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2020 Election Results

However, I'm not so sure about this one, it's a pretty far-out thing and not a reasonably expected outcome of their crimes.
it would be one thing if someone else tased him and wasn't aware of his heart condition. Or that he was a fat fuck.

But he brought the taser "to a protest." He was expecting someone to get tased. He knew, or should have known, a LOT of the people in that building are overweight. May have undisclosed medical conditions, or at least not labeled on their vests, 'heart meficine on board!'

'Someone' getting tased and having a heart attck should have been an expectation. As a possibility.

The testicles are unusual, yeah. But he feared arrest, so he stuffed the taser down his pants. It went off down his pants. Someone who owns guns, and should be familiar with range safety, has no business saying that was unexpected.

His death is entirely on his hands, just like every macho freak who stuffs a gun in their belt and blows their balls off.
Most of these dunces and racists are mainly just guilty of ignorance and gullibility. In hating them because they hate intelligent humans, we sink to their level.
Well, the people who voted for Trump because they think he'd Make America Great are guilty of gullibility. No ones suggesting arresting anyone for gullibility.
Actually participating in crimes needs to be prosecuted.
AND trail the dark money back to the source.
However, I'm not so sure about this one, it's a pretty far-out thing and not a reasonably expected outcome of their crimes.
it would be one thing if someone else tased him and wasn't aware of his heart condition. Or that he was a fat fuck.

But he brought the taser "to a protest." He was expecting someone to get tased. He knew, or should have known, a LOT of the people in that building are overweight. May have undisclosed medical conditions, or at least not labeled on their vests, 'heart meficine on board!'

'Someone' getting tased and having a heart attck should have been an expectation. As a possibility.

The testicles are unusual, yeah. But he feared arrest, so he stuffed the taser down his pants. It went off down his pants. Someone who owns guns, and should be familiar with range safety, has no business saying that was unexpected.

His death is entirely on his hands, just like every macho freak who stuffs a gun in their belt and blows their balls off.

It wasn't that he got tased, it was that the taser got jammed in the on position (by his own clothes) and kept hitting him. Wacky enough I wouldn't go for felony murder over this death.
I don't know anything important about her.
Educate me.

Google is your friend. Here's an article from back in the old days, pre-pandemic. She vote not to convict Trump but excoriated a lot of Republicans in the process.
She also voted to save ObamaCare.
I presume those that made it into the building, did not get out of it. Some of these people are in big trouble regarding carrying firearms and weapons, destruction to a national monument, sedition.

Those on the outside get lucky enough for now to walk away, but might get a summons down the road.

Have they been arresting anybody?

Last I heard there were 15 arrested.

Why weren't all the people in the building — seditious criminals every one — arrested? I suppose this would have required huge police power or run the risk of severe violence; is that the reason?
Last I heard there were 15 arrested.

Why weren't all the people in the building — seditious criminals every one — arrested? I suppose this would have required huge police power or run the risk of severe violence; is that the reason?
Presumably not enough officers to manage the arrests. Had the National Guard showed up earlier, maybe this does happen.
I don't know anything important about her.
Educate me.

Google is your friend. Here's an article from back in the old days, pre-pandemic. She vote not to convict Trump but excoriated a lot of Republicans in the process.
She also voted to save ObamaCare.

I didn't see much in your synopsis to make it worthwhile, but I clicked anyway.
From the article:
But Murkowski, with her fellow senator from Alaska presiding over the chamber after other senators had left for the night, took on not only Trump, but also fellow Republicans, Senate Democrats and the media...

Murkowski wrapped up her approximately 11-minute diatribe on a note of faint optimism: “It’s my hope that we finally found bottom here.”

A year ago.
I remain unimpressed.

I specifically asked about her response to Trump's efforts to undermine democratic process in the last couple of months. I'm sure she's less craven than "Fistbump Hawley". But that's a really low bar.

Also, there's no ObamaCare. That went away when Trump and the Republicans in Congress had the power to "Repeal and Replace". What we've got now is TrumpCare. They voted on it. The ACA is now TrumpCare, whether anyone likes it or not.
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Right-wing extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration
"We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon.

In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Well, law enforcement lost one of their own. Hopefully this will have their dander up.
Also, a lot of them are going to have to drive, since they are being put on the federal no-fly list. :D
The AZ GOP may be the craziest GOP.


Or maybe it's next door Nye County, NV GOP.

A Letter from the Nye County Chairman – NCRCC

As I write to you today, I have no doubt that this letter will find many of you crushed under the weight of despair or perhaps lost in a maze of confusion. It is my hope that by the time you finish reading this letter you will be able to confidently join millions of others who support the president and another four years.

Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those are shocking words in these crazy days.

I have been approached by many saying, “It’s over…” and “Trump conceded the election…”. Nothing of the sort has taken place. Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new administration and he does say that this is only the beginning. Those phrases are important to note. Indeed, we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete. I will touch on this in more detail shortly.

We do well to remember that for more than four years Donald Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone in every attempt to derail him, impeach him, or confound him.

It goes on and on like that, with even a section on how Pence is treasonous.
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!

And coal powered school buses.
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!

Underseer should have written that. BTW, where the hell is Underseer? He's been missing almost a year.
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!
But unlike Alexander, he's too manly to sit down and weep....
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!

Underseer should have written that. BTW, where the hell is Underseer? He's been missing almost a year.

I’m hoping he got a job as a screenwriter for DC films.
The guy does have a point. Trump has been five steps ahead... that is how Trump got hundreds of miles of wall built, forced China in to a massive trade deal, denuclearized North Korea and Iran, repealed and replaced ACA, enacted major trade deals in America's favor, the factory jobs that were overseas came back to the US, and expanded rights for LGBT (you'll need to rewatch his original convention speech... and the awkward applause when he said it).

Heck, Trump's problem isn't that he lost, it is that he has nothing left to accomplish!

Underseer should have written that. BTW, where the hell is Underseer? He's been missing almost a year.

It's been 2 years now, hasn't it? I do wonder what happened to him. He pretty much called out every TFT member here as "racist" at one time or another, so maybe he decided his work here was done and he left to discover other forums who need his help rooting out the racists. I wish him luck.
Underseer realized he couldn't compete with reality, he was made redundant.
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