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A day without stupid?

11)Crooked Hillary
12)Need to do an interview on FOX because these people are mean to me.

Seriously, this is just fucking pathetic. I never thought I would be hoping for a China/India hegemony so fervently.
And he has "45" on his cuff just in case he forgets which President he is.
Cadet Bonespur, our ever humble servant, declares at CPAC that he has had the best first year of any President, and he gets cheers for saying such idiocy...sigh. And he is still beating the oh so dead, buried, and decomposed HRC meme...

Since Trump came to office, has there been a day when he didn't do or say anything outrageously stupid?

I've taken a quick look, and it's just utter mind-blowing idiocy every day. Most days several times a day.

How dare you call Trump stupid? You have hurt my delicate feelings! You're a big dumb doodeyhead dumbhead because Trump is smarter than you and your whole stupid country put together (although boy do we want immigrants from your country). Trump is playing 47th dimensional chess because he's the greatest genius to ever play the game of politics!!!!!!!

Russia first! Make China great again! Nazis are very fine people!

Cadet Bonespur, our ever humble servant, declares at CPAC that he has had the best first year of any President, and he gets cheers for saying such idiocy...sigh. And he is still beating the oh so dead, buried, and decomposed HRC meme...

Trump makes Beowulf look modest.
11)Crooked Hillary
12)Need to do an interview on FOX because these people are mean to me.

Seriously, this is just fucking pathetic. I never thought I would be hoping for a China/India hegemony so fervently.

How dare you! I'm reporting your disloyalty to Putin! You'll be sorry! [/republicanlampoon]
he would have run into the high school even unarmed...
And done what?

Do you doubt the ability of 375 lbs of blubber to stop bullets?
I was only thinking he should be filled with pudding before entry, just to be safe. Pudding is a non-newtonian fluid y'know...
Yeah, this is unbelievably callous self-aggrandizing talk... from a draft dodger. I ponder if Trump is susceptible to defamation of character as President (in the sense of can the President defame anyone without threat of charges?).

Meanwhile, no word yet on the status of three Governors who were admitted into the hospital after choking on their breakfast during his speech.

Meanwhile, around 60% of America sadden Trump wasn't there to use his bare hands.

article said:
"We have to look at the Internet because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds and their minds are being formed, and we have to do something about maybe what they’re seeing and how they’re seeing it," he said.

"I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts. And you go the further step, and that’s the movies. You see these movies, and they’re so violent. And yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved, and maybe they have to put a rating system for that."
Trump is hearing voices again. Yup, guns don't kill people, video games do... and violent movies.
He forgot that the bone spurs prevent him from running (anywhere risky).
It's like he was a 10 year old who read too many Marvel comic books. There is definitely something wrong with him. Flabboman to the rescue!
It's like he was a 10 year old who read too many Marvel comic books. There is definitely something wrong with him. Flabboman to the rescue!
Well, his internal narrative probably skips a bit. Gun shots heard, he moves to act, dot, dot, dot, and everyone loves him for being a hero exclamation point Nubile teachers whose lives he saved throwing themselves at his feet and, knowing trump, more than a few of the students...
It's like he was a 10 year old who read too many Marvel comic books. There is definitely something wrong with him. Flabboman to the rescue!

Well, it's easy to talk about how tough you are when there's no actual threat you need to face. It's like how I'd ninja the shit out of anyone who tried to gun down people at my office. Provided that nobody ever tries to gun down people at my office and forces me to back up my claim, I'd be quite the hero in that situation.
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