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Covid-19 miscellany

It's frustrating to know how many of my friends and former coworkers risk their lives daily and continue to work hours of overtime to deal with people who are too selfish and irresponsible to get a free vaccination.

It's tedious to read another emotive piece of nonsense with no substance.

Then you should really stop reading your own posts.
If you had an actual point I could do both.

Here's the point.
People who wish to avoid hot tubs with crap in them refuse admittance to people who insist on their freedom to crap anytime and anywhere they want.

I'm against giving the government much power to enforce things like vaccinations. But if private enterprises want to make such rules, they have that right. For example, if a cruise ship company requires a vaccination to board their ship people can freely choose to get the vaccine or stay off the ship. Florida's government doesn't think that people should be that free and imposed a big fine on cruise ship companies that try to exercise their freedom to do business their own way.

What's with that?

You have people that are deliberately putting many people at risk based on vanity.

There might be legitimate reasons to not get the vaccine, like you have had allergic reactions to vaccines in the past.

But right now the unvaccinated are causing a resurgence of a deadly virus that was dwindling away.

My hospital was down to about 5 COVID beds. (patients with COVID) It is now over 30 and rising everyday. Almost all are unvaccinated. Some begging for the vaccine when it is too late.

The only vaccinated people are those with compromised immune systems like transplant patients.

These vaccine refusers are killing people.

What should we do to these evil uncaring people?
California parents file lawsuits against state and schools mask mandate

SAN DIEGO — California advocacy groups including Let Them Breathe, based in San Diego, have filed a lawsuit against the state for its mask mandate for schools, and parents on both sides of the debate sounded off at a rally and school board meeting Thursday. The complaint alleges that the state’s mask mandate for all students is arbitrary, not based on scientific evidence, harmful to students, and impedes effective education


The mask mandate in schools is yet another example of the arbitrary policies handed down by incompetent and ignorant bureaucrats.

“Follow the science” my ass.
California parents file lawsuits against state and schools mask mandate

SAN DIEGO — California advocacy groups including Let Them Breathe, based in San Diego, have filed a lawsuit against the state for its mask mandate for schools, and parents on both sides of the debate sounded off at a rally and school board meeting Thursday. The complaint alleges that the state’s mask mandate for all students is arbitrary, not based on scientific evidence, harmful to students, and impedes effective education


The mask mandate in schools is yet another example of the arbitrary policies handed down by incompetent and ignorant bureaucrats.

“Follow the science” my ass.

The existence of other people who agree with your baseless claims is not evidence that your claim is scientific.

The only way to counter scientific evidence is with better scientific evidence.

But instead you are ignoring the evidence, and repeating your fallacies ad nauseam.

You can stop now. Everyone's heard your pathetic whining, and until you bring some scientific evidence to back it, nobody cares.

It's tedious to read another emotive piece of nonsense with no substance.

Jog on.
What should we do to these evil uncaring people?

The Christian thing, I think. Offer them TrumpCare R. Be sure to tell them it's called TrumpCare R. For those with full coverage, Lysol infusions in the lungs and ultraviolet probe light through endoscope. Partial coverage: substitute Dutch Maid Disinfectant from Dollar Tree and a Bic keychain flashlight with the light cover tinted with purple magic marker, straight up the bunghole. Send 'em home with Tylenol.
It's frustrating to know how many of my friends and former coworkers risk their lives daily and continue to work hours of overtime to deal with people who are too selfish and irresponsible to get a free vaccination.

It's tedious to read another emotive piece of nonsense with no substance.

I usually just skip posters I find to be tedious, ill informed and more interested in banging a tin drum than honest discussion.

But I do make an occasional exception and respond.
It's frustrating to know how many of my friends and former coworkers risk their lives daily and continue to work hours of overtime to deal with people who are too selfish and irresponsible to get a free vaccination.

It's tedious to read another emotive piece of nonsense with no substance.

I usually just skip posters I find to be tedious, ill informed and more interested in banging a tin drum than honest discussion.

But I do make an occasional exception and respond.

Yeah, me too.
California parents file lawsuits against state and schools mask mandate

SAN DIEGO — California advocacy groups including Let Them Breathe, based in San Diego, have filed a lawsuit against the state for its mask mandate for schools, and parents on both sides of the debate sounded off at a rally and school board meeting Thursday. The complaint alleges that the state’s mask mandate for all students is arbitrary, not based on scientific evidence, harmful to students, and impedes effective education


The mask mandate in schools is yet another example of the arbitrary policies handed down by incompetent and ignorant bureaucrats.

“Follow the science” my ass.

I'll let you in on something.

Psycho anti-science right-wingers hugging Jesus repeating Trump stupidity don't make it so.

Masks SLOW the spread IF worn properly and people are at least 6 feet apart.

That is what the science shows.

An N95 will allow for closer distances.

When I see COVID patients, and I have seen dozens as a hospital physical therapist, many times inches from these patients faces, I wear an N95, a regular mask over that, a plastic face shield, a gown and gloves.

Nobody just wears a paper mask to treat a COVID patient.

It is not effective for that.
Ordinary people are protesting against the draconian lockdown measures in Australia;
Thousands of angry, unmasked people marched through the Sydney central business district on Saturday afternoon demanding an end to the city’s lockdown, which is entering its fifth week.

After protesters were dispersed, the New South Wales police minister, David Elliott, announced the formation of a strike force to identify each of the 3,500 protesters at the “super spreader” event.

“It was just a whole lot of halfwits.”


That’s right, people exercising their right to peacefully protest against state tyranny are “half wits” and the state will hunt them down. This should send chills down the spine of most people but it is admired by left wing authoritarians. The good news is that these protests are growing in number, frequency and occurring all over the place.
California parents file lawsuits against state and schools mask mandate

SAN DIEGO — California advocacy groups including Let Them Breathe, based in San Diego, have filed a lawsuit against the state for its mask mandate for schools, and parents on both sides of the debate sounded off at a rally and school board meeting Thursday. The complaint alleges that the state’s mask mandate for all students is arbitrary, not based on scientific evidence, harmful to students, and impedes effective education


The mask mandate in schools is yet another example of the arbitrary policies handed down by incompetent and ignorant bureaucrats.

“Follow the science” my ass.

I'll let you in on something.

Psycho anti-science right-wingers hugging Jesus repeating Trump stupidity don't make it so.

Masks SLOW the spread IF worn properly and people are at least 6 feet apart.

That is what the science shows.

An N95 will allow for closer distances.

When I see COVID patients, and I have seen dozens as a hospital physical therapist, many times inches from these patients faces, I wear an N95, a regular mask over that, a plastic face shield, a gown and gloves.

Nobody just wears a paper mask to treat a COVID patient.

It is not effective for that.

Your real world experience is no match for Swizzy’s FOXwashed friends’ ignorant opinions!
My wife tells me from her sources — though Google doesn't show this yet — that the Thai government has suddenly announced that it will not allow private hospitals to dispense Moderna vaccine! (We've already paid $390 in advance for three Moderna vaccinations.) But Thai governments have a habit of announcing stupid policies they've not thought out, listening to the reaction, then quickly retracting their own stupidest ideas — so maybe this story will be obsolete by tomorrow!

But this is a matter of concern for us: My wife and I are both in high-risk groups; and as a foreigner I am ineligible for government vaccination. We were happy that our area had zero cases for many months, but cases are now reported just a few miles from our home. Our province is setting up a field hospital for more beds.

Two comments about Thai politics:
(1) Back in the 20th century I admired the way the Thai military provided "checks and balance" on the elected government! The 1992 coup d'etat, for example, was in response to severe corruption; the junta quickly appointed a VERY respected civilian PM and announced free and fair elections. Perhaps the military was well-behaved out of respect for the Constitutional Monarch, Bhumibol the Great, a remarkable man who deserved and received great reverence. The country mourned for a year when he passed away in 2016.
(2) Fortune/Forbes wanted to include Bhumibol near the top of their list of the world's richest persons, until they were informed that most of his wealth was held in trust for the benefit of the Thai people. It now appears that this trust relationship was conceptual, not contractual.

I mention these political points to give context to the following article. I'm reluctant to excerpt from the article for legal reasons.
Has anyone mentioned this idiot yet?

A conservative radio host in Tennessee who had expressed unwillingness to be vaccinated is now hospitalized with Covid pneumonia and urging his listeners to get the shots.

Phil Valentine, 61, whose show airs on 99.7 WTN in Nashville, contracted the virus about a week ago, the station said in a statement on Friday.

“Phil would like for his listeners to know that while he has never been an ‘anti-vaxer’ he regrets not being more vehemently ‘pro-vaccine’, and looks forward to being able to more vigorously advocate that position as soon as he is back on the air, which we all hope will be soon,” the station said.

In an update on Saturday morning, the station shared a message from his wife, Susan: “They say he is still not getting well,” it read, “please pray for me. I am at a breaking point.”

WTF is wrong with these people!

And public health mandates are not some type of authoritarian nightmare? We have speed limits, seat belt requirements, and at least in years past, children were required to be vaccinated if they wanted to stay in school. In the past, TB victims could be forcefully isolated if they were noncompliant with medical protocols etc. etc. These rules and regulations are made to protect the public, not to take away some goofball's idea of freedom.
More protests in France against covid restrictions, compulsory vaccination, vaccination passes etc;

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets of France on Saturday afternoon against the extension of the health pass and compulsory vaccination for certain professions. It was the second weekend in a row to see thousands rally on the streets against the government’s decision to make it compulsory to have a health pass in order to access restaurants, bars and other cultural establishments.


A rumor is also circulating in France that Macron would like to implement a “no vaccine, no vote” policy. It is just a rumor but it is hard to dismiss easily considering just how authoritarian the likes of Macron, Johnson, Sturgeon and Merkel have become.
Ordinary people are protesting against the draconian lockdown measures in Australia;
Thousands of angry, unmasked people marched through the Sydney central business district on Saturday afternoon demanding an end to the city’s lockdown, which is entering its fifth week.

After protesters were dispersed, the New South Wales police minister, David Elliott, announced the formation of a strike force to identify each of the 3,500 protesters at the “super spreader” event.

“It was just a whole lot of halfwits.”


That’s right, people exercising their right to peacefully protest against state tyranny are “half wits” and the state will hunt them down. This should send chills down the spine of most people but it is admired by left wing authoritarians. The good news is that these protests are growing in number, frequency and occurring all over the place.

They call the generation that made incredible sacrifices in order to win WW2 the "Greatest Generation". I wonder what they call the generation of today that refuses to make any compromise to help today?
... people exercising their "right" to peacefully protest against state tyranny serve as walking talking petri dishes to ensure the spread and evolution of a deadly virus that has already killed millions, are “half wits”

FIFY. You got it right now.

The good news is that these protests are growing in number, frequency and occurring all over the place.

Guess what else is growing in number, frequency and occurring all over the place.

Epidemiologists are telling us that at the present rate of the spread of Delta, we are set to have a major covid spike in October that will again monopolize hospital beds and again put our medical professionals through hell. Every politician who is presently stoking the insane anti-vax line who does not begin to talk a very different line and tell his/her constituents that the vaccines are safe and effective, that taking them is something they do for themselves and their country, that 610,000 deaths is enough, that we have asked enough of our hospitals staffs -- will share the blame for this preventable catastrophe. Give this virus enough of an unvaxxed population to breed through, and it may mutate into a strand that will breach the safety wall we've thrown together.
Thanks, Fox Nation.
More protests in France against covid restrictions, compulsory vaccination, vaccination passes etc;

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets of France on Saturday afternoon against the extension of the health pass and compulsory vaccination for certain professions. It was the second weekend in a row to see thousands rally on the streets against the government’s decision to make it compulsory to have a health pass in order to access restaurants, bars and other cultural establishments.


A rumor is also circulating in France that Macron would like to implement a “no vaccine, no vote” policy. It is just a rumor but it is hard to dismiss easily considering just how authoritarian the likes of Macron, Johnson, Sturgeon and Merkel have become.

You don't care about the fate of your countrymen, why should you get a say about how they are handled?
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