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2020 Election Results

Jebus?! How bad are things with Trump. Hard to find the right trial thread!

SCOTUS held arguments today on Trump's immunity claim. For the most part, the conservative justices acted without ethics, tying their hands arbitrarily as they looked down the road as to how this ruling would impact underground weremoles. In fact, almost no conservative justice wanted to touch the details of this actual case.

How bad is Trump's case? Trump's lawyer didn't want to do the rebuttal. He knew the more he talked the worse off his client would be. The case is that shitty.

But it might not be that bad for Trump after all... because CJ Roberts suggested that the lower court declared it too easy to put a former President on trial. Also underground weremoles! The conservative justices were flummoxed over just how to thread the needle to make this ruling fair for all future Presidents. It got real surreal when Conservative justices were almost implying that investigating over the election (regarding election fraud) could open up the sluice gates for future frivolous lawsuits against Presidents by saying any act was about being re-elected. But back to CJ Roberts, he pulled a thread that could make SCOTUS punt this back to the appellate court to make a better standard, because we know these assholes won't actually create one.
I wonder how Trump found lawyers to argue for such a ridiculous proposition.
Below is an interview with Adam Schiff, the likely next US senator from California.
Not if I'd had anything to say about it, gollydangit.

I preferred Katie Porter, but I'm not unhappy with Schiff moving to the Senate. Swizzle can look forward to six years of Senator Schiff representing his interests in Washington DC. :)
Below is an interview with Adam Schiff, the likely next US senator from California.
Not if I'd had anything to say about it, gollydangit.

I preferred Katie Porter, but I'm not unhappy with Schiff moving to the Senate. Swizzle can look forward to six years of Senator Schiff representing his interests in Washington DC. :)
You guessed my primary vote correctly enough.

Schiff will be fine, but he's Kamala all over again, and I'm tired of upstarts treating California Senator as a stepping stone to the White House rather treating the position with the weight and importance that it has.
Below is an interview with Adam Schiff, the likely next US senator from California.
Not if I'd had anything to say about it, gollydangit.

I preferred Katie Porter, but I'm not unhappy with Schiff moving to the Senate. Swizzle can look forward to six years of Senator Schiff representing his interests in Washington DC. :)
You guessed my primary vote correctly enough.
I no longer live in California, but if I did, I would have voted for her. She's solidly progressive, and not someone who seems to be living off of past glories like Barbara Lee.
Schiff will be fine, but he's Kamala all over again, and I'm tired of upstarts treating California Senator as a stepping stone to the White House rather treating the position with the weight and importance that it has.
Schiff will be fine, but he's Kamala all over again, and I'm tired of upstarts treating California Senator as a stepping stone to the White House rather treating the position with the weight and importance that it has.

Some people are never satisfied...

Schiff's long-term plan is not to be California's senator. Yes, this is speculative. But you'll find that I'm right about this, five years down the line.

He and Newsome can battle it out ... assuming there's an election.
Schiff's long-term plan is not to be California's senator. Yes, this is speculative. But you'll find that I'm right about this, five years down the line.
The next opportunity to be elected President is four years from now, and he would likely start campaigning the year before. But you may be correct that he may be hoping to run for President some day, like in 2028 or 2032.
Schiff will be fine, but he's Kamala all over again, and I'm tired of upstarts treating California Senator as a stepping stone to the White House rather treating the position with the weight and importance that it has.

Some people are never satisfied...
What do you want? A overview of his ambivalent policies and why they suck slightly but not a lot? He's a vaguely liberal empty suit who loves the cameras, and decides his "principles" based on the morning briefing on likely voters, not unlike Newsom. He'll do fine in the role, but he's not who I would have chosen. Am I supposed to write him a love letter or something? Of course I voted for the person I thought would do best in the role. Not the person I thought would do second best in the role.
So Rudy was online doing what people that think they can get away with crimes do... they fuck up. A copy of his (now deleted) Tweet is embedded below.

Well, happy birthday Giuliani, you've been served.
Well this is interesting:

Sorry About That Whole 2000 Mules Thing

Dinesh D’Souza’s movie that sought to prove former President Donald Trump’s fantasy that the 2020 election was stolen from him by widespread fraud has been debunked time and time again. Now, years after its release, its executive producer is retracting the film entirely.

Following the 2020 election, D’Souza released 2000 Mules as an attempt to justify Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden. Trump famously held a screening of the movie at his Mar-a-Lago estate and MAGA supporters promoted the film during it’s release in May 2022.

The film was produced by Salem Media Group, a conservative radio juggernaut that airs the likes of Sebastian Gorka and Charlie Kirk.

In a new statement, Salem apologized for the film and said it would cease distributing it. The move came after a man featured in the movie sued Salem for defamation.

Salem admitting it was all a fraud and pulling the film is like Amazon admitting that their warehouse employees and delivery drivers were being treated like shit, and publicly apologizing to them.
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