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  1. B

    Don't curse me

    But I have a friend who is a literal six day Creationist. He is honest to a fault and won't deny that experiments with carbon 14 result in ages of artifacts much older than 6000 years and radiometric dating shows ages of rocks to be much older than that too. His concern is the devil. From the...
  2. B

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    So, who all are watching the debate tonight? Anyone want to make any predictions?
  3. B


    How far back does the art of basketry go?
  4. B

    Kennedy just trying to make sure Biden loses

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html This may have been posted here before. Someone working for Kennedy claims the reason he is running is to ensure Biden loses. What will Trump do for Kennedy to make him want to help Trump out?
  5. B

    Trump and Jesus

    Not trying to be political, but do you think there are parallels between Donald Trump's followers and the earliest followers of Jesus? Jesus and Trump both lied Jesus may have been an insurrectionist like Trump. Ect ect . Both have or had followers that cannot digest information that is...
  6. B

    deliberate incompetance

    I have a question. Are many institutions in the US deliberately being mismanaged to look inept and inefficient to make the public turn against them or lead to their abolition?
  7. B

    question about nobility, bourgeoisie revolutions, proletarian revolutions

    I started a thread about why democracy is important: https://iidb.org/threads/why-is-democracy-so-great.28095/ It got me thinking about nobility, the bourgeoisie and its revolutions against the nobility, and the proletarian revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. I wanted some opinions...
  8. B

    question about nuclear target map

    I saw this map online: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/map-reveals-best-places-to-live-in-the-us-if-nuclear-war-breaks-out/ar-BB1hDPDj#fullscreen I live in Corsicana, TX in Navarro County. I'm two counties south of Dallas TX. I can understand why the Russians would blow the DFW area to...
  9. B

    The SOTU

    I think President gave a pretty good speech. He stuttered just a couple of times but but showed no signs of mental decline and even had a couple of zingers ready for Republicans when they tried to zinger him.. It makes me much more comfortable with November.
  10. B


    Palomar telescope took photographs of transients incidentally right before you had the UAP sighting in washington D.C. in 1952. I know that the video is several minutes long but it is interesting. It would not surprise me if either the US or the USSR may have had satellites in space before...
  11. B

    why is democracy so great

    Why is democracy so great and worth defending? I'm talking about it in its American (USA) setting. To me, it seems it is just a word thrown about to raise emotions and manipulate. To me we are not and never have been a democracy. Please educate me different.
  12. B

    Question about Trump and his religious fanatic followers.

    Let us say Trump runs and loses in November and civil strife is stirred up. How should the leaders of the religious fanatics be treated? If he wins and does take over and does what we all fear, then leaves office on his own, dies, or is himself thrown out and the US is taken over by pro...
  13. B

    Brian Mulroney

    The news feeds are announcing that former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada has passed away.
  14. B

    How deep are the dinosaurs

    Hi. I'm curious about something after being asked about this by a little cousin. I live 50 miles right south of Dallas TX. Is there a resource I can use that will tell me how far you have to dig to get to the time of the dinosaurs and find their fossils, ect?
  15. B

    Political Ponerology

    https://www.amazon.com/Political-Ponerology-Science-Psychopathy-Totalitarianism/dp/1734907452/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=19E5F0IXG8OCG&keywords=political+ponerology+by+andrew+lobaczewski&qid=1704783558&sprefix=political+ponerology%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-1 This is a book written by a Polish psychologist...
  16. B

    Military spending vs societal benefits

    We spend trillions of dollars on all things military. People who own all kinds of businesses make lots of money making military hardware, ect. Why couldn't a lot of that money be turned around and spent on universal healthcare, university education for all, maternity leave for mothers, ect...
  17. B

    Rosalyn Carter died

    The newswires are reporting that Rosalyn Carter has died. She was first lady of the United States from 1977 to 1981 and was married to President Jimmy Carter. She was also first lady of Georgia while her husband was governor of that state. Mrs. Carter had been in poor health for some time and...
  18. B

    Don't cuss me but what if....

    What if Trump wins another term in 2024?
  19. B

    God and evil

    It is argued by religious believers that you have no moral standard to follow if a god does not exist to give you one. If you have no moral standard without a god to give you one how do you know the moral standard given by the god is in fact from the god and that you have not been deceived by a...
  20. B

    Manchin considering an independent run

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/manchin-thinking-seriously-about-leaving-democratic-party/ar-AA1f6dDd?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=1e865de21f8148979843ef59dae6c097&ei=19 Oh boy.
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