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A day without stupid?

Fresh off of threatening a trade war and throttling the markets, FFvC typo's his way into providing ever more sources of humor, deleting it 20 minutes later as the laughter engulfed his parade.

Twiddle de Dotard said:
Alex Baldwin, whose dieing mediocre career was saved by his impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing DJT was agony for him," he wrote. "Alex, it was also agony for those who were forced to watch. You were terrible. Bring back Darrell Hammond, much funnier and a far greater talent!

The real Alec Baldwin fired back: "Agony though it may be, I'd like to hang in there for the impeachment hearings, the resignation speech, the farewell helicopter ride to Mara-A-Lago. You know. The Good Stuff. That we've all be waiting for."
You know, I expected a lot of stupidity when Trump got elected, but the continuous flood of pure idiocy that is pouring out of the White House is beyond staggering. Just sayin'....
And on the sexy side of stupid...and staggering questions of believability. She at least can show she knows powerful Russians...

Vashukevich calls herself Nastya Rybka on her Instagram account (@nastya_rybka.ru), where she introduces herself to more than 100,000 followers as “Deripaska’s mistress.”
Navalny, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, “used our videos for his investigation” against various Russians, she claimed.

“In my book ‘Who wants to seduce a billionaire’ there are many facts that hurt influential people of several countries,” she wrote on February 23.

Her book, “The Diary of How to Seduce a Billionaire”, was published in 2017 and included falsely named characters in fake locations, but supposedly were easy to decipher.

Anti-Putin activist Navalny assumed she had written about her presence with her oligarch lover Deripaska and the powerful Deputy Prime Minister Prikhodkho on a yacht.

I can't see why Don the Con wouldn't want to welcome her to our shores...seems like his kind of gal.
So much stupid, you can't remember it all! Let's review.

That was two weeks in May! :eek:

  • He's done more in nine months than any other President
  • "...ocean water..."
  • "The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump."
  • "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man..."

TRUMP:I want to thank the Coast Guard.

They are special people. A lot of people got to see the real Coast Guard in this trouble. In Texas was incredible for what they did. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. We would like to say something on behalf of your men and women.

UNIDENTIFIED: I'm representing the Air Force.

TRUMP: I know that.

  • “We have to look at their whole debt structure,” Trump said. “They owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street. We’re going to have to wipe that out. That’s going to have to be -- you know, you can say goodbye to that. I don’t know if it’s Goldman Sachs but whoever it is, you can wave goodbye to that.” With regards to Puerto Rico's debt, much to the surprise of the market.

How bad have things been? Sen. Corker said this:
"It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning."
...just 5 months ago, but I thought it was more than a year!

How bad is it?

A humor website posted this story and people believed it.
Trump Mocks Trudeau For Celebrating Thanksgiving ‘6 Weeks Early’ said:
Canadian Thanksgiving, or as it’s known in Canada “Thanksgiving”, is celebrated on the second Monday of October and led to the hashtags “HappyThanksgiving” and “CanadianThanksgiving” to trending on social media. Predictably this caused President Trump a great deal of confusion and ultimately anger. “Why is everyone tweeting about Thanksgiving?” was soon followed up with: “Justin Trudeau and the liberal elites are trying to steal Thanksgiving and make it Canadian. This will never happen. #GetYourOwnThanksgivingCanada”

This all represents a portion of between May and November (6 months). I need to take a break to fill in the gaps!
And on the sexy side of stupid...and staggering questions of believability. She at least can show she knows powerful Russians...

I can't see why Don the Con wouldn't want to welcome her to our shores...seems like his kind of gal.

<image deleted to avoid violating any child-exploitation laws>

Is that girl more than 12 years old?
And on the sexy side of stupid...and staggering questions of believability. She at least can show she knows powerful Russians...

I can't see why Don the Con wouldn't want to welcome her to our shores...seems like his kind of gal.

<image deleted to avoid violating any child-exploitation laws>

Is that girl more than 12 years old?

Is that a cutoff age for something?? :eek:
And on the sexy side of stupid...and staggering questions of believability. She at least can show she knows powerful Russians...

I can't see why Don the Con wouldn't want to welcome her to our shores...seems like his kind of gal.

<image deleted to avoid violating any child-exploitation laws>

Is that girl more than 12 years old?

Is that a cutoff age for something?? :eek:

No, I just meant that she looks like she is 12 years old. I found that picture to be pretty creepy.
I keep reading this thread title and thinking, “yah, good luck with that.”
Is that a cutoff age for something?? :eek:

No, I just meant that she looks like she is 12 years old. I found that picture to be pretty creepy.
12, really? Well you had the right numbers, just not in the right order...

The 21-year-old model and blogger was arrested Sunday in the Thai holiday town of Pattaya along with nine others involved in the sex training course, which was aimed at male Russian tourists.
12, really? Well you had the right numbers, just not in the right order...

The 21-year-old model and blogger was arrested Sunday in the Thai holiday town of Pattaya along with nine others involved in the sex training course, which was aimed at male Russian tourists.

So she's gonna get deported back to Russia.

I foresee suicide in her future--sadly. Most likely she'll shoot herself twice in the back of the head.
Meanwhile on Twitter...
The fucking President said:
Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!
Just as a reminder, the kids said thanks. That isn't enough...


LaVar was right: Report says Trump had nothing to do with freeing UCLA players in China

Approximately 100 news cycles ago, the nation was gifted with a feud that seemed inevitable: LaVar Ball, the most notorious sports dad in the United States, vs. Donald Trump

But, a new ESPN report reveals that in this case, Ball had the upper hand. While Trump might have spoken to the Chinese president on the player’s behalf, he did not intervene until after everything was taken care of.

“The situation was already resolved by the time we heard about Trump’s involvement,” a team source told ESPN.


LaVar was right: Report says Trump had nothing to do with freeing UCLA players in China

Approximately 100 news cycles ago, the nation was gifted with a feud that seemed inevitable: LaVar Ball, the most notorious sports dad in the United States, vs. Donald Trump

But, a new ESPN report reveals that in this case, Ball had the upper hand. While Trump might have spoken to the Chinese president on the player’s behalf, he did not intervene until after everything was taken care of.

“The situation was already resolved by the time we heard about Trump’s involvement,” a team source told ESPN.

Aw hell, I can’t decide who I dislike more, Trump or the elder Bell...

I take that back, definitely Trump, but Bell is a dick. This could become interesting on Twitter.
Trump Praises Chinese President For Extending Tenure ‘For Life’
Reuters on Huffington Post said:
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

We need to change the title of this thread to "An hour without stupid?"

ETA: CNN has it too. I'll point out that I think it was meant as a joke, but what a stupid joke to make. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had said that under any circumstances?
Early-morning stupidity for your consideration:
POTUS said:
Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November? Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented. Bigger than Watergate! Plus, Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling.
Yes, the investigation into Russian meddling was a witch hunt, also Obama didn't do anything to stop Russian meddling.
Yes, the investigation into Russian meddling was a witch hunt, also Obama didn't do anything to stop Russian meddling.

Or... "The investigation into Russian meddling was to stop Russian meddling, also why didn't Obama conduct a witch hunt?"

Fuckface Von Clownstick can't get his story straight, even within a single sentence.
Pres. Ellipsis said:
We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum will only come off if new & fair NAFTA agreement is signed. Also, Canada must..

The US has an $18 billion trade deficit with Canada out of a total of $582 billion in trade and that is primarily because of oil. 3% is not a large deficit. For every $1.00 they send here, we send $0.97 to them.

Of our $566 billion a year trade deficit, $375 billion or about 60% of it is China. And the US shipped all that manufacturing to China in the first place! So Trump is quarreling with our allies over less than $200 billion a year or what amounts to 5% of our annual budget. What a fucking useful idiot.

Pres. Ellipsis said:
We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum will only come off if new & fair NAFTA agreement is signed. Also, Canada must..

The US has an $18 billion trade deficit with Canada out of a total of $582 billion in trade and that is primarily because of oil. 3% is not a large deficit. For every $1.00 they send here, we send $0.97 to them.

Of our $566 billion a year trade deficit, $375 billion or about 60% of it is China. And the US shipped all that manufacturing to China in the first place! So Trump is quarreling with our allies over less than $200 billion a year or what amounts to 5% of our annual budget. What a fucking useful idiot.


Stop using facts instead of alternative facts. You know how easily-triggered they are.
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