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A day without stupid?

I think it is a bit ironic that Trump complains about a company that is transitioning purchasing products over the Internet when Donald Trump fires his staff over the Internet.
Trumps head is like a magic 8 ball. When he joggles it something different comes up and he goes that way until he bumps into something again and it changes.

I think it's far more someone than something.
cnn said:
A reporter asked if Russian President Vladimir Putin is “a friend or a foe.”

“We’ll find out,” Trump answered. “I’ll let you know. There will be a time when I’ll let you know. You’re going to find out very quickly.”

Yeah. It is incredible that these people fall his clearly shallow statements.

"We'll find out" indicates we (including White House) don't know yet.

"I'll let you know" ah, that's nice.

"There will be a time I'll let you know" Yes, you just said that.

"You're going to find out quickly" Umm... what is that supposed to mean? You just said we (including you) didn't know. But you are certain we'll know soon... you'll let us in on it quickly?
Donald Trump (04-03-18) said:
I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home. I want to start rebuilding our nation. We will have as of three months ago $7 trillion in the Middle East the last seven years. We get nothing out of it. Nothing.

7 years -> $7 trillion spent in the Middle East?! What in the blue hell is he talking about? Was that a goof?

Donald Trump (03-30-18) said:
"We spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. And you know what we have for it? Nothing," Trump declared, promising to focus future US spending on building jobs and infrastructure at home.

Trump Tweet (02-12-18) said:
This will be a big week for Infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!

Trump Tweet (12-22-17) said:
At some point, and for the good of the country, I predict we will start working with the Democrats in a Bipartisan fashion. Infrastructure would be a perfect place to start. After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!

Nope, not a goof. The numbers vary, but generally for actual spending over the 16ish years, it is around $4 trillion. Oddly, Trump is talking just the last 7 years now, which makes that number presumably drop, by a good margin.
This thread seems most appropriate for this:


In short, Trump is skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner again because he's a gigantic pussy.

This is a man so brave he would run into an active shooting situation unarmed, unless there was a comedian and some reporters nearby.
This is the new conservative alpha male.

WUT? How can such a staunch advocate for 1st Amendment rights decline to honor such an event?
Where would he be without FOX News and Sinclair Broadcasting? He OWES them the honor of his presence, and to seize the opportunity to stand up and face all the purveyors of FAKE NEWS!
This thread seems most appropriate for this:


In short, Trump is skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner again because he's a gigantic pussy.

This is a man so brave he would run into an active shooting situation unarmed, unless there was a comedian and some reporters nearby.
This is the new conservative alpha male.
Something must be wrong. This guy clearly would never skip a dinner!
Something must be wrong. This guy clearly would never skip a dinner!
But at THIS dinner, he's expected to be funny. Trump is not funny. He makes fun of people, and the crowd laughs, but it's not actually humor. He may have sufficient self-awareness to avoid faling that flat where the audience isn't properly filtered.
This thread seems most appropriate for this:


In short, Trump is skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner again because he's a gigantic pussy.

This is a man so brave he would run into an active shooting situation unarmed, unless there was a comedian and some reporters nearby.
This is the new conservative alpha male.
Something must be wrong. This guy clearly would never skip a dinner!

Maybe they could lure him in with a Big Mac or a piece of KFC laid down every ten feet until suddenly he found himself behind the podium.

This year, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will attend the April 28 dinner and represent the administration at the head table. Cabinet members and staffers are also free to attend, a message that was welcomed by West Wing aides who were forced to sit out the celebrations last year.

As far as consolation prizes go, humiliating Huckabee Sanders is a pretty decent one. But the one thing I take issue here is the reason Cabinet members and staffers are free to attend this year and not last last year is because we are talking about two completely different groups of people. This ones attending this year didn't even work at the White House this time last year/month/week, so of course they weren't invited last year.

But wouldn't it be awesome if everyone's plus one at the dinner was a former Trump staffer? Logistically it's very doable, there is a large sample space.
From Vanity Fair:
“Trump’s still suggesting to people that Bolton is a war-party person. He didn’t really want to pick Bolton, but he wanted to change headlines that weekend,” a friend said, referring to the Stormy Daniels 60 Minutes interview. “I think Trump gives him a short leash.”
Hire a national security advisor you don't trust to change the headlines. Fucking brilliant.
Trump taking stupid to a whole new fucking level... playing with the military like he was shit talking at a playground.

Tweet by The Actual President of the US said:
Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!

Are you fucking kidding me?

Trump made a big deal about not saying what he'd do with ISIS because you can't show your hand... and now he is holding his cards, showing everyone else what they are.

Military strikes are supposed to be done in secret, not boasted about, especially regarding technology as if it is brand new. "smart"? Does Trump expect Russia to think we'd drop dumb bombs from B-52's?

Hey Syria... we are coming... so hide your shit!

Then Trump shits this out a half hour later.

more Trump said:
Our relationship with Russia is worse now than it has ever been, and that includes the Cold War. There is no reason for this. Russia needs us to help with their economy, something that would be very easy to do, and we need all nations to work together. Stop the arms race?
It is worse than the Cold War? Worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis? Russia needs us to help them with their economy? Easy to do? Stop the arms race, he said he wanted to restart?!

All the problems with Russia are due to the Russia probe:
Tweeter in Chief said:
Much of the bad blood with Russia is caused by the Fake & Corrupt Russia Investigation, headed up by the all Democrat loyalists, or people that worked for Obama. Mueller is most conflicted of all (except Rosenstein who signed FISA & Comey letter).
Those evil Democrats like Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey...oh, wait.
CBS erroneously published her obit a day earlier and other news agencies ran with it. I won't fault Bone Spurs for this one.
CBS erroneously published her obit a day earlier and other news agencies ran with it. I won't fault Bone Spurs for this one.
After all the screaming about 'fake news,' no one in Trump's organization did any fact-checking before accepting the news at face value. Why NOT blame Bone Spurs for this?
I mean, you KNOW the WH has the phone number for Barbara's Secret Service detail, if nothing else...
CBS erroneously published her obit a day earlier and other news agencies ran with it. I won't fault Bone Spurs for this one.
Of course not, the Tweet is blaming someone in the White House that isn't aware it is 2018.

Of course, Alex Jones could run with it... 2017 on the Press Release? Why was the Trump Admin sitting on the body of former First Lady Barbara Bush for a whole year?
CBS erroneously published her obit a day earlier and other news agencies ran with it. I won't fault Bone Spurs for this one.
Of course not, the Tweet is blaming someone in the White House that isn't aware it is 2018.

Of course, Alex Jones could run with it... 2017 on the Press Release? Why was the Trump Admin sitting on the body of former First Lady Barbara Bush for a whole year?

Ah, I didn't notice that. I just assumed it was the CBS screw up.
Trump hirers former prosecutor to Defense team.

Good ole Rudy. This really proves that Trump knows almost nothing outside his own personal bubble.
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