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A day without stupid?

From CNN:
CNN said:
(CNN)President Donald Trump's longtime personal aide John McEntee was fired because he is currently under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security for serious financial crimes, a source familiar with his firing told CNN.


Minutes after news of his departure broke, the Trump campaign announced McEntee would be joining the reelection effort as a senior adviser for campaign operations.

Dear god the stupid hurts.
CNN said:
Trump "thought it was the right time for the transition with the upcoming North Korea talks and various trade negotiations," a senior administration official said, adding that Trump asked Tillerson to step aside on Friday.
Oi! What was Tillerson there for then? SoS's aren't supposed to be disposable.
Nikki Halley, Linda McMahon, and then a bunch of family. How yuge of Trump.
Space Force One calling

El Cheato: “We should have a new force called the Space Force,...It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space, because we’re spending a lot of money on space.”

Always have their backs? I thought they were supposed to have our backs. :confused:

Meanwhile, in what did he just say land...

article said:
"Getting over the top is easy. These are like professional mountain climbers, they're incredible climbers. They can't climb some of these walls,” Trump told reporters during a tour of border wall prototypes.
Incredible climbers? Does he think that mountain climbers don't use ropes and exclusively climb without them?
Trump viewed eight such prototypes during his California visit and noted that a wall with “see-through capability” would be beneficial in combating cartels.

"You have to know what's on the other side of the wall," Trump said. "You could be two feet away from a criminal cartel and don't even know they're there. Now we have equipment to take care of that, X-ray equipment, et cetera."
Et cetera folks! That'll protect us from the people on the other side of an unclimbable wall. Wait... why are we worried about who is on the other side of the unscalable wall?
How the hell do people actually like to listen to this Dotard? I guess I just don't get the idea of a 'Housewives of Thousand Oaks' reality show com the Presidency, as entertainment...

This was part of what was recorded at a private fundraising event last Wednesday, never mind the Japanese Car-bowling ball test:
“Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please,’ ” Trump said, mimicking Trudeau, according to audio of the private event in Missouri obtained by The Washington Post. “Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed.

“ ... So, he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’ I said, ‘Well, in that case, I feel differently,’ I said, ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said, ‘Check, because I can’t believe it.’

‘Well, sir, you’re actually right. We have no deficit, but that doesn’t include energy and timber. … And when you do, we lose $17 billion a year.’ It’s incredible.”

The Office of the United States Trade Representative says the United States has a trade surplus with Canada. It reports that in 2016, the U.S. exported $12.5 billion more in goods and services than it imported from Canada, leading to a trade surplus, not a deficit.

Even IF FFvC was correct on his fake trade deficit, who gives a flying fuck when the US-Canada trades over $600 billion a year. $17 billion would be pocket change in that equation. Though the broken clock did have a point about our trade with South Korea, with the US having 30k soldiers there...
The US sometimes has a small deficit with Canada, a very small only, less than 5%.

Trump's rambling is so narcissistic. It's incredible, yeah, that 3% deficit with our largest trade partner. Oi!
Stormy Daniels' lawyer revealed this morning on Morning Joe that Daniels was physically threatened. He would not reveal details.


That lawyer seems to have his feet on the ground ... not good news for Cheato. But no matter what - even if it is proven that he and/or his henchmen threatened Ms Daniels with physical harm, the effect on his approval numbers will be small or none.
When did evangelicals decide that their hearts could hold forgiveness for every heinous act of which humans are capable, except for the unforgivable sin of being a Democrat?
Today in Stupid:


Nunes said that he doesn’t see who [Special Counsel Robert Mueller] could indict for collusion if all the indictments to date have been on other charges.

“Now look at who Mueller has prosecuted at this point, and who is left to prosecute for collusion?” he wondered. “I mean, there’s no one left. [Former Trump campaign manager Paul] Manafort would be the obvious guy to think of that was colluding, right? If you could have gotten him on collusion, he would have been the obvious choice. Flynn, I mean, I knew Flynn very very well, and he is not a secret communist supporting Putin. So, they can’t get him on that. So who else do they have?”

So there we have it. According to Nunes, the "left" (see Robert Mueller) has no one left to discuss anything with about Trump's possible illegal ties (all that barrel of monkeys entails) to Russia.

Done and done. Glad that it all came to such a neat, tidy end and we can move forward with Combover Caligula at the helm to guide this nation to greatness.
Today in Stupid:


Nunes said that he doesn’t see who [Special Counsel Robert Mueller] could indict for collusion if all the indictments to date have been on other charges.

“Now look at who Mueller has prosecuted at this point, and who is left to prosecute for collusion?” he wondered. “I mean, there’s no one left. [Former Trump campaign manager Paul] Manafort would be the obvious guy to think of that was colluding, right? If you could have gotten him on collusion, he would have been the obvious choice. Flynn, I mean, I knew Flynn very very well, and he is not a secret communist supporting Putin. So, they can’t get him on that. So who else do they have?”

So there we have it. According to Nunes, the "left" (see Robert Mueller) has no one left to discuss anything with about Trump's possible illegal ties (all that barrel of monkeys entails) to Russia.

Done and done. Glad that it all came to such a neat, tidy end and we can move forward with Combover Caligula at the helm to guide this nation to greatness.

Is Nunes aware of the fact that nobody was ever going to be "indicted for collusion" since collusion is not a crime?
Conspiracy OTOH...
Today in Stupid:


Nunes said that he doesn’t see who [Special Counsel Robert Mueller] could indict for collusion if all the indictments to date have been on other charges.

“Now look at who Mueller has prosecuted at this point, and who is left to prosecute for collusion?” he wondered. “I mean, there’s no one left. [Former Trump campaign manager Paul] Manafort would be the obvious guy to think of that was colluding, right? If you could have gotten him on collusion, he would have been the obvious choice. Flynn, I mean, I knew Flynn very very well, and he is not a secret communist supporting Putin. So, they can’t get him on that. So who else do they have?”

So there we have it. According to Nunes, the "left" (see Robert Mueller) has no one left to discuss anything with about Trump's possible illegal ties (all that barrel of monkeys entails) to Russia.

Done and done. Glad that it all came to such a neat, tidy end and we can move forward with Combover Caligula at the helm to guide this nation to greatness.

Is Nunes aware of the fact that nobody was ever going to be "indicted for collusion" since collusion is not a crime?
Conspiracy OTOH...

I wondered about that too. It may be a dipshit's game of Cover Your Ass. As in, "I never said anything about conspiracy, I was talking about collusion."
Though it was just a typo

Maybe he should just golf more...

But he created even more buzz afterward: In tweeting photos afterward, Trump made a cringeworthy spelling gaffe, calling the Marine Corps the “Marine Core.”

I liked this tweet quoted from the article:

Not for nothing but calling out @realDonaldTrump for bad spelling is kind of like calling out Charles Manson for bad interior decorating. #MarineCore
8:45 AM - Mar 14, 2018"
Well, we know Ben Carson hasn't had sex in a while... and maybe never again.

article said:
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson detailed his wife's involvement Tuesday in picking out a dining room set for his office, telling a House subcommittee, "I left it with my wife."

Carson said that his wife, Candy, selected "a style and a color" of the furniture set that ultimately cost HUD $31,000.

"A style and a color was selected by her with the caveat that we were not happy with the pricing and they needed to find something," Carson told lawmakers.

He went on to defend her, "If anybody knew my wife, they would realize how ridiculous this was. She's the most frugal person in the world."
My wife picked it out... so don't blame me. *oh shit... did I just blame my wife to Congress? Hmmm.... does this make me look like a major douche because I blamed her for choosing the furniture or does that make me look like a douche because I admitted I couldn't handle choosing a fucking table? Hmm... regardless I better make up for it.* Oh but she is frugal, therefore this is some unidentified third person's fault. *homerun!*

Again, I don't know where you can buy a $31,000 dining set. Apparently doctors do.
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