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  • Users: Elixir
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  1. Elixir

    Split Conservatives Feel Attacked (was Special Counsel 2)

    :staffwarn: Split from this thread Toni, I am gobsmacked that you are so keenly aware of the GOP leader’s mental and ethical deficiencies, yet are so willing to give a pass to those who nonetheless want him back in charge of the US government. I think their willful ignorance and strident...
  2. Elixir

    Comer's Invisible Witnesses

    "We done up an' lost th'informint, an' th'witness too!"
  3. Elixir

    Happy Birthday!! 4 dead, 20+ injured in ‘Bama.

    We need more guns! Obviously, if everyone had brought their piece to the party they might have kept the body count down. No excuse - no permits needed. Don’t leave home without it!
  4. Elixir

    Tots and Pears for Kentucky

    5 Dead and 8 Injured in Shooting in Louisville, Ky Oh well. Another day in Murka. It'll be okay though, because Mitch McConnell, beloved by everyone in his beautiful State, has sent his priceless thoughts and prayers. ETA: They're not saying what kind of weapon was used by the killer. IMHO...
  5. Elixir

    WI Supreme Court Election

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state...
  6. Elixir

    The incredible Willful Ignorance of 1/6 denyers

    I find it incredible that anyone in the US who has any interest in the preservation of American democracy, has remained ignorant of the FACT of Donald Trump’s coup attempt. I don’t want to discuss specific posters’ willful ignorance, but rather the dynamic that enables it to persist in the face...
  7. Elixir

    Arrest Warrant for Putler

    So ... The ICC isn't happy about Uncle Vlad's genocide campaign against the citizens of Ukraine. But it's not all gloom and doom; poor Uncle Vlad's rich Uncle Xi is coming to visit, and he is a big fan of genocide. So maybe it will all work out.
  8. Elixir

    Should all voices be heard?

    Even if someone evinces something manifestly crazy? Is the verity of a statement now measured in the numbers of its believers rather than its correspondence to observable reality? Appears to be the case. I made up the most wack conspiracy theory I could think of, typed it into Google, and got...
  9. Elixir

    Architect of the Capitol fired

    Architect of the Capitol fired after Inspector General report revealed complicity in January 6 coup It is amazing how thoroughly Trump corrupted the entire federal government. We may never recover, even if the traitors are all purged tomorrow.
  10. Elixir

    Proud Boys' Lawyer to Subpoena Trump

    ... not enough popcorn in the world. Proud Boys' lawyers plan to subpoena Donald Trump in seditious conspiracy trial I wonder if the odds of Trump actually appearing are listed on the Las Vegas boards. Last time someone tried to subpoena Cheato, the judge quashed it. I'm starting to wonder if...
  11. Elixir

    Fusion … again? Still?

    I don’t even know how to comment on this. Someone who knows more than I (almost anyone) please comment!
  12. Elixir


    Yes, the flag hugging liar who swore to defend the Constitution has declared that "all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution" should be terminated, so that he can be installed as dictator. Personally I feel that he should be locked up today, just as we would lock...
  13. Elixir

    Tacit Support for the Big Lie

    It sometimes occurs to me that right wingers on IIDB are getting a free pass. Not that the internet shouldn't be "free" in terms of expression, just that I think there are people here advancing an agenda to which they won't own up. I see no full-throated denial, nor any overt embrace of The Big...
  14. Elixir

    Who Will Refuse to Concede?

    An open question for anyone who cares to venture a guess: What percentage of Democrat and Republican candidates who lose the 11/8 election will refuse to concede and claim fraud? My own guess is that at least 2/3 of losing Republicans and fewer than 10% of losing Democrats will refuse to...
  15. Elixir

    Trump Disinvited

  16. Elixir

    Nixon vs Trump

  17. Elixir

    Sick and tired of mealy-mouthed fucktard "journalists"

    Ok, it's a broad brush and might not apply to every single one of them. This is specifically about talking heads saying "Trump has endorsed [candidate X], who believes the 2020 election was stolen. BULLSHIT. Responsible reporting would be "who SAYS the 2020 election was stolen" (which is the...
  18. Elixir

    What precedent will prosecuting a former president set?

    Talking heads make it sound like a deeply troubling question. IMO it’s simple: any President who tries to stay in power by destroying democracy after losing a free and fair election, should be imprisoned for life - or executed. Why is that a problem for any American?
  19. Elixir

    What did Donnie do to Rupert???!!!

    Overnight, it looks like Rupert finally got fed up with Cheato. Why? What will be the effect on the trumpsucking sheeple hordes, if any? This might be bigger than the 1/6 Committee... Whatever is driving this, it is heartwarming to see the Murdoch megalopoly set to it, eating their own. Not...
  20. Elixir

    Lost, Not Stolen

    https://lostnotstolen.org/ A conservative group has put out an exhaustive report showing that not only was there insufficient fraud in the 2020 election to change the result of the presidential election, but that there is not one single precinct anywhere in the US where the results could have...
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