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A day without stupid?

1. Who cares, it was before he even ran for president!

2. She's a lying whore (the same person will say both 1 and 2)

3. Whatabout Bill Clinton?

4. He was a Democrat when it happened!

5. Ours is not to judge, but forgive and support the man God put in the White House.

I didn't make up a single of one of those. I read them all across various conservative and other internet forums today. Unfortunately, I've been banned from several in the past few weeks, so I'm undoubtedly missing out on even better shit than that.
Trump said:
I'm totally opposed to domestic violence
Only this guy can make it sound inauthentic regarding domestic violence. After all, he passive aggressively defended the two resignees over domestic violence. He defended Bill O'Reilly.

Who in the heck says they are "totally opposed to domestic violence"?
Who in the heck says they are "totally opposed to domestic violence"?
Someone whose public relations manager told him, "Sir, you've GOT to make it clear that you're totally opposed to domestic violence."

Well, he should assume at least some of them are still good people...to be fair of course.
Well, he should assume at least some of them are still good people...to be fair of course.
Well, you have to remember, we can't forget that there are good people on both sides of any dispute. Obviously, beating your wife is a bad thing, in most cases. But someone said, I've heard it said, maybe at least one time she deserved it, you know? Maybe it was justified. Who knows? We need to keep this in mind. It's not cut and dry. But, yeah, I'm totally opposed to domestic violence. But is it really what we want to call domestic violence if she was asking for it?
Well, he should assume at least some of them are still good people...to be fair of course.
Well, you have to remember, we can't forget that there are good people on both sides of any dispute. Obviously, beating your wife is a bad thing, in most cases. But someone said, I've heard it said, maybe at least one time she deserved it, you know? Maybe it was justified. Who knows? We need to keep this in mind. It's not cut and dry. But, yeah, I'm totally opposed to domestic violence. But is it really what we want to call domestic violence if she was asking for it?
Yeah, some wives can be bitchy so it could be a hard call...
Well, he should assume at least some of them are still good people...to be fair of course.
Well, you have to remember, we can't forget that there are good people on both sides of any dispute. Obviously, beating your wife is a bad thing, in most cases. But someone said, I've heard it said, maybe at least one time she deserved it, you know? Maybe it was justified. Who knows? We need to keep this in mind. It's not cut and dry. But, yeah, I'm totally opposed to domestic violence. But is it really what we want to call domestic violence if she was asking for it?
Yeah, some wives can be bitchy so it could be a hard call...
Sometimes Wayne Brady just has to choke the bitch.

From the article:

President Trump on Sunday claimed he never said Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 presidential race, noting the Russian "hoax" was that his campaign colluded with Russia.

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said 'it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer,' " Trump tweeted.

"The Russian 'hoax' was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia - it never did!"

This guy. This fuckin' guy!

So it took them two days to cook this Stupid up.

Does anyone seriously debate that he either totally downplayed, or outright denied, and ridiculed people for saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections?

The answer to that is an unfortunate "yes."

His fans are already in full lockstep with him though. The whole Russia story was dead, nothing to it, the investigation is a waste of money, and there was no proof of Russian hacking, and on and on and on.

Now that it's undeniable, Trump denies ever denying what he is on record saying multiple times.

Oddly, the media isn't really covering the fact that he's not doing a goddamn thing about it.

From the article:

President Trump on Sunday claimed he never said Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 presidential race, noting the Russian "hoax" was that his campaign colluded with Russia.

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said 'it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer,' " Trump tweeted.

"The Russian 'hoax' was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia - it never did!"

This guy. This fuckin' guy!

So it took them two days to cook this Stupid up.

Does anyone seriously debate that he either totally downplayed, or outright denied, and ridiculed people for saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections?

The answer to that is an unfortunate "yes."

His fans are already in full lockstep with him though. The whole Russia story was dead, nothing to it, the investigation is a waste of money, and there was no proof of Russian hacking, and on and on and on.

Now that it's undeniable, Trump denies ever denying what he is on record saying multiple times.

Oddly, the media isn't really covering the fact that he's not doing a goddamn thing about it.

This is the guy who took credit for proving Obama’s citizenship was American, during a debate, with the release of the birth certificate, though he did question Obama’s nationality after said release.

His followers are the willful foolish following a damned fool.
And also the same guy who first blamed the Parkland victims for not reporting the shooter ahead of time and then when it was shown that they did he blamed the FBI for investigating the subversion of our elections by an unfriendly foreign power. The man is human filth.
The man is human filth.

What impresses me is how easily high school students see through him. These kids are PISSED. Many will be eligible to vote in 2018, and many more in 2020. All is not lost ... yet.
Today's tweet:
Have a great, but very reflective, President’s Day!

Heh. FFvC just told the country 'I want you to think about what you've done!'

What's next, a 90-degree angle in The Wall, so he can put the country in The Corner?
Today's tweet:
Have a great, but very reflective, President’s Day!

Heh. FFvC just told the country 'I want you to think about what you've done!'

What's next, a 90-degree angle in The Wall, so he can put the country in The Corner?
Reflective? What, as in getting depressed thinking about how Trump is in the same position as FDR, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt?
Dementia Donnie's spawn had a good one.

article said:
President Donald Trump’s eldest son on Tuesday said “the spirit of the Indian people” was unique to “other parts of the emerging world” because “you can see the poorest of the poor and there is still a smile on a face.”

Meanwhile Dementia Donnie is suffering from dementia again on Twitter.
Dementia Donnie said:
I have been much tougher on Russia than Obama, just look at the facts. Total Fake News!
Okay Donno, if you say the collusion and interference is fake news... then why are you being tougher on Russia, you fuckhead?!
Dotard talking points for listening session.jpg

The psychopathic dotard has to be reminded to pretend to be listening to the survivors of a school shooting :rolleyes:
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