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2020 Election Results

I personally don't think of Libertarians as being potential voters for progressive ideas, so I had not thought about them as "to blame" in the last election. But that's just me.

In 2016, on this forum, I was told that my 3rd Party vote in California (not a swing state) was a reason Hillary lost.

We've shown we will cross party lines if the candidate is sufficiently good. This time around we were told we were all horny neckbeard incel cucks for supporting Gabbard.
I personally don't think of Libertarians as being potential voters for progressive ideas, so I had not thought about them as "to blame" in the last election. But that's just me.

In 2016, on this forum, I was told that my 3rd Party vote in California (not a swing state) was a reason Hillary lost.

We've shown we will cross party lines if the candidate is sufficiently good. This time around we were told we were all horny neckbeard incel cucks for supporting Gabbard.

Yeah, that's ridiculous. Libertarians are completely irrelevant in CA.

And, indeed, anywhere else.
Well, to me it means two things.

1. I know which party will blame me for their loss
Hmm. Thanks. I rarely hear Democrats complain about Libertarian votes. I sense that Dems think they would never vote dem anyway, since Libertarian desires are split between the parties with personal freedom feelings agreeing with Dems and wallet agreeing with Repubs - and Dems figure if you have to make a choice you'll go wallet every time, so Dems don't count you as possible. I don't know what the GOP complains about. Have you heard Dems complain about Libertarians before?

I personally don't think of Libertarians as being potential voters for progressive ideas, so I had not thought about them as "to blame" in the last election. But that's just me.

2. The rules allowing 3rd party participation are going to be tightened again.
What do you think will happen and who will do it?

I'm also a little worried about this.
[image of screenshot from somewhere with contradictory numbers]

Last one of those we saw was a misleading reversal of the image with the timestamp and captured a data entry error that was in process of being corrected. It's not a vote count issue, it's a media web site issue, I expect.

About 40 years ago I considered myself a libertarian. And I would have voted for that fuckhead Ronald Regan had Ed Clark not been on the ballot. 39 years ago I realized that uncontrolled greed was unlikely to generally benefit society, though I continued and do still hold to the civil liberties side. I've also observed that separation of curch and state is not very high on the libertarian list of priorities.
Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.

I used to favor the house and senate opposite to encourage compromise. These days, though, the Republican definition of "compromise" is do-what-we-want.
Delaware? Oh why did we try to cheat in Delaware?! :D

Meanwhile Georgia, not in the list above, 40,000 vote lead for Trump.
‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage - POLITICO
In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country

ven with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.

Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called.
I checked the WaPo's collection of House-race outcomes. Here are the seats that got flipped.
  • Strong R: 165 - Called 159 Leading 6 (Flip) Leading 0 Called 0
  • Vulnerable R: 37 - Called 22 Leading 11 (Flip) Leading 2 Called 2
  • Vulnerable D: 24 - Called 5, Leading 8 (Flip) Leading 6 Called 5
  • Strong D: 209 - Called Leading 14 (Flip) Leading 5 Called 0
Among the newcomers will be Hiral Tipirneni of AZ-06. She may not be as progressive as (say) AOC, but Elizabeth Warren and Katie Porter like her.

Among the fallen ones is Lauren Underwood, a nurse who was elected to IL-14 back in 2018, one of the many women who got into office that year as a reaction against Trump. She is a black woman with short hair, clear-plastic-frame glasses, and a green coat. In a book about this female Class of 2018, she bragged about having defeated a Republican, something she called more difficult than what AOC did.

Others are Abby Finkenauer IA-01, Xochitl Torres Small NM-02, Donna Shalala FL-27, and Thomas Suozzi NY-03. DS served as Bill Clinton's Secretary of Health and Human Services for his entire Presidency, and Rush Limbaugh once made fun of her last name: Donna Shalalalala. Melanie D'Arrigo tried to primary Tom Suozzi, without much success.
State Legislatures didn't fair much better. It was the Trump bump. He gets the vote out. It is all he's got. Biden looks to have swung GA, AZ for fuck sakes! Conor Lamb managed to win (I think) in a red district. The Dems might simply be running out of seats to win. With gerrymandered states like Texas and Ohio, makes it much harder to expand their majority.
Pennsylvania - 246k lead for Trump now, from 10.2 pt to 4.0 pt. CNN estimates about 1.1 million votes left. Biden needs roughly 68% of them! Today (or since 76% reporting), Biden has been collecting 74% (this is from my analysis) or 525k to Trump's 184k.

Now down to 184k, with 600k to be counted.
It's officially over. Russian press started trashing Trump (yesterday when Biden took the lead in MI)
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