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  1. S

    Apple Censoring Stewart

    Apple is concened because of its dependence on Chinese manufacturing. MS long ago caved in to China. https://www.businessinsider.com/jon-stewart-show-apple-tv-ended-report-china-ai-2023-10
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    Catholics Come Home

    The RCC must be getting desperate. For years they periodically run TV ads targeting lapsed Catholics, saw one recently. https://www.catholicscomehome.org/
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    The Calculus Thread

    Pop quiz. y(t) = A*sin(2*PI*f*t) For f = 2 and A = 10, what is the equations of the lines tangent to the curve at t = PI/4 and t = PI?
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    Shake Rattle And Roll - The Earthquake Thread

    My apartment started shaking, more like the building was going back and forth. Went online to the PNW earthquake center, it was a 4.5 abut 40 miles fromf Seattle. The site must update automatically. I have felt 4 or 5 quakes including the Nisqually big one. I was at work and I could see...
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    Biden's Border Wall

    Biden is using Trump era funds to continue building a border wall. Biden says he had no choice, the funds were allocated and had to be spent, and his border wall policy has nit changed. He campaigned on never building a wall. Sounds live Trump double speak. Ideological polarization that [rents...
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    Optical Computers

    One problem is at some point photons have to interact with electronics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_computing
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    Is the country governable?

    Federally I do not think so. Congress appears past a point of no return. I heard it said usually presidents run campaigns on one side or the other but govern from the center. All that is gone. That republicans are not calling out Trump's insanity and incitement to violence says a lot. He...
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    Left vs Center vs Right

    On another thread somebody independent centrists fence sitters, Hardly. Centrists can go with the left or right depending on the issue. Mainstream media has tended to highlight criticism of the right over the left. What sets the three groups apart? As an independent centrist on issues I can...
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    Probability Problem

    A variation on a problem posed by Alcoholic Actuary. 100passangers are lined up in order of numerical seat assignments withing to board a plane. #1 enters and randomly picks a seat. #2 enters and if his seat is open takes it, if it is occupied randomly picks from the open seats. The rest of the...
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    The Dali Lama

    Some videos. He was trained in Buddhism from an early age. I think it i more philosphy than religion. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=dali+lama+stages+of+meditaion#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:016ed452,vid:2P9F29jT7QQ,st:0...
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    The Left Gone Wild

    We tend to focus on the extreme right, what about the left? Kshama Sawant is on our city council a self described communist. She has said public ally she wants to tear down everything and replace it with what she says is true democracy. An advocate of getting rid of police. There has been...
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    Religious Conditioning

    What I remember from my 50s-60s RCC school conditioning was fear and obedience. Not so much to a god but to the pope and priests who were said to be the spokespersons for god on Earth. Priests are called father and the pope 'the holy father'. And of course the Catholics are supposed to be...
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    I am sure there are many categories and definitions of atheism depending on the times and the authors. Fr me I reject deities of any kind. It is not for me to prove a god does not exiist, it is for theists to prove their claim. https://www.siue.edu/~evailat/atheism-1.htm (Typo fixed by...
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    Moon Tremors

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    Changes to The Constitution.

    For me a big one is a single 6 year term for president. Add to that a prohibition aaainst POTUS campaigning for a party and candates while in ofice.
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    Muscular Christianity

    I was watching a history of exercise and herd this. Just when yiu think yiu ave heard it all about relgion. It goes to show how Christianity has always been intertwined in culture. https://iidb.org/forums/general-religion.36/
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    Space Travel

    General issues for space travel. Energy Unless you get around Newton's law, Force = m*a and Energy = Force * Distance. Fuel to get back from Mars in a large vehicle with life support may be a problem, let alone leaving the solar system. Life Support Does entropy apply? Can O2 and H2O be...
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    Uganda Anti Gay Law

    Listened to a BBC report interviewing an ex Ugandan Christian politician. He said he would yurnhis son over to the police if he came out being gay, even if it meant the death penalty. He said Uganda has Christian values. Someone has been charged with aggravated homosexuality and may face a...
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    I ice had a Sikh cab driver. There is a ppuluation in Seattle. We got into a conversation. I asked how Sikhs view women. He said they have a saying 'Women give birth to princes' how can there be anything bad about women. I asked about how they viewed other traditions. He pointed out to the...
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    The Jerusalem Syndrome

    I first heard about this in the early 90s. Religious tourists to Israel having visions and hearing things around Jerusalem. A post by James Brown brought it to mind. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21714216/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_syndrome
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