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Merged Mar-a-Largo raided by FBI?

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Can this be overturned by a higher court, that also has the power to remove her from the case entirely? I'll be watching LegalEagle youtube channel since he covers a lot of this.
Judge Cannon has got to be the worst judge ever to make the Federal bench. And I must warn you, I have no idea what I'm talking about. :D

Regardless, after she got humiliated by the Appellate Court, one would think she'd shy away from grandiose rulings. Is she even able to make this ruling? It isn't as if this is some Ken Starr investigation that after 36 months they found Trump had a document in his possession illegally.

If SCOTUS allows this to stand, it might be time to leave.
article said:
In a ruling Monday, Cannon said the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution.

“In the end, it seems the Executive’s growing comfort in appointing ‘regulatory’ special counsels in the more recent era has followed an ad hoc pattern with little judicial scrutiny,” Cannon wrote.
What I don't get is that SCOTUS kind of gave the Exec Branch a Star Power powerup. And now she rules they don't have power.
Obviously hoping that if Trump wins she will be overturned, and if not, then not.
Surely this should provide the circuit court cause to dismiss her as the judge. Alternately, she has basically ended the case, so the charges can be brought again with a different judge.

I think that the latter is exactly what will happen. Right now, she has ended her association with the case. Smith should have tried to get her removed in the first place. It became increasingly obvious that she was shilling for Donald Trump, and this preposterous dismissal confirms it. The classified documents case was by far the strongest criminal case against Trump. For the courts to allow this to stand would put all special counsel appointments in jeopardy and make a mockery of our justice system. I really hope that she can be impeached and removed someday. Obviously, that won't happen while Republicans hold such power in the Senate.

It is possible that this dismissal will help Biden, because people will feel even less secure that the legal system can serve as a check on presidents. Loss of democracy and growing authoritarianism is one of the fears that drives support away from Republican candidates. I'm not optimistic, but I'll grasp at straws now. Our system of government is looking really shaky.
Can the case be re-filed in another district, like in DC, to avoid Cannon's name getting drawn again?

Will they need to get a senate-approved prosecutor to avoid another dismissal over questions about special prosecutors?
I don't think that anyone but Clarence Thomas and Aileen Cannon thinks that Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional, but that issue may now have to be reviewed by the Supreme Court. It will take the DoJ a while to figure out how to react. Garland is known for being slow and cautious about everything he does. I hope I live long enough to see justice done in this case.
It will take the DoJ a while to figure out how to react. Garland is known for being slow and cautious about everything he does. I hope I live long enough to see justice done in this case.
Maybe you'll live long enough, if you're like, 12.
Appeal to the 11th circuit - they will probably hear (and overturn) it in good time. I don't know if there are further intermediate steps before it gets to SCOTUS, but it ends up there well after the election and if Trump hasn't further corrupted the court by then, the overturned Cannon decision will remain overturned. And if Trump wins or cheats his way into the WH it won't matter one bit because Cheato will instruct "HIS" DOJ (since he will be the de facto Atty General as well as President) to dismiss it and every other result of his criminal history. Then, there is approximately zero chance that you or anyone else will live to see justice done unless the next 20 yr old psycho has better aim.
Here comes the Constitution said:
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
Has congress at some time vested this power to the president? I would think so given all the special counsels we've had in the past.
I gave up on the documents case a long time ago. We knew that Cannon was an incompetent ideologue and we know there's no bottom to what right wing authoritarian followers are willing to do in order to usurp power over our country. We have learned that lesson over and over and each time we think, that's got to be the bottom. Surely they have some self preservation impetus, right? Turns out they do, but they believe they will be better off through violence, cheating, lying, and abuse of power, so any actual danger to them is just not getting to them through the wall of tribalism and zealotry. I believe that a lot of corrupt Republicans are convinced that they shall be rewarded for taking pivotal roles in stealing a whole country "for God." (Religion is so fucking handy and useful to conmen!)

I am guilty of both needless outrage and the failure to understand that anything that looks like the end of the corrupt GOP and its supporters is actually not. I should have learned this in the 90s when I was following critics of scientology on usenet. I thought when Arnie Lerma created the group alt.religion.scientology that the cult would surely crumble. I thought when Anonymous went after scientology that would be it but all they ended up doing was mainly scaring cult employees. They did elevate the cause somewhat, but otherwise, pffth. And all throughout the Trump era, it's been one step down after another, and I kept thinking it was the bottom step. But there literally is no bottom for right wing authoritarianism. It's all about seizing power with zero conscience involved no matter how depraved the acts.

But whatever happens with the documents case, this particular abuse of power changes nothing for the election or the fate of our country. So I just want my fellow infidels to please take care of your cardiovascular system and self regulate and be willing to let some things go without a reaction. I feel like this case, even though it is as egregious as it gets, is one of those that we can set aside in terms of reactions.

Not to say that we shouldn't talk about it, and there's no particular people here that I'm thinking about beyond myself, but I think it's worth sharing the idea. Not everyone has someone to remind them to check themselves before they go down a rabbit hole or waste their personal power or react emotionally to things that don't change anything for the bigger picture of preserving our democracy.
I gave up on the documents case a long time ago. We knew that Cannon was an incompetent ideologue and we know there's no bottom to what right wing authoritarian followers are willing to do in order to usurp power over our country.

I was stunned but not totally surprised by her ruling. What bothers me is that it got to this point. It was painfully obvious that she was dragging her feet AND incompetent, yet Jack Smith - allegedly a very good prosecutor - only appealed to the 11th Circuit one time. She intercoursed the poodle over and over again, but he did nothing. And as to the DoJ moving forward, Garland makes Cannon look like a speed demon when it comes to moving cases along. I have no faith that Jack Smith will challenge this ruling. He should, but he hasn't shown a willingness to stand up to Cannon except for that one time.
Jesus Christ is our boy on a roll. Who in the history of mankind has ever had this kind of lucky streak? When he steps out on the Convention stage, he'll look like he's just chugged 10 Red Bulls in a row. I expect him not just to body hug the flag, but to actually fuck it. And the conventioneers will cheer, too.
My prediction for the rest of Trump's July, based on how the first half has gone:
July 17 (Wed.) - SCOTUS hands down a per curiam ruling that E. Jean Carroll owes Trump $83,300, 000.01, for "emotional distress to Melanoma, or however you spell her name."
July 21 (Sun.) - Vatican awards honorary Pope status to Trump, along with honorary salvation, which includes the Pope's personal silver passkey to the Gates of Heaven and exclusive rights to develop the Heavenly Back Forty as a resort
July 23 (Tues.) - Mexico issues a mea culpa with the signatures of all Mexican citizens that, quote, "Nosotros realmente somos narcotraficantes y violadores, y realmente hemos tratado de envenenar tu sangre. Lo siento mucho! Viva Trumpo!" (We really are drug dealers and rapists and we really have been trying to poison your blood. Sorry. Hurray for Trump!")
July 24 (Wed.) - Nobel committee issues Trump a Nobel Prize in a new category, The Stable Genius Nobel, because, quote, "Py yiminy, ve joost cannot resist dis great big orange American. He is joost da cat's pajammers!"
July 26 (Fri.) - Supreme Court issues a check for $10 million to Trump's wife, for causing her distress by misspelling her name in the previous ruling.
July 27 (Sat.) - People Magazine's latest issue has Trump on the cover as The Century's Sexiest Man Alive. Inside, the magazine's first nude centerfold ever, "simply because America asked for it, and America shall have it."
July 29 (Mon.) - DNC announces that Trump wins the 2024 election because, "Fuck it."
July 30 (Tues.) - Int'l Court of Justice, the Hague, announces that Trump is the official Emperor of Earth, and issues him a gold fez, gold sash, solid gold sword, and matching pistol (the pistol to be presented to him when his probation status is cleared up.)

Donald Trump, the most perfect being who ever drew breath on this earth. All that remains would be a sandwich at Wendys named for him, a duet session with Taylor Swift, Trump as the fifth head on Mount Rushmore, and the Baptist Convention to name Trump as the Presumptive Second Coming of Our Lord and Savior.
MeidasTouch on X: "NEW: Donald Trump posts a completely unhinged statement following Judge Cannon's ruling, slamming all of his criminal cases as "Witch Hunts" and calling January 6th a "hoax." (pic link)" / X
As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.'s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia "Perfect" Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden's Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!

Judge Aileen Cannon repeatedly cites Clarence Thomas to dismiss Trump indictment | Salon.com - "The trial was already on life-support as Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, repeatedly delayed it"
"In Trump's immunity ruling, Justice Thomas all but invited Judge Cannon to find Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed as special counsel," MSNBC's Adam Klasfeld commented. "Cannon noticed."

The special counsel's team can appeal the ruling to the 11th Circuit and ask for a new judge, but the process will further delay a case that was already unlikely to go to trial before November.

Trump classified documents case dismissed, Jack Smith to appeal
A spokesman for Smith said the Department of Justice later Monday had authorized the special counsel to appeal Cannon’s decision tossing the case to the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

“The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel,” said Smith’s spokesman Peter Carr.
If he succeeds, he ought to insist on a non-Trumpie judge.
That word “hoax”. He keeps using that word. I don’t think it means what he thinks it means.
My initial reaction after reading the salient portion of the opinion was to call it “goofy,” which was about as inoffensive a characterization as I could muster. There was a question raised at the inception of the Trump classified documents case whether Special Counsel Jack Smith knew what he was doing when he made the call to prosecute the case in the Southern District of Florida, West Palm Beach Division, where the only judge sitting in the courthouse was Aileen Cannon, the same Trump appointee who had already disgraced herself by collaterally staying the review of evidence seized by the search warrant, which was not a “thing.”

I tried. Oh lord, I tried to give Judge Cannon the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was just inexperienced. Maybe she just wasn’t all that bright. Maybe she was trying to be as meticulous as possible after the Eleventh Circuit ripped her a new one for her monumentally bizarre ruling in the search warrant proceeding. Or maybe her bench was the quid to Trump’s quo.

Judge Cannon dismissed the classified document prosecution on the basis that the special counsel appointment and funding was unconstitutional. No less a trusted authority on matters legal than Matt Gaetz summed up the rationale in a single sentence.
More in the link.
Ha. Ha. Thomas called the Special Counsel appointment unconstitutional, and Judge Cannon ruled it so. Now we learn that one of the main authors of the "unconstitutional" rule was:

John Roberts Could be Aileen Cannon's Undoing

Supreme Court chief justice John Roberts was instrumental in creating special counsel regulations that were struck down by Judge Aileen Cannon in the classified documents case, a legal scholar has said.

Cannon, a Trump appointee, found the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel to oversee Trump's federal trials unconstitutional.

Department of Justice regulations allow for the appointment of special counsels in cases where the U.S Attorney General believes that they themselves may have a conflict of interest and need an independent attorney to lead a prosecution.
Special counsel appeals dismissal of Trump classified documents case | CNN Politics
The special counsel team filed a notice of appeal, the initial procedural mechanism that sets the appeal in motion, on Wednesday, just two days after US District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the prosecution and well ahead of the 30-day deadline the prosecutors faced for bringing the appeal.

This means the shock ruling would be reviewed by judges from the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals based in Atlanta.

The two-page filing from Smith’s team did not indicate whether the prosecutors will seek to speed up the appeals process.
Notice of appeal - DocumentCloud

The United States of America hereby gives notice that it appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit from the order of the District Court entered on July 15, 2024, Docket Entry 672.

Respectfully submitted,

Special Counsel
N.Y. Bar No. 2678084
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