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Racism And Kamala Harris

Yes interviews/debates can really trip people up.

I have also watched some of Harris' press conferences. Does not inspire much confidence

Harris has had lots of weaknesses with her political skills, so yeah I do have to hope she has overcome enough of them.

So far her speech performances at least do seem to be much improved from the past.
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
In her first major television interview she got stumped by the question “what magazines do you read?”

And instead of being honest about herself she said she reads them all.

It was like watching Trump get asked about the Bible and his favorite verses.
Yes interviews/debates can really trip people up.

I have also watched some of Harris' press conferences. Does not inspire much confidence
Well , it never improved from there. She came across as someone completely uninformed on and uninterested in national issues.

She didn’t even finish her term as governor, resigning under the cloud of legal fees incurred from her fights against ethics investigations.

She then tried to bank on her notoriety by making her own tv show.

She was also a major hypocrite on the subject of “family values”, though that’s par for the course for much of the Republican Party.

Read her Wikipedia page to get enlightened on the hot mess.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

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If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Perhaps you can be clear by what you mean by a significant portion of the right and how to properly measure it in order to avoid wasting everyone’s time.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Sorry, my bad. I was replying to your post as if it had come from Emily. My apologies.

No prob. It did seem like you were crabbier than usual towards me so I figured something was amiss.
I have also watched some of Harris' press conferences. Does not inspire much confidence
Can you give an example of a President whose press conferences inspire confidence? I don't mean like Trump telling people 'We got it under control. it's just six guys from Chyyyna!".
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
In her first major television interview she got stumped by the question “what magazines do you read?”

And instead of being honest about herself she said she reads them all.

It was like watching Trump get asked about the Bible and his favorite verses.
Yes interviews/debates can really trip people up.

I have also watched some of Harris' press conferences. Does not inspire much confidence
Sorry. Forgot to mention that this was her first interview as VP nominee. She’d already been governor of Alaska at this point so there was really no excuse for being so horrible at it.
If she brought to the table the ability to motivate people of color and women to show up and vote for the Democratic ticket
What bothers me is that the entire approach here is premised on the idea that black and hispanic people only give a shit about skin color, therefore they need to have a candidate with a similar melanin content or they won't vote for your party. Similarly, there's the premise that female humans only give a fuck about sex, so if you don't pander to us with a female candidate we won't vote for your party.

It's the implicit assumption that dems cannot win voters on their policies and their position - they're only capable of winning because they can somehow con the otherwise ignorant minorities and woman into voting for them by showcasing a skin-deep similarity.
People are tribal. They give a shit about skin color and sex. Don’t like it? Tell god. Except there is no god.
What bothers me is that the entire approach here is premised on the idea that black and hispanic people only give a shit about skin color, therefore they need to have a candidate with a similar melanin content or they won't vote for your party. Similarly, there's the premise that female humans only give a fuck about sex, so if you don't pander to us with a female candidate we won't vote for your party.

It's the implicit assumption that dems cannot win voters on their policies and their position - they're only capable of winning because they can somehow con the otherwise ignorant minorities and woman into voting for them by showcasing a skin-deep similarity.
The GOP is running successful campaigns based catering to unfounded white fear of brown-skinned migrants with white candidates.

So why wouldn’t the Dems try similar approaches on different demographic groups? Using similar looking people to get the attention of those groups of potential voters?

Here ya go @Emily Lake

Kamala Harris faces racial 'DEI' attacks amid campaign for the 2024 presidency

Further claims to ignorance of racist Republican attacks will be as revelatory as any admission that you innocently “missed it”.
It is not "racist" to point out discriminatory behavior of Democrats when it comes to nominating people. Same thing went on with SCOTUS and selecting a senator from California.

Btw, from the article:
ABC News said:
On Sunday, Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis, told CBS-58 in Wisconsin that he believes "a lot of Democrats feel they have to stick with her because of her ethnic background."
That is very much true. In the weeks before Biden decided to withdraw from the race, there was much talk that Dems can't afford to replace KH with another candidate because that would piss of black voters, and especially black women.

California delegate says Black women will 'blow the party up' if Dems pick a 'White man over Kamala Harris'

That is probably why Biden waited this long - to foreclose on the possibility of having a blitz primary and ensure a coronation.
Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., accused Harris of being a "DEI hire" in a CNN interview on Monday and claimed that Biden wanted to pick a Black woman as a vice president: "When you go down that route, you take mediocrity."
That is very much true and I do not see how the mainstream media can deny it. Biden explicitly stated that he would only consider female running mates, and while he did not explicitly pledge to only consider black women (unlike with his SCOTUS pick) it was pretty much understood he would after the George Floyd riots.
In the end, it was pretty much between Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, Val Demmings and, improbably, Stacey Abrams.
DEI – which stands for diversity, equity and inclusion – refers to the initiatives and programs intended to address discrimination against historically marginalized groups within schools, businesses or government agencies, according to industry experts.
No, it isn't. It's about discriminating against certain groups in order to artificially boost others. It became all the rage in the aftermath of the George Floyd insurrection.
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Read X for awhile. Racist dog whistle attacks on Kamala Harris are a dime a dozen there. Misogynist attacks are rampant.
I don't read X unless somebody links to it (on here usually lpetrich). Can you provide some examples? And no, saying that Biden selected her because she is black and female is not a a "racist dog whistle" or a "misogynst attack". Because the Ilk on this thread is whinging about this for 9 pages now, and they would not if there was anything better they could whinge about.
They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.
Dated alleged language aside, ζφβ, where KH was speaking today is a specifically black sorority.

It seems that KH is taking a page from her 2019 playbook and making her campaign explicitly racial. Recall her attacks on Biden over forced busing.
Are you complaining about his apparent prescience?
Who else, upon his timely exit from the race, would have generated the current level of enthusiasm? (Other than Trump, maybe)
A lot of people, I am sure. What's so special about her other than that she is the incumbent vice president?
Had Biden dropped out in January, the Dem convention would be a zoo. As it is, there will be a lot of unity going in, largely because of the compressed timeline. Plus the BS propaganda machine has been built for all the wrong attack angles. Pity.
I disagree. Iron sharpens iron. Coronations produce weak candidates. See Hillary who was shielded from serious contenders who might endanger her coronation. Obama told Biden to hold off for example.
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No, not over, not completely. But up until about the past twenty years, it had diminished massively, to a point where it was no longer a material driver of views. Within the last couple of decades, it's become a hyperfocus for progressives, who see race in everything and who insist that every single topic must be viewed through a racial lense. Progressives have reified race.
That is very much true. Look no further than Kamala Harris herself.
When she withdrew from the 2020 race in December 2019, she blamed racism and sexism. Never mind her mismanagement of her campaign and especially the funding. Never mind her bad judgment that led to poor positioning, such as stating that she was for abolishing private insurance or for banning fracking and offshore drilling. Never mind her baseless attacks on Biden over busing that backfired.
We’ve already been over this, and your bigoted bullshit fools no one here, except maybe people like Barbos.
You have nothing except for insults. It's pathetic really.
“DEI pick” has two different meanings, one for the MAGGOT Party of the Convicted Felon and Serial Rapist that you support, and one for intelligent people.
I do not support Trump. One of many things you keep being wrong about.
For the latter, a DEI pick means that QUALIFIED people who are non-white, non-male, non-straight and non-cisgendered are finally getting their chance to advance in the world.
Bullshit. It is about discriminating against certain people because of their race and gender.
Kamala Harris CLEARLY meets this standard. If, with her record, she were a white man, NO ONE would cavil at her qualifications for the presidency.
I do not think she is unqualified based on her background. But at the same time, she has shown some very poor judgment in her presidential run. If she was a white man who showed similarly poor judgment, and likewise had attacked Biden in a similarly unfair fashion for a policy from the 1970s, nobody would put the male KH anywhere near the short list for Veep, even if Biden had not pledged to not consider any men whatsoever.
For the MAGGOT Party that you support,
Again, I don't. How does it feel being so wrong so frequently?
a “DEI hire” means that ANY minority candidate, no matter how qualified, is ipso facto INFERIOR to straight, white, hetero, cisgendered men. Is it just straight-up bigotry, end of story.
You are missing the point by a megaparsec. It is not that they are "ipso facto" inferior. But it is that there is a suspicion that they would not be selected unless racial and gender discrimination was practiced in their favor.
That's why DEI (and also "affirmative action" which is pretty much the same thing) is doubly evil.
On one hand, it discriminates against certain people based on race and gender and thus deprives them of equal opportunities. Mayor Pete did not have equal opportunity to Kamala Harris in the Veepstakes because he was excluded based on nothing but his genitals.
But it is also bad for the supposed beneficiaries. Because people who do not look like them were disadvantaged, they are always under suspicion of being selected even IF they were inferior to those groups who are being disseminated against by these policies.
Like, the GOP is outright saying she is "DEI", which is pretty fucking racist considering she is a competent criminal prosecutor who won election to the senate.
Many people have won elections to the senate, or had similar accomplishments. But they did not have the right genitals and the right skin color to be selected by Joe in 2020. That's the point. Nobody is saying that she is not a "competent criminal prosecutor". But that is separate from the fact that she was selected based on race and gender.
Laura Loomer on X: "It’s time for Republicans ..." / X
It’s time for Republicans to start talking about @KamalaHarris’s sexual history and the reason why she likely doesn’t have any children of her own.

I’m willing to bet she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.

A woman who has no biological children of her own should not be allowed to make decisions in the White House for your children.

Republicans need to run with this messaging and ask why a woman with no kids of her own and just a scarred up uterus is so obsessed with wanting to kill your babies.

Kamala has zero investment in the future but she wants to determine our future.
Sort of like
JD Vance's 2021 comments calling Kamala Harris a 'childless cat lady' go viral
Speaking to Tucker Carlson on Fox in July 2021, Vance said the U.S. was being run by “childless cat ladies” who “force their misery on the rest of the country” and have no direct stake in the government because they don’t have kids.
Vance, who has three children, referred to Vice President Kamala Harris, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg by name.
Someone responded
ExtremeBeauty®Mrktng 💙🇺🇸🇺🇦 on X: "@LauraLoomer @KamalaHarris It’s time for ..." / X
It’s time for Everyone to start talking about Loomer’s sexual history and the reason why she likely doesn’t have any children of her own.

I’m willing to bet she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.

This is a pic right before her last abortion👇🏼
with a picture of her at some event.

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote
At the risk of digging up old material why do say Sarah Palin was only chosen by John McCain as a vote buyer/getter?
Last time I looked so were Harris and H Clinton. Yet you do not consider them as unqualified.
Of ourse I forgot. It seems to you that any woman the Republicans choose would be a) chosen because of their gender and/or b) unqualified
and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.
You then say that the other one (presumably the Democrats) chooses only qualified women (presumably you mean Clinton & Harris).
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
Even her own staff thought she was a moron. Two of them wrote a book about the experience that became a movie.
Found this K Harris and her people skills. I do hope she has improved for all of your sakes. (I no longer have a subscription to the WaPo)
Changing the subject because the answer to the question causes you discomfort?
Which subject did I change?
In case you have forgotten it was Rhea who injected Palin onto this thread.
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