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Harris will likely win

That is illogical, an arrival is an arrival whether it is legal or not.
No. De-facto open borders, which is what left wingers want, is what is illogical.
Business loves cheap labor. It isn't a partisan thing, it is an economics thing. So stop with this "the left". It ain't the left. Businesses want cheap, and honestly, most Americans love it too... when they benefit from it. America has a LONG history of migrant workers / immigrant workers in this country that dates way before you ever got here to complain about illegal immigrants. It used to be a thing with the northern border too. Immigrants built this country, many died doing it!
It gives a legal pathway not a guarantee .
It is a de-facto guarantee because it is so difficult to deport people. Especially when they move to a sanctuary city.
"Illegals" live across America. It is hardly a "sanctuary city" thing. They live in every city, every rural agricultural area, every place they can find employment.
Legal entry makes it easier to get a more accurate count, and cuts down on the trafficking and deaths.
It makes mass migration much easier and safer, which is a huge pull factor that makes the problem much worse instead of better. Arrivals should be discouraged, not encouraged by giving everybody who shows up at the border legal status to come inside.
Once mass migrants are here, it is very hard to deport them. Which means vast majority of them stay forever. But that is exactly what you and other leftists want - unrestricted mass migration that radically changes US demographics.
You can't possibly not know that the identity of America has "radically" changed throughout its entire history? We went from a Native American land, British colony, British colony / African slave depot, to the Western European refuge, to a Eastern European / Asian refuge. The nationalities of those living in the US has ALWAYS been changing! And each of those immigrants that came, were hated back then too. The Irish, the Chinese, the Italians... but they cool now. We even let the blacks learn to read! So we move on to hating the next wave of immigrants... you know, the ones that don't look like us... and obfuscate why that intolerance and bigotry is totally different than the early 20th century, 19th century bigotry.
You can't possibly not know that the identity of America has "radically" changed throughout its entire history? We went from a Native American land, British colony, British colony / African slave depot, to the Western European refuge, to a Eastern European / Asian refuge. The nationalities of those living in the US has ALWAYS been changing! And each of those immigrants that came, were hated back then too. The Irish, the Chinese, the Italians... but they cool now. We even let the blacks learn to read! So we move on to hating the next wave of immigrants... you know, the ones that don't look like us... and obfuscate why that intolerance and bigotry is totally different than the early 20th century, 19th century bigotry.

This is the whole thing in a nutshell.
A campaign that is based on good will has much more momentum than the negative
For me as well. But there are those who are not doing well economically or socially and I suppose it feels affirming to have a candidate spewing all the vitriol that they feel and to reassure them that it’s not their fault: nope, it’s the damn liberals and illegal immigrants by which they mean brown skinned people.
But there definitely are hordes.

The big problem for Kamala is that she was appointed the Border Czarina while Veep.
Her other problem is that she was running in 2020, and during the Democratic debates in 2019, candidates were tripping over each other trying to appear more permissive on mass migration than the others. It was disgusting to behold!
Let me get this straight. Your complaining about illegals getting caught. And no, there was no border czar at all appointed under Biden.
Plus the graph ends two years ago. I think you'll find the numbers have gone down since...
It looks like KH wants to continue with the Trump wall...er something. The answer is the usual "orange man bad" and word salad, so form your own opinion:

Cooper presses Harris on supporting border bill after calling border wall 'stupid,' 'useless'

Does this mean Kamala wants to keep the brown people out? Is she upset about the changing demographics, too?
Harris has to walk a difficult line of helping not offend people who are angry about problems that aren't real. So yeah, I expect a stumble or too because it is hard to coddle people afraid of ghosts and they get angry if you suggest s ghosts aren't real.
Business loves cheap labor. It isn't a partisan thing, it is an economics thing. So stop with this "the left". It ain't the left. Businesses want cheap, and honestly, most Americans love it too... when they benefit from it.
There's another important aspect of this. One nearly, if not more important, to the donor class.
Those undocumented workers don't get a discount at the grocery store or the gas station. They are both a pool of cheap labor (keeping labor costs down)and also consumers( keeping prices up.)
They're a win-win for the investing class who hire the politicians. They don't want a functional and humane response to the immigrants.
My reason no. 1

Republican women will vote for Harris.

I've not seen these notes - but this is powerful

Women may be intimidated by violence or verbal abuse. they can say they are voting for Cheato but may be really not.
And women's brains mature before men's. Some brains never mature beyond adolescence. Did someone say Cheato?
What is the "problem" with people seeking to enter the country by legal means?
Because these "legal means" were made up to pretend that the problem is lessened. I.e. there aren't fewer arrivals, you just made all of them "legal" by fiat.
In reality, it makes the mass migration problem worse because it's a pull factor for mass migrants
Again, what "problem"? If there's nothing illegal going on and everyone is being documented and monitored, what's the issue?
The issue is the Red Scare but now it's the Brown Scare. You remember when the breeding population of China was so great that the Chinese communists could start lemming into the ocean building a land bridge of human bodies sustained by their avowed destruction of America and reach our shores and destroy us? You remember that? I remember that. So those damn brown immigrants are doing the same thing today. Just ask any subliterate conservative idiot. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
My reason No. 2 Polls are hard to get right in a close election

According to the article - no one wants to talk to pollsters, they have to model around this and since its a close election and repubs may be saying one thing but voting another way - the polls are most certainly wrong.
Does this mean Kamala wants to keep the brown people out?
No, she’s trying to be a little less hamfisted than Cheato. Just trying to cut down on illegal immigration a little. I’m sure if she was a little more cruel and threatening about it, that would entice some Trumpers to vote for her. 🙄
Is she upset about the changing demographics, too?
Based on color? Not likely. I think she has some black and brown friends. Maybe as many as Trump has been able to hire.
A little off topic, but It’s interesting to watch old TV commercials from the 50s and the early 60s, which you can find aplenty on YouTube. They say a lot about the culture and priorities back then, an era to which MAGGATS think we should return. Thankfully, we can’t even if we wanted to, and no one should want to.

The products themselves being hawked are almost universally awful: Coca-Cola (awful for you), Kool-Aid (awful for you), Brylcreem (most of these grooming products are totally unnecessary and some have serious health risks, particularly, according to studies, for women of color) cars (all big-finned, gas-guzzling dinosaurs that Ralph Nader later showed to be largely death traps on wheels) and of course the omnipresent cigarettes (Kool, we are told, gives you that special “cool spot” in your throat, which, I suppose, is an indicator of early-stage throat cancer).

Cleanliness is absolutely vital. Everyone and everything is constantly being scrubbed, scrubbed, scrubbed to antiseptic futility. Dial Soap, we learn, is an absolute necessity for killing germs that cause the dreaded body odor — “Aren’t you you glad that you use Dial? Don’t you wish everybody did?”

One commercial depicts a mousewife in high heels (!) scrubbing her kitchen floor, while announcing a grand new discovery in cleansers. A moment later a bulletin interrupts this vital lesson to inform viewers that JFK had been shot. Lucky him. At the time, of course, many mousewives complained that their favorite soap, As The World Turns, had been interrupted by Walter Cronkite to announce the shooting. Priorities!

The really important point is that all the people in the commercials are white — ALL of them. Judging by U.S. TV commercials, one would not know that people of color even existed. They are all usually very well dressed, formally dressed, and the women are almost exclusively depicted as dutiful mousewives doting over their rosy-cheeked children or preparing their Man’s meal, usually involving red meats and other destructive elements.

Of course, forget about gays, trans people, etc. Back then, being gay was actually a criminal offense in every state I believe, and the American Psychiatric Association designated being gay as a mental illness. Remember that the next time you think about engaging a shrink.

Even then the world depicted in TV commercials was largely an idealized fantasy land, but they are largely accurate in depicting a suffocatingly conformist, drearily regimented consumerist culture of total and utter intellectual vacuity — the era of “the worship of spoons,” as characterized by Vladimir Nabokov.

For all our current problems, I am deeply thankful I wasn’t around then, and that I live in multi-culti NYC.
PA is not "safe" by a longshot. From the family chatter, it's more pink than light blue. And that's from the eastern part; the west is Trumpistan except P'Burgh/Allegheny Cty. The Trumpsters there are a lot more fired up about being Trumpsters than Dems are about being Dems, afaics
I once heard Pennsylvania described as "Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburgh at the other, and a huge chunk of Alabama in the middle."
That’s why we call it Pennsyltucky.
And here I thought that only applies if the state has an oddly placed and seemingly pointless border with Alabama—like Florida.
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