing herd immunity. We can get the economy going again. We can leave the Trump administration behind!

Nurse) Trump isn't the problem. China is the problem.
You are brave and lucky she did not inject you with a bleach.
Employees protest against Houston hospital's policy that all staff must be vaccinated against Covid-19

(CNN)A group of Houston Methodist Hospital workers protested on Monday the health care system's requirement that staffers be vaccinated against Covid-19, according to CNN affiliate KTRK.

Employees had to get the Covid-19 vaccine by June 7, according to Houston Methodist.

More than 100 staffers at Houston Methodist filed a lawsuit on May 28 against the health care system over its vaccine policy, saying the vaccines are "unapproved" and "experimental." The plaintiffs are asking for a temporary injunction against the policy.

Jennifer Bridges, one of the plaintiffs, told KTRK that employees who did not comply with the policy have been suspended. Houston Methodist said any employee that did not comply with the vaccine policy will be suspended for two weeks. If they are still not vaccinated after the two weeks, they will be terminated.


The EEOC states that employers can mandate vaccinations because “unvaccinated employees present a direct threat to others in the workplace”. Yet the military has no such mandate, even aboard navy ships. Considering how quickly infections can spike on ships as we have witnessed, you’d think Biden would waive the informed consent requirement for emergency use drugs in the interest of national security.
It doesn’t seem like the EEOC is on strong ground here. And I think “terminating” human beings is rather harsh.
I had an interesting conversation yesterday.

I went in for my second C19 shot.(definitely more effects than Moderna #1, but still not a big deal)

The health department nurse who administered the shot is a solid Trump supporter. I found this out through conversation.

Tom) I'm just glad to finally get my full vaccination. I won't have to wear a mask any more. We'll be nearing herd immunity. We can get the economy going again. We can leave the Trump administration behind!

Nurse) Trump isn't the problem. China is the problem.

Tom) China didn't tell anyone that C19 is no worse than a cold. China didn't tell anyone that masks are useless. China didn't tell anyone that C19 is a hoax by the Democrats. China didn't tell anyone that the country will be open by Easter. That was all Trump.

Nurse) But Trump got the vaccine developed.

Tom) No he didn't. Biden had to start from scratch getting the vaccine to the people who need it.

Nurse) Maybe you don't read the right news. I have lots of friends and relatives who support Trump. Most of them are vaccinated.

Tom) My mother-in-law goes to a Baptist church. A guy there proved that the vaccine has a chip in it, by sticking a piece of plastic to her arm. He claimed that it was a magnet sticking to the chip.

Etc Etc
Much hilarity ensued.

But the conversation was jovial and polite, if spirited. Before I left the clinic, I made sure to go around and thank everyone for what they do. I started with Nurse.

Funny. :D

Seriously, both Trump and the Chinese regime are problems, but didn't Trump get some of the vaccines developed?
Trump did not get in the way. So he has at least that much going for him. Unfortunately he completely screwed things up. You can't take much credit for developing a vaccine when you had a hand in over half a million deaths.

What did Biden have to start from scratch? (I've not been following the details, so you may be right, but it's not what I read).
Multiple things needed for vaccination, creation, production, distribution. The distribution part wasn't much thought out.
I would like somebody to clarify how exactly are they gaining that function.

There is a whole treatise on that. You may even have heard of it:


In the case of virii, we're not talking about billions of trials, not even trillions of trial, but orders of magnitude more trials than that.
( We estimate that each infected person carries 10^9–10^11 virions during peak infection )
For all we know there may well have already been "variants" that kill humans within a day or two at a rate of 99.9%, but failed to proliferate precisely because it kills its host.
Saying that C-19 must have come from human-induced modification because we've not seen it before, is both hubristic and ignorant.
I'm hearing reports of people saying that if you place a piece a piece of metal on your skin and it sticks it's because of the chip in the vaccine.

I'm hearing reports of people saying that if you place a piece a piece of metal on your skin and it sticks it's because of the chip in the vaccine.


Trying to picture how many chips would be necessary to e able to find it, and why they are not sticking to each other inside and thereby squishing vessels and killing you.
Oh, and what exactly is the chip supposed to DO, anyway?
I'm hearing reports of people saying that if you place a piece a piece of metal on your skin and it sticks it's because of the chip in the vaccine.

When one of the russian doctors was asked about that, he said "that's normal, cause electricity and some people are naturally more magnetic"
Fucking idiot, even for a doctor.
I'm hearing reports of people saying that if you place a piece a piece of metal on your skin and it sticks it's because of the chip in the vaccine.

When one of the russian doctors was asked about that, he said "that's normal, cause electricity and some people are naturally more magnetic"
Fucking idiot, even for a doctor.
Look what the vaccine has done to me. It has electrified my body. Look!

*rubs balloon on hair... sticks it to the ceiling*

Yeah, I'd like someone to explain how that is possible!
'Lockdown' states like California did better economically than 'looser' states like Florida, new COVID data shows

Lockdowns are no exception. One assumption many Americans seem to make is that the more a government limits gatherings, mandates masks, restricts business activity and advises residents to stay at home, the more economic damage it will do.

Among the loudest of these voices is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican who raised his national profile by allowing bars and restaurants to operate at full indoor capacity during America’s horrific holiday surge, then effectively banned mask mandates once Florida started to recover — all in the name of supporting business.

“She’s a lockdown lobbyist,” DeSantis recently said in reference to Democrat Nikki Fried, one of his 2022 gubernatorial opponents. Speaking at a New Smyrna Beach restaurant, DeSantis said Fried “would have had this business shuttered for the whole year. They would be out of business if Fried were governor.”

Yet for much of the past year, some experts have quietly advanced a counterargument: that economic activity is mainly affected by the rising and falling severity of the pandemic itself — not the relative strictness of the measures implemented to mitigate it. In fact, these experts argued, nonpharmaceutical interventions, or NPIs — a set of 20 government responses such as business closures, mask mandates and stay-at-home advisories that Oxford University rates according to stringency — can have an economic upside. The more the virus seems to be under control, the more eager people will be to participate in the economy.

Last week, this argument got a boost with the publication of a new report by economists at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to the latest quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast, not only did big states with more stringent COVID measures end 2020 with fewer infections per capita, they also tended to post better economic growth numbers last year than states with fewer restrictions.
'Lockdown' states like California did better economically than 'looser' states like Florida, new COVID data shows

Lockdowns are no exception. One assumption many Americans seem to make is that the more a government limits gatherings, mandates masks, restricts business activity and advises residents to stay at home, the more economic damage it will do.

Among the loudest of these voices is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican who raised his national profile by allowing bars and restaurants to operate at full indoor capacity during America’s horrific holiday surge, then effectively banned mask mandates once Florida started to recover — all in the name of supporting business.

“She’s a lockdown lobbyist,” DeSantis recently said in reference to Democrat Nikki Fried, one of his 2022 gubernatorial opponents. Speaking at a New Smyrna Beach restaurant, DeSantis said Fried “would have had this business shuttered for the whole year. They would be out of business if Fried were governor.”

Yet for much of the past year, some experts have quietly advanced a counterargument: that economic activity is mainly affected by the rising and falling severity of the pandemic itself — not the relative strictness of the measures implemented to mitigate it. In fact, these experts argued, nonpharmaceutical interventions, or NPIs — a set of 20 government responses such as business closures, mask mandates and stay-at-home advisories that Oxford University rates according to stringency — can have an economic upside. The more the virus seems to be under control, the more eager people will be to participate in the economy.

Last week, this argument got a boost with the publication of a new report by economists at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to the latest quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast, not only did big states with more stringent COVID measures end 2020 with fewer infections per capita, they also tended to post better economic growth numbers last year than states with fewer restrictions.

And just an FYI, Florida still has the HIGHEST new positivity rates of ANY STATE in the US. You never hear this.....
'Lockdown' states like California did better economically than 'looser' states like Florida, new COVID data shows

Looser? Or loser, amirite?

government responses such as business closures, mask mandates and stay-at-home advisories that Oxford University rates according to stringency — can have an economic upside. The more the virus seems to be under control, the more eager people will be to participate in the economy.

But seriously, yes. This makes perfect sense and comports with what people were and are saying about their own spending motivations.

Last week, this argument got a boost with the publication of a new report by economists at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to the latest quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast, not only did big states with more stringent COVID measures end 2020 with fewer infections per capita, they also tended to post better economic growth numbers last year than states with fewer restrictions.

Follow the money. Without the conspiracy thinking.
And just an FYI, Florida still has the HIGHEST new positivity rates of ANY STATE in the US. You never hear this.....
According to World-o-meter, they haven't reported a case since June 4th. They also haven't reported any statistics either.
So the other day at lunchtime I went for my usual walk around the block, sans mask of course. When I came back to the building and was waiting on the elevator in the lobby, the receptionist asked me, "where's your mask?". I said in my car, which was true, got on the elevator and went back to my office. So to avoid the hassle I don't access the elevator in the lobby, I just go to the below ground parking and catch the elevator there.
And just an FYI, Florida still has the HIGHEST new positivity rates of ANY STATE in the US. You never hear this.....
According to World-o-meter, they haven't reported a case since June 4th. They also haven't reported any statistics either.

Their governor is a trumpsucking sleazebag, and a vindictive authoritarian asshole. He has been trying for 16 months to suppress all information about COVID, denying it exists, denying that it's dangerous, and denying that there's any reason to keep track of how many Floridians it's killing.
He is even sacrificing the cruise industry that is a major part of the FL economy, just to keep them from taking steps to mitigate their own liability and protect their clientele.
My daughter's boyfriend who voted for Trump (because he thinks that Rump was the reason for low gas prices) hasn't gotten the vaccine yet even though he's in New Hampshire where he can get it fast and easy. It appears that he's distrustful of the vaccine and is waiting until they are only using one, which will probably be Never). Apparently he's being influenced by his grandmother who gets her news from Facebook.

My daughter is fully vaccinated. I've allowed her to live here at the house. But I've told her that her boyfriend can't come inside the house until he is fully vaccinated.

My boys have been in Canada since March and I think I am expected to go get them next week (wife will hand them off at the border somehow) and I'll promptly take them to CVS which is now taking walk-in. I don't know what the decision will be after they are fully vaccinated. But my wife who I believes needs to stay in Canada longer while she tries to get her 95 year old mom into a suitable care facility can't get her vaccine until she gets back sometime this summer - unless the vaccine situation in Canada changes.

Anyway, I can't control whether my daughter's boyfriend gets the vaccine but I do have control over who comes into my house.
'Lockdown' states like California did better economically than 'looser' states like Florida, new COVID data shows

Lockdowns are no exception. One assumption many Americans seem to make is that the more a government limits gatherings, mandates masks, restricts business activity and advises residents to stay at home, the more economic damage it will do.

Among the loudest of these voices is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican who raised his national profile by allowing bars and restaurants to operate at full indoor capacity during America’s horrific holiday surge, then effectively banned mask mandates once Florida started to recover — all in the name of supporting business.

“She’s a lockdown lobbyist,” DeSantis recently said in reference to Democrat Nikki Fried, one of his 2022 gubernatorial opponents. Speaking at a New Smyrna Beach restaurant, DeSantis said Fried “would have had this business shuttered for the whole year. They would be out of business if Fried were governor.”

Yet for much of the past year, some experts have quietly advanced a counterargument: that economic activity is mainly affected by the rising and falling severity of the pandemic itself — not the relative strictness of the measures implemented to mitigate it. In fact, these experts argued, nonpharmaceutical interventions, or NPIs — a set of 20 government responses such as business closures, mask mandates and stay-at-home advisories that Oxford University rates according to stringency — can have an economic upside. The more the virus seems to be under control, the more eager people will be to participate in the economy.

Last week, this argument got a boost with the publication of a new report by economists at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to the latest quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast, not only did big states with more stringent COVID measures end 2020 with fewer infections per capita, they also tended to post better economic growth numbers last year than states with fewer restrictions.

It was months ago that I posted some charts from an analysis reported on by WaPo if I recall correctly, that showed that economic activity mostly slowed prior to state lockdowns.

They were a very revealing set of charts. The bottom line is that the economic downturn was caused by the pandemic, not state lockdowns.

A woman who identified herself as a nurse practitioner student tried to defend an Ohio doctor’s unproven claim by proving she actually is magnetic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Joanna Overholt, who said she previously worked in an intensive care unit and is currently a nurse practitioner student, spoke during Tuesday’s Ohio House Health Committee hearing as a proponent for House Bill 248. Overholt used her time at the podium to try to defend a myth shared by Cleveland-area physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine leads to magnetism and causes metal objects to stick to the shot recipient’s body.


The video is comical and tragic at the same time. "magnetic vaccine crystals" ?! WTF :eeka:
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