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A day without stupid?

Pizzagate is like the Energizer Bunny...

I hadn’t realized that another of FFvC really stupid tweets was even crazier than I understood with his promoting a site called MAGA Pill listing his Yuge successes. Rightwing Watch has a copy of her vid in the link, and damn she is stupid-psycho. See, FFvC is “very sophisticated and he is very strategic” and does extreme vetting before he performs Twiddle de Dotard... ROTFLMA
Over the holiday weekend, President Trump tweeted out a link to a web page that lists all of the amazing things that he has supposedly accomplished during his first year in office. Not surprisingly, MAGA Pill, the website that produced the list, turned out to be a fringe outlet that promotes wild conspiracy theories, including the work of right-wing “journalist” and crackpot conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin.
Crokin was naturally elated by what she saw as Trump’s endorsement of her work and posted a video on YouTube yesterday claiming that Trump’s tweet of the MAGA Pill website was “a nod to myself” and “a thumb’s up” to the entire Pizzagate conspiracy theory community.
“Here is why this matters,” Crokin said. “I know for a fact that President Trump doesn’t just retweet random accounts. He vets all the people that he retweets, he vets websites that he retweets, he has his people look into these people, he has his people look into these accounts and their websites. There is absolutely no way in hell President Trump didn’t know that @MAGAPILL promotes the white rabbit, promotes Q, has been following Q. There is no way that President Trump didn’t know that MAGA Pill’s pinned tweet was a video of me—sorry, Hillary—talking about Hillary Clinton’s sex tape.”

“President Trump is very thorough,” she continued. “He is very sophisticated and he is very strategic and everything that he does has multiple meanings and he drops clues and messages and hidden messages all the time. That is how he operates, alright? So I firmly believe President Trump retweeting @MAGAPILL was a nod to MAGA Pill, was a nod to myself, was a nod to literally all the people that go on 4Chan, all the people that have been following the white rabbit, all the people that have been talking about Q, all the people that have been exposing pedogate, Pizzagate, child sex-trafficking, Uranium One, you name it. This was a nod to us, this was a nod to this community, this was President Trump giving us a thumbs-up.”
My thoughts are it could get worse still...just imagine a recession with a sharp stock market correction in the US. What could El Cheato do for a distraction...

Iran, North Korea what accidents could happen?

It's about 8 years between recessions and the last one was 2008. So yeah... we're overdue. It'll probably happen.
Donald Trump hits back at British PM Theresa May on Twitter over far-right retweets


The President used the wrong Twitter handle for the British PM, issuing an amended tweet with the correct handle — @theresa_may — about 20 minutes later.

So Trump retweeted a couple of videos Geert Wilders jacks off to every morning (one of which has already been debunked by the Dutch government), and when faced criticism about it, he can't even reply to the right fucking person.
Donald Trump hits back at British PM Theresa May on Twitter over far-right retweets


The President used the wrong Twitter handle for the British PM, issuing an amended tweet with the correct handle — @theresa_may — about 20 minutes later.

So Trump retweeted a couple of videos Geert Wilders jacks off to every morning (one of which has already been debunked by the Dutch government), and when faced criticism about it, he can't even reply to the right fucking person.
Extreme vetting only applies to 'others', as he has done this at least once before. It would be quite the irony if the Britts get the balls to put decency above pomp and ceremony (and potential trade deals) and un-invited FFvC from visiting the UK with no date yet publicly stated.
Donald Trump hits back at British PM Theresa May on Twitter over far-right retweets


The President used the wrong Twitter handle for the British PM, issuing an amended tweet with the correct handle — @theresa_may — about 20 minutes later.

So Trump retweeted a couple of videos Geert Wilders jacks off to every morning (one of which has already been debunked by the Dutch government), and when faced criticism about it, he can't even reply to the right fucking person.

Here's a crazy idea.... why doesn't he let his staff handle all this? It's their fucking job. Everything about this is embarrassing.

Ya, well... if a nuclear holocaust ensues, maybe the next day will be the "day without stupid".
Like a roach, FFvC would probably survive, especially as they tend to have extra protection for the POTUS.

That would depend on Little Rocket Man's targeting capability. If he aimed at DC, you're probably right. But if he simply targeted all the regional Trump golf courses, there'd be at least a 30 percent chance that they'd git 'im.
Donnie Jr breaking his back to duck below the stupid bar, which is now below the floor.

article said:
In more than seven hours of testimony in Congress on Wednesday, the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., refused to talk about phone calls he had with his father discussing a meeting he held with a Russian lawyer after being promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. cited attorney-client privilege when the House Intelligence Committee grilled him behind closed doors about the conversation, the committee’s top Democrat, Representative Adam Schiff of California, told reporters after the session.
Yes, that is right. A man who isn't an attorney said he was citing attorney-client privilege over discussions with his Dad... before the election ever happened.

Awaiting for Jr to claim "diplomatic immunity" next.
Donnie Jr breaking his back to duck below the stupid bar, which is now below the floor.

article said:
In more than seven hours of testimony in Congress on Wednesday, the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., refused to talk about phone calls he had with his father discussing a meeting he held with a Russian lawyer after being promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. cited attorney-client privilege when the House Intelligence Committee grilled him behind closed doors about the conversation, the committee’s top Democrat, Representative Adam Schiff of California, told reporters after the session.
Yes, that is right. A man who isn't an attorney said he was citing attorney-client privilege over discussions with his Dad... before the election ever happened.

Awaiting for Jr to claim "diplomatic immunity" next.
It sounded like it came with some pretty severe bouts of amnesia as well...
It seems that someone was finally able to take the Dotard's Twitter controls away from him. It seems he will be limited to being stupid only while speaking...at least for a while.

This is from yesterday, but Don the Con's tweets have been mild manored again today...almost as if Dr. Jekyll has the smart phone. This seemed to happen shortly after FFvC tweeted some really stupid shit on Sunday about Flynn...a seriously pissed lawyer comes to mind.
President Donald Trump is -- almost -- nowhere on Twitter right now.

Over the past 48 hours, Trump has sent four tweets and retweeted one other thing. That's it. By comparison, Trump sent 10 tweets and retweeted four other tweets in the previous two days.
And, it's not just the volume of tweets that represents a marked change of late for Trump. It's the kind of things he's tweeting.
<boring tweets>
That quintet of tweets/retweets are -- dare I say it! -- the sort of stuff you could imagine President Barack Obama tweeting. Hey, I made a policy announcement in Utah! I am coming to Pensacola! And one of the major policy proposals I made during the campaign is proceeding!
Normal is weird when it comes to Trump.

Cute joke, Donnie Jr. You know what will be even funnier? When you're sitting in a jail cell with your cellmate Malik Jones and he's feeling randy.
It seems that someone was finally able to take the Dotard's Twitter controls away from him. It seems he will be limited to being stupid only while speaking...at least for a while.

This is from yesterday, but Don the Con's tweets have been mild manored again today...almost as if Dr. Jekyll has the smart phone. This seemed to happen shortly after FFvC tweeted some really stupid shit on Sunday about Flynn...a seriously pissed lawyer comes to mind.
President Donald Trump is -- almost -- nowhere on Twitter right now.

Over the past 48 hours, Trump has sent four tweets and retweeted one other thing. That's it. By comparison, Trump sent 10 tweets and retweeted four other tweets in the previous two days.
And, it's not just the volume of tweets that represents a marked change of late for Trump. It's the kind of things he's tweeting.
<boring tweets>
That quintet of tweets/retweets are -- dare I say it! -- the sort of stuff you could imagine President Barack Obama tweeting. Hey, I made a policy announcement in Utah! I am coming to Pensacola! And one of the major policy proposals I made during the campaign is proceeding!
Normal is weird when it comes to Trump.

Even developmentally retarded people learn eventually.... eventually.
View attachment 13484

Cute joke, Donnie Jr. You know what will be even funnier? When you're sitting in a jail cell with your cellmate Malik Jones and he's feeling randy.
I don't have a long list of people that I'd like to get smacked into by a truck being driven by a dog, but he is on it.

Hey, Donnie, if you want to get personal, we could raise the fact that while your mommy was dealing with the death of her father, your dad was dicking around with some other woman. Just saying...
It seems that someone was finally able to take the Dotard's Twitter controls away from him. It seems he will be limited to being stupid only while speaking...at least for a while.

Normal is weird when it comes to Trump.

Love that line.

But let's see if it lasts. Even though Trump is well, Trump, a Presidential temper tantrum over not being able to ape-tweet will result in a firing of some kind and a subsequent series of stupid, incoherent, vitriolic tweets will then be explosively released like a teenage boy who's been forcibly prevented from beating off for six months.
But let's see if it lasts. Even though Trump is well, Trump, a Presidential temper tantrum over not being able to ape-tweet will result in a firing of some kind and a subsequent series of stupid, incoherent, vitriolic tweets will then be explosively released like a teenage boy who's been forcibly prevented from beating off for six months.
I'd like to see how both of these are seriously accomplished.
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