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A day without stupid?

This one is good. Truly, undeniably, purely stupid. If non-stupid were some kind of physical matter, it would not be present here.


Donald Trump woke up with a bone to pick with former Vice President Joe Biden after Biden told students at the University of Miami earlier this week that he would have “beat the hell out” of Trump if they’d gone to school together.

Furiously tweeting about “Crazy Joe” at 6:19 a.m. Thursday, Trump managed to both complain about Biden’s threats while threatening the dude at the same time.

“Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault,” Trump wrote, sounding not unlike a kid tattling on a classmate to his teacher, while trying to make it very clear that he could whoop his classmate’s ass if he wanted to.

“He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe,” Trump concluded.

Biden is stupid for saying what he said, and Trump is Trump; easily baited, ready to respond to Stupid with overwhelming, apocalyptic Stupid.

I think I had a stroke sometime early in November of 2016. I've been laying in a hospital bed, comatose, and my brain has been fucking with me ever since. I'm pretty sure that's what's happening.
How can you go down "fast" and "hard"... and "cry all the way"? Those don't seem reconcilable.
How can you go down "fast" and "hard"... and "cry all the way"? Those don't seem reconcilable.

Not gonna touch that...Not gonna touch that...Not gonna touch that...

Hmm... now that you mention it, that does sound like what it would be like for Melania.

I'd feel sorry for Melania if I were not convinced that she's Trump's monitor (a la Orphan Black but for Mother Russia).
Fake news about Trump and lawyers.

President Ellipsis said:
Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case...don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on. Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted. Problem is that a new......

President Ellipsis said:
....lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country - and I am very happy with my existing team. Besides, there was NO COLLUSION with Russia, except by Crooked Hillary and the Dems!

Complete fake news about me not being able to hire a lawyer. Lawyers love riches and fame... though getting a new lawyer is tough because they need to bilk you for hours to "get up to speed", which is totally unfair! But love my lawyers so much, especially the ones that haven't been fired... yet... peace out!
Fake news about Trump and lawyers.

President Ellipsis said:
Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case...don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on. Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted. Problem is that a new......

President Ellipsis said:
....lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country - and I am very happy with my existing team. Besides, there was NO COLLUSION with Russia, except by Crooked Hillary and the Dems!

Complete fake news about me not being able to hire a lawyer. Lawyers love riches and fame... though getting a new lawyer is tough because they need to bilk you for hours to "get up to speed", which is totally unfair! But love my lawyers so much, especially the ones that haven't been fired... yet... peace out!

It's a many layered Stupid-onion.

It's well known that major and mid-size firms won't touch him for well known reasons. Then he, the riches and fame guy himself, derides lawyers for wanting the same thing. Then he complains about them wanting to get paid for their work. But his current lawyers? Well, he loves them. Until he fires them.

Who the fuck thinks like this?
Maybe he should just golf more...

But he created even more buzz afterward: In tweeting photos afterward, Trump made a cringeworthy spelling gaffe, calling the Marine Corps the “Marine Core.”

I liked this tweet quoted from the article:

Not for nothing but calling out @realDonaldTrump for bad spelling is kind of like calling out Charles Manson for bad interior decorating. #MarineCore
8:45 AM - Mar 14, 2018"

Oh yea? Well, "not for nothing", but that guy is a "coward". Oh, did I spell "soldier" wrong? oopsie. Well, no big deal... Not like they are two totally different words or anything.
And The Lord said, "Do not think that a single day shall pass without The Stupid..."


"Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

The "man" who just slashed the corporate tax rate is complaining that Amazon doesn't pay enough in taxes. He also seems to think that the USPS's job is something other than the delivery of things. In addition, it appears he believes that somehow, the USPS delivers Amazon purchases for free.

God, the Stupid burns like the Xenomorph's blood.

Now, this is really an attack on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. It's a proxy attack on the press, which is really fucking appalling. But it's still stupid because Trump doesn't think that non-idiots will make the connection.

It is scary to imagine an intelligent, cunning, and well thought-out person in the White House with the same agenda as Trump.
Wow! I think Amazon might have saved USPS for a while. Trump is just... stupid.
And The Lord said, "Do not think that a single day shall pass without The Stupid..."


"Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

The "man" who just slashed the corporate tax rate is complaining that Amazon doesn't pay enough in taxes. He also seems to think that the USPS's job is something other than the delivery of things. In addition, it appears he believes that somehow, the USPS delivers Amazon purchases for free.

God, the Stupid burns like the Xenomorph's blood.

Now, this is really an attack on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. It's a proxy attack on the press, which is really fucking appalling. But it's still stupid because Trump doesn't think that non-idiots will make the connection.

It is scary to imagine an intelligent, cunning, and well thought-out person in the White House with the same agenda as Trump.

I guess Bezos didn't bring enough gifts and kowtow well enough.
And The Lord said, "Do not think that a single day shall pass without The Stupid..."


"Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

Isn't putting thousands of retailers out of business the capitalists' dream?

God, the Stupid burns like the Xenomorph's blood.

Well said. :)
The extent to which Amazon collects sales taxes depending on their actual brick and mortar establishments aside, wasn't it Trump who bragged that smart people like him find ways not to pay taxes?

The Orange Turd just spews crap as his narcisistic head comes up with it.

The bottom line is that the OT hates Bezos because Bezos owns the Post.

The OT has zero credibility. All of his recent throw-up on twitter against Amazon has been shown to be false.
Trumps head is like a magic 8 ball. When he joggles it something different comes up and he goes that way until he bumps into something again and it changes.
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