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2020 Election Results

Right-wing extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration
"We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon.

In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”
"We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,”
Yeah, you do that.
I doubt that the preparation for, or the response on the twentieth will even slightly resemble Wednesday's. And no one's going to be on the streets except you guys, so the defenders' will be largely unhindered.

Hope you already have reservations for hotels within walking range of wherever you think you'll have any affect.
I fully agree with this.
I think the CPD (or whatever the abbreviation is) was willing cede all sorts of ground in the Capitol, but the protesters got to a point where the CPD wouldn't cede. It isn't justice, but the shooting likely was necessary.

Here's the thing. As much as I believe it was a tragedy, the National Guard should have been standing a battalion strong around that building with bayonettes affixed higher on the stairs, and shields up front, with beanbag shotguns and pepperballs, a megaphone, and some helicopters.

You know, the same thing they used to defile a church for a blasphemous photoshoot.

At that point, if the Boogers, and I will never not call "Boogaloo boys" Boogers from now on, because fuck them...

But anyway, if the Boogers saw exactly the level of force that BLM saw for months on end, it would make a statement that America is done with sedition. Because I do agree that her death saved lives.

I won't call it necessary any more than I will call her tracking the capital necessary nor any more than I would call the Senate treatment of the impeachment necessary, nor McConnel's silence on stimulus necessary, nor the claims Trump made about masks and "fake news" and so on and so forth. If you want to talk about things that weren't necessary, this is just the latest turn of a very large wheel, and what is necessary is that we stop making those kinds of mistakes so that they stop snowballing into the kinds of mistakes where people are getting shot over lies.

It fucking hurts to accept the reality of this. To dig further than surface deep for "justification" but I guarantee you it is certainly more right than trying to not feel bad about someone's death, regardless of who.
You want to say every violent death is a tragedy, i am with you.
You want to say every death of a human diminishes us all, no argument.
You want to say that she shouldn't have been there, that she should have stopped at the barricade, that it would be better if she survived aznd faced prosecution, i will hold the mic for you and nod.

But you said this wasn't justice. I cannot agree.
She wasn't shot over lies.
She attended the rally because of lies.
She rioted over lies.
But she threatened unarmed government officials.
She was shot for being a real danger, for her and those massed around her presenting a credible risk of death or grievous bodily harm to individuals behind the man with the gun.

I do not exult in her death, and feel for her family and the officer that felt he had to fire.
 2021 United States Electoral College count - I decided to look for patterns.

For each state's electoral-vote count, for an objection to it to be debated, at least one Rep and one Senator has to raise an objection.

Most states had no objections, while four states had objections from the House but not from the Senate.
  • Georgia: Jody Hice (R–GA-10)
  • Michigan: Marjorie Taylor Greene (R–GA-14)
  • Nevada: Mo Brooks (R–AL-05)
  • Wisconsin: Louie Gohmert (R–TX-01)
None had an objection from the Senate but not from the House. There were two states with objections from both:
  • Arisona: Paul Gosar (R–AZ-4), Ted Cruz (R–TX)
  • Pennsylvania: Scott Perry (R–PA-10), Josh Hawley (R–MO)
Each objection was voted on separately by the House and the Senate.

AZ - House:
  • D: N 220, nv 2
  • R: Y 121, N 83, nv 5
  • Total: Y 121, N 303, nv 7
AZ - Senate:
  • D: N 46
  • R: Y 6, N 45
  • I: N 2
  • Total: Y 6, N 93
PA - House:
  • D: N 218, nv 4
  • R: Y 138, N 64, nv 7
  • Total: Y 138, N 282, nv 11
PA: Senate:
  • D: N 46
  • R: Y 7, N 44
  • I: N 2
  • Total: Y 7, N 92

  • House: D 222, R 211, total: 433
  • Senate: D 46, R 51, I 2, total: 99
Can't find the report now (twitter, I think), but one of the dead was a trumper that accidentally tased himself and went into cardiac arrest.

Hilarious if true, and possible Darwin Award Nominee!

Tased himself in the balls, no less. :rofl: Idiocratic terrorists don't deserve pretty, dignified deaths. I hope his family enjoys his hilarious legacy of stupid.

You know within a week that all the same MAGAts who have smeared every black person who ever got shot unnecessarily by a cop will be clutching their pearls before weeks end over the dignity of the dead.

Right-wing extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration
"We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon.

In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Well, law enforcement lost one of their own. Hopefully this will have their dander up.
Dems might just pluck away one more seat in the Senate. Murkowski said Trump has to go and her remaining in the party depended on the GOP’s willingness to dump Trump.

I'm in no hurry to include Collins or Murkowski among the human Senators. I'm appending a list I refer to as a "crib sheet."

In early 2017 the Senate was asked to confirm a large number of Trump's Cabinet-level appointments. Since most of the nominees were scumbags who were obviously incompetent, corrupt, criminal or all three. "No" was the correct vote in almost every case. The following list shows the number of 'No' votes each Senator cast on these nominations. (For those who cast more than zero but less than 6 'No's, I show who the Senator 'No'ed. Abstentions are also mentioned.)

20 Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
19 Elizabeth Warren Mass.
19 Bernie Sanders Vt.
18 Cory Booker N.J.
18 Kamala Harris Calif.
18 Jeff Merkley Ore.
17 Edward J. Markey Mass.
16 Ron Wyden Ore.
15 + 1_Abs Richard Blumenthal Conn.
15 Tammy Baldwin Wis.
15 Martin Heinrich N.M.
15 Jack Reed R.I.
15 Chuck Schumer N.Y.
15 Tom Udall N.M.
15 Chris Van Hollen Md.
15 Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
14 Richard J. Durbin Ill.
14 Patty Murray Wash.
13 Maria Cantwell Wash.
13 Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
13 Tammy Duckworth Ill.
13 Al Franken Minn.
13 Mazie K. Hirono Hawaii
13 Patrick J. Leahy Vt.
13 Robert Menendez N.J.
13 Brian Schatz Hawaii
12 Bob Casey Pa.
12 Debbie Stabenow Mich.
11 + 1_Abs Chris Coons Del.
11 + 1_Abs Christopher S. Murphy Conn.
11 + 1_Abs Gary Peters Mich.
11 Sherrod Brown Ohio
11 Michael Bennet Colo.
11 Thomas R. Carper Del.
11 Dianne Feinstein Calif.
11 Maggie Hassan N.H.
11 Amy Klobuchar Minn.
11 Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
10 Catherine Cortez Masto Nev.
10 Tim Kaine Va.
10 Bill Nelson Fla.
8 Jon Tester Mont.
7 + 1_Abs Joe Donnelly Ind.
7 + 1_Abs Claire McCaskill Mo.
6 Mark Warner Va.
6 Angus King Me.
5 Heidi Heitkamp N.D. [voted against DeVos, Mulvaney, Sessions, Price, Mnuchin]
4 Joe Manchin III W.Va. [voted against DeVos, Mulvaney, Price, Ross]

2 + 1_Abs John McCain Ariz. [voted against Mulvaney, Lighthizer]
2 Susan Collins Me. [voted against DeVos, Pruitt]
2 Rand Paul Ky. [voted against Pompeo, Coats]
1 + 1_Abs Lisa Murkowski Alaska [voted against DeVos]
1 Cory Gardner Colo. [voted against Lighthizer]
1 Ben Sasse Neb. [voted against Lighthizer]
0 (Didn't vote on most) Jeff Sessions Ala.
0 (Didn't vote on many) Luther Strange Ala.
0 + 6_Abs Johnny Isakson Ga.
0 + 1_Abs Lamar Alexander Tenn.
0 + 1_Abs Shelley Moore Capito W.Va.
0 + 1_Abs Bob Corker Tenn.
0 + 1_Abs Jeff Flake Ariz.
0 + 1_Abs (on wife) Mitch McConnell Ky.
0 + 1_Abs David Perdue Ga.
0 + 1_Abs Dan Sullivan Alaska
0 + 1_Abs Patrick J. Toomey Pa.
0 Roy Blunt Mo.
0 Richard M. Burr N.C.
0 John Boozman Ark.
0 John Barrasso Wyo.
0 Thad Cochran Miss.
0 Michael D. Crapo Idaho
0 John Cornyn Tex.
0 Bill Cassidy La.
0 Tom Cotton Ark.
0 Ted Cruz Tex.
0 Steve Daines Mont.
0 Michael B. Enzi Wyo.
0 Joni Ernst Iowa
0 Deb Fischer Neb.
0 Lindsey Graham S.C.
0 Charles E. Grassley Iowa
0 Orrin G. Hatch Utah
0 Dean Heller Nev.
0 John Hoeven N.D.
0 James M. Inhofe Okla.
0 Ron Johnson Wis.
0 John Kennedy La.
0 James Lankford Okla.
0 Mike Lee Utah
0 Jerry Moran Kan.
0 Rob Portman Ohio
0 Pat Roberts Kan.
0 Jim Risch Idaho
0 Marco Rubio Fla.
0 Michael Rounds S.D.
0 Richard C. Shelby Ala.
0 Tim Scott S.C.
0 John Thune S.D.
0 Thom Tillis N.C.
0 Roger Wicker Miss.
0 Todd Young Ind.

Betsy DeVos, obviously BOTH criminal AND incompetent, received the most 'No's. Because of the Sessions promotion to Atty-Gen. one Alabama Senator was absent but I think Sessions made a special point of voting 'Yea' on DeVos so Pence could break a tie: Otherwise DeVos would not have been confirmed.
Here's the thing. As much as I believe it was a tragedy, the National Guard should have been standing a battalion strong around that building with bayonettes affixed higher on the stairs, and shields up front, with beanbag shotguns and pepperballs, a megaphone, and some helicopters.

You know, the same thing they used to defile a church for a blasphemous photoshoot.

At that point, if the Boogers, and I will never not call "Boogaloo boys" Boogers from now on, because fuck them...

But anyway, if the Boogers saw exactly the level of force that BLM saw for months on end, it would make a statement that America is done with sedition. Because I do agree that her death saved lives.

I won't call it necessary any more than I will call her tracking the capital necessary nor any more than I would call the Senate treatment of the impeachment necessary, nor McConnel's silence on stimulus necessary, nor the claims Trump made about masks and "fake news" and so on and so forth. If you want to talk about things that weren't necessary, this is just the latest turn of a very large wheel, and what is necessary is that we stop making those kinds of mistakes so that they stop snowballing into the kinds of mistakes where people are getting shot over lies.

It fucking hurts to accept the reality of this. To dig further than surface deep for "justification" but I guarantee you it is certainly more right than trying to not feel bad about someone's death, regardless of who.
You want to say every violent death is a tragedy, i am with you.
You want to say every death of a human diminishes us all, no argument.
You want to say that she shouldn't have been there, that she should have stopped at the barricade, that it would be better if she survived aznd faced prosecution, i will hold the mic for you and nod.

But you said this wasn't justice. I cannot agree.
She wasn't shot over lies.
She attended the rally because of lies.
She rioted over lies.
But she threatened unarmed government officials.
She was shot for being a real danger, for her and those massed around her presenting a credible risk of death or grievous bodily harm to individuals behind the man with the gun.

I do not exult in her death, and feel for her family and the officer that felt he had to fire.

My point is that what she deserved is to not have been failed in the first place.

What is justice is if the people to lie to her for material gain were stopped from this first asymmetrical fraud.

Keith, I believe there can be no just action of violence. Violence already represents a prior failure of justice. Something needed to happen. This is what did end up happening. All we can do is try to keep it from happening again.

I sincerely believe, however, that at this point the wisest course of action is to take up a posture of overwhelming strength. But make no mistake, every life taken in defense of the capital is a tragedy, and a murder I place squarely on Trump and all the talking heads that knowingly enable him.

The time for true justice, education and the peaceful arrest of the liars though we may get back to that point, albeit by wading through a river of blood. Now there is only war.
Of the Reps who objected to AZ's and PA's electoral votes, 120 objected to both states' EV's, 1 to only AZ's (Jake LaTurner (KS-02)), and 18 to only PA's, like Elise Stefanik (NY-21).

Among those who objected to both were Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), Minority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01), QAnon supporters Lauren Boebert (CO-03) and Marjorie Taylor Smith (GA-14), and also Madison Cawthorn (NC-11), Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11), Matt Gaetz (FL-01), Jody Hice (GA-10), Mo Brooks (AL-05), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Scott Perry (PA-10).

Six Senators objected to both states' electoral votes: Ted Cruz (TX), Josh Hawley (MO), Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS), John Kennedy (LA), Roger Marshall (KS), Tommy Tuberville (AL).

A seventh one objected to only PA's electoral votes: Cynthia Lummis (WY).
If the point of the objections was not to overturn the results but to point out irregularities that needed to be addressed as the Republican senators were purporting then why did they only object to states that Trump lost? Were there no irregularities or changes in voting processes in any other state?

This is the kind of unctuous hypocrisy that nauseates me when listening to people like Ted Cruz speak. At least I have heard some Republican voices of reason in the last few days.
My point is that what she deserved is to not have been failed in the first place.

Likewise the guards at Auschwitz.

Modern Americans have the full context of history to understand what happened at Auschwitz, so It may not be unreasonable to hold those wearing Auschwitz t-shirts to the Capitol even more responsible for their actions than the Auschwitz guards themselves. Or those wearing “six million wasn’t enough” t-shirts.
A rat leaving a sinking ship is still a rat.

She's had one foot over the gunwale for a long time.

I don't know anything important about her. Maybe this is true.

Tell me. What was her public response to Trump claiming that he'd won by a landslide, back in early November? I honestly don't know.
What was her response to Trump getting the nomination in 2016?

I'm asking honest questions here. I don't remember a GOP senator asking important questions about Trump's fitness since the 2016 election. I do remember Ryan's more principled resignation. I don't remember Murkowski doing anything important until her own butt was on the line.

Educate me.
There's a crowd of demonstrators outside the New York office of Representative Nicole Malliotakis calling for her resignation right now.

The Houston Chronicle is calling for Ted Cruz to resign.
There's a crowd of demonstrators outside the New York office of Representative Nicole Malliotakis calling for her resignation right now.

Why do Democrats never learn from the Republicans? Demonstrations don't work.
You're supposed to kidnap her, hold a mock trial, then execute her and record the whole thing on your phone.
The AZ GOP may be the craziest GOP.


That's who they think is the right person to censure at this time, or any time really.
She's not the only one who died.

View attachment 31215

So, he was trying to steal a Tip O'Neill portrait. If you're committing a felony, and someone dies during/because of that felony, it's a murder charge, right?
And Trump's likes the death penalty for muderers, right?

So, this guy really is the ultimate law-and-order supporter. Judge, jury, executioner, condemned, all at no extra cost to the taxpayers!

And everyone is responsible for the acts of the acts of the conspiracy that forward the goals of the conspiracy. Thus I think everyone involved is guilty of felony murder. However, I'm not so sure about this one, it's a pretty far-out thing and not a reasonably expected outcome of their crimes. The other deaths, though, certainly fall into the felony murder territory.
She's not the only one who died.
... Kevin Greeson

So, he was trying to steal a Tip O'Neill portrait. If you're committing a felony, and someone dies during/because of that felony, it's a murder charge, right?
And Trump's likes the death penalty for muderers, right?

So, this guy really is the ultimate law-and-order supporter. Judge, jury, executioner, condemned, all at no extra cost to the taxpayers!

And everyone is responsible for the acts of the acts of the conspiracy that forward the goals of the conspiracy. Thus I think everyone involved is guilty of felony murder. However, I'm not so sure about this one, it's a pretty far-out thing and not a reasonably expected outcome of their crimes. The other deaths, though, certainly fall into the felony murder territory.

Didn't a Republican government recently send a black guy to the gas chamber, a guy whose crime was driving the getaway car in his teens for a robbery he never expected to turn into murder? If the Law were applied equally everyone who entered the Capitol building through a breached door or window would also be convicted of, and sentenced for, felony murder.

But that wouldn't be justice. Most of these dunces and racists are mainly just guilty of ignorance and gullibility. In hating them because they hate intelligent humans, we sink to their level.

Justice would be appropriate if it were meted against the real culprits, who were cowering in their million-dollar homes or in the Capitol basement when the mob they incited acted violently. Trump, Ted Cruz, Fucker Carlson, Hannity, Limbaugh, Jones, Charles Koch, and the CEOs of Facebook and FoxNews would top the list.
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