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A day without stupid?

Well clearly CNN is fake news, and you misspelled "Gallup" and "according" so we can take the 3% from CNN, double it because fake news, then add the 6% you falsely quoted to "Gallop" and add another 6% for spelling "according" wrong, add that to the 15% from before and we come up with 30%
On my first boat, they more than doubled their retention rates when they appointed a new Command Career Counselor.
He didn't get any more men to reenlist, he just changed the way he calculated retention.

It HAD been pretty straightforward. 2 reenlistments out of 10 men at the end of their commitment was a 20% retention.
In the new system, if he asked someone, "Do you want to reenlist?" and they said no, he determined that IF he had submitted a request to reenlist, they would have disapproved it anyway, so he was not really eligible to reenlist. Thus he didn't count.
So, of 10 guys eligible, 2 reenlisted, 1 requested it but couldn't get the school he wanted and changed his mind, and 7 guys said 'Fuck you and the fleet you rode in on.' So it was really 3 guys eligible, 66% of whom reenlisted.

Trump's numbers probably improved when they threw out all the heavily biased Democrats, and, obviously, the Haitians who fell for the Fake News, and the muslims... When they can identify further ineligible opinions, his numbers will go up again.
Trump Calls Democrats ‘Treasonous’ for Failing to Applaud Him

One of the things that has made the Donald Trump political experience so peculiar is that he combines the instincts of an authoritarian with the mannerisms of an insult comic. Neither of these traits is a familiar element of electoral politics in the United States (certainly not at the presidential level). And as strange as they are individually, they are even more bizarre in combination.

In a speech today touting his tax cuts, Trump launched into a long riff expressing his dismay that Democrats failed to applaud his State of the Union address. Apparently Trump expected them to join in giving him credit for the low African-American and Latino unemployment rates. (They did not, because Trump is disingenuously taking credit for results of a trend that predates his presidency, and which he blatantly lied about for years beforehand.) So Trump casually declared that Democrats were treasonous. Yes, he used that word


He is going beyond "stupid" and well into full blown dick-tator
So now we are going to have a military parade at Trump's orders. The stupidity piles on.

Every April the first in San Francisco, the First Church of the Last Laugh holds their annual Saint Stupid Day parade.


Perhaps this is what is needed in Washington D.C.. In Trump's honor. This is about as good a parade as Trump deserves.

FYI, the Tweet (on my first) by the other three Presidents isn't real... though factual.
Trump Calls Democrats ‘Treasonous’ for Failing to Applaud Him

One of the things that has made the Donald Trump political experience so peculiar is that he combines the instincts of an authoritarian with the mannerisms of an insult comic. Neither of these traits is a familiar element of electoral politics in the United States (certainly not at the presidential level). And as strange as they are individually, they are even more bizarre in combination.

In a speech today touting his tax cuts, Trump launched into a long riff expressing his dismay that Democrats failed to applaud his State of the Union address. Apparently Trump expected them to join in giving him credit for the low African-American and Latino unemployment rates. (They did not, because Trump is disingenuously taking credit for results of a trend that predates his presidency, and which he blatantly lied about for years beforehand.) So Trump casually declared that Democrats were treasonous. Yes, he used that word


He is going beyond "stupid" and well into full blown dick-tator
Me: An honor to meet you Richard.
Trump: Why did you call me that?
Me: Well, I thought it'd be mean if I called you a dick.
So now we are going to have a military parade at Trump's orders. The stupidity piles on.

One might get away with this during a time of unity but at this point in time, this can only serve to sow more divisiveness within the US. How many people disrupting such a parade would Trump need to project such a disruption onto the entire treasonous liberal left?

Trump's a dick.

Nothing but the finest in this FFvC Administration...

It seems that the appointee for Ambassador to Barbados, Leandro Rizzuto Jr, is just a little over the top batshit crazy for even some Repugs... Didn't ya know that Heidi Cruz was part of the plot to create the North American Union and destroy the US's independence?

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., ripped Leandro Rizzuto Jr., President Trump's nominee to serve as ambassador to Barbados, for spreading conspiracy theories and making offensive comments on social media about Republican lawmakers.

"Mr. Rizzuto should feel free to put on his tinfoil hat and visit our office with evidence for his salacious conspiracy theories and cuckoo allegations. While he’s at it, the Senate probably needs to know his views on the moon landing. I'm sure Senator Sasse will be willing to evaluate the specific evidence for his claims — but it’s got to be more than a stack of National Enquirers," a spokesman for Sasse said in a statement Tuesday.
For someone who prides himself on surrounding himself with good, smart people, The Donald seems to have more than his fair share of assholes close by.

A senior White House official announced Wednesday he is resigning after allegations by his two ex-wives of physical and emotional abuse.


I wonder if a single person who voted for him said, "Hey, he said he'd never settle that suit because it was b.s. But then he settled it shortly thereafter. Man, do I feel stupid!"

And does it occur that this was for fraud? It fucking stuns me. FRAUD! And he settled because if he would've lost in court (which almost certainly would have), it would've been for up to $150-$200,000,000-------------for FRAUD!!!!

Jesus Christ, this bothers me to no end.

This is why it's not worth wasting any energy on trying to turn (R)'s/Trumptards. When one can't make the plain sense observance that it's bad for a known fraudulent motherfucker to be POTUS, there's no hope for such a person.
The best part is that the duped students get 90% back... not 100+%. An absolute fraudulent school.

But but but but emails!!!
Bringing back the stupid, Trump's attorney just said that he paid the porn star the $130,000 out of his personal accounts to try and clear Trump of breaking any potential election finance laws. It sucks that I don't have lawyers who'll plead guilty themselves to the crimes I commit.

An unintended side effect of that is that this admission actually breaks the porn star's confidentiality agreement, since the other party to that agreement has publically talked about it. Stormy Daniels can now go into however much detail she wants about how she spanked Trump with a magazine which had his picture on it while his wife was breastfeeding their autistic child.
Bringing back the stupid, Trump's attorney just said that he paid the porn star the $130,000 out of his personal accounts to try and clear Trump of breaking any potential election finance laws. It sucks that I don't have lawyers who'll plead guilty themselves to the crimes I commit.

An unintended side effect of that is that this admission actually breaks the porn star's confidentiality agreement, since the other party to that agreement has publically talked about it. Stormy Daniels can now go into however much detail she wants about how she spanked Trump with a magazine which had his picture on it while his wife was breastfeeding their autistic child.
About Stormy speaking.

article said:
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, believes that Trump attorney Michael Cohen invalidated a non-disclosure agreement after two news stories were published Tuesday: One, in which Cohen told The New York Times that he made the six-figure payment with his personal funds, and another in the Daily Beast, which reported that Cohen was shopping a book proposal that would touch on Daniels' story, said the manager, Gina Rodriguez.

"Everything is off now, and Stormy is going to tell her story," Rodriguez said.
Sounds like she is fishing for more of Trump's.... I mean Cohen's money. ;)

Two months after Stormy Daniel's $130k payoff, the Trump Campaign pays Trump $130,888.33

One of the comments notes that $888.33 is the precise amount of interest that a $130k loan with a 4% interest rate would accrue over the two months between Daniel's payoff and Trump's payment.
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