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2020 Election Results


Rudolph Giuliani has a source indicating there is proof of voter fraud in PA. He said in the Fox News interview that by chance he met the tan suit wearing American who immigrated from Kazakhstan and indicated to him "Uzbekistanis" were involved in a massive effort of voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
I noticed a lot of empty vodka bottles around. I thought it must have been Putinistas. Good to know. Thanks for the tip, Rudy.
Looking at the Senate, ME-SEN Susan Collins (R) has won there. Looking at MI-SEN, John James (R) is barely ahead of Gary Peters (D) by 0.2% or 0.3% with est. 93% of votes counted. So the Democrat may win by a hair.

How Miami Cubans disrupted Biden’s path to a Florida win - POLITICO - “It was a foreseeable trainwreck for Democrats when you saw Cuban Americans.”
President Donald Trump’s obsession with Cubans has paid off.

After four years of non-stop outreach to Miami’s Cuban exile community, Trump cruised to victory in Florida thanks to their heavy turnout that also helped the GOP flip two congressional seats and win big in state House and Senate races.

Cuban Americans have long been Republican leaning but began drifting toward the Democratic fold during Barack Obama’s successful presidential campaigns and Hillary Clinton’s run in 2016, when she blew Trump away in Miami-Dade.

Republicans responded by focusing more on the community and stepping up their anti-socialist messaging, often depicting Democrats as radical leftists and socialists, labels that former Vice President Joe Biden and his campaign struggled to shake off.

History of assistance for Cuban immigrants - South Florida Sun-Sentinel - going back to Fidel Castro's takeover of the island. These right-wingers *love* welfare when they are the ones who are collecting it.

Typical Democrat response; find a convenient racial minority to blame for every political loss. Dammit, don't "those people" know they owe us their vote because of their skin color?

I also hate how the news keeps referring to this as the "Latino vote", as though Floridian-Cubans and Arizonan-Mexicans have anything to do with one another aside from their skin color. They obviously do not vote as a unified bloc. They have never voted as a unified bloc. So this isn't "splitting the Latinx vote". It's just two unrelated voting communities vlauing different things. If ex-Cubans living in Florida are wary of socialist rhetoric, there's actually a pretty clear and obvious reason for that, a common experience they all have and share that a random Mexican kid who grew up in San Diego would not. Why would you assume they were going to vote all the same way in the first place?
Typical Democrat response; find a convenient racial minority to blame for every political loss. Dammit, don't "those people" know they owe us their vote because of their skin color?
Ethnolinguistic groups are not races. Speaking Spanish as a native speaker (or having recent ancestors who speak Spanish as native speakers) is not a skin color.

I also hate how the news keeps referring to this as the "Latino vote", as though Floridian-Cubans and Arizonan-Mexicans have anything to do with one another aside from their skin color.
Language. Not skin color. Speaking Spanish does not make you "brown" any more than a particular religion does (another idiotic thing I see all the time).
Typical Democrat response; find a convenient racial minority to blame for every political loss. Dammit, don't "those people" know they owe us their vote because of their skin color?
Ethnolinguistic groups are not races. Speaking Spanish as a native speaker (or having recent ancestors who speak Spanish as native speakers) is not a skin color.

I also hate how the news keeps referring to this as the "Latino vote", as though Floridian-Cubans and Arizonan-Mexicans have anything to do with one another aside from their skin color.
Language. Not skin color. Speaking Spanish does not make you "brown" any more than a particular religion does (another idiotic thing I see all the time).
Speaking Spanish doesn't magically turn you into a voting bloc either. Do all English speakers vote as a bloc?

And everyone knows what the dog whistles mean anyway. When politicians are talking about the "Latinx Vote", it's not white-skinned Spaniards that they mean. Nor does observing that you and your parents grew up in the US and don't speak a word of Spanish make you no longer "Latinx" to news reporters and political pundits.
Speaking Spanish doesn't magically turn you into a voting bloc either. Do all English speakers vote as a bloc?
I didn't disagree with that part of your statement. I actually agree. People should be seen as individuls, and mot presumed to be "natural" supporters of candidate or party X because of a box they are put in.

And everyone knows what the dog whistles mean anyway. When politicians are talking about the "Latinx Vote", it's not white-skinned Spaniards that they mean. Nor does observing that you and your parents grew up in the US and don't speak a word of Spanish make you no longer "Latinx" to news reporters and political pundits.

I really hate that "woke" term. It's like nails on chalkboard!
Pennsylvania - 246k lead for Trump now, from 10.2 pt to 4.0 pt. CNN estimates about 1.1 million votes left. Biden needs roughly 68% of them! Today (or since 76% reporting), Biden has been collecting 74% (this is from my analysis) or 525k to Trump's 184k.
Speaking Spanish doesn't magically turn you into a voting bloc either. Do all English speakers vote as a bloc?
I didn't disagree with that part of your statement. I actually agree. People should be seen as individuls, and mot presumed to be "natural" supporters of candidate or party X because of a box they are put in.

And everyone knows what the dog whistles mean anyway. When politicians are talking about the "Latinx Vote", it's not white-skinned Spaniards that they mean. Nor does observing that you and your parents grew up in the US and don't speak a word of Spanish make you no longer "Latinx" to news reporters and political pundits.

I really hate that "woke" term. It's like nails on chalkboard!
See, we can always find common ground. I don't like that term either, just for completely different reasons. :D
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We have work to do. https://t.co/hkZiMgrqdE" / Twitter
linking to Biden campaign doesn't consider Latinos 'part of their path to victory,' political operatives say back in May 14

Republicans publicly silent, privately disgusted by Trump’s election threats - POLITICO - "Their response is shocking but unsurprising."
“When Donald Trump says, ‘I think I deserve a third term, or I think the election should end on election night, that’s the way it’s always been,’ I don’t think he’s joking. I think we should take him deadly seriously,” said Democratic senator and top Joe Biden surrogate Chris Coons. He compared Trump’s statements to aspiring autocrats in young democracies that he dealt with when he was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on African Affairs. “We would rally the international community and say, ‘No, you should not do that. It’s not a good idea. That violates the norms of democracy.’”

But most Republicans, from critics to allies of Trump, have remained publicly silent. It’s not new for Trump’s party brethren to duck and cover when he says something troubling. But after five years of perfecting the art of explaining how they “didn’t see the tweet” — the much parodied talking point to which Republicans on Capitol Hill often resort — it is shocking but not surprising that they aren’t speaking up now, even when the integrity of America’s electoral system is under attack by their party’s leader.
Katy Tur on Twitter: "Republicans publicly silent, privately disgusted by Trump’s election threats https://t.co/dRw3B7BXpT" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Publicly complicit*" / Twitter

CNN has now projected Michigan for Biden.
President Elect Joe Biden.
At least if AZ and NV stay blue. Or else if PA goes blue, which it might as more of its ballots get counted.

The NYT and WaPo agree with CNN on calling MI, but the AP didn't call MI for an hour or so after they did, though the AP ended up doing so. However, the AP calls AZ, while the NYT, WaPo, and CNN don't. WaPo = Washington Post, AP = Associated Press
Betting odds are currently 87% in favour of Biden. Early this morning they were down around 30%.

Might still be some time to place a bet on Trump so even if he wins, still a little silver lining.
The Associated Press now joins FoxNews in giving Biden 264 electoral votes.
Pennsylvania - 246k lead for Trump now, from 10.2 pt to 4.0 pt. CNN estimates about 1.1 million votes left. Biden needs roughly 68% of them! Today (or since 76% reporting), Biden has been collecting 74% (this is from my analysis) or 525k to Trump's 184k.

WaPo agrees with your analysis. Sorry if it's behind a pay wall


Awesome! Conor Lamb has tied it up in his race. He was pretty far back.

With PA to Biden we can breath easier. Much harder to turn that many votes.
Yes. In all 3.

Thanks. What does that tell us?

I mean, Jorgensen votes wouldn't be expected to go all one way or the other, right? So what does it mean?

Well, to me it means two things.

1. I know which party will blame me for their loss
2. The rules allowing 3rd party participation are going to be tightened again.

Overall though what it means depends on how honest or deluded you are regarding the LP. We already see beyond the two party straight-jacket but there are idiots who say we owe one side our vote.

I'm also a little worried about this.

Yes. In all 3.

Thanks. What does that tell us?

I mean, Jorgensen votes wouldn't be expected to go all one way or the other, right? So what does it mean?

Well, to me it means two things.

1. I know which party will blame me for their loss
Hmm. Thanks. I rarely hear Democrats complain about Libertarian votes. I sense that Dems think they would never vote dem anyway, since Libertarian desires are split between the parties with personal freedom feelings agreeing with Dems and wallet agreeing with Repubs - and Dems figure if you have to make a choice you'll go wallet every time, so Dems don't count you as possible. I don't know what the GOP complains about. Have you heard Dems complain about Libertarians before?

I personally don't think of Libertarians as being potential voters for progressive ideas, so I had not thought about them as "to blame" in the last election. But that's just me.

2. The rules allowing 3rd party participation are going to be tightened again.
What do you think will happen and who will do it?

I'm also a little worried about this.
[image of screenshot from somewhere with contradictory numbers]

Last one of those we saw was a misleading reversal of the image with the timestamp and captured a data entry error that was in process of being corrected. It's not a vote count issue, it's a media web site issue, I expect.
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