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A day without stupid?

Trump lawyer complained he wasn't reimbursed for Stormy Daniels payment: report. The article title qualifies it for posting here, but this quote is truly hilarious:

Huffington Post said:
The Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen was working to secure a deal with Clifford’s representatives in October 2016, but was unable to track down Trump. As a result, he used his own funds to wire money to Clifford’s lawyer.

Cohen’s bank later flagged the wire transaction as suspicious and reported it to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Dear god, the idiots left trails everywhere.
Trump lawyer complained he wasn't reimbursed for Stormy Daniels payment: report. The article title qualifies it for posting here, but this quote is truly hilarious:

Huffington Post said:
The Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen was working to secure a deal with Clifford’s representatives in October 2016, but was unable to track down Trump. As a result, he used his own funds to wire money to Clifford’s lawyer.

Cohen’s bank later flagged the wire transaction as suspicious and reported it to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Dear god, the idiots left trails everywhere.
In their defense, no one thought he was going to win.
Trump lawyer complained he wasn't reimbursed for Stormy Daniels payment: report. The article title qualifies it for posting here, but this quote is truly hilarious:

Huffington Post said:
The Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen was working to secure a deal with Clifford’s representatives in October 2016, but was unable to track down Trump. As a result, he used his own funds to wire money to Clifford’s lawyer.

Cohen’s bank later flagged the wire transaction as suspicious and reported it to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Dear god, the idiots left trails everywhere.

And right now CNN has the breaking news banner "News Alert: Lawyer used Trump organization email account while negotiating Stormy Daniels payoff" running.
And right now CNN has the breaking news banner "CNN has a banner right now that reads "News Alert: Lawyer used Trump organization email account while negotiating Stormy Daniels payoff" running.

It really does seem like John Oliver got it right when he called this Stupid Watergate - like Watergate, but everyone involved is stupid.
And right now CNN has the breaking news banner "CNN has a banner right now that reads "News Alert: Lawyer used Trump organization email account while negotiating Stormy Daniels payoff" running.

It really does seem like John Oliver got it right when he called this Stupid Watergate - like Watergate, but everyone involved is stupid.

Watergate itself was incredibly stupid. Nixon was a shoe-in to win the election anyway, but he just had to find out what his political opponent was up to.

There isn't a word in the English language that describes the stupidity of Trump & Co. Maybe the Germans have a word--something along the lines of schadenfreude. A word that can encapsulates an entire stupid state of existence or something.
And right now CNN has the breaking news banner "CNN has a banner right now that reads "News Alert: Lawyer used Trump organization email account while negotiating Stormy Daniels payoff" running.

It really does seem like John Oliver got it right when he called this Stupid Watergate - like Watergate, but everyone involved is stupid.

Watergate itself was incredibly stupid. Nixon was a shoe-in to win the election anyway, but he just had to find out what his political opponent was up to.

There isn't a word in the English language that describes the stupidity of Trump & Co. Maybe the Germans have a word--something along the lines of schadenfreude. A word that can encapsulates an entire stupid state of existence or something.


A day without stupid would be headline news - and it will probably occur when Trump needs it most (to distract from Russia of course), and is too stupid to come up with enough more stupid to grab headlines.
And right now CNN has the breaking news banner "CNN has a banner right now that reads "News Alert: Lawyer used Trump organization email account while negotiating Stormy Daniels payoff" running.

It really does seem like John Oliver got it right when he called this Stupid Watergate - like Watergate, but everyone involved is stupid.

Watergate itself was incredibly stupid. Nixon was a shoe-in to win the election anyway, but he just had to find out what his political opponent was up to.

There isn't a word in the English language that describes the stupidity of Trump & Co. Maybe the Germans have a word--something along the lines of schadenfreude. A word that can encapsulates an entire stupid state of existence or something.

is the word "Drumpf"?
Trump lawyer complained he wasn't reimbursed for Stormy Daniels payment: report. The article title qualifies it for posting here, but this quote is truly hilarious:

Huffington Post said:
The Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen was working to secure a deal with Clifford’s representatives in October 2016, but was unable to track down Trump. As a result, he used his own funds to wire money to Clifford’s lawyer.

Cohen’s bank later flagged the wire transaction as suspicious and reported it to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Dear god, the idiots left trails everywhere.

That's actually part of my working theory about the length and scope of the investigation by Mueller. You have to factor in the incredible and I mean incredible ineptness of this administration from the president himself all the way down, and as of late, up to and including the RNC. There's a shit ton of illegal activity to find that was badly hidden. Every time they open a new avenue of the investigation it pans out with more to find. I could be wrong about that at this point, but I highly doubt it.

This is a man who was allowed to breed multiple times. Humanity needs to step aside and let the dolphins run the planet for the next couple of centuries; as a species we have forfeited any evolutionary high ground.

I only got through the first 10 or so before exhaustion set in. And really, "exhaustion" is about the only term I can think of to describe my feelings about the whole fucking mess right now. How could people be so fucking stupid to have voted for him? How could 39% of the country be so fucking stupid to still support him? How can however many percent (25?) of the people be so fucking stupid to believe that Obama, Clinton, FBI, CIA, Bush Jr, CNN, and NYTimes, and just about everything else are part of a "Deep State" whose only goal was to destroy Shit-for-Brains?

Click on the "Hello Cleveland" link under number 1 on the CNN link to see the only thing that makes any sense anymore.

This is a man who was allowed to breed multiple times. Humanity needs to step aside and let the dolphins run the planet for the next couple of centuries; as a species we have forfeited any evolutionary high ground.

I only got through the first 10 or so before exhaustion set in. And really, "exhaustion" is about the only term I can think of to describe my feelings about the whole fucking mess right now. How could people be so fucking stupid to have voted for him? How could 39% of the country be so fucking stupid to still support him? How can however many percent (25?) of the people be so fucking stupid to believe that Obama, Clinton, FBI, CIA, Bush Jr, CNN, and NYTimes, and just about everything else are part of a "Deep State" whose only goal was to destroy Shit-for-Brains?

Click on the "Hello Cleveland" link under number 1 on the CNN link to see the only thing that makes any sense anymore.

There was a book? article? many many years ago about "The Extraordinary Madness of Mobs" that would perhaps explain the vote. Wish I'd read it.

Found it


Thought it was about my age, but seems it is a year or two older than me.
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Well, this is sort about a future stupid day(s)...but WTF why not.

FFvC has already helped SNL set record ratings, but seems intent on helping out another show, 60 Minutes.


As if it isn't already catching lots of attention, the clown bus seems like it will work overtime to make Stormy Daniels the most watched porn star in history. Yeah, file for an injunction, just to make sure 18 March smashes records...ROTFLMAO

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.
BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18.
Just my opinion...she may be a mid level porn actress, but not on the same level as Nina Hartley, Marilyn Chambers or Juliet Anderson.

I was always a big Georgina Spelvin fan, myself...


This is a man who was allowed to breed multiple times. Humanity needs to step aside and let the dolphins run the planet for the next couple of centuries; as a species we have forfeited any evolutionary high ground.

I only got through the first 10 or so before exhaustion set in. And really, "exhaustion" is about the only term I can think of to describe my feelings about the whole fucking mess right now. How could people be so fucking stupid to have voted for him? How could 39% of the country be so fucking stupid to still support him? How can however many percent (25?) of the people be so fucking stupid to believe that Obama, Clinton, FBI, CIA, Bush Jr, CNN, and NYTimes, and just about everything else are part of a "Deep State" whose only goal was to destroy Shit-for-Brains?

Click on the "Hello Cleveland" link under number 1 on the CNN link to see the only thing that makes any sense anymore.

It reveals/confirms multiple things about an unsettling portion of the American people, but really, there's nothing you can do about that.

However, parts of the system can be fixed. For example, to run for POTUS, you have to have served X number of years in state or federal government, or even have been elected to a state or federal position. Or, as is required now for many jobs, an advanced degree in something--or hell, just a pertinent degree (e.g. political science).

The point is, that Trump should never have been allowed to run in the first place. He knew and still knows fuck-all about how the government works. If you have to have a pertinent degree and experience in administration, plus a full background check to get a low level administrative job in the federal and most state governments, shouldn't the fucking POTUS have to have at least some similar qualifications?

The ideal that in America "anyone can be President" was predicated on the idea of actually being qualified for the job. It never meant that some boob with a big mouth who appealed to the lowest common denominator was just as qualified as e.g. a three term senator or state governor.

Being minimally qualified to run for and become POTUS is something everyone should be able to get behind.
So today, FFvC goes into ALL CAPS for a whole tweet to sing praise to the partisan House (un) Intellegence Committee's pandering to the 'no Russian collusion' meme. Yeah, not even worth quoting. And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...
So today, FFvC goes into ALL CAPS for a whole tweet to sing praise to the partisan House (un) Intellegence Committee's pandering to the 'no Russian collusion' meme. Yeah, not even worth quoting. And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...
I doubt it, though the book deal is going to make him a little cash.
... And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...

It would be worth a laugh except when you consider that someone like John Bolton might be on the short list.

John Bolton, former ambassador to the United Nations in the Bush administration, is one of the most radically hawkish voices in the American foreign policy conversation. He has said the United States should declare war on both North Korea and Iran. He was credibly accused of manipulating US intelligence on weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war and of abusive treatment of his subordinates. He once “joked” about knocking 10 stories off the UN building in New York.

And now he seems poised to become President Donald Trump’s next national security adviser, which would have significant — and frightening — implications for the future of Trump’s foreign policy.
... And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...

It would be worth a laugh except when you consider that someone like John Bolton might be on the short list.
Yeah, Tillerson was one of the few in the Clown Cabinet that was actually at least in the neighborhood of being qualified and intelligent. Someone like Bolton is being nominated, CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
So today, FFvC goes into ALL CAPS for a whole tweet to sing praise to the partisan House (un) Intellegence Committee's pandering to the 'no Russian collusion' meme. Yeah, not even worth quoting. And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...
I doubt it, though the book deal is going to make him a little cash.
Tillerson doesn't need cash, even if he isn't one of the billionaires in the Clown Cabinet. His net worth is estimated at $300 million. He actually seems like a decent person, which is part of why I always wondered why he tolerated FFvC...
... And then FFvC evidently proceeds to fire his Sec. of State (Tillerson) via his Twiddle de Dotard communications. I just have to wonder if Rex thought it was worth the ride...

It would be worth a laugh except when you consider that someone like John Bolton might be on the short list.
Yeah, Tillerson was one of the few in the Clown Cabinet that was actually at least in the neighborhood of being qualified and intelligent. Someone like Bolton is being nominated, CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
Haspel ran an enhanced interrogation camp (read "torture") during the W Admin and is not, in my opinion, qualified to run the CIA because of that.
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