We've seen some on here before who admit the point of the questions is to find such cases.
Unless those people are the ones who did this study, that doesn't make the point any less valid. They didn't provide enough information about the subject they were studying to make any conclusions from it worthwhile. Saying that it shows inflated numbers is as invalid as saying it shows accurate numbers.
You can't use this study to draw any conclusions other than that it is a way to not publish a study.
That's what I meant--those doing the study.
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Are you under the impression that 1) the same people are surveyed, and 2) the surveys of these same people are done at the same time?But why would they admit it on the surveys looking for high rape numbers and not admit it on the crime victimization survey??
Same people shouldn't matter if they're doing the survey right.
The crime victimization survey is done repeatedly although I don't know the interval.