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A day without stupid?

Sure the Dotard could stumble into our ruin, but I don't think analyzing FFvC's trash talk will reduce the chances of ruin...

USA has a relatively weak president. His small hands are pretty tied. And at this point, he's lost his authority. If he'd do something incredibly retarded I wouldn't be surprised to see a mutiny of sorts. He barely has any support in his own party

I wish this were true, but that's not what I'm seeing. Recent calls in National Review and other mainstream Republican outlets are starting to call for "biased" Mueller to resign. Remember, 6 months ago, Mueller was by all accounts a paragon of virtue across party lines. Now more and more GOP members are calling him a partisan hack. They're getting ready to obstruct justice right along with the president. They see the way the recent special elections are going and now realize that allying with Trump has consequences. So, they seem to be throwing our entire representative democracy under the bus in order to hold onto power. Fucking shameful.
I think we're going back to a world where the nobility and the working class are functionally retarded, and all valuable knowledge of running the world is in the middle classes. Back in the day the nobility had the insight to listen and obey the middle class if they wanted to cling to power. Trump isn't doing that. That's a worry.
The media is certainly trying hard to show this opinion.

Dismissing the serious media as fake news, while continually re-tweeting fake news stories, hasn't exactly garnered favor among the press. I'm sure they'd love to see him burn.
I don't know who is supposed to count as serious media besides for ratings and money, but they are far from objective.
There hasn't been a serious media for years. The media don't give a flying fuck, as long as what they report gets eyeballs, and as a result, advertising revenue.

If they can present advertising as news, that a win-win; certainly the majority of "news stories" on the Australian mainstream commercial TV news shows is advertising disguised as information.

Don't agree. There's plenty of serious high quality media. It's a shrinking sector. But claiming that it's all gone is nonsense IMHO. New York Times, The Times, The Economist, Washington Post, BBC, Al-Jazeera... all extremely good at fact checking and trying to give an accurate account.

While fewer people than ever are willing to pay for quality news reporting there's still a huge number of people who are willing to pay for it. Our world economy is dependent on access to accurate news, so there will always be people willing to pay for it.

It's not that quality news reporting doesn't exist or that it's under threat. It's not. It's more a problem of democracy. Western democracy is completely dependent on a well informed public. That's what's going down the toilet. Which is something we should worry about.
It's largely about politics, which is mainly why all sides can cite so-called quality and trash, and why idiots like Rush Limbaugh constantly bring up the woes of misinformed voters, even though his audience is obviously replete with them.
There hasn't been a serious media for years. The media don't give a flying fuck, as long as what they report gets eyeballs, and as a result, advertising revenue.

If they can present advertising as news, that a win-win; certainly the majority of "news stories" on the Australian mainstream commercial TV news shows is advertising disguised as information.

Don't agree. There's plenty of serious high quality media. It's a shrinking sector. But claiming that it's all gone is nonsense IMHO. New York Times, The Times, The Economist, Washington Post, BBC, Al-Jazeera... all extremely good at fact checking and trying to give an accurate account.

While fewer people than ever are willing to pay for quality news reporting there's still a huge number of people who are willing to pay for it. Our world economy is dependent on access to accurate news, so there will always be people willing to pay for it.

It's not that quality news reporting doesn't exist or that it's under threat. It's not. It's more a problem of democracy. Western democracy is completely dependent on a well informed public. That's what's going down the toilet. Which is something we should worry about.
It's largely about politics, which is mainly why all sides can cite so-called quality and trash, and why idiots like Rush Limbaugh constantly bring up the woes of misinformed voters, even though his audience is obviously replete with them.

Why would politics have an impact on the quality of the news? The news just provide what people pay for. If they just want their preconceptions validated then the news will provide. But every business leader and manager of anything are completely dependent on accurate reports. Or they'll fail at their jobs. The free market is pretty ruthless. Those people will always be willing to pay for accuracy. So it will always be available.

Increasingly paywalls have been going up around quality news. Because they only cater to the elites who can pay for it. That's just a trend that will become more pronounced. So if you aren't paying for your content you should be worried about it's accuracy. Poor people will in the future only have access to lies. That's a worry.
Could this be the day? It's gone several hours of the day without him doing anything really dumb yet. Or have the media just stopped reporting it out of fatigue?
Could this be the day? It's gone several hours of the day without him doing anything really dumb yet. Or have the media just stopped reporting it out of fatigue?

Nah: he shit-tweeted the following at like 4 a.m. this morning:

Wow, more than 90% of Fake News Media coverage of me is negative, with numerous forced retractions of untrue stories. Hence my use of Social Media, the only way to get the truth out. Much of Mainstream Meadia has become a joke! @foxandfriends

Sure, it's a message that's more played out than Stairway to Heaven, but the stupidity marches on.

There's also this, which isn't in the Stairway to Heaven class, but still as familiar as say, You Shook Me (All Night Long):

The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!

It's classic Trump self-aggrandizement and doublespeak.

Indeed, the Stupid stays strong on this day.
The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!

It's classic Trump self-aggrandizement and doublespeak.

Indeed, the Stupid stays strong on this day.

But isn't it a good thing that the deck is stacked against a serial sexual predator? And a moron. I think the deck should be stacked against morons.
There's this little gem on the election night. The guy did not win the genetic lottery when brains was distributed.

It's largely about politics, which is mainly why all sides can cite so-called quality and trash, and why idiots like Rush Limbaugh constantly bring up the woes of misinformed voters, even though his audience is obviously replete with them.

Why would politics have an impact on the quality of the news?
It certainly can when the news agency is not objective.
The news just provide what people pay for.
Right, and since much of the news is about politics, a lot of people are going to pay for their political leanings.
If they just want their preconceptions validated then the news will provide.
And the news agency can also seed preconceptions in order to keep and obtain a certain desired audience.
But every business leader and manager of anything are completely dependent on accurate reports. Or they'll fail at their jobs. The free market is pretty ruthless. Those people will always be willing to pay for accuracy. So it will always be available.
That's the supposed idea, but they can still bend what is talked about and shown, while remaining accurate, yet bias at the same time.
Increasingly paywalls have been going up around quality news. Because they only cater to the elites who can pay for it. That's just a trend that will become more pronounced. So if you aren't paying for your content you should be worried about it's accuracy. Poor people will in the future only have access to lies. That's a worry.
Yes, again where it is political, as I pointed out above, one person's quality can easily be another person's trash.
Wow, more than 90% of Fake News Media coverage of me is negative, with numerous forced retractions of untrue stories. Hence my use of Social Media, the only way to get the truth out. Much of Mainstream Meadia has become a joke! @foxandfriends
This Tweet is a nod to Rush Limbaugh that Trump is listening.
The media is certainly trying hard to show this opinion.

Dismissing the serious media as fake news, while continually re-tweeting fake news stories, hasn't exactly garnered favor among the press. I'm sure they'd love to see him burn.
I don't know who is supposed to count as serious media besides for ratings and money, but they are far from objective.

If you are aware that you lack the skills to differentiate between a reliable source of information and an unreliable source of information, then how can you possibly have any strong opinions on anything?

when a dozen news agencies are reporting similar details and siting sources for new information (news), and another news agency is only reporting on llamas and kittens (seriously, this happened this week).. then you really should not have that hard of a time figuring out who you should be getting information from.

A very important place to start is with the knowledge that the 24 /7 news channels cannot possibly fill their time with all news.. they all have many "entertainment shows" that, in many cases, are intentialy filmed in such a way as to suggest they are a news show, when they are actually covered (from lying) by the out that "it's just entertainment". Fox News is the worst offender of this... on Hannity, they use graphics on the screen that tries extrememly hard to make the conspiracy theorist entertainer Hannity APPEAR to be a news anchor... but he can say anything without breaking the law, because somewhere some microscopic text flashes on the screen for 2 seconds that basically says, "this is all fiction for your entertainment". That the public confuses it is the fucking point.
I don't know who is supposed to count as serious media besides for ratings and money, but they are far from objective.

If you are aware that you lack the skills to differentiate between a reliable source of information and an unreliable source of information,
I didn't say that I lack the skills, I simply said that I didn't honestly know, since I am not allowed into the media's backrooms to actually witness how they put their coverage together. I do realize that they are not entirely objective.
then how can you possibly have any strong opinions on anything?
Because of course not all information and knowledge comes from only these outlets.
A very important place to start is with the knowledge that the 24 /7 news channels cannot possibly fill their time with all news.. they all have many "entertainment shows" that, in many cases, are intentialy filmed in such a way as to suggest they are a news show, when they are actually covered (from lying) by the out that "it's just entertainment". Fox News is the worst offender of this... on Hannity, they use graphics on the screen that tries extrememly hard to make the conspiracy theorist entertainer Hannity APPEAR to be a news anchor... but he can say anything without breaking the law, because somewhere some microscopic text flashes on the screen for 2 seconds that basically says, "this is all fiction for your entertainment". That the public confuses it is the fucking point.
Well, Hannity is a flagrant liar and manipulator. I haven't had access to cable/satellite TV in almost ten years.
Good chance that the media who fail to call out Fake Science (global warming denial) are the ones pushing Fake News, wouldn't you say?


Gone is the national motto, E pluribus unum, meaning “out of many, one.” In its place appears the president’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” which the administration has also used on official White House documents.

So instead of something that reflects unity and is in keeping with American tradition, the orange fuckstick puts a campaign slogan on his. It's not like American tradition is barren when it comes to weighty phrases acclaiming the strived-for ideals of the nation. Is it an attempt to compare or replace certain ideals?

God, I hate feeling like such a fucking alarmist. I really do try and reflect to make sure I'm not overreacting to the walking superficial offense that is Trump. But from big things to even the smallest, it just all feels so wrong. It's like you can already envision what will be written in books about how America fell from world leader to an oppressive backwater with an enormous nuclear arsenal.
I didn't know there as such a thing.

It's a big thing. Go to one of the Tac-Ops conferences... challenge coins are traded like baseball cards when you were a kid. By adults. :rolleyes:
Wondering what they'll be worth once it's impossible to find anyone who will admit to having voted for Trump.
So instead of something that reflects unity and is in keeping with American tradition, the orange fuckstick puts a campaign slogan on his. It's not like American tradition is barren when it comes to weighty phrases acclaiming the strived-for ideals of the nation. Is it an attempt to compare or replace certain ideals?

God, I hate feeling like such a fucking alarmist. I really do try and reflect to make sure I'm not overreacting to the walking superficial offense that is Trump. But from big things to even the smallest, it just all feels so wrong. It's like you can already envision what will be written in books about how America fell from world leader to an oppressive backwater with an enormous nuclear arsenal.

^^^ all of that
On the eve of the Sweet Baby Jebus' unsoiled entrance into the sinful world of man, we have this:


“CNN-labeled blood on the sole of his shoe. Retweeted by the President of the United States on Christmas Eve,” CNN anchor Jake Tapper said on Twitter about the retweet

Merry Christmas Eve America! Our leader hates the free press (not that it's anything new, but it certainly maintains the Days Without Stupid).
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