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A day without stupid?

This wasn't Trump's first try in any case.

And who the fuck says "on my first try" regarding the presidency? He sounds like he is in kindergarten, FFS. "Daddy, daddy!! I colored inside the lines on my first try!!"

Sorry... the meme is funny. I'm just losing my sense of humour about any of this.
You know, if you are going to make such a big fucking deal about the National Anthem, it is probably a good idea not to pull a quasi Enrico Pallazo, mouthing only the words that you know.



Oddly enough, the Enrico Pallazo performance seemed to line up well with Trump's mouthing of the anthem. While this seems trite, he has been fucking around on Twitter about the anthem for months now. It'd be nice if he at least backed up his rhetoric (non-nuclear war starting rhetoric) every once in a while.

The *sigh* President said:
But got great reviews by everybody other than two networks who were phenomenal for about two hours. Then after that, they were called by their bosses and say, oh, wait a minute. And unfortunately, a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings they've ever witnessed.
This was with respect to his 55 minute meeting that solved all the DACA issues... addressed the DACA... more like kind of just muddled on about DACA.

But yeah, anchors were sending Trump love letters immediately afterwards!
This was with respect to his 55 minute meeting that solved all the DACA issues... addressed the DACA... more like kind of just muddled on about DACA.

Oh come on, give some credit. The Great Statesman decisively agreed to sign a 'clean' DACA bill, and a dirty DACA bill, and to not sign a clean DACA bill and a dirty DACA bill. IOW, he'll sign whatever is put in front of him (as a long as it's not a check from his own account). And being such a Great Statesman, he'll also not sign any such thing. So refreshing to have such clear leadership. MAGA!
Vote for Pedro...

The Dotard strikes again this morning…

Twittle de Dotard said:
House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.” This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?

Pretty funny, FFvC gets confused while watching Phaux News and gets channeled into apposing his own team.
It's pretty clear why Trump tweeted what he did. He's probably not all that tuned in to what's happening in Congress with FISA, and he was apparently watching plenty of TV on Thursday morning. He saw the word “controversial” and “FISA” in a "Fox and Friends" chyron and remembered that it was the program used to conduct surveillance of Trump campaign aides Carter Page and Paul Manafort. Those FISA warrants are at the heart of a deep-state conspiracy theory alleging that the Steele dossier was used as a pretext to spy on his campaign and undermine him. And in Trump's world, things like this are pretty simple: If FISA warrants were used in a way that he perceives as being against him, they are bad.

And yesterday, his WH Press Release said this:
The Administration strongly opposes the “USA Rights” amendment to the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act, which the House will consider tomorrow. This amendment would re-establish the walls between intelligence and law enforcement that our country knocked down following the attacks of 9/11 in order to increase information sharing and improve our national security. The Administration urges the House to reject this amendment and preserve the useful role FISA’s Section 702 authority plays in protecting American lives.

Apparently, then someone (Maxwell?) explained to the Dotard that he is supposed to support the bill...so Twiddle he did.
With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!
So Trump wants to kill FISA? I hope he doesn't accidentally do an EO and get rid of the financial aid loans for college instead.

Also, I doubt Trump posted the second Tweet, and that it was a staffer.
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And in international news, Trump has announced the sale of F-52 fighter jets to Norway.


The fictional nature of these aircraft make them impossible for any enemy to intercept or shoot down.

I read this and wondered, "Where in the name of hell did Trumpo get the idea that we were selingl F-52s to Norway?" Not only is he ignorant, but he has not learned to double check such nonsense before he blurts out such twaddle.
And in international news, Trump has announced the sale of F-52 fighter jets to Norway.


The fictional nature of these aircraft make them impossible for any enemy to intercept or shoot down.

I read this and wondered, "Where in the name of hell did Trumpo get the idea that we were selingl F-52s to Norway?" Not only is he ignorant, but he has not learned to double check such nonsense before he blurts out such twaddle.

Well, you see FFvC was streaming yellow anime, and he saw adverts for Call of Duty, so all he had to do was watch it twice to know for sure :D
This thread might need to be changed to A Half Day Without Stupid. Today in Stupid--and this is Stupid enough to cover several days:


Donald Trump described El Salvador, Haiti and certain African nations, as “shithole” countries during a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday, according to a report.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, after being presented with a proposal to restore protections for immigrants from those countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to the Washington Post, citing aides briefed on the meeting.

The president wondered aloud why the US would not instead want to bring people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he had met with the day before.

And his loyal staff:

In a statement, the White House did not deny the president’s remarks, deferring to Trump’s nationalistic view of immigration.

“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people,” said Raj Shah, a White House spokesman.

Ah yes, demeaning nations we're supposed to be allied with = fighting for the American people.

And why the fuck would Norwegians want to come here? And doesn't Trump know that Norway... oh, what a waste of a thought. Of course Trump doesn't know jackshit about Norway's system of government and policy.
Meanwhile in, you can't make this shit up...

The White House daily email said:
We celebrate King first and foremost for standing up for the self-evident truth Americans hold so dear: No matter the color of our skin, or the place of our birth, we are ALL created equal by God.
Though depending on the shit hole you were born it, maybe a little less equal than others.
And in international news, Trump has announced the sale of F-52 fighter jets to Norway.


The fictional nature of these aircraft make them impossible for any enemy to intercept or shoot down.

I read this and wondered, "Where in the name of hell did Trumpo get the idea that we were selingl F-52s to Norway?" Not only is he ignorant, but he has not learned to double check such nonsense before he blurts out such twaddle.

Well, you see FFvC was streaming yellow anime, and he saw adverts for Call of Duty, so all he had to do was watch it twice to know for sure :D

He simply saw the two numberes 52 and 35 (as in, "the US has sold 52 F35s to Norway") and decided to embellish both with a leading F.

While this underscores his marginal literacy, it doesn't really rise to the level of, say, conflating the labor force participation rate with the unemployment rate.
No day without stupid on the horizon...
Two days later, Cheato is all like "I didn't say that!"
Previously he had told us that these things were recorded. Let's hear it, Cheato!
Imagine that giant orange scumbag calling republican senators liars for quoting his foul mouth... there is no bottom too low for that feeder.
Meanwhile, the White House released audio on I v I'd-gate and it doesn't sound like I'd!

Trump has made The White House the worst liars in White House history.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump tweets that his approval rating among black americans has doubled.

Only in a universe where time runs backwards. 15% of black Americans approved of Trump a year ago. Now it's 6% accordimg to Gallop.

A CNN poll puts it at 3%.

Well clearly CNN is fake news, and you misspelled "Gallup" and "according" so we can take the 3% from CNN, double it because fake news, then add the 6% you falsely quoted to "Gallop" and add another 6% for spelling "according" wrong, add that to the 15% from before and we come up with 30%

So technically, Trump's support among "the blacks" has indeed doubled! But that number is low because of the liberal media, so...

Tomorrow morning Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be along to explain how now 60% of the blacks support Trump.
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