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2020 Election Results

Let's see...

No matter who wins, it won't be a clean victory. It will taint the victory of whoever wins.

I think Trump's claims are lacking in substance, but I also think you should always investigate any claim of election improprieties.

I recently heard that investigating Trump's claims is a form of fascism.

It's clean. It's only dirty in the minds of Trump's cult followers. It has to be dirty or else they might have to admit Trump is lying and/or they are wrong.

Ah, there's one.

Is this a joke? The election was decisive in terms of both popular vote AND electoral votes. And there has been zero evidence presented to show there was anything dicey going on at all in any state. It's a fucking delusion to think there is anything dirty about this election.

Yet trumpity dipshits keep insisting there is, pulling claims completely out of their asses, or more accurately, believing the claims Trump pulled out of his own ass. Once again, they have to cling to the fairy tale that the election is "dirty." Otherwise, they'll have to do shameful, forbidden things like admit wrong or question the authority figure.

In 2016, Trump's 306 electoral votes were hailed as a "landslide" victory, even without the popular vote. Yet Biden's winning both electoral and popular, with no evidence of fraud, is "dirty."

The only thing dirty here is the cognitive function of Trump and his supporters
Sure, that's all that's going on.

Actually, Trump did his best to commit election fraud. But it didn't work...

This election was tainted. By Trump. His fake news tweets and interference with the USPS and such, Trump did his best to cheat.

And he still lost. The popular vote and the Electoral College both. And now he's trying to taint the entire government because he lost.
There is an amusing story ("Former Colorado GOP chairman sentenced for voter fraud") that sheds light on REAL election fraud.

This felon, Steve Curtis, was not only a top GOP official but was a talk-show radio host who devoted an entire show to voter fraud!:

A hot topic during and after the [2016] presidential election, voter fraud was the focus of an Oct. 6 “Wake Up! With Steve Curtis” show on KLZ that had the host declaring, “virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by the Democrats.”
And yet now we know the ONLY case of voter fraud he had a clue about was his own: that of a REPUBLICAN! :-)

At his sentencing hearing, it appears the felon's lawyer suggested mental illness as an excuse!

Summary: If a Republican says something, it's best to just assume it's a lie. If there is electoral fraud, it's a good bet that the Republicans committed it. Whenever someone repeats a GOP shit-rant as though their "jokes" should be treated as serious allegations and be checked out, I just shake my head in pity.
Sure, that's all that's going on.

Actually, Trump did his best to commit election fraud.

Voter suppression, actually, is what Trump and the GOP have been engaging in for months. As far as I can tell, no one is known to have tried to cast an illegal vote or alter/damage/throw away ballots or falsify counts for either candidate. That would be fraud.

Actual voter fraud would have to involve a person or persons working together doing something to multiple ballots, and it would have to be a large number to have any effect. Otherwise, it's pointless. I don't know why they think any individual would risk prison to sneak in a single illegal vote. That would be a crazy and/or stupid person trying such a thing on purpose, but when illegal votes happen, typically it's just a mistake and not fraud.
With Ohio going yet again strongly in favor of Trump, having a governor like DeWine is a luxury.

President Trump on Monday swiped at Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) after DeWine recognized Joe Biden as president-elect and said it was time for a transition to the next administration to begin.

"Who will be running for Governor of the Great State of Ohio? Will be hotly contested!" Trump tweeted.

I can only imagine who what will be governor of Ohio come 2023. We'll probably take it down a couple notches to slimy Renacci.
With Ohio going yet again strongly in favor of Trump, having a governor like DeWine is a luxury.

President Trump on Monday swiped at Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) after DeWine recognized Joe Biden as president-elect and said it was time for a transition to the next administration to begin.

"Who will be running for Governor of the Great State of Ohio? Will be hotly contested!" Trump tweeted.

I can only imagine who what will be governor of Ohio come 2023. We'll probably take it down a couple notches to slimy Renacci.
Dewine is allowed two terms, and if things have gotten so bad he is successfully primary'd by the far-right GOP, the GOP will have officially transitioned to the Going to Hell party. The odd thing is that Dewine is Governor until at least '23, starting his first term in '19. A primary is well over a year away (18 months?). That Trump mentions any of this exposes his ignorance of where Dewine is in his term, and the his own personal bitterness to losing.
Trump tweets words 'he won'; says vote rigged, not conceding
President Donald Trump worked to take back an apparent acknowledgment that Joe Biden won the White House and was making clear he would keep trying to overturn the election result.
He can't stop being a big baby. His enablers seem willing to put up with a *lot*.

Trump campaign drops key request in Pennsylvania lawsuit
Ahead of a Tuesday hearing in the case, Trump’s campaign dropped its request in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots — 682,479, to be precise — be thrown out because they were processed without its representatives able to watch.

The campaign's revised lawsuit, filed in federal court on Sunday, maintains the aim of blocking Pennsylvania from certifying a victory for Biden in the state, and it maintains its claim that Democratic voters were treated more favorably than Republican voters.

The campaign still contends in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of ballots weren't properly processed.
Still trying to win by lawsuit.

Why Gov. Doug Ducey won't acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election

The reasons: he's afraid of Trump, he's afraid of Trump's base, he's afraid of both.

What went wrong for House Democrats in 2020? There are two theories. - Vox - another article on the drama llama in the Democratic Party.
Trump campaign drops key request in Pennsylvania lawsuit
Ahead of a Tuesday hearing in the case, Trump’s campaign dropped its request in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots — 682,479, to be precise — be thrown out because they were processed without its representatives able to watch.

The campaign's revised lawsuit, filed in federal court on Sunday, maintains the aim of blocking Pennsylvania from certifying a victory for Biden in the state, and it maintains its claim that Democratic voters were treated more favorably than Republican voters.

The campaign still contends in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of ballots weren't properly processed.
Just to make it clear, the original lawsuit sought to throw out nearly 700,000 ballots!
article said:
Ahead of a Tuesday hearing in the case, Trump’s campaign dropped its request in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots — 682,479, to be precise — be thrown out because they were processed without its representatives able to watch.

So remember, nearly 700,000 ballots were counted in 'secret' and electoral fraud and shit... but never mind that 'massive fraud' and instead lets talk a minimal amount of corrected ballots. Effectively holding up a $10,000,000 invoice over a couple days of per diem charged.

article said:
The campaign said in a statement Monday that it “strategically decided to restructure its lawsuit to rely on claims of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

The Trump campaign isn't making that claim on the hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots, however. Instead, in the revised suit, it targets the practice of giving voters an opportunity to fix mail-in ballots that were going to be disqualified for a technicality. It contends some Democratic-run counties allowed voters to do that, while Republican counties did not, arguing Democratic voters were treated more favorably than Republican voters.
Yes, so some counties did A, others did B. Therefore, PA's electoral votes shouldn't count.

Clearly this modification was done because Trump's lawyers feared being executed by an angry judge, who'd only be "pissed off" at them for this case, instead of "doomsday level angry" when asked to throw the PA election into purgatory because... 'massive fraud' but no evidence. An Election Fraud in the Gaps argument.
Sure, that's all that's going on.

It's been nearly two weeks.
Nobody has come up with credible evidence that the election had any significant irregularities.

With over a 150 million votes cast I'm confident that there were some. But considering the facts I see no reason to think Trump's opponents benefited more than his supporters. Aside from clearly winning the White House, both popular vote and EC, the Democrats seriously underperformed. If you've got better evidence than that(by "you" I mean all the people claiming that Biden didn't clearly win) then produce it.
So far you haven't. Not even close.

I'm sure Jason is busy out collecting evidence of election tampering and voter fraud. Give him time, people. He's going to come back with mind blowing and credible information proving Democrat shenanigans.
I'm sure Jason is busy out collecting evidence of election tampering and voter fraud. Give him time, people. He's going to come back with mind blowing and credible information proving Democrat shenanigans.

Maybe Trausti has teamed up with him? Haven't seen him here since election day. :D
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