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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

If y’all gave Ukraine some of your nukes, Pootey would go home.
But you’re too greedy to do that.
Ukraine has a great friend in USA. And it has a big pile. Why does it not ask them?
We do not want Ukraine to commit harakiri and put other countries too at risk.
Right, you just want them to roll over and die quietly so Putin will stop making scary noises. 😫
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
Eastern Ukraine is not their territory. It never was their territory. Nazi Regime in Kiev have implicitly gave up that territory.

Fat piece of nazi shit Gerashenko is fighting random grumpy elderly women now.
And she is correct. DNR was not part of Ukraine and it is Ukraine who invaded DNR/LNR.
The fact that Russia "invaded" parts of Ukraine (not DNR/LNR) was nothing but a tactical move.
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So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
That is the answer for our situation. Ukraine is trying to push back a bear.
So you support ceding territory to China when they invade. Got it.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
That is the answer for our situation. Ukraine is trying to push back a bear.
So you support ceding territory to China when they invade. Got it.
Yes, If India behaves like Regime in Ukraine then it would have to be invaded and territory would have to be ceded if necessary. But as far as I know India does not have any historically chinese territory populated by chinese.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
That is the answer for our situation. Ukraine is trying to push back a bear.
So you support ceding territory to China when they invade. Got it.
Yes, If India behaves like Regime in Ukraine then it would have to be invaded and territory would have to be ceded if necessary. But as far as I know India does not have any historically chinese territory populated by chinese.
This is stupid.

I have Russian, Polish, Scottish, and English ancestors. Which of these countries gets to use me as a free pass to invade the country I am living in now?

Answer? None of them.

My ancestry doesn't justify violence against the place I am living now. What kind of psycho would believe something like this?

What's that? It turns out that the guy who owned the land Barbos is living on 60 years ago has the same family name as me, maybe he was even my great grandfather. I guess I am justified in taking the land back and murdering Barbos if he tries to stop me. Right Barbos? I mean Barbos has even said some pretty nazi things too, like advocating genocide. So he is acting like a nazi! So this plan to take Barbos's home by force is totally legal and not completely depraved, Right?

Barbos are you sure that you aren't suffering from some advanced dementia? Who taught you these deranged and psychotic lessons in land acquisition?
I have Russian, Polish, Scottish, and English ancestors. Which of these countries gets to use me as a free pass to invade the country I am living in now?
Nobody is using russians in Eastern Ukraine. Nazi Regime in Kiev banned russian language and culture, they ceded Ukraine and went back to Russia. It's not complicated.
I have Russian, Polish, Scottish, and English ancestors. Which of these countries gets to use me as a free pass to invade the country I am living in now?
Nobody is using russians in Eastern Ukraine. Nazi Regime in Kiev banned russian language and culture, they ceded Ukraine and went back to Russia. It's not complicated.
Your convoluted and nonsensical ramblings aren't complicated because they are insane. What are you even talking about here?
My ancestry doesn't justify violence against the place I am living now
Exactly, that's why ukro-nazi banderites should leave MaloRossia and get back where they came from - Poland.
Again, your make no sense. Please start forming coherent thoughts. Word salad doesn't excuse Russia's violent aggression on their neighbors.
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
Eastern Ukraine is not their territory. It never was their territory. Nazi Regime in Kiev have implicitly gave up that territory.

That is simply not true in any way.
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
Eastern Ukraine is not their territory. It never was their territory. Nazi Regime in Kiev have implicitly gave up that territory.

That is simply not true in any way.
What I said is 100% true historical fact and a matter of records.
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