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Racism And Kamala Harris

Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep.

When they call her a DEI hire they mean unqualified, which is false.
No, they mean "nigger". Probably also "cunt".

Because they may be vile scumbags, but they're not brave vile scumbags, and they dare not say what they're thinking, in case decent-but-naïve people identify them as the racist misogynist scum that they are.
JFC, or the last decade, the only time I run across blatant racial and sexist epithets, they're coming from self-congratulatory progressives.
my experience leads me to conclude one of two things is true: 1) you are clueless about these epithets or 2) you live a very sheltered life.
Por que no los dos?
I have lately wondered. For an adult to wax so prolifically on the subject of racism yet saying she never hears the racist GOP foghorn blasting Harris, reeks of disingenuousness.
Which policy positions do you think Republicans have taken that are widely unpopular?
Consolidating power under the executive branch
Every executive in my lifetime has done this, regardless of party. Which democrat have you seen surrender any of that power back to either the legislative or the judicial branch? This is a problem with the executive branch as a whole.
Suspending the Constitution
Source? What part of the constitution are republicans trying to suspend? Have you considered which parts democrats have been trying to suspend?
Abolishing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
They've tried, and failed. I doubt that's going to be a major push again, but I wouldn't take bets on it.
Massive blanket tariffs
Doing away with the Federal Reserve
Tax breaks for the rich
Closing the Department of education
Closing all Federal law enforcement …
Etc etc etc plus
I can't find any actual policy proposals that support your claims for these. All I can find are occasional references to Project 2025. Somehow, a think tank that hasn't actually accomplished anything of note in its history is running everything now.
You know that reps are split on this issue, right? And so are dems. There's not even a clear winner among women on the topic. It's a divisive topic, and it very likely will continue to be divisive until CONGRESS actually takes action to enshrine it in the constitution. Until then, it's stuck at a state-by-state argument. Which makes me angry, don't think I'm sanguine about it.
Ever black person over 18 and eligible to vote better get out and do it this election. The stakes are too high.
Or what? Are you under the impression that black conservatives are "race traitors"? Do you hold the opinion that the only issue that black voters should ever care about is race?
Hi. No I don't think black people should only worry about race but I think they would be wise to factor it in their considerations. The conservative whites are thinking Trump may get segregation reintroduced and thus save the schools where I live. Such is crazy talk but it is out there. Many want the clocks rolled back.
That's definitely crazy talk. You should probably not assume that the senile WW2 vet is representative of conservatives as a whole. It's pretty much as silly as assuming that all liberals want to turn the US into a communist country. There are some crazy people out there, but don't get wound up about the truly fringe looneys.
Like, the GOP is outright saying she is "DEI", which is pretty fucking racist considering she is a competent criminal prosecutor who won election to the senate.
Yeah... except that Biden explicitly made it clear that he was ONLY going to consider a black or brown woman for VP. She was *literally* chosen for DEI purposes. She might be the most capable brown woman under consideration, but she was still an intentional and blatant DEI pick.

When dems literally tell us that they're going to select someone on the basis of their skin color and sex... why do you object to reps noting that they were selected on the basis of their skin color and sex?
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep.

When they call her a DEI hire they mean unqualified, which is false.
No, they mean "nigger". Probably also "cunt".

Because they may be vile scumbags, but they're not brave vile scumbags, and they dare not say what they're thinking, in case decent-but-naïve people identify them as the racist misogynist scum that they are.
JFC, or the last decade, the only time I run across blatant racial and sexist epithets, they're coming from self-congratulatory progressives.
my experience leads me to conclude one of two things is true: 1) you are clueless about these epithets or 2) you live a very sheltered life.
Can you provide quotes from IIDB (in any of its incarnations) within the last decade where such an epithet was actually written in a post by someone who was NOT progressive? Even the very few people that I think actually are a bit racist don't use such language, it's only the anti-racists who feel justified in doing so, under the pretense of putting words in someone else's mouth.
Every executive in my lifetime has done this, regardless of party.
Bullshit. Show me an instance of Carter doing that.
Donald Trump

They've tried, and failed.
Still trying. I am not going to do ALL your homework for you. Look it up.
I can't find any actual policy proposals that support your claims for these
What you can’t find speaks to the poor quality of your investigation. Try harder. The truth can be your friend. I recommend reading Project 47. If Project 2025 is too heavy a lift (at 900pages it is intended to be) you could read some of the synopses that are ubiquitous on Teh Internetz.

You know that reps are split on this issue, right?

Bwahaha haha!!! That’s why they got rid of RvW? Why Shay-Dee Vance is pushing a National ban? (he’s the Republican VP candidate, in case you didn’t see that either).
Try harder Emily. Dems are even more “split” on abortion*. But they are fairly uniformly in favor of leaving healthcare to women and their doctors. Republicans are NOT. They are uniformly behind “there must be some punishment” Trump.

You REALLY need to educate yourself on who and what you’re defending.

Nobody is “in favor of” amputation either.
But one party favors the patient’s right to decide on both. The other party doesn’t.
So, you admit the flawed logic then?
It’s like Trump picking JD Vance is only going to appeal to his base and he didn’t show any interest in reaching out to other kinds of voters. If Kamala picks a Whitmer or a Booker it isn’t going to grow the potential voting base.
Oh noes! Trump is also doing the same stupid thing! Do you think this is going to alter my view that it's a stupid thing, just because both parties are being dummies?
I don’t see how the acknowledgment that a white man may be the best VP pick actually addresses the racism or sexism of the Democratic base. It doesn’t make sense.
The argument I've seen is that Harris *needs* to select a *white male* if she wants to win. It goes hand in hand with people who have argued that Harris didn't get the nom in 2020 because she's a black woman. That's a commentary on the DNC itself.
That doesn’t mean that Dems are addressing the needs of the independents but it doesn’t support your contention either.

The hyperfocus on race (and sometimes sex) from dems and progressives is the problem. And it's a turn-off to the independents and moderates, especially Gen-X because we literally don't give a fuck about that.
It’s the same argument as a candidate needing to choose someone of a different geographical region. It will draw in more voters.

The fact that Obama selected Biden was precisely because he was an older white man with a great deal of experience than contrast with Obama being a comparative neophyte, politically speaking. It would help reassure people that there would be a steady hand to help Obama.

I do not think that there is only one candidate that is the absolute best choice. I think there are a number of names being tossed around who each bring something different to the ticket. Those something’s different t include different experience, different t geography and different perspectives.

In this election, the stakes are extraordinarily high. I am convinced that Biden would not have ever sought a second term if Trump were not running. It is essential to pick the strongest possible running mate for Harris. As much as I wish gender and sex were not factors in this race, they are. For outright racists, and sexists, it won’t matter. For those with unconscious prejudices -and that’s a lot of people—it might.
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep.

When they call her a DEI hire they mean unqualified, which is false.
No, they mean "nigger". Probably also "cunt".

Because they may be vile scumbags, but they're not brave vile scumbags, and they dare not say what they're thinking, in case decent-but-naïve people identify them as the racist misogynist scum that they are.
JFC, or the last decade, the only time I run across blatant racial and sexist epithets, they're coming from self-congratulatory progressives.
my experience leads me to conclude one of two things is true: 1) you are clueless about these epithets or 2) you live a very sheltered life.
Can you provide quotes from IIDB (in any of its incarnations) within the last decade where such an epithet was actually written in a post by someone who was NOT progressive? Even the very few people that I think actually are a bit racist don't use such language, it's only the anti-racists who feel justified in doing so, under the pretense of putting words in someone else's mouth.
IIDB is not the world. If you read your post that prompted my reply, it does not specify IIDB.

If my memory is correct, the poster tornado warning used to post racial epithets as did kusa.
Currently, 63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
The biggest predictor of an individual’s preference is political affiliation.
Just FYI Emily.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

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It looks like you believe racism is so over.
Nobody is saying that. On the other hand, accusing somebody of "racism" is very overused as a thought- terminating cliché these days.
Criticism of limiting running mate consideration to a single race and gender is not racist, and it is not sexist.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
Harris and Vance have the same wife? Are they a thruple? I thought Kamala was married to a dude.

Seriously though, I am not aware of attacks on Usha Vance or on Kamala Harris for being (partly) of Indian heritage. That would indeed be racist.
Definitely come very ugly attacks. From news commentators and legislators.
The same thing is true with Project 2025, btw. I've seen tons and tons and tons of progressives going on about how it's the end of democracy and a horrible thing (some parts of it certainly are horrible, some are extreme but not horrible, most of it is boring). What I haven't seen is any advocacy for it by actual republican politicians. I'm left trying to figure out why so many progressives are scared shitless of something coming from a conservative think tank that has accomplished nothing of note in its history. It's as irrational as the stupid thing I posted leading to a pile of religious rightists being terrified that the marxists are taking over.
Of course you haven't. No one wants to speak out before the election about their deplorable future plans. These people are fascists but they are not stupid.

As President Joe Biden’s campaign seeks to rebound from his rough debate performance two weeks ago, it has increasingly tried to turn the attention to former President Donald Trump about Project 2025, an expansive conservative plan backed by more than 100 groups for Trump’s potential second administration.

Over the last week, Trump has tried to put some distance between himself and Project 2025.

"I know nothing about Project 2025," he said in a Truth Social post Friday. "I have no idea who is behind it.”

He doubled down in a social media post Thursday morning, saying, "I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it."

But many of Trump’s key allies have been directly involved in producing the project, which includes a 900-plus page policy road map and personnel database gathered by the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank leading the effort.

Trump also spoke highly about the group's plans at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April 2022, saying: “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.”
Ever black person over 18 and eligible to vote better get out and do it this election. The stakes are too high.
Or what? Are you under the impression that black conservatives are "race traitors"? Do you hold the opinion that the only issue that black voters should ever care about is race?
Hi. No I don't think black people should only worry about race but I think they would be wise to factor it in their considerations. The conservative whites are thinking Trump may get segregation reintroduced and thus save the schools where I live. Such is crazy talk but it is out there. Many want the clocks rolled back.
That's definitely crazy talk. You should probably not assume that the senile WW2 vet is representative of conservatives as a whole. It's pretty much as silly as assuming that all liberals want to turn the US into a communist country. There are some crazy people out there, but don't get wound up about the truly fringe looneys.
Hi emily,

I wish it was the old WWII vets.
except that Biden explicitly made it clear that he was ONLY going to consider a black or brown woman for VP.
Are you complaining about his apparent prescience?
Who else, upon his timely exit from the race, would have generated the current level of enthusiasm? (Other than Trump, maybe)

Had Biden dropped out in January, the Dem convention would be a zoo. As it is, there will be a lot of unity going in, largely because of the compressed timeline. Plus the BS propaganda machine has been built for all the wrong attack angles. Pity.
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