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  • Users: Tigers!
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  1. Tigers!

    Ongoing conflict in Sudan

    My sister is a midwife with an NGO just below the Sudan-South Sudan border. Since late April there has been another surge of refugees south fleeing the conflict in Sudan. They are pouring past their compound in Pibor, Sudan in increasing numbers. Power-struggle-Sudan There has been much...
  2. Tigers!

    Why USPS nor return items?

    Let me explain. My wife has a small online business making and shipping original patterns for quilts, table runners, applique etc. She has never dealt much with the US because the shipping costs are horrendous for small (sic) parcels (paper is not terribly heavy). She has a shop though in the US...
  3. Tigers!

    Trekking to Everest Base camp

    Tomorrow, Thursday 29th Feb., I will be off to Everest Base Camp. Considering I have never been to the top of Australia's highest mountain this might be suprising. Indeed the base camp is approx. twice the height of Mount Kosciuszko. The training is over and now I go with a good friend David G...
  4. Tigers!

    What happens as we see a first world country's demographic crisis

    Japan appears to be heading for a demographic crisis as deaths outnumber births by 2:1. Japan's falling population There are many here who would welcome a falling population and only see it as a blessing but I wonder if that is as rosy as conceived? With an increasing elderly population...
  5. Tigers!

    Victoria Falls, Zambia or Zimbabwe?

    Shwhmubo and I are going in Nov. to South Africa for a neice's wedding. Neither of us have been there before and are rather looking forward to it. The usual what to see, what to do? We only have 11 days there. We will visit a game park and want to go to Victoria Falls. Which side is the best...
  6. Tigers!

    Failed exam questions

    Which questions do you have that would not pass muster as an exam question? Give the Field and the question (with or without possible answers) I'll start Chemistry: Q: Which of these is not a hydrocarbon? A: Select from the following - Ethylene, Polypropylene, Come on Eileen Mathematics: Q...
  7. Tigers!

    Parents dying without knowing fate of their children

    Last weekend, Grant Alfred Beaumont, died at the age of 97. He was the father of the Beaumont children who went missing in 26th January, 1966. It is probably Australia's most famous missing persons case. I can't imagine the pain of not knowing what happened to your children for 57 years.
  8. Tigers!

    Tornado shelters

    With the recent spate of tornadoes across Mississippi it had me wondering about tornado shelters. 1. Are they compulsory for home owners or public is such areas? 2. Would such a shelter work? Or like a bomb shelter only work provided it was not a direct hit? 3. Could a tornado shelter be built...
  9. Tigers!

    The death of Tyre Nichols

    (Suprised that no-one has started a thread yet it seems) So yet another death from a police beating in the USA. Why do you people hate each other so much? I cannot understand why the police stopping a car should result in a death? From what we hear/see in Australia it would seem that police...
  10. Tigers!

    Classified documents and their location

    Being following with a tiny bit of interest the issue of classified documents appearing in private homes and offices. Is this rather cavalier attitude to classified documents widespread in the US?
  11. Tigers!

    North Korean missiles launched

    Since North Korea has started launching att of those missiles what is the status once they leave NK airspace or territory? Are they 'fair game' to be intercepted by another party? At present their is much fear and concern and the NK is getting some sort of morbid pleasure in cowering their...
  12. Tigers!

    What if Putin annexes part of Ukraine?

    I was listening to the news last night (SBS World News for those who wonder) when an item came on that said that Putin is considering annexing the conquered parts of Ukraine. First question: Is is plausible? 2nd question: What will be done about it if it happens? So far the west has been...
  13. Tigers!

    SMH from force acting at a distance

    I occasionally tutor school students at our church in algebra, trig, logarithms, exponents etc. Very rarely do I drift into calculus. However, a girl and I got to talking about the classis problem of boring a tunnel from one side of the earth to the other through the centre. We discussed it's...
  14. Tigers!

    Why are house numbers on American shows so large?

    One disadvantage of the Covid lockdowns in Australia is that I have been watching (far too much) Netflix, Amazon et. al. Whilst watching US shows it struck me that the house numbers shown were very large, in the thousands. As an example in 'Young Sheldon' his house is 5501 and his grandmother's...
  15. Tigers!

    Biden forgets Scott Morrison's name during AUKUS

    Biden had a moment here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZd19Tz_Zr0 Not being totally up to date with US politics i winder if he is doing this, or things like this, a lot? I was surprised that Biden took on the job as i wonder about his ability to complete his term.
  16. Tigers!

    Usage of terms male/female when describing animals

    In the hobby forum there is a thread about infection passing to birds via feeders https://talkfreethought.org/showthread.php?23078-a-bird-feeder-hobby-and-the-problem-of-infected-finches/page2 In that thread I asked about what was called a house finch esp. for a picture. One was kindly...
  17. Tigers!

    Usefulness of presidential pardons

    Have been noticing a bit of flak about Trump's pardons and then reading up on previous presidential pardons. All presidents have received some flak, some more than others. The possibility of corruption, malfeasance along with just plain stupidity of decisions makes me wonder if it has...
  18. Tigers!

    Running police forces in the USA

    Find it hard to believe that so many policeman in the USA are shooting people, seemingly at random and without seemingly any cause. Are all these police forces run autonomously? Are they based upon states or cities? How is the training and disciplining done? How is it that for years now police...
  19. Tigers!

    Presidential pardons

    On the news on the weekend I heards reports that Trump would talk to Biden about the possibility of a presidential pardon should Biden win. Not being in the US this has me puzzled. It is normal that the possible outgoing president asks the possible incoming president for a pardon? Why would...
  20. Tigers!

    Kanye West on the ballot - what effect?

    My knowledge of the US general election is vague but need to know more. Now that Kayne West is on some states' ballots I am wondering what effect they were have on the final results. I am assuming that West will not get anywhere Perot's result in '92 or '96. Will West take voters off either...
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