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16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?
When 16 Nobel Prize winning economists warn the U.S. about Trump's economic incompetence, people should take this seriously.

lol, This reminds me of the 50 experts that swore Hunter’s laptop was a Russian misinformation job and the experts that said a covid lab leak was conspiracy theorist nonsense.
Exactly. And those experts who said the Earth was round, and that it is more than a few thousand years old.

The world seems to be full of experts saying stuff that we don't want to believe. It's bizarre.
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?

Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?

Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
Which party is standing in the way of a border act now?
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?

Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
Yeah, there are over three and a half million people arriving in the USA each year, who won't even do a stroke of work, or pay a penny in taxes, for over a decade; All the while expecting to be fed, housed and clothed for free, and to be granted citizenship on arrival, despite not speaking a word of English.

I say we build a wall, and make the maternity hospitals pay for it!
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?
Oh, piss off. When I compare how well off we were at the same age—not even a close comparison. They are waaaat ahead of where we are except for the one(s) who deliberately and consciously chose to pursue careers or jobs that are relatively low paying. And btw, 3/4 I am thinking of own their own homes or rather have mortgages at rates we could never ever have dreamed of. And retirement accounts. Sure, lower than the balance in ours—us in our 60’s, them much better off than we were at their ages. In fact at least one has a bigger balance in their retirement acct. than any of their aunts and uncles except for one who put herself through pharmacy school while working a full time job at a wage they have never had to accept—and raised a child on her own because her ex makes dead beat dads look great. Two of those aunts/uncles has zero retirement savings, something that terrifies us and is making us re-think our own retirement and how much we can scale back when our siblings who have always worked can no longer work.

Leave It To Beaver, Happy Days, and The Andy Griffith show were all tv shows and bore zero resemblance to real life. I did sort of live All in the Family but in small town Midwest. Not as much fun as it looked. We grew up with measles, mumps and rubella and in my case: whooping cough, and chicken pox and vaccinated our kids so they didn’t have to. Not only do I remember when both sets of grandparents got indoor plumbing but I remember the first house we lived in with an indoor bathroom.

Boomers deserve all the blame hurled at them for failing to make the world perfect—although some of us really did try and still are. We are as appalled as the rest of you at the devastation Ronald Reagan’s presidencies has wrought and that helped set the stage for both Bush’s and Trump.
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?

Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
So little confidence in the talents of your own people.
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
Speaking only of the ‘independent voters’ I personally know and might be related to, they are mostly far to the left of Biden, think Bernie Sanders was cheated ( but Biden is too old) and are mostly mad that adulting is hard, progress is slow, they were not born into Nirvana and that real life involves difficult choices and compromise. Abd how dare boomers be able to retire/why don’t all the boomers retire so we can have their jobs abd better yet, why don’t all the boomers just climb onto dwindling ice flows do we can get their houses for cheap.
Yeah, fuck those young people for wanting to own homes and retirement accounts! Selfish little chits, doesn't anyone think of the greater good anymore?

Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
Heh, you think Gen Z wants to pick your food, pluck your chickens or clean your toilets or make your food? Hahahahahaha
At worst, it's not going to convince anyone to vote for Trump and not Biden.
I think you underestimate the degree to which pig-ignorant dickheads are prepared to act against their own interests in order to demonstrate their dislike for intelligent people.

The same fuckwits who were happily wasting their own money to make their vehicles less efficient, more expensive to maintain, and dirtier, by "rolling coal" in order to "own the libs" are more than likely to be convinced to vote for Trump by this announcement.

Even if it crashes the economy and leaves them homeless, jobless, and destitute, they will think it worthwhile if it slightly annoys a Democrat voter.

Most (probably all) of the people who are that dumb are already voting for Trump.
Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
How about we start prosecuting the illegal employers who give away the jobs?
That's why they are here. To get jobs.
Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
How about we start prosecuting the illegal employers who give away the jobs?
That's why they are here. To get jobs.
Prosecute an employer? You mean the rich dude at the top, the innocent lamb completely ignorant of what's going on at his company? Pshaw! The very idea. Maybe fine the employment agency used as a company firewall.
At worst, it's not going to convince anyone to vote for Trump and not Biden.
I think you underestimate the degree to which pig-ignorant dickheads are prepared to act against their own interests in order to demonstrate their dislike for intelligent people.

The same fuckwits who were happily wasting their own money to make their vehicles less efficient, more expensive to maintain, and dirtier, by "rolling coal" in order to "own the libs" are more than likely to be convinced to vote for Trump by this announcement.

Even if it crashes the economy and leaves them homeless, jobless, and destitute, they will think it worthwhile if it slightly annoys a Democrat voter.

Most (probably all) of the people who are that dumb are already voting for Trump.
Well, they already support Trump. Whether they go out to vote depends on how many Democratic elites they expect to annoy by doing so.
Yeah, fuck them some more by letting in millions of people to the USA so they have to compete with non citizens for jobs, housing and everything else
How about we start prosecuting the illegal employers who give away the jobs?
That's why they are here. To get jobs.
Prosecute an employer? You mean the rich dude at the top, the innocent lamb completely ignorant of what's going on at his company? Pshaw! The very idea. Maybe fine the employment agency used as a company firewall.
Here in Arizona, we had a law...actually, two of them...where "employer sanctions" were written into the legislation as if to say "and we'll go after them, too!"

The infamous "papers please" SB1070 and the previous legislation had provisions whereby employers could be punished for hiring undocumented workers.

The number of employers/businesses who were hauled off to jail for breaking the law? Zero. IIRC there was exactly one company that was given a minor fine and a firm slap on the wrist.

The "tough on crime" party strikes again!

Now, can we get back to this?

I can't say I care that much about Nobel Prize in economics.
US presidents has been ruining economy long before Trump.
I can't say I care that much about Nobel Prize in economics.
US presidents has been ruining economy long before Trump.
And exactly none (0)of them have been awarded a Nobel prize in economics.

What you wrote is very much like writing that you don’t care much for oncologists—people have been dying from cancer for years.
I can't say I care that much about Nobel Prize in economics.
US presidents has been ruining economy long before Trump.
And exactly none (0)of them have been awarded a Nobel prize in economics.

What you wrote is very much like writing that you don’t care much for oncologists—people have been dying from cancer for years.
I wrote I don't care for Nobel Prize in economics. Meaning that, Nobel prize in non STEM fields have become garbage.
Now, if you hold economists in such regard, then you should comment on Jeffrey Sachs more :)
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