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  1. S

    Just an interesting problem.

    assuming that the box is an actual square, what’s the area of the circle?
  2. S

    Are there really infinite transcendental numbers?

    Obviously n*e is transcendental where n is any other number. Therefore at a trivial level there are infinite numbers of transcendental numbers. But I mean an infinite number of numbers that not calculated using other transcendental numbers? I would think the answer is yes. But all the...
  3. S

    Eternal life through science

    It seems to me that life is simply a matter of good chemistry. We understand biochemistry intimately but there are still mysteries to unravel. But can we get to the point where we can cheat death altogether? We’ve seen it some extent in movies where a computer diagnoses an early tumor and...
  4. S

    Atheists likely to be wealthier

    https://religionunplugged.com/news/2024/5/6/the-number-of-religious-nones-has-soared-but-not-the-number-of-atheists-and-as-social-scientists-we-wanted-to-know-why Interesting article about identifying as an atheist. The nones have risen rapidly. But many, even those who say they don’t believe...
  5. S

    Some random thoughts on religion

    I’m sitting in a Coffee shop reading some mathematics and physics - which is why I posted the Three body problem in the math forum. IAE, sitting nearby are a man and woman studying the Bible - not sure if they are a couple.They are discussing what constitutes the promised land under the Bible...
  6. S

    The Three Body Problem

    Is the three body truly unsolvable? Despite centuries of advances in mathematics a direct general solution to the problem of three bodies orbiting each other has yet to be solved. We have found numerous solutions to particular periodic orbits, but not generally in terms of all possible orbits...
  7. S

    It’s National Day of Prayer

    Well, for the US. What’s your prayer for the US? Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or as our brothers in the South call you: 'Hey-suz'. Please save me from your followers.
  8. S

    The Axis of Upheaval - Russia, China, Iran and North Korea

    https://www.foreignaffairs.com/china/axis-upheaval-russia-iran-north-korea-taylor-fontaine?utm_medium=newsletters&utm_source=fatoday&utm_campaign=The%20Axis%20of%20Upheaval&utm_content=20240426&utm_term=FA%20Today%20-%20112017 Probably behind a paywall, but maybe it will give you a few free...
  9. S

    Sea floor spreading caused by Noah’s Flood

    https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1469&context=icc_proceedings Apparently the entire sea floor spread due to Noah’s Flood. While I didn’t read the entire article I noticed he utterly ignores the thermodynamic effects of a rapid sea floor spreading. A sea floor...
  10. S

    Daniel Dennet Dies

    https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/philosopher-daniel-dennett-dead-at-82/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0snSvvnj68PAtsszq-OwWkiys7BjEEgAVsTYuvf9Xp0bQCDy6rNb4a534_aem_AeOFzuTj5-awF6EDY820e4rsnd5XQeLQe8J8pHNlD599MAMWb_3EQ-PKFprkYh9VG3kpJPxGeBBgI4hMZuAkp6b- A great freethinker has passed. A...
  11. S

    The Virgo Cluster

    The Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is one of the most widely studied Galaxy clusters. We are really part of it, although in the outer burbs. It is almost 54 million light years away from us. M87, on the right side of this picture is the largest and central galaxy. This is where the famous black...
  12. S

    Will AI destroy capitalism?

    So John Stewart had a long diatribe last night about AI and how it will destroy jobs. He then had as his guest, the chair of the FTC, Lina Khan talking about antitrust and AI. While antitrust issues are not at the top of the agenda for most people and their relationship with AI is even...
  13. S

    Why you should vote for Trump

    Saw this on Facebook by a trumper. Ah ha!
  14. S

    Tired Light Explains Away Dark Matter

    https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/524/3/3385/7221343 So this model, and it is still controversial, basically argues that JWST observations of the early universe show too many galaxies already formed and operating 300 million years after the Big Bang. This contradicts galaxy formation...
  15. S

    Problems with the Problem of Evil

    The Problem with the Problem of Evil The problem of evil has been around for thousands of years and generated much discussion. There is a lot that I do like about it. Frankly theists don’t have many good arguments against it. That being said, I did not lose my faith because of it even though I...
  16. S

    Violence and the Election

    So there is a lot of right wing chatter about executing Biden on the right. The following articles show the levels have gotten out of control. Here’s one of Michele Morrow, GOP nominee to run North Carolina public schools called for violence against Democrats, including executing Obama and...
  17. S

    Just a clip in honor of Robert Lewis

    Sad. Farewell.
  18. S

    Trump’s 2nd Term Plan: Christian Nationalism

    https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/20/donald-trump-allies-christian-nationalism-00142086 Hardly surprising, but still fucking scary. They intend to use the insurrection act to suppress protests against anyone who tries to stop them. Many other things such as the unitary executive theory...
  19. S

    Lee Strobel Coming to Visit

    So Lee Strobel is coming to our community to speak. It will be at our Public library, but hosted by our local Presbyterian Church. It’s Saturday, March 2, evening. What is a good question I can ask to stump him?
  20. S

    Taylor Swift is a witch

    Well, she turned me into a newt . . . I got better.
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